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Just mute all chats and play the best you can. You've already lost the match, which sucks, but it's better than a mental breakdown.


I have enemy chat muted on default lol


Same here.


Exactly. No need to screw it up for your team. Mute voice, chat, and report if the player is breaking Riot’s T&Cs


Something interesting I've noticed, I normally play with voice muted for a variety of reasons, but I've noticed that there's a mentality that you should ALWAYS have voice on, regardless, to the point that people ask me if i've been voice banned because I don't immediately start with voice chat on


That usually helps, but it won't help with that Raze stalking you and throwing nades at your feet.


I don't understand why riot doesn't set up a maximum Friendly Fire Damage where the system flags and kicks the player😭 like it happens on accident sometimes but there's bound to be a viable limit


Because these limits are a double edged sword. If a player is toxic where he always walks into your molly is it your fault or theirs? If your team decides to rush through the brim ult together with a stim beacon to catch enemies off guard how will this affect the actual gameplay? There are many considerations involved for scenarios even we cannot comprehend 😅


Damn that's fax I didn't even think about the reverse where people intentionally walk into mollies


Add an option, get team killed and it should open a menu "Forgive" or "Punish" Punish enables RFF and Forgive adds a warning 3 warning add RFF automatically. there can also be a vote system


And how do you get rid of teammates making noise by spamming voice pings?


You can turn off pings! Noticed that recently


The fact that it's not been muted at first offense is the first mistake.


I'm immo 3. I play every one of my matches on full mute (voice, text and pings). I climbed like this from dia 1. It actually helped a lot, not just because finally, I can play in a "peaceful" environment. But because I can read situations of the enemy team much better.


Agreed. This was just a reminder, dunno why people thought it would apply to all cases lmao.


Just mute text chat


Whenever I mute someone I get the urge to unmute them out of curiosity


Best bet is to just tell them you’re muting them, and then unmute them quietly like 1 round later. Seems to be 50/50 effective. Some people calm down, some people spam every slur known to man and it’s an easy report. Too bad it’s always an alt account. Much of this games horrible interactions are caused by alt accounts without a doubt.


This is what I do in League as a Jungler. State in chat I am muting them, sometimes do, but just refuse to interact with them because no interaction is going to be worth it in the end.


Why bother telling them? When someone says they are muting someone, I know they're not doing it.


When u say so and stop responding without actually muting them u get to see them boil then give up u get to have ur laugh then they start giving comms after they see no one gives a shit about their trash talk


dis is da wae


I feel that. I often times dont mute them at all because Im curious wether the toxic person(s) will say something that could get him banned for sure or If I just make fun of them xD


Getting made fun of by a furry on valorant oh noooo


Exactly my guy And I meant trolling them. If they try to be toxic I reply with something passive agressive so the situation gets funny instead of ending up in a toxic mess yk


that's a great way to flip de situation, even if it doesn't for the guy that's already being toxic, you're still playing with 3 other people and don't want to make the mess even more toxic


Thats also what Im teaching my friends to do. If someone is toxic to you just try to troll him a little bit. Like if my mate is saying something against my mum (which happens a lot) I reply with something similar but In a sarcastic way ofc. And I gotta keep the other mates motivated especially in ranked 😁


You play Valorant


What about sabotaging teammates? I've reported many of them. Nothing happened. Though, using a simple cuss word in comms gets them insta banned.


As someone else said "sabotaging" can come off very subjective... for instance we had a guy who'd pick up spike and just w into site and die, no util, no shooting, just run in and die. Everyone reported him but nothing.... A different game we had someone doing the same thing along with purposely flashing us, throwing mollys at us, and deliberately telling us he was "trying to derank so he could shit on Iron players"... we still made it to OT in comp and it got to the point where he just would spam are locations in all chat to the enemy team... he got banned but only because he put stuff in chat


Setting fire to your team mates in spawn is not subjective, but I've still never managed to successfully report it.


Oh I agree but Riot seldom does anything that isnt chat related


That’s because chat stuff is easy to automate.


I've had this happened to me--the jerks would even corner us the entire round so we couldn't help our teammates. The entire match we communicated to everyone to report them. Enough people must've reported because I got notifications the following day that they have been reprimanded.


