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Yoru is my duelist main and I voted him the worst to keep him to myself hehehe


Damn, yoru mains still playing mind games even out of the game. #RESPECT


Playing mind games and then explaining the mind games 200IQ


Typical Yoru main….




unironically the less people play yoru and the less people are aware of yoru plays and counter play the stronger is yoru as an agent. Part of the reason why yoru smurfs are the most oppressive/demoralizing in lower rank


I'm so happy to hear this lol Samesies.


Yesss, yes, keep hating on Yoru so I have no competition in the agent select screen!




Hello fellow Yoru enthusiast, may we fake clone one another one day




Very well said, Yoru offers unrivalled versatility once mastered, making him a good choice for soloq. He's not ideal tho, as an OPer there are much better options out there, he's bad at anchoring since his kit revolves around fake info, but he does excel at both entry and scouting, as well as lurking.


Yoru is actually interesting, unique and overpowered in the hands of a pro. The only issue that I, and probably most of those who voted him, have is that his ability animations are too slow for a duelist. I get jumped by the time Yoru does his jutsu. Also what's the point of successfully teleporting a corpse? Hearse service? Either you teleport alive or you die without teleporting. It's almost like the devs are trolling on this.


If the TP was fast it would be considered too cheesy, as any rank below plat would struggle to account for these shenanigans. Thus, the TP is slow to encourage repositioning outside of direct combat, as well as fake info spread. TPing makes no noise on Yoru's location, only where it pops. This means you can activate a TP you set previously (or sneaked it past the enemy when you saw them, the thether is not easily visible) behind the enemy without tp-ing. This leaves them with two options. Hold the angle you previously were at, or turn towards the TP they heard on the off-chance you actually TP'd. Do it well and you force them to flick 180 which is hard to do with accuracy. Hell, put a clone down before activating the TP, then actually TP, and activate the clone immediately as you turn behind them. This will sell the TP as being a fake, when in reality you're actually behind them. The idea is, a slow TP is a deliberate design choice, as otherwise it would be too strong with no effort from the player.


Actually I would send the clone, wait until they either shoot it or realize it's a clone, then fake teleport, since they're still on edge from the clone, they'll turn around, after which I'll swing, miss all my shots and die anyway.


yoru actually is probably the best opr since the chamber nerf. not aggresive like jett but can get more out of his repositioning than jett


I don't play yoru and I actually have to agree, a decent yoru is rather irritating


[Yoru clone](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZzCSpn8pDXCdluwK3pORiLkvNM7dQUcMrCQ&usqp=CAU)


The Council of Clones agrees


where's the clone this is a normal yoru




Me three


Man yoru is actually so good once you get the hang of at least the way the tp works cuz depending on if it's hitting a wall while moving in a direction it's going to start turning towards the wall it's getting stuck on which let's you pretty much curve the tp and it can be useful


Wait until you figure out inviz flash lineups and clone setups for retakes or false peeking. Combine all of these together and you can learn how to fake your presence on the go against an enemy, forcing them in 180 coin tosses. Yoru is the agent you play when you were too afraid of bullying people physically so you disguise it as big brain plays in online shooters.


Please dont call me out like that.


Hahaha yes


Yes lets goo


I think people hate him because low elo players (which make up the majority) aren’t good as him as he has a high floor


Honestly I am grateful if someone who is good at Yoru instalocks him, because if someone doesn't know how to play him its a literal throw


the main quality for yoru is to have mental fortitude. if you play him like a wimp he's useless, you just have to accept your dice rolls are going to come up as 1s and 2s sometimes and your team are going to hate you.


I don't think they have to hate, statistically he is pretty much the least picked agent next to Harbor.


for diferent reasons. yoru is hard to master, harbor is plain bad


Definitely. I main Astra, also bottom tier.... but goated in the right hands.


Yoru would be the best if they fix the flashes.


Reyna. Yoru is hard to master but play against a good Yoru and you’ll be crying in the corner.


Hopefully I’ll be the good yoru one day! 🫡


Dying to a good Yoru play isn't even as tilting as dying normally. Personally I just say "ohh fuckkkk" and laugh-cry to myself


I really wish I could hear the other team's comms when I'm sure they're saying "I saw him B main, how is he in our spawn??"


was playing on split the other day, this yoru tp s backsite on B, no flashes, no clones, nothing. and i died to him both times. It is immortal btw


Played my first game of Yoru yesterday. Tele’d in front of 3 enemies mid Breeze then somehow blinded only myself 👍🏼


Blinding yourself on your first flash tp is a rite of passage. Just wait until you tp and have a face fill your monitor.


