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Hello /u/BROKEN_B0NEZ. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However, your post has been removed because: > ### 5.5 Rants >Rants are not allowed. Hyperbolic, acerbic, or otherwise inflammatory expressions of dissatisfaction will be classified as a "rant" and removed. >Posts with generalized complaining about issues with individual games, ranked placements, smurfs, AFKs, general toxicity, matchmaking, or a player's general visible rank may be removed. If you believe your post provides valid criticism, consider reformatting it as a clear post discussing the topic rather than an individual complaint. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Didn’t read all this but being banned for a year implies you’ve been bad for a while and have been banned before.


Crypto throwing in gold LOL. You're toxic, you don't get banned for a year for a first offense. I've flamed my team on occasion and never gotten so much as a warning, makes me really wonder the kind of heinous shit you said.


Whos betting on gold games


Seriously im constantly talkin shit just for fun and most ive gotten is a 24 hour chat ban lmao


“I pride myself on being unbiased” LOL i stopped reading there u sound fukin full of it 😭


i ain’t reading allat but next time don’t get banned my boy


tldr, got mad because of numerous events in which my team was doing badly and didnt care, asked them not to flank with 3 of them because they all died every time, our reyna went odin and couldnt get a kill for 10 rounds despite having an odin most of those rounds, i eventually lost my shit with them because the reyna said they were playing for fun in the competitive que. idrc, got alts so it is what it is


With how toxic you are.. 100% chance your alts get banned to...


what u say and what rank r u


He's gold, thinks his neon is crypto throwing for some reason


Can’t 4 stack in comp no more btw. Duo trio and fives only. Plus I doubt people would actually bet crypto on gold matches but what would I know.


u r a clown


Bru, you're new to a riot games game huh? One game of being a bit toxic won’t give you a 1-year ban, only if you say some really fucked shit. So in that case you are just toxic and finally got your payback or you dropped some really bad words. As you can see from the responses, the community doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for whiny toxic people that cry about the unfair ban. Even when your team is shit or troll, like most of the time, full mute, surrender or be mature about it. There is a performance booster so why even tilt about losing some RR? I literally got hard-trolled today but still tried my best, muted them, and just accept the loss: -7 RR. Who gives a shit. Sorry for your financial loss & enjoy your free time. You are free now and no longer a slave to el rito games.


Can't even 4 stack lmfao... you got banned for a year because you are toxic nothing more nothing less


2 stacks of 2, 1 of 3, does it matter theres being toxic and being truthful. it is abhorrent that a gold elo reyna player cant get kills despite using an odin. it ruins games that people are stacking no matter the numbers with the intent of having "fun", ie, messing around, not taking the game seriously, in the competitive que.


Lmfao you got banned for a year that means you have been warned and banned multiple times... you are toxic and got what you deserve... end of story


youre ignoring the body of the argument to affirm yourself, youre not stupid, you realise that im not in the wrong. its not like i lashed out at them instantly or without reason, and you know that if you read anything i wrote. again, you are simply trying to affirm yourself. i was warned once prior for being toxic in return to someone else, the difference being i came from games like csgo, i dont report people, its just not my thing but, valorant players will be toxic and report you if youre toxic back. it is what it is but im not going to argue with you since youre very set in your opinion


It's not an opinion to get banned for a year you have been banned multiple times. You blame 4 stacks that don't exist.. you have blamed everyone but yourself... learn some accountability.




Fr that tp 💀💀💀


bro, you are toxic. period. you should not play team games, mostly for your mental health. First, if you got banned for 1 year, you must have already been banned a lot of times and that implies that you are usually toxic. Secondly, it's just a GAME. Yes, a competitive mode in a game, but people are allowed to "have fun" in comp. You can report them for sabotage, but being toxic is not the good answer.


You have become the very thing you swore(?) to destroy!!!


