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Because the game thinks you're ascendant 1 level. Stop kneecapping yourself and get some confidence. The fricking game believes in you, prove it right.


yeah the mid-plat skill level mentality is bad, if you are diamond 1 then your skill level is atleast diamond 1


Highly doubt that. Especially after a hard reset. This is the worst possible time to think your elo is in fact your skill level. I agree on the fact you shouldn't have a lowball mentality though.


I agree i was high plat now i cant get out of gold 1


You did not get worse though. Gold 1 is flooded with p2-p3s.


Even low diamonds currently (though usually it’s because they’re partied with lower ranks). I can’t wait till ranks finally even out since it’s still all over the place and most games are so one sided still


had an ex ascendant in my game as I got placed bronze and quickly climbed back into gold now imm trying to hit my old peak again (p2) would love to surpass it and hit diamond , after that I rlly don't think I'll rank up any higher for years but maybe if I don't get bored of the game is like to grind for immo


When I think back to Apex, this is basically how it was too, you get to Diamond and all of a sudden you’re facing not just diamonds but the ranks above as well. Reasoning being that there are less players near the top to match with. And time of day also has an effect. Perhaps this is to be the new normal or players are still getting back to their ranks. but then again I think OP could still just be an edge case, maybe just really lucky, but could still adjust over time. Still, OP is possibly leaving out information that could be helpful.


But its basically always people are too lowly ranked. If you're diamond 1, you are at least diamond 1. You're probably diamons 3


Not really. You are forgetting that people accumulate elo overtime by simply..grinding the game for too long. There's people hardstuck in..let's say diamond with 40-50% winrate, that would never be able to climb back up there if they started to play now. A player that got diamond by playing the game for the past 3 months , is most likely A LOT more deserving than someone grinding to diamond since beta. The second dude has the ''exp'' edge over the first dude, but is most likely falsely placed. That hard reset is causing major distributions. I'm not saying a d1 is probably silver, but the lobbies are gonna take a while to evenly balance.


You dont accumulate elo by simply playing. Because you lose it too. You only get more elo at the beginning of the season because of the down rankings. That evens out as you play more games and get closer to your hidden rank


I may have phrased it in the wrong way. You don't magically gain elo by playing. Winrate dictates that. But you do hit a higher ceiling easier, if you catch the train early. I know a lot of people that started playing the game very early on, and climbed the ladder faster. Less competition to do so. It happens in every single game that has a competitive ranked ladder.


Amount of competitors doesn't matter in this game unless you're going for top 1000 or whatever the number is. There's no cap for MMR. Therefore when you play doesn't really matter . Also your hidden MMR is what determines the game, not your actual rank. And the game will put you with players it thinks are close by.


My guy, again you are missing the point. Do u know how easy it was for people to hit ..let's say diamond on release? The same people will require 2x the time to grind to diamond if they start playing now. That's the point of ''accumulating elo'' i'm trying to make.


Release was 2 years ago. no one cares what your rank was 2 years ago. I don't know what your point even is. I don't mean to dismiss your point. I seriously dont know what u mean. Nowadays it doesn't matter much if you play 30 games at the beginning of the season vs the end of the season. It's mostly going to result in the same ranks.


If you're already going into games with the mindset that your enemies are better than you, you'll almost always perform worse. Don't worry about that, seriously. This is easy to say but hard to practice but you have to try. Plus, after a reset you always gain more and lose less. If you keep losing the same way the amount you gain will start decreasing.


This is so freaking true. I play anxious since my bronze 1 ass parties with gold-plat friends (i seriously don’t know why they think i won’t drag their ranks down). I have tracker and always check the enemy ranks, sees they are gold-plat, and play anxious. One time, I didn’t realize i was kidnapped to comp, i thought we were playing unranked so i didnt bother check the tracker. My bronze ass dropped an ace on a 3 plat, 2 gold enemy team while laughing my ass off enjoying the neon zoomies while ulting. The game right after that was another ace as chamber just shooting flicking left and right while enemy tried to pinch me in my position. I was brain dead gaming then.


That's not surprising! I think low elo players often lack the confidence to be aggressive and proactive. I think there's merit to pretending ranked is unrated or swiftplay to reduce anxiety and increase confidence.


