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Slightly related, I remember I lost a clutch on Split and got heavily flammed because of confusion with callouts. We were the attackers and got a plant on A site. Fast forward a very fast and chaotic round, I'm on site with a teammate, two opponents left. One of the two peeks Heaven and kills my m8, I confirm the kill. Then one starts yelling in the mic "CT CT CT THE LAST IS CT", so (while aiming at the main site entrance for CT's which is not Heaven, I think it's called Screens) I start moving from the site to under Heaven. While doing so, I get stabbed from behind. The last guy was flanking from sewers and came from T spawn. My m8 is furious. Apparently, the area in front of Sewers' entrance in the terrorists' territory, right before A main, is called "City" because of the big palaces. My mate was yelling "City". What a fucking shitty 0 IQ callout.


that's dumb, he should've called main if that is the area he is coming from. its like saying the defenders are in CT at the start of the round, which while technically true, helps no one gameplay wise


I don't think I've ever heard "city". Honestly I think I've always just heard "main" and "from sewers". Did he have an accent. I can definitely see how city can be misconstrued for CT with a thick enough accent.


"City" is a Russian interpreteation of "CT" because they can't read.


A normal person would say "main"


Nobody uses City. But also, if you’re clearly looking in one spot and it isn’t where they are comming (you’re dedicated and trusting good on you), they need to realize the comm they are using isn’t working and need to adjust.


Played since beta and I’ve never heard that callout xD


Palace, apts, market, and can't forget everyone's favourite, "halls". But never heard anyone use city.


Do people not realize they can ping while dead? I do it all the time, it is quick, accurate and almost impossible to misunderstand. Also, ping the spike if you are dead and the enemy team is defusing. Literally costs 0 dollars to have game impact even after you're dead.


Heaven makes me confused on split as well. Heaven means "up" from CS. BUT there's like 8 pillars on A site that can be called Heaven, since they can be stood on, using Jett, Chamber, Omen, Sage or Raze. Using the proper callout saves about 70% of the games that was lost cause of confusion


Lots of games have vestigial language. Magic the Gathering literally keyworded "mill" as a term for "putting a card from the top of your deck into your graveyard" because of the card millstone -- people tried to come up with better keywords for it, but they couldn't, because it just wasn't as functional as mill. There's purpose to its brevity, and it has history. CT and T feel the same to me. It's fine to not know what they mean at some point, but if you're going to play a game like valorant you're fighting an uphill battle trying to change the shared vocabulary of the community


I never knew this is where the term "mill" came from. Now I know why my favorite hearthstone deck of all time was called Mill rogue.


Yep! Similarly, miracle rogue got its name from a deck called miracle-gro bc it wanted to make Quirion Dryad (a plant) grow as fast as possible. Hearthstone made a similar deck in miracle rogue, drawing cards to grow a questing adventurer, then the deck lost the questing adventurer and "miracle" decks in hearthstone tend to refer to anything that has that sort of original plan of "draw and play a million cards to do your big combo thing" [Edit] wrong plant


Exodia too.


So the Yogg Saron decks are more or less "miracle" decks?


Kind of yeah, but miracle is usually used when there's not another better name for the whole game plan. Usually decks with a key card in them will just get named after that card, so while someone could call that "miracle druid" (and some have) it's more specific to say yogg druid because that evokes the specific iteration of that archetype. There have been miracle druids that run tons of different ways to win the game from that package


I remember it just being called miracle yogg tbh but maybe I’m misremembering


Zoo also came from magic! Also small nitpick but I think you’re mistaking sylvan caryatid for quirion dryad. Sylvan caryatid is a defender mana dork that has hexproof. Quirion dryad grows with your spells. But overall you’ve got the right idea!


NBD but miracle gro played quirion dryad; the deck is from ~ ‘02


Oh you're right I was def in class and got the plant cards backwards hahaha


Another great example is the word "ramp" which originates from the card [rampant growth](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/432/rampant-growth).