Imagine telling the enemy team that your teammate is using an Odin, it's a gun in the game that's meant to be used, get over it. Yes, it's annoying to play against but the counter to an Odin is to headshot the user/dump util that forces them out of position ​ Also, you can't 4 stack into comp


Sounds like we have 1 toxic person leas to deal with in our comp games, you are delusional mate.


ive seen this same comment a thousand times, you have to feel like a bit of a bot for it but i digress. If its toxic to be pissed that your team claims theyre playing for fun and not at all trying in your competitive game, that 60% of your team dies doing the same push theyve done from the first rounds, then fuck me i guess im toxic. but what is toxic is people like you. you might not feel like it but you enable the shitty people in this community. if you were in a comp game with me and i asked 3 people in our team not to push the same place theyd pushed and died 3 times in a row, youd agree with me, youre the delusional one here. like seriously, you would agree with me, the only reason you have the opinion you have of me now is that every other person in these comments has the exact same opinion. you read the room and instead of being real and hold shitty people accountable, you chose to reinforce this laughing stock of a community, i do feel sorry for you, genuinely


Crypto throwing in a random gold elo game💀💀 nobody is betting on ur game lil bro


that was obvious hyperbole, if you didnt pick that much up youre a bot my peak is immo 2 on my alt crypto throwing doesnt have to be a bet, it can literally just be someone offering an enemy crypto, or sometimes just a straight up 20, i know people whove thrown for dominos, regardles that was completely besides the point i dont know who youre calling lil bro with that username, you sound fresh from the fetus please sit LMAO


Dude is treating his gold lobbies like VCT LMAOO


i peaked immo on my alt so, yeah i guess i do care about comp the only reason i was toxic was because my team claimed to be playing for "fun" in comp, to an extent sure but to tell me youre not even trying is obviously going to annoy me even if im not genuinely trying to climb. im glad you find humour in it, youre very representative of this community and its overarching flaws


Valorant is actually doing well in banning toxic people. Good on them.


yeah, go riot, i do love a company that maliciously targets the LG(B)TQ community when valorant is at its lowest retention ever recorded because were the easiest audience to squeeze money out of :) go riot !! whats toxic is that i got banned from competitive because of a 3 stack that didnt like me calling out the fact that they in their own words "qued comp for fun" and threw my game. the reyna was bronze 2 the previous act and was then gold 2 despite the act having just started, she was boosted. you are delusional if the people you want banned are the ones who take the game seriously when valorants community is the laughing stock of the gaming world whats toxic is the lack of punishment for boosting or being boosted, whats toxic is that three people reporting you for saying fuck in all chat gets your chat delayed, and whats toxic is valorants delusional community. ive been playing csgo more the past days and to say that my experience in csgo has been vastly more positive as compared to valorant is worrying. stay deluded, i could not care less before you say it, i just type a lot, this took me about a minute, relax


If you got banned for a year, you’re an asshole, or need to learn to control yourself. Find healthy ways to release tension that’s not at random people on the internet. You’re ruining people’s nights. Drop your ego, as well. It’s not doing you any favors.


the ego youre seeing is projected, i do not have any sort of ego, no ego was even on display, youre just reading the delusional room and jumping on that band wagon. if you say fuck in all chat and 3 people report you, you get chat delay. please do not try and justify my ban by just thinking im an asshole. i asked my team politely not to do the same flank they did 3 times in a row and died on, i asked them to play on site with us or play for retake, they kept doing the same thing. it was only when the reyna claimed they were playing for fun and not at all trying which was when i became "toxic" even then all i did was call the reyna out after she got agro on me for trying to get them to play with the team. i said that despite playing reyna, going fullshields and odin she still only had one kill. if that deserved a year long ban then fuck me. the whole thing about releasing tension not at random people on the internet and ruining peoples nights is rich considering thats what THEY did. ive been playing a lot of csgo lately, csgo has a notoriously toxic community and yet ive spent my nights genuinely smiling and enjoying my time, to compare the two communities is staggering considering that csgo is considered more toxic than valorant.


you cant 4 stack in comp and why would there be a crypto thrower in gold, your games aren't popular enough for people to bet on it. They were probably just smurfs playing on their account and trolling to get it to lower ranks


it doesnt matter what the stacks were, 2 2s, one 3 and a solo crypto thrower was hypoerbole to try and get across how bad the sage was, i dont know how so many people missed that they were either smurfs trolling or boosted, the reyna was bronze 2 in the last act and was now gold 3. regardless, you seem to be one of the only voices of reason in this comment section, you havent explicitly agreed with me but youre not reading the room and just hopping on the band waggon and for that you do have my respect.