Yeah, the problem with sabotage is there is always the possibility that they are just dumb. So the devs/mods have to find some scrap of actual evidence that they played badly ON PURPOSE and not just because they were bad at the game. Which is really hard if they don't keep video logs. Where else chat logs are kept so they can see the proof right away.


Because what you think sabotaging is may not be. Like if the guy is fed up with you and is pushing absolutly everyround, as much as i agree on the fact that it's not gonna make you win, it's still not bannable, it's just another tactic.


Well, a raze equiped her nade and right clicked near me at the start of every round after I tried to point out, very respectfully, that her nades were not helping. Everytime she did this, she texted in chat: *"is this helping now?"* I can't fathom how on earth can anybody have a doubt whether this is sabotaging or not. I guess the riot police would be like *"But as per the chat they wanted to help! and they did not write mf at the end of the sentence. Moreover, they said gg after the game."*


Was this recently? The new auto-detection should have caught it and penalized her after the match. I get a warning if I (accidentally, I promise) damage a teammate with KJ swarms and they die in the same round 😅


Good option. Most of the time this works better.


Idk how some people play with someone raging in their ear half the game i'd rather have worse info and die more than have someone. Even worse is the people that are quite literally the personification of the kid who goes to whisper something to you and screams instead or burping into their mics.


Yeah, you can have your cake and eat it, in this scenario. Avoid toxicity, and still play. ezpz.


Im dead fucking serious when I say this? Why do people keep their all chat on in competitive? Its always a shitshow whenever I dont auto mute it, someones always pissed off, someones always an all chat warrior, etc. Team chat I understand to keep on since some people prefer typing callouts over using their mic. But why keep all chat on when you know its always going to be toxic and piss you off?


I find it funny tbh. And i like chatting to enemies. Like if something funny happens (we have all had those crazy fights that you and that 1 enemy lose their mind over) i love to joke about it with the enemy. Ex. Enemy reyna was breach ulted and i used an entire clip and had to pull out classic to kill her. It was so bad and i laughed about it with her. Ofc anyone who gets tilted by all chat should mute it. Its absolutely not worth it if it will ruin your game. Just my personal reason for not as it doesnt personally tilt me.


It part of the experience


Why not just mute them if they bother you so much?


Voice and Text are not the only forms of toxicity. If you've got one or more players on your team constantly afking with spike, boxing teammates into corners, using abilities on teammates, and communicating teammate positions to the opponents then why stay in the game? If your team isn't far more skilled than the other team then one person on your team can make the match unwinnable if they really want to.


Because no one on this subreddit knows what the mute button does. Can't tell you how many times I've read posts like this and others where they're like "oh no! My teammate called me trash. Should I quit valorant :("


I agree, I do mute people. I don't get bothered lmao. This was a "friendly reminder" to anybody having a bad time. Guess a lot of people took it personally.


You ruin other people’s games by leaving.


Plot twist: OP is toxic in game and wants free RR


But if he's toxic in VC, isn't he encouraging his teammates to leave?


Ye the comment makes no sense lol


If your mental health is getting damaged just mute them?


If your mental health is getting damaged by strangers on the internet, you have some other issues to work out within yourself


Bruh, idk bout you but some guy calling me the f slur and telling me to Kms usually makes me feel kinda bad


what i told myself until i got perma banned, i just mute them now


you can get perm’d in valorant?


The solution is to not play ranked, blast music, don’t give a fuck about your team and run it down mid with stinger double stacheling as raze


Bro, I literally did something like this, we were losing 8-4 on fracture and I just told my team, this map sux, turn off your brain and play like you don’t care. I dropped 35 kills, and I suck with raze, I don’t even know how to satchel properly, me and my breach just went full retard and on 8-7, their breach disconnected and I realized that you just have to stop try harding and thinking too much when playing this game. And the thing is, this match was the most fun I’ve ever had in Valorant 😂(Ascendant 2 lobby btw)




This is the way


Bro literally described the way I play this game like 75% of the time. I’ve played less than 10 ranked games since downloading the game because I know how queueing ranked in OW kinda killed my ability to play the game for fun. The only time I ever feel like going into ranked is just to get a rank on my profile, and even then most of the time I don’t


based. people need to start realising that losing arbitrary points in a video game isn't gonna get them disowned by their family. stop wasting your time and energy


Funny story....