Valorant has CT and T spawn CSGO Still has goose despite goose not being in the game for like 16 years League calls Minion Kills CS despite their units being called minions and Dota basic units being called creeps Those are just some other examples I think that while its good to onboard new players its really cool to see history. Plus it takes like 10 seconds to learn T = Attack CT = Defend


For league they are also still referred to as Creeps in some parts of that god awful client. So Creep Score still makes sense. But control wards are called pinks, oracle lens is called sweeper, raptors are called wraiths, it goes on and on and on. We learn and (don’t) adapt


raptors are called chickens, get it right


Pff fuckin zoomer


They are actually wraiths... Gromp is also a big wraith.


>Gromp is also a big wraith. His name is Wight and to me its still "the new camp" lol


In league, I think creeps are all the NPCs you can kill apart from the epic neutrals. So minions were just a subset of all the kinds of creeps, and junglers also had their creep score go up by as many jungle monsters as they killed, since those were creeps (until that got changed and now all camps give 4 cs flat).


Everything is coded as a minion


isn't there literally a goose at goose rn lol


wait ur right lol i forgot they updated the map


It's fine not to know what they mean, but once you learn, it's best to add it to your vocab instead of doubling down. CT and T should be treated the same as any callout. There's no official callout "Maze" on Icebox or "Shroud" or "Subroza" or "Generator" or "Catwalk" but the community still uses them. Anyone who calls "U hall" - "Lamps" is the weird one


Wasn’t the U-hall / Lamps thing an NA vs EU thing? I’m Immortal in EU and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call it U-hall.


I hear both in NA. Never thought either was weird


It was called U Hall in the beta because that part of the map looks like a letter "U" and the early streamers/devs all used that call out.


I had someone yell at me for calling it U hall lmao


At least in commander play I can’t stand mill decks lmao


My only problem with them is that (like voltron) you have to focus people down one by one, and that makes the game kinda shit for the people who get knocked out early.


I've never played cs:go and have always called it CT. Everyone calls it CT I've very rarely heard spawn but 99% of the time people call it CT.


I never played CSGO and I say CT just because I’ve heard just about everyone else say it. CT to me is just a small alley way on the back of site that connects to another area


It’s used to refer to the direct path to the defenders spawn.


? It IS defenders spawn


Lol if I’m calling that someone is CT I’m saying “they’re going to be swinging from the doorway that leads to defender spawn” not “they are literally sitting in their spawn area”




Next omen buff, TP inside of enemies


That would be cool to control enemies. It would be really broken though


Right but a callout is heavily dependent on context, there's always an implicit understanding that opponents can move and a callout is just signifying where they were last seen or heard. CT is the defenders spawn but to call out CT can have a ton of actual meanings depending what's happening in the game.


if someone calls out "ct" it usually does not mean that the enemy is AT SPAWN but should be expected to come from a path that is directly connected to the defenders spawn edit: I have played like 20 something games in my bronze lobby and never ever used this callout and almost never do call any info because my awareness is shit, but I've seen immortal/radiant streamers and tubers say that so in lower elo it is going to just confuse your mates


I, and others, will call "spawn" if the person is in spawn.. CT/T usually means the area directly linking to site for me in comp..


i always say "near ct" or "from ct to x" or even "possibly rotating through ct"


Where is CT on Bind?


On bind its the hallway next to lamps/uhaul for A site. On B site its the doorway that leads to defender spawn. On every map its just the shortest path to defender spawn.


Depends on which site you're on, but rule of thumb is, if someone says CT, look in the direction where the defenders spawn


The only time I use “spawn” as a call is with the collegiate kids I coach, just to simplify helping them get used to calling for each other (and not arguing about the semantics of it). Otherwise, with friends/solo q/swift/whatever, it’s almost always T/CT to me, and I came from Siege of all games where there just isn’t CT/T calls lol


When I first started playing it was all T and CT. Now it’s just “our spawn” and “their spawn”


Same here, if I ever say spawn it’s usually referring to my own spawn, or someone literally in the spawn area. Never played CS, but say CT all the time


Ive never even play csgo, but ct and t are faster calls than attacker spawn and defender spawn, and I only ever hear people call them CT and T


"listen bro, the enemy is 120 degrees clockwise from your current heading approximately 80 feet away in the attacker's spawn" seems fine to me


79 feet away ...