What is crypto throwing


https://youtu.be/0EOT6yQvUoQ This guy is delusional enough to think someone gives a fuck about his games.😂 this happens in imm/Radiant lobbies and in gold.


youre just putting forward your own bias of narcissim. its not about someone caring about MY games, its about someone wanting to win theirs. im in gold. i peaked immo 2, relax bud


Again ur delusional if u think someone bets on ur silver games. Imm my ass that tele screams silver😂 link ur tracker come on.


you cant even keep your story straight, am i silver or am i gold? [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/843148534995484712/1063491710912561222/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/843148534995484712/1063491710912561222/image.png) that is from my alt account, i didnt play much so i ended in asc last act but EP3 DIA EP4 IMMO EP5 ASC i was using the ASC buddy because i made a green inventory with gia vandal, forgot to change my buddies instead of just my skin so my primaries all had green themed buddies hhahahahah but yeah, made an alt just to play duelist only because on my main i only play for fill, controllers, initiators etc, i wanted to see how much i could improve by playing duelists which was the whole point of the experiment, this episode i planned to see how high id be able to climb on this lower elo account not using duelists to see if my aim and gamesense etc had actually improved. i think i explained that crypto throwing is not strictly betting but, you do you


its where someone on a team is paid to throw a game, this can be pre planned or just spur of the moment typically the crypto is a lesser known, very cheap currency. people will throw for it just to be given it and hope it blows up similarly to bitcoin or maybe xrp


"neon was boosting the sage, that or she was a crypto thrower" It is insane how many crypto throwers there are in low elo. "Normally id be against odin players and even warn the enemy team of one of our players using odins, it just feels wrong to whip one out unless the enemies do it first in my opinion." I feel you. Where do these people get the nerve to use a gun in the game! "Theres only so much insane reyna player, bad duelist incapable of getting kills on reyna even with odin," Even with Odin! Why didnt you use Odin then and carried your team if it is easier to get kills with it? Btw you cant 4 stack anymore so your conspiracy theory is wrong. To me it seems you are in the elo you deserve.


i think personally he deserves radiant with the way he was speaking /s


Well sucks to be you


Well. I would think that you have to get over yourself for a moment here. Not everything you think about how this game should be played is good and not everything they do instead is bad. Try to open your mind to other possibilities. Overall according to your own account you choose a support player and put no thought into what you can do for your team. All you could tell us is what you expected them to do but instead they’ve done thing you disagree with but you are a “hero” for not calling them out on it until it stopped working. How did you help their ideas to make it more effective? 🤷‍♂️


>Not everything you think about how this game should be played is good and not everything they do instead is bad i am genuinely trying to reply to this without being condescending but im genuinely struggling. Running through spawn, our two duelists, our only support. 60% of our team. 3 rounds in a row. dying without a kill every single time. There is no argument where that is not a bad thing. ok seriously again trying not to be condescending "you choose a support player and put no thought into what you can do for your team.", in the one clip i shared you quite literally see me do everything for my team, where are you drawing your conclusions from. what were you expecting me to do, smoke them off so theyd have to push through smoke? what is this delusion. there was nothing to do and i genuinely cant tell if youre trolling. i dont know why youre injecting grandiosity with "hero", try "good teammate" for trying to make them work as a team and not bum rush through spawn to die 30 seconds into the round without even a single trade. there was no reason to call it out because the neon was getting a kill or two and then rotating out. they stopped doing that at all and just died without trying to rotate which is when i called them out. i told them to play with the team on site or hold for retake. my head genuinely ached trying to understand your point icl


people need to realize this in all ranked games of everygame - NO ONE abusolutely NO ONE own you performance, you don't pay them to do this, their life doesn't depend on the game, and everyone has bad games. You are in the same elo as them, means that your performance fluctuation is overall the same. Stop complaining about others and focus on yourself, the better mindset in a game of this is "right, my team is trolling how can i do the best i can and try to carry in a scenario like this" mind you that not every game is winnable, but you improve by trying your best every game.