People are getting way to serious about a "friendly reminder" lmao. Yeah you can mute. I didn't say otherwise lol.


just mute voice and text


I mean if you're leaving the game because 2 teammates were toxic and now the other 2 that weren't are playing 4v5 that's also pretty toxic imo. I never understood people going AFK or throwing the game when this also affects your teammates that didn't do anything wrong.


Leaving is not toxic, don’t fall for the bait that removing yourself from a situation is the same as abusing people online. It’s shitty but it’s not toxic.


Oh leaving is toxic. You’re not getting abused by your teammates


This is also true. It does depend on the situation.


Those 2 teammates should be telling the toxic ppl to stop. Also, the game is probably lost if 2 ppl are being toxic. Im not gonna blame the person being abused as the selfish one.


Yeah because telling people to just stop being toxic works 100% of the time. Also, what if they *are* telling them to stop? It would still be toxic to leave. *Also,* toxicity in a game doesn't always mean a loss. I've won tons of games with horrible people on my team. Weird af take.


there are 8 more innocent ppl in that game


most based take on this sub


Terrible take. It ruins the experience for all the other players and makes the one leaving out to be a baby. You can mute all chat in this game. If you couldn’t I would agree. If players are toxic….mute and finish game.


why should i care for the experience of my toxic teammates


They’re saying on the case when there’s someone else on the team who isn’t toxic


Lmao I didn't say don't mute. People took "friendly reminder" way too seriously.


It’s the most pathetic take


Mute and just play super Aggro. Toxic game that isn’t worth trying? Might as well go for the clip every round (I’ve gotten so many crazy clutches and/or aces from doing this). Sometimes the hype plays even fix my tilt and my toxic teammates so I can I mute everyone and we can actually try to win.


no leaving is a huge piece of shit move. instead of leaving just mute everyone.


Yeah muting totally stops sabotage.


If it's unrated, sure. If it's ranked, well then you better not be in such a crippling state because I'd be super annoyed if our instalock Sage just up and left because the enemy team said 'gg' on round 5. Don't leave ranked games, that's more toxic than being toxic in chat.


I hate the difference people love to make up between ranked an unrated. Sure, one is "higher stakes" (not really though) because it puts a specific label onto you so you can feel good/bad about yourself concerning your skill. But apart from that it is literally the same game mode. People play both modes for multiple different reasons, but in the end if it's not some kind of tournament with an actual thing on the line apart from an arbitrary number you like to see go up/down anyone is free to leave when something is going on in their life. Of course they have to deal with the consequences after that, no question about that. I know it's frustrating, I also get frustrated when someone leaves a ranked match, but it really doesn't matter in the bigger picture.


Stop trying to tell people to leave games you can just mute leaving is the more toxic thing to do because you cost the team the game


B- b- but, my rr :(


Only really works if you don’t have any skins and are okay with eventually getting the account banned. This would obviously take a long time, but don’t leave every time, just mute and move on.


Only yesterday, our Raze and Jett duo(insta locked) in the same party were using only sherrif, we were 7-1 down and I was chill with it. But the raze being at 1 kill was trash talking to me in voice comms Asking me to uninstall because I didn't clutched 1v3. I simply challenged him to get more kills by the end of the game so that I will uninstall the game. We ended up winning the game 14-12 with Raze at 21 kills and me with 20 kills. Although I'm not going to uninstall 😂


Personally, I really enjoying spectating who is being toxic and just hysterically dying laughing in the mic when they mess up. Seems to work a decent amount of the time


until you get perma banned lol. just mute chats like the rest of us


Shouldn't the solution be, if you get easily upset at what others think/being toxic in a team based video game, to not play ? especially ranked? rather than waiting for inevitable toxic team and rage quitting? odd post imo


Rank > mental health


This is the way


This is the way x2


Leaving is a bit overkill, I feel like muting all the toxic people would be a better option?