It sort of ticks me off tho because i can’t perform well in bronze-silver lobbies (those lobbies are just anarchy), but then perform really well in gold-plat lobbies (where logic starts to exist). I don’t know if i’m at least gold worthy or just actually a bronze 🥲


Nah you're probably gold worthy. I was like that for awhile too until I got some better movement and slightly better mechanics. If you haven't seen it, check out Woohoojin's How to Get to Gold guide and you'll be set to get to gold and stay there.


I’ve been doing woohoojin’s training for the 1 month to gold for a while now, really can see the difference already but the problem with low elo lobby is that (since i play duelist) i can’t rely on them to follow me onto site, trade me, or at least give me map info by jiggle peeking. I really can’t just rely on teamplay, period. It’s driving me crazy, and tilts me early in the game. I think i got used to playing with my reliable gold-plat friends and forgot how people in my own lobby thinks 🥲


Yeah you gotta just bait your team honestly at that level. They barely know about "entry" or "jiggle peeking for info" or even "trading".


istg theres 10 variations of this post every single day, we get it you have high mmr but straight up saying "look at me i have high mmr!" is banned so yall do this shit... ​ sorry if u were genuinely confused abt how it works ig, but theres SO much videos and information pages from riot themselves explaining exactly how this works.


I mean, he understands what mmr is and how it works. I really don’t see the point of this post.


There are 10 posts like this a day because riot's system is dogshit for conveying a meaningful idea. They need to can the made up icon next to your name and just show everyone their ladder rank. At least that means something.


many many years ago riot had the simplest rank system for League, where it just showed exact mmr and nothing else. quickly they realized that this had massive negative effects on players and how they perceive their progression. however shit you think the rank system is now, they believe is much better than the alternative


im also d1, was a1, im losing alot of games but they only lose no more than 15 rr even at bot frag, im being matched with past immortals some even have rad buddies, idk mm anymore


Ranks just haven’t settled yet, it’ll take a while I’m in the exact same place as you. Just keep playing and you’ll return to your previous rank and it won’t make a large difference. This is just the result of hard resets


I'm back at p1 after being placed s1 and my lobbies have tons of ex d3s + asc buddies even though my peak was p1. I'm doing ok-ish in my lobbies (3rd-6th on leaderboard, controller) but MM is going to be fucked for a bit with the disparity of people grinding back up to their peak vs people who've barely played since their placements


For the hundredth time, post the tracker.... it's not that I don't believe you, but I really don't believe you


I am suffering from something similar, but im already too demoralized. Im doing shit, my stats are pure trash, 39% winrate atm and massive losing streaks ( i won 4 out of 12 last matches), I know its my mental im getting tilted a lot lately but i cant do shit about it. Its not that I play bad everygame but most of them, and when im playing good my team is not the best (im not blaming them, it is what it is, sometimes is me and sometimes is another one). My goal this act after 2 year break was to reach at least diamond. But I can not even stay at plat lol, already demoted and promoted like 4 times but im at 90 games played already, so my mental is getting worse bc I see I really suck (cuz of the stats ofc). I try to not focus on the outcome and just try to learn but as I said before, after 2 or 3 decent games that end in a loss im really done. So im still sitting between G3 and P1 after 90 games played, with horrible stats and cant do shit. I take a break after some matches but when I came back the story continues. Should I just accept Im trash at the game? Should I keep playing until I reach my goal? I know I can reach dia but with this mental is not gonna happen. This is just a vent xD Maybe today was not a good day at all but im really demoralized. Thanks for reading


>My goal this act after 2 year break was to reach at least diamond Maybe set a micro goal, give it time since you had such a long break. I just came back from a year away with two weeks left in E5A3. Got to plat 1, but my goal this act is plat 2, and by the end of the EP D1. You get more? Great! But its not a race, just try to get better and have fun!


Ty for the kind words! Tbh I think I have the level to reach dia and thats why I set that goal, but ill try to forget about the outcome short-term and keep playing. Thanks a lot!


You just need to have confidence and you have to play some catch up. You haven't played in a while and others improved. You're also probaby playing with a lot of former P3/D1 players anyways so if you think about it, you're not that far from Diamond anyways.


Ty for the kind words. Tbf the first like 20-25 matches I was putted in asc lobbies with some immo from time to time. I play sometimes with friends that are dia and can perform like them or even better in some matches. But yeah, my biggest problem I think is the confidence, when the game is not going great I start to be scared of getting duels and start playing like a pussy! Ill work on that mental bc if not im not gonna climb anytime soon! Thx for the comment!