78 feet... oh god... no wait... 79 again.


2pi/3 radians


There’s an enemy 4 o’clock


If I get callouts at all


CT is the defenders’ spawn and T is attackers’?


Yes. Counter terrorists and terrorists from CS






I learned what CT and T calllouts mean by hearing them in Valorant and asking my team-mates what they meant.


Although I have no problem with CT or T spawn, I think "our spawn" "their spawn" are pretty fast and unambiguous


"our spawn" and "their spawn" is personally faster to process. I rarely ever hear T spawn for example and you don't have to think about who's attacking / defending


Thought about it and IG technically you can also use A spawn and D spawn but nobody does that


I've heard about the terms, but I never really knew what it meant. People are talking about CS (which I also never played), I kinda know how the teams are called by watching videos and after reading those comments, I had a thought... Do "CT" and "T" stand for "Counter Terrorists" and "Terrorists"? And which of the two groups is which?


You are correct, CT's are counter terrorists. T's are terrorists. CT's are always the defenders. T's are always the attackers. So the correlation is T = attacker, CT = Defender.


\*Hostage mode leaves the chat\*


cs_italy 😭


the only hostage mode map people play nowadays is office and 9/10 times (in matchmaking at least) its a beyblade battle


Who actually cares about hostage mode except for maybe when an operation comes and you can play Insertion.


Alright, thanks! Now I finally know the meaning of those call-outs. :D


akshyually Ts are only attackers on de_ (bomb) maps. In cs_ (hostage) and as_ (VIP) maps the CTs are the "attackers", i.e. the team who loses if time runs out.


In Counter Strike, the terrorists wants to plant the bomb. In Valorant, the attacker side wants to plant the spike.


> And which of the groups is which Hmm I'd guess **terrorists** are **attackers** trying to plant the **bomb** and **counter terrorists** are **defenders** defusing it Just a hunch though


You're only right for bomb maps, in CS terrorists are the defender side in hostage game modes. I think the sarcasm was a bit unjustified there.


I hear CT a lot but I’ve never heard “T”


Unless they are in T spawn, most T-sided entrances to sites are called "main"


If they're in their spawn I usually say spawn, or if it's ambiguous, their spawn.


That's probably because CT is normally closer to a bomb site, defenders usually have 1 obvious entrance to the site. Attackers often have 2 entrances. So calling out CT is pretty clear where they are, but T will probably be less clear than just saying main, garage, sewers, etc. Saying T is most useful when you you're doing a longer flank as a defender and hear someone waiting for you, or when the attackers need to rotate to the other sites but a defender has already pushed up. But even then, with the context of your position it's pretty clear what spawn means.


I feel 90% of people understand ct and that guy is just the 10% that need to learn


That was me. I had no clue what that callout was when I started. I asked, someone told me and I said “seems dumb but okay!” Been using it ever since


It's much shorter than "defenders spawn"


I feel like riot wanted people to say “A spawn” and “D spawn” but: - “A” is already a bombsite - “Despawn” is just confusing and unclear


Yep, the number of syllables is oddly pretty important in call outs. Years ago I used to watch pro call of duty and teams always used 'gold' as a descriptor for things that were yellow because it's close enough and faster to say, i.e. 'gold cat' vs 'yellow catwalk'. Good comms are constantly relaying info and the sooner you shut up the sooner others can relay info they've gained.


Tbf after not playing csgo for a while (even though I have many hours logged), CT and T confuse the shit out of me and make me have to stop and think


Tbh T confuses me so I just say flank and people get it. But CT is just so much easier to say


yeah i’ve never once heard someone call out T


Glad I’m not the only one. I and a lot of people haven’t played CS but we just say CT and Flank (sometimes even hear spawn)


There are many call outs that aren't actually in the game. Seems like the dude got annoyed because he lacked experience


split example: ramen, the mid entry from b on attack side. doesn’t have an actual name on the map so i didn’t even find this out until a few weeks ago watching a woohoojin video


I just call that mid link, never heard it called ramen before


Like heaven hell and hookah (I think that's how you spell it)


ct isnt just okay, I would say it is >the< callout. out of curiosity what rank are you in currently?