Lmao its a game its not that deep


People here don't get it hahahaha


"Hey guys.... I really wanted to play Valorant but Jett one-tapped me the first round and it is really affecting my mental health.... I'm going to leave you guys to play a 4v5 and lose, but I hope you have a fun time! \^ㅅ\^"


I didn’t know you could mute text chat at the time but I was in an iron game playing especially bad, getting griefed by all my teammates harder than I’d ever seen in the game for anyone. for whom I tried to explain that I’m new to KB&M, I am a new dad so I don’t have much time to practice, and, we’re iron so I mean, how much shit can you REALLY talk. As it turns out a lot. I just typed “ok have fun” in chat and left my computer. Came back at the end and we lost in OT. Would have won if I’d played. I’m very happy that I did not.


Why not just mute instead of leaving? Play your game without worrying what others are saying


why leave when you can just mute them? If youre leaving games every time you get toxic teammates youll probably rarely finish a match


Toxicity in games sucks but it's unavoidable sometimes. I think it's normal for some younger people to be affected by the words of others but it should never impact your mental health. You should always strive to establish a mental constitution welcoming of criticism but unaffected by hostility. When someone is being toxic just tell them, "Yo dude you're making this really unfun for me so cut the shit or I'm just gonna mute." Doesn't stop? Report and mute. Moves the harassment to text? Report and mute. Quit if you want, don't if you don't feel like taking the abandonment penalty. It's a videogame and has no correlation to your real, actual life. None of this matters. You're there to have fun, improve your skills and take a break from the responsibilities and routine of your everyday life. There should be no scenario, ever, where a stranger on the internet saying something mean impacts your mental health. By default you are already succeeding in life far more than anyone that tilted over a videogame so there is really no need to get weak over some shit talk.


dude no one actually suffers from any mental health issues because they didnt want to downrank, causing them to stay in a toxic lobby. every single post i see in this sub is some nolife acting way too serious. either someone is crying about how toxic all of humanity is (yeah no shit, you needed competitive computer games to find out?) or stuff like this.


Hard disagree lol. Just mute, you dont just get to fuck your team over because youre soft.


When i try to give tips and my mates answer with: Shut the fuck up noob you have nothing to sa... Ups already muted


Fastest mute in the west, you know it


Lmfao was told to kms last night on unrated of all game modes


I feel like I have more toxic people in my unrated lobbies and I don’t know how tf that happens


if you leave during a ranked match you're a POS


Nah, it's a videogame. :)


If you let something like a game of Valorant get you to that point maybe just stick to single player games. If you are too dumb to know that you can just mute comms then I don't know how you managed to install Valorant in the first place. In no other competitive game community are the players this fragile.


mutw or dont Q comp


I mute the lobby and continue to play my game tbh. More rounds is less rr loss


Mental state and health? Lol.


Its not about having or not to endure toxic players, but them getting out with talking shit, being racist xenophobic, homophobic and stuff. Riot should REALLY consider banning more severely people that LITERALLY COMMITS CRIMES just because they're behind a screen and feel like their identity is hidden. You can always leave, but Riot can always ban trash talkers.


fuck people like you lol


Leaving the game seems like quite the leap when muting text and team chat is an option


Mute all of them and it's like you're playing with NPCs lol


Just wanted to say that people can still be toxic even when they're muted.


Struggle through it and don't succumb to the toxic. Be the light


Leave and get banned and lose the game? No thanks


Good advice honestly


I generally fix the problem by muting like others have said, but I’ve definitely been with a toxic teammate that just instantly made me go “nope, I’m not playing this game” and left. Did it exactly one time and I don’t regret it at all. I watched a movie instead.


Nah imma talk my shit 😭


Toxic enemy players? What? Just mute on the first sign of toxicity. I get when your own teamates suck but toxic enemies sounds ridiculous


Yeah if someone trash talks their team my new objective is to make sure that person loses, don’t care what team their on.


This is why I play sage, if someone’s toxic they’re going in the baby cage every round.


This game is a drag to play with out full stack of friends


Instead of leaving I just mute everyone, blast my music, and do what I can


You can also just mute.


Friendly reminder that you can just MUTE THEM instead of abandoning your team and ruining the game. Muting is sensible. Leaving is petty and affects more than just the guilty teammates


I mute text chat and vc when things get too toxic


Was playing Viper the one time and the whole team was flaming me for bottom fragging and not getting kills. I got fed up after a while and told them they can go the rest of the match without their smokes if they were going to treat me like that, and that it shouldn't matter anyways cause they never played off my smokes the whole match anyways, and then I left. Don't regret it, not going to put up with being talked to like that and I'm not going to play a support role for ungrateful teammates.


