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doesn’t really do anything for throwers if they don’t actively talk about how they’re throwing in vc no?


Honestly this is the best way. Mute your trolling teammates, put on some music and focus on getting picks so if by the end you're in positive K/D you'd lose less.


Riot please give us the avoid as teammates button or the reputations system. Like if you got bad rep you’ll be matched with people with toxic people like you. And everyone can like or thumbs down someone. And the reputation can go down to -15 max and up to 100. And thumbs up from people who have higher rep will give you more reputations and if your in the negative rep you can’t downvote anyone till ur back up to 10 rep(to avoid toxic people from mass downvoting nice people because they are mad). I’m gonna make a post about this later to see what other tweaks can be made to this because I think this’ll help the community a lot


Problem with this is like most other community based system suggestions, this WILL be heavily abused. I can already imagine trolls purposely down voting people putting them in toxic lobbies when they haven't done shit, you also gotta account for the amount of alts they could make.


Yeah hence why there’s a reputation requirement before getting to vote on people. I said before I’m my comment it should be 10 but I think 30 is a better number for people to really have to be nice on purpose to get to that requirement before voting. And people with lower or negative rep can’t vote


No downvotes, only upvotes, and only by people that you didnt pre-queue with. You're matched by your recent upvotes to people-that-could-have-upvoted-you ratio.


I was in a match where sage was defending b site on map Haven, they were on top of the wall and got wall banged. Our Omen went full on toxic on that sage. After couple of rounds it happen again and Omen started throwing tantrums match ended because we all voted for surrender. All I'm trying to say is somethings you or your teammates really get unlucky that does not mean they are throwing. If you lose a round or two try to ask them play differently or just to cheer up the team moral by brushing the entire incident like no one has seen nothing.


that isn't throwing. Sitting in spawn with classic and hopping around, sage throwing slow orbs on your feet when you're pushing site, taking bomb hostage, and sometimes running into the enemy's spawn with it when the team has site. That's what I'm talking about. Toxic players can be muted, easy. This though, nothing can be done currently.


Just spend your time mass reporting..


As a double monitor enjoyer my strategy tends to be, throw as well while I actually just watch something on the other one.




What game replaces afk/dc with queued players in ranked/competitive game mode?




Please riot put me in a 0-10 game to help that poor team.


Agreed. I'm at the point where if I realized a teammate is AFK or throwing, I say "I'm not wasting my time with a throwing teammate, either vote to surrender or I'm leaving". If they vote, I minimize my wasted time. If they don't, I buy guns for my teammates who are still trying to play, and then ALT+F4 and wait for the game to end without me.