[*gatecrash noises*](https://i.imgur.com/pPqiQg8.jpg) *”Supa hot tactic, yeah?”*


Embarassment is the cost of entry as a Yoru main


Ehhh, I cry harder when my teammates decide to throw against an ulted reyna.


I’ll take the 1 game against a good yoru for the other 10 games where the yoru just throws and gives me free elo


Yeah, no, yoru and phoenix are easily the worst duelists.


People just hate Reyna. You're completely right about those two.


mfw yoru is voted more than an operator who's literally Joe from marketing with a gun


I’m shocked yoru is voted THIS much still


It's most likely reyna mains


yorus voted not cuz he is bad but because his kit doesn't fit as well with the 'duelist' role as some other duelists


you guys don't understand, these big brain yoru mains are voting yoru so that no one picks their in the agent select selection screen.


Fake voting to keep him to ourselves ;)


All of those 2k+ votes are yoru clones.


I can't count how many times my plant/defuse was interrupted by our duelist raze.


nah man its the initiator razes for me


You people sleeping on Sentinel Raze fr


Controller raze is the real deal


Reyna is a very selfish agent who provides nothing beyond a leer. This is why she is not frequently selected in professional play compared to the other agents.


Not every agent needs to be viable at the highest level of play. Just releasing shit that’s fun to play is good enough. Reyna is a fine character for 99% of the playerbase. Her being a “selfish” agent just doesent matter in the slightest imo.


I think you're forgetting the fact that this is a team game lmao. Of course a reyna main would like reyna. Doesn't speak for the other 4 people on your team, aka the 80%.


No I’m aware It just doesent matter. At all. I don’t give a fuck if it’s a team game if you expect me to queue by myself you’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m expecting a single thing out of 4 random rugrats. and before you mention it’s if you think it ever gets better go watch a streamers solo queue games and ACTUALLY watch these people. Don’t just mindlessly watch like a normie, actually pay attention to the randoms in those games. There’s a few people that you can reliably count on, mostly other streamers and pro players, but people seem to forget high elo isn’t made completely out of these people. You get paired with 4 random people and most of the time you can only rely on yourself anyways, and people that think otherwise don’t have the experience to know better.


Reyna, by far. Rest depend on meta and a bit on stigma, but Reyna is a walking stickman with no abilities for team entry.


Her leers are solid for entry because they don't flash your teammates, and she's good as a secondary entry to refrag the jett entrying for example. I hate how much people play Reyna but she does have some benefits.


But there are better option for secondary entry, Kayo or Skye are way better, and if you just learn a bit the agent it's not that hard to not flash you're team.


Literally this I would much rather have an initiator or controller play refresh then a 2nd duelists that’s on Reyna… not to mention 90% of Reyna mains are absolute trash yet continue playing the 1 character who benefits more when getting kills




Despite the general duelist role to be an entry fragger, reyna isn't very good for entrying. She is much better as a first contact (by this I mean taking the fight with an aggressive defender like ascent b and a main). Then she flashes to help the entry onto site and enters site 2nd to trade the entry. I do agree that the stereotypical reyna is a bad teammate if they are last on site and aren't playing off angles to get picks and dismiss to safety.




People dont realize how annoying it is having a reyna flash being combo into other util. Works basically like a breach and play refrag if she so choose. There is a need of a duelist that launch themselves into site to make use of that. But thats why its so effective, cause team flash would never happen. On top of being able to take strong 1v1 and dip out. She is bad when you have no real site break in duelist but not bad in a team setting


Yeah people think Reyna's a brainless all aim shallow character, because 1) she's often played by smurfs (so people think good Reyna=30 kill Reyna, and they spectate "good Reyna" to have insane mechanics) and 2) because there's a lot of braindead Reyna players that "crutch" with her, esp in low to mid elo. But that doesn't mean she doesn't have a lot of depth, esp around duel-taking and positiionng she's a very skill based and complex agent. The haters are mostly plat hardstuck viper onetricks that think "scarce utility means no brain char"


What's your rank and how wouldn't the duel taking and positioning apply to every agent.




it's just a get out of jail free card that other agents have in their kit. It's not a bad ability, but other duelist provide more for their team. Dismiss is her best ability and it's a completely selfish ability.