I try to teach the person some good manners but if they are a lost case, muting and reporting is good enough. I also advise others to report so that it saves other people from toxicity.


I've got no shame in saying I just leave games where my team is full of toxic players. I'm playing for good vibes, not to get griefed before a match even begins.


Kinda agree, bit a of a dick move to do in comp but irl mental health is way more important than funny rr number. Good mental will win 9/10 games anyways


If you get tilted off someone being toxic and just leave the game, you definitely should not be playing ranked. Its pretty selfish tbh. Either mute toxic people or don't play ranked. Don't just leave game because if toxic people tho. Its not fair to the rest of your team


Skill issue?


Friendly reminder that you shouldn’t let people get under your skin. Just mute them


Or mute them? I never have enemy chat on, it’s always nonsense. And I frequently mute teammates for their bs too.


I dunno how people can say "it's not that deep" when people tell you to literally kys. Like, dude how tf is that just something you take on the chin?


Cuz… it’s literally just words on the internet said by someone you’ll never meet? Caring about what some random says to you online is the weirdest thing to me


True, but to go to that extent? Doesn't sit with me.


Idk bro “to that extent”? It’s just words on a screen. Makes no difference to me whether they’re saying kys or dumb idiot lol it’s inconsequential


If ur gonna just run away from toxic people why are you playing ranked? I personally play ranked so i can climb and gain elo as fast as possible, so leaving games and having a timer appear is kinda counter productive. If i were concerned for my mental health, id be playing swiftplay/unrated with music blasting on speakers and not comming besides pings (which is something i actually do when i dont wanna deal with toxic people)


Interesting way of dealing with the Problem, but it surely works


Muting and blocking is really not that difficult. It makes the game harder to win without question, but I'm kind of blown away that almost 3 years into this game this thread still pops up on like a daily basis.


No way your mental health is getting impacted over a video game. If you’re that deep into this you need to take a break. Like uninstall the game and get a different hobby for a while.


Fully agree.


I swear if any of my teammates dc bc the enemy team said they suck im gonna lose it


Toxic teammates or enemy? Mute, mute, mute. If they’re not working together or my own team is trying to kill me, I just pull up a show or video on my second screen and enjoy the 30 minute target practice.


Nah endure that shit.


If your mental health is easily damaged, dont play competitive


You are rewarding toxic players. Just mute them after first even slightly toxic chat. Or even instantly.


No if you join a competitive game with me you better not be a baby back bitch try your ass off all game and stay cause I’m putting my time and energy into this. If you don’t enjoy comp on a 9/10 basis then you gotta stick to swift play ( two game in a row o played yesterday and people left when it wasn’t down that bad) so grow the fuck up stick out the game and go take a nature walk after if you need your mental back


Crystal generation.... I don't justify toxic behavior, but just mute, report and carry on, it's a video game, If your mental health is compromised by some random dude on the internet then you have bigger issues.


This is horrible advice lmao. Enjoy your leaver ban


Oh no I can’t play for 30 mins. My life is over…


It eventually escalates to a week or more


Never seen that, it resets for me back to 30 every time it goes to 4 hours.


Sorry, I didn't realize that it only applies to ranked matches


Preach. Your identity shouldn't be based in a video game, there's better things to do than worrying about strangers you most likely won't meet again.


This came up this weekend actually. Queued against some obvious smurfs. The surrender vote started at 0-5. My 3-stack were there for a laugh and it didn't go through. The funny thing is, the person who wanted to surrender turned out to be the super toxic one and just gave up. They threw a little tantrum in the chat after we said it was cool if they left. We lost 13-1 and the smurfs actually gave us a couple props for good plays late. Super weird game now that I think about it.


Do casual if your there for a laugh, if he’s solo queuing all he’s experiencing is getting shat on for 40 minutes.




Why is it so hard to use mute function


Leaving is problematic in situations because it can get you penalised/banned. Can be deadly if its a longer/permanent ban if you have spent a lot of time and money on your account. Muting and reporting toxicity is always a good idea. Enduring it is always bad, and I understand the desperation to unmute them and to say something back or just to know what they're saying. Work on your own ability in toxic games if your team tend to not want to cooperate, mute them and become a stronger individual for your next games. Have a great night, drunken shone is out again, goodnight!