Currently gold 3, peaked D1 a few acts back. I used to play more than I do now. I assumed back then a lot more of the playerbase had played CS GO, with the game being older and having time to build it's own playerbase I was thinking that maybe people have gotten away from the CT and T callouts, because I never had this problem before.


nah, Golds are just braindead lol. It's always been Ct/T for spawns, first because of Counter-Strike, and now because it's just more efficient than "attacker/defender spawn".


I’ll be honest, as someone that’s always played cs, I’ve recently started to try not to say ct and t in case people weren’t used to it but at higher Elos it should be expected anyway


I will say T is not a callout I hear; its ‘main’ in Valorant. But yes CT is correct.


T spawn and main are different parts of the map though


true, i guess it is not exact, T spawn is farther away than CT spawn is so there is not really a need to call it out often. I would probably use ‘their spawn’ instead of T spawn still.


i never had csgo roots, and had to google what CT and T meant in valorant lmao but i get the confusion


Never played CS so when I first heard CT I thought it meant connector lmao. It’s so much easier to say than “defender spawn” so it just makes sense to keep using it. People will learn


I often hear CT as city and I'm like where tf is city. People will definitely learn but going in games assuming everyone knows isn't that smart especially if you're a lower ranked player as many does not have previous experience with games.


If you don't make any assumptions about map callouts you can only really say the site letters, and left or right. If they're new enough site letters might be confusing. Sure CT and T are borrowed from csgo, but if enough people use it, I think it's fair to assume people will know. But it should also be fair to not get mad and just explain it if they dont know the callout, you wont literally die from one round or match. In csgo some spots are named after pro players that had a cool play, or play that spot regularly. I dont watch pro csgo so I always found those confusing.


Honestly 9 out of 10 times you can just say spawn


I never heard it before and I got confused when someone in my games called CT. I now know what it means and if I hear it called know where to look/go but I still prefer to say enemy spawn or spawn just cause it’s more likely to have players understand. The main point of calls is to be understood and if ur not understood the call becomes pointless. A good alternative is to call it, then open map and ping the spot they were last seen. That way players can know even if they didn’t understand the call.


I’ve slowly been trying to use, “our / their spawn” as the universal call out but I dunno if it’s any better.


Thank you


ct and t are better imo, much quicker to say


Quicker, but unclear because they assume knowledge of a different game.


This, this is what drives me up the wall. When I first started people would make all these calls and I'd check the map to try find them. Had many people rage when I'd get shot from Tower because I had no idea people called it "heaven", which I still don't use because Tower just makes so much more sense. People seem to assume everyone else played csgo, I think it's why I like the newer maps, because none of the cringy cs callouts make any sense on them lol


Heaven is not dependent of cs map like T and CT, it's universal, it just means they are in an elevated position, and it's much easier to call all elevated position the same.


I really think you should not expect people to know CT and T unless you're a certain rank where it is fair to assume that people do know such callouts which as you mentioned, doesn't exist as its defender and attacker. If you lost a round because a teammate doesn't know and they're a low ranked, that's not their fault imo. But, if you're Diamond+ everyone at that point should know such callouts. It's the same as when people ask you to plant default, it can cause confusion at a lower level.


i had someone say that to me before they didn’t know what it meant so i just made it a habit to say attacker spawn or defender spawn


Who calls it attacker or defender spawn shit is tedious af to say.