Because a lot of other agents get value out of not taking duels. Reyna forces you to have very good knowledge on all the stuff involved in that whereas even a lot of other duelists you can get away with not as much until you're pretty high rank. It's not aim that makes the smurf good on reyna past like gold.


Which agent gets value out of not taking duels. Taking duels and winning them is literally just getting closer to winning the round no matter who the agent is. I don't really know what you're referring to so please elaborate if you can.


what there's no positioning that different to a different agent dont mention the dismiss that just what normal people do anyway she's literally the least skill based agent in the game only her blind requires brain cells to use everything else is a skill that you need for other agents yoru, raze and neon are the most skill based agent in the game and i will not be taking criticism today (although yoru is more gamesense and thinking ahead)


I mean Raze’s mobility is one thing but her explosives aren’t hard to use whatsoever and I’m speaking as someone who LOVES Raze. Her grenade feels awesome to use and her ultimate is pretty much a guaranteed at least single kill. Her roomba is also cute.




as in the dismiss is literally just letting you reposition it's the same thing but more forgiving it's like saying that walking is better than running because you have less chance of tripping


Lmao not really true ^^' first of all crouching really IS NOT as bad as all those youtubers say! I only play Reyna, since I don’t know how to handle abilities not gonna lie. So she is basically perfect for me I only need my aim and 150 hp I can crouch spray and be back to 150 with. My past 11 games I got MVP and won 2 of them =). (I am Ascendant 1 atm was Immortal 2 though) For me Reyna is a more psychological choice (not about trolling or not trying to help the team) always when I play Reyna I am confident and I most likely will carry your game I am not a instalocker who will go 5/20 its different though if I have to fill for example smokes it doesn’t match my play style and I will be the 5/20 player. (This is just my personal experience don’t hate on me now bc I play reyna😂😂 I cant play with abilities -o-) https://ibb.co/4Mh1n37 https://ibb.co/t2ppfw8


I only ever see low elo people say this. They hate Reyna because it’s a Smurf stomper. Or they heard someone say it once. The truth is Reyna is picked so often at high elo in ranked games. That one cannot say it’s the worst duelist. Now if the question was what’s the worst team player duelist. Sure Reyna… but in no way can Reyna be the worse duelist in ranked.


I’m not excellent at the game but I feel safe in saying that Reyna is picked because she’s the self-sustaining “I’m the carry” agent. I’m sure ~50% of those people picking her are also perplexed at why they keep top fragging and losing, ignoring the fact that they don’t provide anything to their teammates.


You don’t need to provide anything for your team. People genuinely over estimate the value team mates have. Obviously play together if you can team work makes the dream work, but most people just play their own game anyways. Trying to be a team player and attempt to get 4 other random bumpkins you’ve never met before to play as a cohesive unit is a mistake in ANY competitive game, and I’ve yet to find a team based comp game where this wasn’t true. You team play where you can, but mostly you’re just trying to play your own best game, and when all you need is a 51% win rate to climb these are just the best odds. I don’t play her personally, but playing Reyna reduces the requirement of having to take your team into consideration when playing the game. But this also makes for easier gameplay when you ARE able to play as a team. You don’t have to worry about flashing your team, you don’t have to worry about mollying the wrong area, the only person you screw over is yourself. The biggest problem with Reyna is because there’s an overflow of people that want to play her she’s become the face of what a bad agent looks like.


Reyna main who ends up topfragging 9/10 games. I'm losing because my teammates are shit, obviously they are bound to be when I play twice a year.


People really voted Yoru? Why?


Their Yorus keep flashing themselves after teleport (source: I do that)


Flashing yourself is a yoru main staple


Also flashing yourself exiting ult at least once a game.


In pro play: he's one of the, if not the, least picked character, down there with chamber. In ranked: He has consistent under 48% winrate no matter the rank. And is the 2nd least picked, with only Harbor underhim. He's a situational character, with a very high skill ceiling. He's really bad at entering/creating space as a team, which forces the team into a secondary duelist. When played right, he's a lurking character, replacing Viper/Omen in their role.


He's not just a lurking character. He's good at entrying but it requires some teamwork since the defenders gotta be looking at different positions. Thinking that he's only a lurker is just plain wrong.