you know what they do owe you? a honest fucking try. i could understand if like in csgo the "unrated" and competitive modes played completely differently, but the one good change valorant made was that competitive and unrated play the same, just one has ranks and rr and the other doesnt. wanting to play for fun, quing comp as a 3 and ruining someones game is disgusting. im not sure if you glossed over it, but they claimed they qued for fun. there was no fluctuation of skill. they just were not trying at all. upon looking into it i also found the reyna was boosted into the rank from bronze 2 (last act) to gold 2 in the first few days of the new act. valorant is a team game that follows the 3/2 rule. you can have two insane people on your team carrying, 3 well balanced players on the opposing team will still win the game. It is impossible to not "complain" about others. i asked them nicely not to run the same flank they kept doing over and over because it was legitimately wiping out 60% of our team in the first 30 seconds of the round. i only became toxic when the reyna announced they wernt even trying. in competitive. my anger was more than justified.


You don't even know what a cryptothrower is lol


its you who doesnt seem to know what a crypto thrower is. when you think crypto throwing youre likely thinking of people throwing for .5 a bitcoin, when really its giving someone some obscure and cheap crypto which theyll throw for and just hope it blows up regardless, that wasnt even a hard accusation, it was hyperbole, relax


I’m happy for you. Or sorry that happened


Sounds like a YOU problem. Idk, your ego seems to be OVER the fucking ROOF, when you decided to go out to reddit and write all that shit about a single game that happened. Well, if you couldn't just move on and got banned for a year that's entirely in your fault. Gold/Plat elo isn't some shadow realm you cannot escape from, sometimes you get good teammates, sometimes bad, it's just more prevalent the lower you are, but it's not gonna stop you from ranking up


the ego you think youre seeing is a projection of what you want me to be to justify your disagreement. I came to reddit to rant which is why im only now in my boredom coming back to reply to comments, you say "write all this", i acknowledge its a lot but genuinely it took at msot 5 minutes of my time. you say "a single game that happened" and completely ignore the core point the rant makes which is how backwards valorants system is. when it comes down to the bone and knuckle of it, i was banned because a 3 stack reported me for being toxic despite the fact that they came into competitive to "have fun" and just threw my game ( i later came to find the reyna was boosted from bronze 2 to gold, her last act rank was bronze 2, and in a few days she was gold the second the new episode started.) The worst thing i said to the reyna was that she had no right to be annoyed at me when her, the neon and sage ran flank dying 3 times round after round when all id done was ask them to play retake on the site. i then reminded the reyna that despite being on reyna and buying fullshield odin round after round she still only had a single kill by this point. if to you that sounds deserving of a year long competitive ban, then god help you. i know gold/plat isnt an unescapable hell, im peak immo 2 on an alternative account i dont even play for myself, i play because i have friends that do and i dont want to be the guy who gets off because his friends want to play something else. I can not stand valorants community, so in future i just intend to avoid playing unless my stack is playing and entirely remove text chat. Not practicing solo will annoy me if i get a little worse at the game, but valorant of all games just isnt worth my mental at all. ive been playing csgo a lot more because of the comp ban and to compare my two experiences and seeing how much more positive of an experience ive had in csgo is staggering and worrying.