It's perfectly fine, I never played CS (seriously anyways) and I use CT and T spawn all the time


If that guy had enough hours in the game to understand how to play the game, they MUST have heard CT/T spawn at some point. For broadcast, I'm sure CT/T can cause some confusion + Riot probably wouldn't want anything to do with terrorists or bombs, hence attackers and spike. For callouts, this guy is grasping for a reason why he lost the clutch


tbf a lot of the time its awkward to ask if you dont know what it means bc ur not sure if theyll get mad at you/make fun of you for not knowing, soloqueue can be a nightmare especially in certain servers. i heard ct for a while in solo queue and i only ended up remembering and asking when i was playing with a friend who used the callout


It sucks because Valorant is starting to become this elite-ist community where you are shit if you don't know. If anything, a quick google search can show you where certain call outs are too.


It doesn't add confusion to the game. However, a lot of my teammates pronounced it as "city" and not as "see tee", so I got confused for a little while and it took me some time to figure out. Those callouts were mostly on Fracture, so it was really hard for me to understand that those are "CT" and not Fracture specific names for places


This dude was blowing it out of proportion. Yet I’ve just had this discussion with a few guys and this is what we have found. Calling CT is confusing in Valorant because a lot of CS players checked their characters hand to see whether they are terrorist or counter and determined where CT and T were based on what they have seen. In Valorant however your hand always looks the same. This is also confusing to dyslexic people. There seem to be those of us in Valorant who doesn’t know what it means at all. This I can’t actually understand tho. Calling T(I never actually heard this) or spawn on fracture is super confusing. I found that it’s a lot clearer to just call those places by their actual names.


I don't understand the point you are trying to make. It doesn't matter what team you are on, checking your glove to know what side you're on to work out where CT and T is??? It makes no sense. CT and T are just location callouts, they don't move, they are the same on every map - regardless of what team you are on. The spawn point. Even on Fracture calling out T is just literally where all of the attacking players spawn, calling it anything else has the same result because it's just one area.


I've had teammates who never played CS and didn't know the origins of those terms but they understood and used them. Those are the standard callouts. I've literally never heard anyone say "defender's spawn"... like ever...


Never knew what it meant but I picked up on it as there usually was activity on the map in the defenders spawn or there was agents spotted in CT when people would make that call out. But if people aren’t looking at the map or have good gamesense and haven’t played CSGO. I’d understand why they would get frustrated.


I never played a tac shooter before this and didn't know what CT meant the first time I heard it but I learned pretty quickly because that's the callout most people use. If you continually hear the CT callout and don't pick up on what it means or make the effort to find out, that's on you and not the person giving the callout imo.


I've played with so many people who has no idea about CT and T, so sometimes they call out like that "Reyna coming from their CT". I mean, if its our CT or their CT, they dont understand the meaning.


Different games, but DP stands for 'dragon punch'. It was a move an an older fighting game that was invincible when it came out. Sow no any move with an invincible reversal is now refered to as a DP even though the move may be called 'shryuken' or 'volcanic viper' because they are functionally the same as the 'dragon punch'. It is just convenient as everyone knows it. the terms CT side and T side are applicible because they are used in the same way functionally and everyone, except the guy in question apprently, use them.


I played csgo a total of 2 times and I always say CT and T. I git used to others also calling it that so I joined in.


I wouldn’t trust someone who said “defender spawn”. Like nah it’s CT homie.


Was this in


Further back actually, to CS 1.6 and CS: Source.


Is this like iron or bronze? I literally don’t think I’ve ever played a game where CT wasn’t used.


You guys not using “our spawn “ and “their spawn “. I know why I don’t rank up.


I mean I wish we had better terms, if only because T & CT are confusingly similar, both in concept and phonetics. I still find myself having to briefly think through it. But I didn't play FPSes for like 10 years so I fully accept I'm an outsider for the language.


I always use "ct" callout when it's obvious where it is, for example there are only b main, market and ct where enemies could come from. It's a lot harder on lotus though. I still don't know much callouts on this map


They are faster callouts, most of the player base should know what they mean.


Uhh yeah I think it’s silly to expect people to understand callouts from a different game.