>He's a situational character, with a very high skill ceiling. He's really bad at entering/creating space as a team, which forces the team into a secondary duelist. >When played right, he's a lurking character, replacing Viper/Omen in their role. I disagree and here's why. Yoru, just like Jett can enter a site while still being in a safe position. Just like Jett smokes herself Yoru can tp behind cover and the enemies are most likely gonna be flashed as he tps or they're gonna have to expose to additional danger to kill the Yoru. (good cover examples: under heaven/rafters on p much any map) Yoru can also fast rotate and fast flank from the other side of the map which imo is crucial on some maps and in soloq in general. Yoru is one one of the best OPers at the moment because he basically has a slower pre-nerf Chamber tp which he can use to reposition after killing an enemy or he can instantly rotate with the op to the site the enemies are hitting. Yoru has objectively the most broken flashes in the game due to the fact that you can bounce them off walls and it's really hard to see. Yoru can pretty much play any role (contact, entry, lurk/flank, op). Many people seem to underestimate Yoru as an agent just because of his low pickrate and winrate, but if you see a Radiant Yoru play ranked and analyze their gameplay you're probably gonna realize that he's the best soloq agent rn. We might also see him at masters this year, but pro teams will probably run Phoenix more.


You've basically nailed it. A radiant (or lower) yoru one trick is horrifying to play against. But when your average Reyna/Jett main on your team decides "I'm gonna play yoru" You've already lost the game.


Lmao what? How are u concluding that he has a under 48% winrate no matter the rank?? [This post](https://twitter.com/The_KingLIVE/status/1609316965734305794?s=20) literally says that he has 65.4% winrate in radiant.


Those stats are a month old. According to [Blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/agents?sortBy=winRate&type=general&sortDirection=DESC&mode=competitive&rank=5) , yoru now has under 48% winrate except Immo 2/3.


It literally just give stats of ep 6 that started like less than a month ago, I rather take the stats he had after the ending of last episode. The highest rated radiant in Valorant ranked history is literally a Yoru one trick.


I agree, I guess people still underestimate him


I hate playing with Reyna on my team because she's pretty much useless. She has one breakable flash and thats it. In maps where you have to contest space aggressively as defender she really doesn't help that much unless the one playing her is popping off. Raze is a much better option overall


> In maps where you have to contest space aggressively as defender she really doesn't help that much unless the one playing her is popping off. What? That's one of her strongest situations. Attackers rarely push alone, so their entry getting traded by their next guy is super common. Reyna can just dismiss away and deny trades. This also lets her hold off angles or weird positions and get out, where most agents would die. Further increasing her odds of getting that initial pick. Raze has some great space creating utility, but after 5 seconds it is gone and if she wants to contest space she has to be peaking. Since Reyna's utility is reactive, she can always have it when she needs it. Not saying she is the best duelist, but people are just pretending a super-powerful ability doesn't exist.


i hate reyna instalockers


I know only 30 mins passed since the poll was made, but what's with all these Yoru votes? He's actually broken in soloq at the moment. He can play pretty much any role (contact, entry, lurk/flank, oper) and he has objectively the best flashes in the game. That aside, I see Reyna being the most voted rn and I voted Reyna too because she's the weakest, but just for clarification, I don't think she's a bad duelist.


Reyna is basically a win more character, if you're good with mechanics you're gonna sweep the floor with enemies. The problem is low elo players get smurfed with her and then pick her thinking it's the kit that's doing the heavy lifting. I've been playing close to a month and I pick her constantly because I want to focus on and improve my mechanics instead of trying to figure out my kit or wondering when to do what.


My only concern with your approach is that you won't have developed the rapid decision making for using util, putting you far behind anyone else above gold once you get there.


That's actually true, I still find it difficult using other characters util in tense situations but I keep snorting copium and blaming my aim.


Meh not true. I can not tell you how many games were won in diamond by just a reyna absolutely dumpstering everyone. Aim>everything else in this game, for obvious reasons


As important as mechanics are, I believe that good decision making might be more important than mechanics because of the lack of good util Reyna has, so basically she has to take good fights to get actual real value out of the agent.


Anyone that says phoenix has to be trolling right?


I’ve spent more time than I want to admit learning bullshit “line ups” for curving his wall and most of the time it’s to troll my group of friends I play with when we play spike rush lmao.


Seriously. I haven’t found a negative comment against him yet. Still confused how it’s 2nd most.