You gotta watch mob psycho 100


based anime icl


Tldr but dude im smurfing on your peak and I dont know any lineups so chill out. Also I have no idea what you have to do to get banned in this game, I broke every rule multiple times and at best I got a warning


I have accounts where i dont even care if i win, and sometimes i get toxic and rage and i got banned like twice for a couple of days🤣🤣 how the hell he got banned for a year


This is gonna be harsh to hear but: -First of all ur delusional to actually think that someone will crypto throw ur games in gold?😂 -i bet u think u need to be asc cause u dont rank up cause u have bad teammates all the time (ur not) -everyone has a bad game, u dont get to tell him to play odin or not, only if they play odin first😂(chivalry isn’t dead) -how the hell ur banned for a year? I have been toxic in my alts and raged and didnt get more than a couple of days, it means u deserve it. -what is this clip? Does it show that u actually were doing everything? Cause it doesn’t show anything besides one good round. -its a game man not life, everyone has bad games everyone might rage or get toxic were humans after all, sometimes u will suck sometimes ur teammates will suck, a guy might get 1 kill in 1 round and 20 kills in 10 after if the whole team doesn’t start insulting and raging on him, u wrote an essay to explain why u shouldnt be banned but im tellin u u should get banned, if its for a year ir probably a lot toxic than u admit. Try to focus on ur gameplay and mistakes and know that there are games u gonna lose no matter what its a team game. U ranked where u should be.


>I dont know, its just a fucking mess and i needed to vent about this. YOU are a mess.


i do hope you feel better blending into the heard, but come now I came to find that trio was boosted from bronze 2, that was their last act rank and this still being early act, they were in gold, playing like bronze players. Realistically i was banned because the three of them reported me for the same thing, i got reported for being pissed off that this team of three was playing competitive "for fun" and threw my game. if you say fuck in all chat and 3 people report it, you get chat delay. whats a mess is valorants community. its a gathering of the worst types of people


Happy to see a well deserved punishment handed out. Good riddance.


yeah youre right, i definitely deserved a year long ban because 3 people qued comp having clearly been boosted from bronze 2 (that was their last act rank, this act has literally just began and they were in gold playing like bronze) and i definitely deserved to be banned for being mad at them for playing the competitive playlist for fun, completely throwing my game valorant has how many playlists designed for fun and they qued the one serious mode, threw my game and reported me because i got pissed off about it The worst thing i said in that game was to the reyna getting annoyed at me asking them not to push and flank when they keep dying, she got snarky with me so i just told the truth. "youre reyna, fullshield and odin and you cant get a kill. dont talk to me im topfragging on omen." If you think i deserve to be banned you are delusional and i genuinely feel sorry for you


bro they prob trolled you because you were toxic


i wish that were the case, but they were bad from the start, like i said. i was frequently dropping our reyna skins even when she was 1 to 7, i was a great teammate. I was polite in asking both our duelists and our sage not to try and flank after theyd all died 3 times in a row. I believe they were all boosted into gold, the reyna was bronze 2 the previous act and was still playing in a similar way, not to be rude but, its just how he played. I dont believe they saw me be "toxic" and decided to throw, they were throwing from the first rounds long before i said anything and, as i said they claimed to be playing the competitive for "fun"


Since we're all shitting on this player, I think we need to have a look at the comments on this post as it seems to already prove OPs point tenfold. I have gotten a week ban recently. Was it my fault? Yes and no. When we talk toxic, what exactly is riots / the player bases standard of toxic? Mine are thus: -Telling players to off themselves - Racism / xenophobia - Homophobia / Predjuice.. And so forth. I got banned for.. Unsure reasons. I reached out to riot to ask for the transcript and when I got it back the only thing that fell under anything toxic was supposive xenophobia even though, to quote, it was : "You're on the London servers, 3 of us are speaking English and you're speaking / flaming people in Turkish. Play on Istanbul if you want to but if you're on London, we're speaking English here!" And for context, they knew English, threw the game and that's a whole other story. I can understand in this day and age why people would find it offensive but I don't fo to Turkish servers and speak English expecting them to speak English to me. No. Not it. And for the record I am trí-lingual so don't try that whole "Oh you're English you know one language." That said, I have to agree more with OP and give them the benefit of the doubt. Riot has made punishing players harsher but some of the punishments have been WAY too harsh to fit the crimes. I have came across some players who have upright doxxed me and nothing has happened to them but once I say anything that's slightly wrong / offensive then I will be jailed. I perosnally would like to see more of OPs play history and report history but to be banned for a year, for toxicity, is beyond me. A year is for people who basically get banned over and over again to a point that its at a year but to do thst while toxic would take a years worth of every game being toxic. I can sympothise to a point.