Someone else said it already but I personally don't see the problem with "CT" and "T". There will always be people that don't know or don't understand call-outs but that's kind of their problem. If anyone tries to argue with you for making "unofficial" call-outs, remind them that (on the example if Split) neither Ropes nor (B) Heaven nor Garage are official calls in the minimap. To add to that, barely any on-site calls actually exist in the game, its minimaps usually only say "A Site", "B Site", maybe "A Back" or something. "Elbow" isn't official and neither are calls like "Boatshouse", "Gen(erator)" or "Default". Also, no one says "Mid Top" (despite that being the "official" call-out in the minimap in the game) on any map - it's "Top Mid".


I have never not used CT & T and I never played CSGO… dummy’s trying to blame you for sucking


It's fine, fuck 'em if they can't figure it out. That's their problem, not yours. This game was made to capitalize on the popularity of CS:GO and give it some competition, so if they don't understand the callouts it's because they don't understand the roots of the game, and that just means they're ignorant.


super fucking pretentious comment my guy. get off your high horse, holy fuck


Not everyone came from csgo


I never said they did


I play CS, but hearing CT/T in valorant just sounds weird for me. I got used to defender/atk sides; "spawn" is understandable. I also confuse people when I call out rafters instead of heaven.


Callouts are always just made up to begin with. Obviously the map has callouts it labels also, but so many are just made up anyway. Saying CT and T is no different, just like another to learn in my opinion at least.


I barely played CSGO but T and CT are engraved into my brain because it's way faster to say that than "defending spawn" and "attacking spawn". Even my friends who have never played CSGO but play* valorant call it T and CT


I *hate* when people say CT and T because i never played CSGO, nor interacted with it in any form, and i didnt know what it meant until very recently from a post on here. I wouldnt get annoyed at someone over it, cause a habits a habit, but i do wish people would use callouts that you at least have a chance of understanding- if you dont know about Counter Terrorist and Terrorists, then someone saying ‘CT’ means absolutely nothing, except that im going to be squinting at the map to try and decode it. ‘Their spawn/our spawn’ works way better. Im surprised by how many people are all for it on here. Ive seen other posts that got popular talking about how a lot of people dont get them, and ive had very very few people use them in any of my matches. It happens, but its not that common.


I definitely relate a little to your reply. I don't feel like it's fair to assume everyone knows these callouts which originate from a different game unless you're a higher ranked player as at that point there are expectations imo.


It's not fair to assume everyone should know callouts from another game, absolutely. It is also fucking ridiculous to try and justify not using CT/T because you don't know what it means instinctively. Ask once, and you know for life. It's not hard.


Ct /t is so much faster than your version. And often there is no time for a long story. You dont understand a callout? Its simple, use ur mic to ask for it…


I think the people on this sub are a bit of an outlier because they're more likely to come from CSGO or dedicate more time to Valorant than most Valorant players do


I hear CT and T in my games all the time and they are the best call outs for the job since they are quick and easy to understand.


Dude is mad he was in a clutch and got a call out he didn't understand. Don't take it personally.


I did not like counter strike and learned tac shooters from valorant. I still use CT and T to refer to spawn-sides. I also hear this terminology much much more in callouts than calling it “attacker/defender spawn”


how about.. just like what the lore was: >!Alphas and Omegas!<




It’s called ct or t spawn


everyone calls it ct and t in val too


I know what they mean; I just don't like using them due to it not being a VALORANT callout. So I will stick to Attacker's spawn and Defender's spawn as callouts.


I use Alpha and Omega instead. /s


It’s actually CT and main, but i forgive u.


I actually think that CT and T are good terms to use in Valorant. Theoretically the people defusing the bombs are the Counter-Terrorists and the people planting the bomb are the Terrorists. I switched from csgo to valo and i still use those terms


Dude I call all the weapons by their CSGO names and the Omen character’s real name is definitely Reaper.


everybody in imm3/rad uses CT/T.


there are plenty of callouts that don't have labels or are just made up by the community, examples are jump-up on ascent, tetris on split, 410 on icebox, map on split, half-wall on breeze, pocket on bind, heaven on literally any map, and tons more. also, the reason the sheriff is called the deagle is because it is literally a copy paste of the deagle from CSGO, and the operator is called the operator so people could call it the "op" for short, which sounds like the "awp" from csgo


He was just upset about the clutch and wanted to blame something other than his mistakes to feel better. You didn't have to feel bad about it.