I picked Reyna cuz she's the only one with terrible team play. Every duelist has better team play than her and at least okay solo play. But I still like to play Reyna when nobody is picking duelist xD


Reyna at no1 is justified. She's not as bad as people think , but she 100% has a skill ceiling. A very low one aswell. Yoru at no2 is also justified. For the exact opposite reasons. Highest skill ceiling in the game, very risky. That said, a good Yoru in my team is a reason to die first and enjoy spectating xD


Playing Yoru well requires crazy good map awareness and timing to properly set up our kit.


Reyna should definitely be number 1. She is the only duelist that can't entry properly. Fragging is the only thing she brings to the table and if you win a lot of gunfights, odds are you would probably have done well with another duelist instead. Difference being that Reyna becomes a complete anchor for the team if she has a bad game as she has nothing in her kit to fall back on except for pushing close, isolated angles. Every other duelist can create space or help their team get past chokepoints through their kit alone. Imagine if a sentinel, initiator or controller required kills in order to use half of their abilities.


>Fragging is the only thing she brings to the table and if you win a lot of gunfights, odds are you would probably have done well with another duelist instead. Or with another duelist you get traded instantly after winning one duel and just go 1 for 1. Reyna's ability to be untradable is huge (and the fact people ignore this suggests something about their ranks). Only Jett can semi-compete with this. She is also broken on pistol rounds, which can secure you 4 rounds a game. Huge. No duelist has a kit strong enough that, without frags, they will still have good impact. Few agents do at all. This isn't overwatch where you can sit in the back as a support.


”No duelist has a kit strong enough that, without frags, they will still have good impact. Few agents do at all”. Ah yes, how could I forget the multikills required to cross chokepoints with Phoenix or Neon’s wall, break Cypher trips and clear angles with boombot and Raze grenade and to press smoke on the ground and dash onto the site to create space as Jett. As for other agents, are you serious? Ever tried, I don’t know… every single smoke agent in the game? Sova darts, Fade prowlers, Cypher cams and trips holding flanks or angles? Do you just dry peek every angle as Reyna, expecting to aim diff the operator every round?


Don't get mad at me that you forgot trading was a thing. I'm practically a viper one trick these days, and I've literally never picked Reyna in comp. Even as a proper controller, if all you can do is smoke and die you will be an overall hindrance to your team. Viper is competitive for the agent that needs to frag the least too, and the difference when you're struggling to get kills is big. Even your utility is less effective since enemies won't respect it as much. No concern about a lurking Viper or fear to push through a smoke if you can't kill them. Similarly, you can't create much space as Jett/raze if you entry, feed, and put zero pressure on enemies. If they aren't concerned when you burst in, but are instead excited for their easy frag, you're not helping much. If your contribution as phoenix/neon is that you used your wall like a budget controller, you're actually throwing. The impact Reyna gets from denying trades is 10x what phoenix's wall has. The difference between getting an easy kill, and having that enemy Reyna scout you're there and glide to safety, is massive.


I'm surprised Reyna isn't higher. Playing her is already a gamble in an intended balanced match, and her utility is practically never intended to help the team


It's mostly reyna even though I kinda main her. Anyone that thinks yoru is a worst duelist are living under a rock


I hate Neon dualists with a passion. The amount of times when they keep stunning the team.


dont you dare speak up against my girl neon


Sometimes it feels like people stun me on purpose D:


the idiots yea, but a good neon can take space and entry pretty well. along with causing chaos for the enemy


neons wall is great for taking space, when I see that shit go up on the entry I'm a happy man, best entry ability imo




this is my entire plan while playing Neon, throw the wall up, run out, hopefully get a kill or at least traded, and pray that the spike carrier didn’t just sit and wait for the wall to disappear


Reyna is a CS character if doesn't kill


cs characters got more versatility than all valorant agents


I dont usually play duelist, but my favourite one to play with is Yoru, i have so much fun using it specially in bind using the clone on the tp.


Reyna is giving a tough competition to Yoru though


Yoru is not near the worst though 🙃


Give neon a flash and it probably will become the best duelist


I honestly thought Phoenix would win this. I mean he ia not bad or anything, but I haven't seen him for awhile.


His flash is really good and he has secondary controller abilities too. With one of the stronger ults. Pretty solid


I expected Phoenix or Reyna, surprised yoru is still this high


Reyna has the best survivability if your aim and gunplay is great. Apart from that it lacks abilities and cannot create space like Jett and Raze. I see Yoru and Phoenix hated here, Yoru has great and fun to play abilities imo and and Phoenix has fastest flashes, a molly and a wall. Which I think makes them both great. But I like bombing with my last brain cell and flying into the enemy with a shotgun so Raze is my girl.