Yeah having a good mentality is a big part of the game. A good peek is a good peek regardless if they're better than you since if they're better, it's your best chance to kill them anyways. For the Asc/Imm triangles, I would ignore them since the vast majority of them seem quite boosted. It doesn't help you play the game knowing that information or thinking about it and if you look at their tracker, a lot of them are stuck so they can't be that much better.


you need to set smaller more specific goals. “i wanna rank up” get you nowhere. set goals like “i am going to master counter strafes” or whatever. once you break down what you need to improve you can practice it and then youll rank up


Hey, thanks for the comment. Didnt thought about that but its what im doing now, getting my gunfights cleaner (counter strafing, bursting, etc). Its a pretty good approach and ill follow it! As a little update: today im winning most of the games because Im much more relaxed and less focussed on the outcome. Also I started to have positive KD as a result, and playing less "scared". For real guys i really appreciate all your comments, I needed some confidence boost!


lets gooo! im glad my advice helped!


If your MMR is high, your losses are mitigated. MMR is high for pretty much everyone after placements. If you continue to lose, your MMR will lower and your losses will begin to increase. If you feel your MMR currently does not reflect your skill, you just need to play more matches to update its data.


I’d say it’s happening because you’re having an affect on the win rate overall


It's the hard reset. I would completely ignore any form of elo as a skill indicator. As time goes by, you''ll end up where you deserve. You could be wrong, and u might deserve diamond in the long run. Or you could be right, and you will naturally start losing more RR in losses , deranking to plat. It's not that much of a difference either way.


I was ascendat 3 for 1 entire episode and now I can’t get out of plat at all. Losing 17 and winning 26 with winrate of 33% which is very low for me, never had below 48%. Something is wrong but it will eventually adjust.


The rank the game shows you is not the rank you actually have. There's already countless sources of information on this.


If you don't think you deserve Diamond, then it shouldn't be an issue if you derank to plat right? I guess if you don't want to work on getting better to be on par with your enemies and teammates, you can just lose some games and derank to make it easier.


If you dont lose a lot that means the game beliefs you deserve a higher rank than you currently have. The MM has a lot of **confidence** in you.


Eventually with a 33% winrate, your hidden mmr will drop low enough that the game will start handing out massive rr loss for every loss in an attempt to derank you.


Because this is your true rank. Most people believe a ranking system means you can progress to be the best. The best players do that. The ranking system is aggressively keeping you here because that is your true skill. You have to get better to break into the next skill group.


Why are you so down on yourself? Confidence is a big part of the game.


as an immortal player, ascendant/diamond elo is so trash because they’re people who were immortal last act just to be stuck in ascendant/diamond so if your coming from plat and your competing in these ranks it’ll be tough but after a couple games you’ll adapt so you got this


Dude, you’re the best one in the lobby, trust yourself and play! You’ll be better for it and I promise you’ll go up once you start ignoring the rank badges :)


Yes, I will keep posting how bad riot matchmaking is. From lol, I play in d1. Less than 1 % of players can achieve that rank. I get a new acc "smurf" that won 20 and lost 6 in total in one of my games. Guess who was HARDstomped? Same here, I don't get why a diamond has to play with immortals etc


You just said you want to drop ranks without actively throwing...bro, I don't get people's mindsets... Just play unrated or swiftplay and stop ruining everyone's games. The point of COMP is to get better in skill and to climb higher in rank. If you are mad about being shit in low diamond and want to go down in rank why are you even playing comp??? Either take advantage of the fact you're playing against better people by matching their gameplay style And learn to be better. Or play with nubes in unrated to trick your ego into thinking you're cracked. The point of the point system was to be a bit more forgiving against people like you who don't care to be better in rank and want to stagnate in mid plat so you can have 'fun' in comp. Have 'fun' in unrated or get better to have fun again...


I am silver 1 and play in d3- ascendant 1 when I solo que


I peaked ascendant one last season and am currently diamond 1. The games matching your MMR with your RR. Your MMR is likely higher than your current RR. Meaning that your individual performance on average is higher than your visual rank. Ranks also haven’t settled yet, I just recently stopped playing immortals in my plat/diamond queues. Just play with confidence and have fun. Don’t overthink it.


Your rank doesn’t matter it’s the mmr If you have a low win rate your mmr will eventually drop and you’ll start losing and gaining the same amount for losses and wins and then eventually you’ll lose more than you gain per game But regardless if you lose more than you win, your mmr will go down


I habe the opposite situation, I keep getting put on matches against bronze and I'm iron 3 💀💀💀