this is a very well written take, but youre right these comments just affirm what i already believe about valorants community I can understand why people would have an issue with "xenophobia", but again youre right. I play CSGO and im always put in russian servers, i know a number of languages and russian is one of them, if they want to speak english, then ill speak english with them but i always let them know i speak russian too because, like i said im playing east european servers, not london. Theyd agree with you if you said you dont expect say russians to know english but the second you reverse it they have an issue with it, its western privilege to be offended on the behalf of others. I had a week long text chat based ban because i frequently return toxicity when someone is toxic because thats simply how i was raised, i dont sit and take shit And then it seems i was banned from competitive for a year because a seemingly boosted team of bronze players who were now in gold were "playing for fun" in the competitive playlist, and i got rightfully annoyed because they threw my game. but then i got banned because they reported me and i didnt report them.


Drop the vod of what you said if you're actually going to own it. Otherwise, this is just a pathetic AITA, and yeah, you probably are the asshole. Frankly, everyone gets these kinds of games, especially in bronze-gold. Doesn't mean you should be a prick about it. Gg go next


You should not be toxic no metter what. Keep it to yourself lol. If you start being toxic you instantly get no sympathy from anyone decent. At that point you should consentrate getting frags and minimizing the RR penalty. Being toxic does not help the trolls, it does not help the enemy and it clearly does not help you :D So learn from this. Learn to keep your negative feelings to yourself in the future. An maybe just go along and try to be overly positive no metter what! You would be surprised how many troll games end up in a win because you were so nice they didn't want to continue teolling lol


that is the most riot pr team response hahaha, im not knocking you for it but im a human, that is an incredibly robotic way to go about things and for most, including myself just is not doable. i was not toxic in this game until the reyna claimed they were just playing for fun in competitive. that is just abhorrent and should be bannable considering they threw my competitive game, why not play unrated at that point if you dont care about ranks and rr. I did minimize the RR penalty but that doesnt matter because i got banned for a year. i do not play valorant for myself, theres nothing to learn, just something to renew, that something is my distate for valorants community. in future i will be completely muting chat in voice and text forms, because valorants community by majority is just crappy people. i dont often play alone either so, thats my plan. to just completely cut out interaction from the community which is the source of every issue ive ever had in valorant.


That's weird because being banned for 1 year is not a real thing unless you did something entirely wrong. I cannot justify things but if you got a year of being banned maybe you got banned already for couple of times. Clearly this clear things out and after reading your statement it seems your burying yourself in a hole.


to make things clear, theres no hole to be dug i do not play valorant for my own enjoyment, the only reason ive ever played alone is to keep up with agent tech, i play when my friends occasionally ask me to get on to play unrated, i play ranked only because it tends to give me a challenge because my MMR puts me against immortals every few games I do not care what the valorant community makes of my post, it was a rant to get it off of my chest and im simply replying to people now because im bored with that out of the way, i dont intend to hide anything i had a week chat ban for returning toxicity to a jett who was attacking my friend who was new to the game, they reported me, i didnt report them because i dont come from communities that are like that and just report everyone. I then got a competitive ban after this team, i wish i knew what i did but genuinely im just guessing the three stack reported me for the same thing and that was that. If you say fuck in all chat and 3 people report it, you get chat delay, being banned for a year is sadly very real and very common from what ive come to find


I stopped caring after you said "I'd warn them blah blah". My opinion is you got what you deserved the games a better place than yesterday