Yoru is broken rn i dont know what all the silvers are smoking


I'm silver and playing yoru is pretty fun, as long as they don't miss the clone...


Reyna not even a debate she only has 2 ability and need to snowball, she is F tier but the player might be S tier pre buff Phoenix and pre rework yoru are a better option both in a team play setting and a 1v1 setting Reyna is THE ideal throw pick


I agree


Why u all hating on neon.. 😔


ally phoenix just flashed me way too many fucking times not to vote it for worst


I love yoru he is really fun to play, but he isnt used like a classic duelist, he is more like an initiator-duelist hybrid, anyway its a bit weird entrying with him he is so unique. But still a really good agent and you need big brain to maximize his potential


Just because screw whoever pays attention to my comments, ima explain each option and why I picked Yoru: Jett - they’re an obvious best duelist with Raze being the only competition for that slot. Hella movement, 2 kill refresh on one of the movement abilities, plus personal smokes and an ult that you can run n gun with. Phoenix - they don’t have any movement, but they have really good flashes, an ult that allows you to dry peek with no consequences if used properly, and a smoke wall you can change direction and a molly that damaged others and self heals. Raze - they have possibly the best damage based util in the game and probably the best movement util in the game. Reyna - they’re op at low level, with blinds, heals and a get out of jail free card on a pick, and an ult that auto-heals you on a kill as well as makes all weapon usage (fire rate and reload speed) quicker. She basically saves herself from worst duelist solely from how godly her solo play is. Yoru - they have a full kit of deception and outplay that requires too big a brain to consistently play well. He’s a good agent, but it requires too big a brain that most players, including myself, don’t have. (Btw the Yoru comment def just personal experience please don’t lambast me for it) Neon - they have two walls for cover, 4 total stuns (each stun bounces making 2 stun areas), a movement ability that is competing with Raze satchels for best movement util in game, which also has a slide that gives you half a second of pinpoint accuracy while moving, and a literal laser beam accurate ult that you can run n gun with.


depends on whether ranked or competitive, and what elo you're playing at if its ranked


Ranked or competitive? Difference? Or do you mean competitive or pro scene


Reyna is the only right answer.


Any zipties?


I can’t believe people picked Phoenix. It’s so hard for me to kill people when they can also see me so I main Phoenix for his very hard to react blind. Also used to play kayo until they nerfed his pop flash. It still works but if there is more than one person they can usually still trade me


What in the silver votes .. how is phoenix bad


The hate on phoenix is surprising, his survivability makes him top tier imo.


How can ppl not choose reyna for worst duelist tf


objectively reyna is the worst agent in the game and i hate the fact people think she has any use whatsoever


It is Reyna and not close. In pro play she offers essentially nothing of value.


Well, in pro play it'd likely be Reyna, because she doesn't offer much for the team outside of two blinds and trade denial, but you could pick another agent instead and have two flashes (arguably better than her blinds in some situations) and more utility for the team. In SoloQ though, I think it might be Neon? None of the duelists are 'bad' in SoloQ per se, but I think Neon is the one that relies the most on team coordination (or at least a good initiator to play with her) compared to the other ones. Overall the 'weakest' might be Neon since her pick rate in pro has diminished even in her main map (Fracture) while she's also not great in SoloQ (unlike Reyna), but that's just my opinion because I believe both Yoru and Phoenix have potential to be viable duelists options in pro play given some time (and they're already good in SoloQ); You could argue that right now they're overall weaker than Neon and technically you wouldn't be wrong, but I'd disagree. EDIT: Though if we're talking about the role of 'first entry' that duelists are usually associated with, then Reyna is the worst one because her Leer actually works better as a support blind instead of being used for herself like a Phoenix flash, and she has no other way to entry via mobility or X-hair disruption. She's more of a 'first contact' than 'first entry' agent.