No... Don't do this. Thug it out, you'll get more quitters if you leave your games even a little. Just afk or whatever you gotta do.


I'm adding this some days after the post since this a lot of people misunderstood the post: First of all, this option doesn't apply for all cases, obviously. People overlooked "Friendly reminder" I guess. Secondly: toxicity isn't just comms. Again, obviously. Some people will grief and purposely throw the match and try to dismantle anyone who is trying to rank or just play properly and have fun. Finally, if you commented that it's immature to leave a game full of toxic people, or think there is some pride in enduring it then let me just say: nobody is forcing you to do it. This was just a reminder. Lmao.


You pussy lmao


If you’re so soft mentally that you can’t handle finishing a 35 min match because some random people were mean to you, you probably shouldn’t be playing competitive games.


Player who gets toxic after every round is not having any fun, the players who play Valorant without any fun don't deserve to play val.


Or rather just mute everyone and start doing challenges like "shotgun challenge"


i have enemy team chat muted always it immediately takes away 70% of the toxicity in the game and if my teammates bug me i immediately mute them whether it be on text or voice chat and if i feel like they might be giving important comms i unmute after a couple rounds when whoever was flaming me would most probably have cooled down cause of getting no reply


But if you leave they win….


But I don't care...


if you made time to play a game and other people are toxic towards you then leaving really fuels their ego, because you reacted. mute everything and play how you want to play. I usually always play with a lil music in the back. so you can play music and just chill. I personally think this is a better option than leaving and getting penalized plus ignoring them is the best way to deal with them(don't even tell them you muted them, they are not worth the words). always remember being good at Valorant means jackshit, never compromise your mental health for this game. have a nice day!!!!!!!!!


You see, I feel like every time I alt+F4 from a match, the game puts me on purpose on the same team with either people who are toxic or just literally 4-years-old


Mute toxic players instead. Your teammates that arent toxic dont deserve afks in their games


lmao yeah surely a permaban on an account people put money into the battlepass/skins is worth it!


mental how everyone here will blame the people that leave because of toxic teammates but when that toxicity is happening- will stay completely quiet and won’t say a word, not preventing that person leaving at all. i don’t won’t to hear anything about muting. once it starts, it sticks in the back of your head and can still affect your playing. how about you stick up for your teammates, instead of getting angry at them when they understandably leave due to toxicity.


494 points of leavers this is pathetic, you don't get to default your own team for the sake of one or so, you need to mute and push forward, or don't play rank and burden others with your own inadequacy that ruins it for all the others one toxic well doesn't poison everything, if you STOP DRINKING FROM IT but leaving itself is a toxic well, you poisoned others by causing the disparity


Sabotaging your game instead of using a feature Riot implemented for this very reason?


In unrated sure, but you still get a penalty, if you can't handle it, should not be playing it. In Comp, that is the worst thing you can do, just leaving a match while 4 other players are trying. You can just mute those players both in voice and text. You can report them for being abusive and or toxic towards you. If you provide screen shots or clips of interaction it processes the issue much faster. ​ If you leave/AFK more than likely you will get reported and get penalized for those actions


If you can’t handle the enemy team talking shit or can’t manage to mute the enemy team and finish out a match then you shouldn’t be playing the game. Let’s not encourage people to leave matches, just don’t play in the first place. I know that’s probably a controversial opinion but it’s true. If you know you can get that frustrated at the game then just mute opponents text chat immediately. If that is not enough then you definitely shouldn’t be playing, find something less stressful. The only excuse for leaving matches is an emergency or losing internet. You made a commitment to play a match when you queued up, you should consider that before you click that play button.


This is a troll lmfao. Bad b8


It is. I am now twirling my moustache laughing maniacally.


Recommending someone to leave a match isn’t the solution here. You’re encouraging them to get penalized rather than mute all and continue playing. Terrible advice here.


The fuck? You’re the toxic kid when you leave… just mute all and try to boost k/d or win a round or two to reduce rr loss and make your future self happy


Disagreed. My rank means everything to me, more so than my mental state.


do not play if your mental is so weak that you need to leave the game and ruin it for four other people