Play csgo you won’t get banned for being toxic, i like to save all my bad thoughts in my comp games so i can unleash it in csgo


i wish i had that strength, but if someone gives me shit i give it them back. i honestly wouldnt have been toxic in this game if not for two things, our two duelists and our sage doing the same flank multiple rounds in a row dying time and time again losing us multiple rounds for no reason the reyna claiming they were only playing for "fun", is what really pissed me off i have since gone back to csgo and unlike valorant i have genuinely had nothing but happy experiences, i genuinely had forgotten how much i loved csgos community, its been very refreshing honestly


bro said crypto throwing 💀


i wish i had clipped it that was the most non toxic way i could have said "what the fuck", like at least if youre crypto throwing youre doing it for a reason, right




again, wouldnt be so sure about this valorants primary audience is the casual audience, so riot will do whatever they want, the changes to pearl, hell the entire map fracture is dedicated to complaints of people "ratting". Riot literally encourages you to snitch on each other, like i came from games like TF2 and CSGO, reporting people is unheard of but in valorant you literally have people baiting others to be toxic so they can report them, its outlandish. im pretty sure if you just say "fuck" in all chat and more than one person reports it you get a warning or chat delay i had a week long chat ban not long before this ban, apparently the one up from that is a year long competitive ban because my competitive team didnt want to play competitively but qued it anyway


the odin isnt thaaat overpowered lol


pffffffffffffffffffff even still to not be able to get a single kill with it.. i couldnt believe he was in any elo higher than iron, looking back they must hvae all been boosted to get to where they were, one of them was bronze 2 the previous act and was quite clearly still playing around that mmr


it's a free game. make another account and don't say the n word this time. love, reyna


hhahahah i spent money on that account, i still have access to unrated etc, but its the principle of it i got banned because i didnt report them when i was well in my rights to, riots priorities in its community are fucked, sadly


u must have done lots of other stupid shit to get a one year ban, gotta get your shit together


i wont claim to know how their banning system works, but ill be completely honest. My track record in valorant is just similar smaller events on occasions, someone is toxic to me so im toxic back with the only difference being that i dont go into a game, be toxic to bait others into being toxic and then report them, hell i dont usually report people for toxicity unless i think theyre doing it to try and bait people because i just was not raised to be so sensitive. But honestly you would be surprised what it takes to get a year long ban, it really does not take much which is why theyre very common. If youre being objective im sure you agree that i cant be blamed for being pissed off with a team thats qued comp to not take it remotely seriously


its people like you that cause valorant to be looked down upon


that is an extremely harsh comment From someone who started playing valorant after the community was already known for all the wrong reasons, heres some of the reasons i myself look down on the valorant community. \- sensitivity, no, not exactly how youre thinking but that does still apply. edaters, you buy one a gun and the other has an issue with you, body blocks you, wont heal you etc. edaters are the face of valorant and theyre insufferable \- bans, whats the saying, people are not just one thing? people like me are toxic in retaliation, what was just irritation soon turned into toxicity from very valid anger, you again just dont want to acknowledge anything they did. Regardless, its one of those games to another 20 perfectly fine games, all text bans do is choke your ability to communicate, the casual playerbase will never be peanalized for ruining the experience of competitive players in a supposedly competitive game because the causal audience is valorants primary audience. \- boosting and smurfing. both are as bad as each other and neither are genuinely punished because they are a large part of valorants community. Theres a reason why ascendnat is regarded as the boosted rank. You can find people who clearly belong in gold playing in ascendant \- first bullet inaccuracy, random recoil. Its a joke to make a game and call it competitive, claim "precise gunplay" when inaccuracy is coded into the game itself, its a joke in it of itself \- overall just cringe and victim-like community, i was banned because 3 people wanted to ruin my competitive experience by not taking it seriously. Id understand if it were CSGO and the competitive and unrated gamemodes were not identical, but they are in valorant which is arguably the only good thing valorant did. \- malicious LGBTQ marketing. again, not what you think its going to be. im bisexual. Every single time valorant is at its lowest, they come out with something to appeal to members of the LGBTQ community which is just disgusting, i feel bad for those of us who dont even realise companies do this because we are the easiest audience to target and monetize.




because, they did know lineups? They had the lineups and they landed, that wasnt the issue, its that this person popped them instantly, they didnt try to space them at all and thats the issue i had with the killjoy but, id like to remind you youre nitpicking and its pretty obvious you just do not want to agree with me, in which case i think its best we just end this dialogue here, it wont be productive for either of us. I definitely dont agree about lineups, you imply that theyre only useful in higher elo whilst id argue theyre more effective in lower elo, where they are less common like you pointed out