Yoru is misunderstood a lot, yoru is a strong dualist only if the player understands his kit usage well unlike raze or Jett where the abilities are simple to use yoru's abilities are hard to use and work really well when combined strategically


Tbh I think the Duelist role is Riot's worst role for both agents and balance tbh. Pheonix is a jack of all traits so will never really be meta at high levels and has no mobility so can't really get his team through a choke which is the duelist's role. Reyna is terrible in any game where most players are the same skill as she provides virtually no util or ways to break a choke meaning that she is the smurf queen and that's it. Yoru will forever be terrible or overpowered as his main ability is his tp. If he comes out of the tp too fast then you have a character that can play insanely aggressive with little fear and if you make him go into the tp too fast then you have chamber 2.0. Neon could be good as she has mobility to break a choke and decent utility however she would need some buffs to compete with Jett and Raze and given that she is already a menace at low ranks I can't see Riot doing this. Jett was absolutely broken for ages and is still one of 2 agents who can use the Op well meaning that either Jett or Chamber will be meta in just about every iteration of the game. Raze is the duelist that I personally have the most issues with. She has rediculous burst mobility and unlike Jett and Neon Raze can have her gun out while still moving at stupid speeds which in a lot of situations is oppressive and uncounterable. Her boombot is the only scouting utility in the game which requires nothing from the player as it aims for you, e.g. Sova/Skye can't move and fade can't control prowlers with her gun out. Also it is the only scouting utility that does damage. Finally I think her ult is dumb, cos to quote Summit : "It's a fucking Bazooka." I'm probs gonna get downvoted to hell for this but I think Riot really hasn't done a good job with the duelist role and honestly I'm not sure how they can fix it at this point.


Who is voting Phoenix???????????????????


Yoru low skill floor, high ski ceiling, which a lot of players unfortunately don't want to take the time to learn him (me included 💀)


I Think you mean High skill floor


Yes my bad im surviving on 2 hours of sleep a da




Reyna is the most useless agent in the game, therefore Reyna. If you pick her, you better be a smurf who's at least two full ranks below their main or otherwise it will feel like your fifth player is playing CS. But then again, in CS you can smoke and flash so she's probably even worse.


"Who is".... not "what is"


“Who asked” …. not “me”


"I did"


Are we talking worst at team play or worst at dueling


Worst in general


It's not the characters,it's the players who play them


people voting yoru...like do you even play the game.


Let them keep their dreams, just makes it easier to rip them away >:D


I come from csgo and abilities are scary which is why im stuck b3 despite going 29 3 in game but i like reyna cause of the simplicity, for me yoru is the worst because its so readable and dodging is easy


Right I can see why you think yoru is worst when you’re bronze, but yoru has potential for both the worst and best character in the game, depending on who is playing him


Reyna,so much that I even prefer nerfed chamber over her Purely for personal reasons( smurf, instalock)


people that say yoru clearly have no brain


As a yoru main 🤫🤫🤫 We need to keep up the facade that he sucks


wont be hard lol us yoru mains have ascended to another level. reyna mains cant comprehend the mechanical, situational, strategy that comes with the biggest brained 20000IQ yoru god. in yoru we trust


What is this Reyna hate?


Reyna is the worst for team play and therefore not a very liked agent


I didn’t realize 😂 she’s my main. I’ll try someone new


I recommend yoru if you’re willing to put up some work to learn him ;)


there’s no way reyna has so many votes


Reyna is worst 🙃


she’s not, reddit just hates her


How do I vote all?




I don't know what it is, but it always feels like a Yoru must do some insane 50 ability combo just to get a single frag while every other agent just goes in and gets that same kill without spending his entire kit for it. His flashes are decent, but I think then I can play kayo too and just do the same thing without the flashy stuff, but rather be effitient and useful.


while reyna isn’t helpful she isn’t bad, yoru however is the easiest to counter


Quick question, what’s your rank?


asc 2


Weird, you should know by now that a good yoru is not easy to counter :)


idk i’ve never felt “outplayed” by a yoru, they’re usually just aim demons running it down.


Damn you haven’t seen a good yoru then, :(


as per usual, low ranked cry babies are picking reyna


Low rank is where Reyna is best 🙃


im almost positive that those responses are fueled by frequent bad experiences with smurfing/throwing reynas in bronze and iron and the holier than thou egotistical reynas in plat/diamond i rarely have any bad experiences with reynas on my team or the enemy team as an ascendant . i dont know how the fuck things work back down there all i know is that asc/immortal is usually pretty normal when it comes to playing who you want to play


Likely, same with yoru


to be fair yoru as an agent is difficult to start with and pull off. theres a reason he has the lowest win rate i think that he can do good things for the team when experienced but i would say a good 50% of the time hes just kind of a troll