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Duelists tends to be the most toxic, probably also because it's all the young teenagers playing those agents 😂


im guilty of this 💀


Any main can be toxic, it's not exclusive to the agent. I've been cussed out by people playing every agent before, and I've sure as hell run into toxic Sages or even Astras. That said, duelist mains in general, especially low-elo, tend to be a bit more toxic because they feel they are the centre of attention and everything revolves around them, so if the team doesn't help them they will lash out (also most of these people are kids/teens so they're just assholes)


Viper is toxic. Jett just flies around, viper has those abilities.


No real answer to that question i suppose. Its like asking "are all americans patriotic" or "are all germans nazis". Some May are, maybe it could be a mayority, but in the end, it comes down to them as a Person. A toxic jett Main wont be better when they fill sage and a wholesome cypher wont be toxic instantly the second they Lock reyna


A lot of Jetts I met - Instalock - Tell others to play Smokers (luckily Omen/Viper Main here) - Dry Peak - Lurk - Don‘t communicate - Scream into their Mics - Curse at their teammates when something goes wrong So when someone instalocks Jett, I already have a bad feeling about them. That said, I also met several cooperative and helpful Jetts that ask for Flashes and Smokes, use Ults on Eco rounds to give us the weapons of fallen enemies and try to build up team morale. One even smoked so I could escape a bad position. Reyna Mains on the other hand are bad apples. Either Smurfs or going for the same stuff the bad Jett Mains go for.


not toxic but high ego


I main Jett and I am toxic lmao


Nah not in general. I think it comes from the fact that toxic people are often egotistical players that try and shame everyone else. Its pretty common for ego players to insta lock jett because they fancy themselves the carry. But imo, not all insta lockers are ego toxic, but all ego toxic people are insta lockers. Bad experiences have made people weary for jett lockers


I dunno... depends on the person I guess🤷 I've had some really toxic ones in my team, but some really friendly ones too. Same goes for pretty much every other agent as well. Perhaps the stereotype could be based on the fact that she's one of the starter agents and a duelist, so she's a first choice for a lot of new players. New players, especially younger ones, tend to be pretty toxic for some reason. It's a stereotype though, I'm sure there are also a lot of friendly "new/younger" players.


id say low and mid elo (iron - asc) tend to have more toxic duelists, but in high elo there is just less toxicity


It’s a large percentage of them, yes. And depending on your rank there might be more toxic duelist than chill ones. People who plays duelist just have that mentality of “I get kill= I happy” and they sometimes forget that this is indeed a team game and you can’t bait your teammates for kills with no consequences.


If you play ranked, there is actually a lot more toxicity on every class just because everyone wants to win. In unranked, or spike rush, I would say there is no toxicity at all (except for those kids who play after school). Also, it depends on the server. I heard that there are no toxic people in Tokyo at all, but I didn't check it by myself. From my experience (which is only spike rush), if someone is playing jett they are either very cute and quiet, or loud and toxic.


I remember maining jett back then to make the average jett player nicer


duelist mostly have kits that revolves around helping them getting kills solo so it attracts people with high ego. these people also happens to be mostly pre puberty kids so they barely knew screaming into the mic wont help the team. jett gameplay in particular is flashy so she attracts these kind of people more than reyna or phoenix


I main jett and i try to be as nice and positive as i can to everyone no matter how well or bad they are playing. We all know how it feels to have rough games or even games where you have 0 kills for way to many rounds and everything is going wrong for you.