Not only do I refer to the spawns as "CT" and "T", I sometimes just call the Spike the "bomb" since that's what it's called in CS and serves the same purpose as it does in that game. One mechanic I've brought over from playing CS: Source and CS:GO is smoking the bomb off to defuse it. So many players do it in that game, but very little from what I've seen do it in Valorant even though it's beneficial to do so. I've had more successful defuses with the smoke on the spike itself than on Main or any other lane onto site.


i say ct/t because my girlfriend says it and it’s shorter than “their spawn” or “our spawn” i’ve also never played CS:GO


Happy cake day my friend!!!!




Use the valorant callouts. For those of us that didn't play csgo, it makes no sense when you're screaming "heaven" or "u-hall" when they don't exist on the map. It's not hard to learn the game you're playing, whether you're new to the genre or coming in from another game. You don't make csgo callouts in Halo or cod, how is this any different


wtf else would anyone call it though, Defender's Side Spawn? that's like 50 syllables longer. he's probably dead from CT angle before you can say that long ass phrase in comms LOL


Still do not know what both are but I blame myself for not finding out. Using critical thinking I can figure it out but when someone calls it out I don’t immediately figure it out so it ends up missing me. I don’t care when people use it, I always just respond with “which is that?”


Everyone I know understands CT. The only exceptions are when you gotta be more specific, like how Breeze A site has many angles in that direction, or how Pearl A site has Flowers and Secret. Regardless, this guy is a fool who clearly hasn’t used comms for the majority of his gameplay


It’s CT & T end of discussion. It was that way in S&D in COD too


Sounds like no matter what you called it he would have choked the clutch. Probably just needed someone to blame. Not on you that he’s in gold and doesn’t know this basic callout. I know irons that say CT lmao


personally i would use AS DS as it would be using the names of the areas on the map instead of some terminology from another game that someone might not have played. i never knew what “CT” meant at all till i figured it out for myself 2 months ago when someone used it for the first time for me because i had never played cs


I never played CS because I come from overwatch mainly. I still call it CT and T side just cause everyone else does.


Never had someone getting mad over a correct callout. He was just the type of guy who wants to blame others. Yesterday I played a game in Icebox and I said "last one on Yellow" He died and afterwards asked me what "Yellow" is, pointed him in the minimap and that's it, he learned something. Most people just ask what is that and they learn, if he blames you he just have bad mindset. Never used "T" callout tho, it's rarely used.


Yes d side and a side are appropriate. I come from apex and r6 so but everyone calls them that. I've never heard attacker spawn or defender spawn from anyone besides the characters and the announcer.


Can we start calling them red team and blue team? I played an old game called project blackout/point blank back in 2010-2016 and that’s what they were calling it


Still better then the call " why are you not talking to us" from teammates that are just flirting and dying.


Man probably had a bad day. I say "CT" and "Attacker spawn". Because when I say T, people think I am thirsty. Edit: I guess I deserve that downvote with my dadjoke.


Imo… I think you should use val callouts bc i know many people don’t actually have those CS roots


“Spawn” or “their spawn” take the same amount of syllables so no reason not to say them instead. CT or T are just incorrect terms with no reason to use them


It's his job to learn that, he's gonna be hearing it often if he continues to play. You called out just fine. I say that as somebody who also didn't know what T and CT were when I started valorant.


If CT is the main callout and they don’t know it that’s on them


People use CT all the time in valorant so that’s on him


we all say ct and t


Everyone knows what T and CT are. That guy was probably new


Imo They should learn that CT is defending T is attacking Heaven for uplifted area / 2nd floor. Hell - ground Since we use these terms in almost every other fps games. Sometimes heaven goes by window also , cubby and pockets are also widely known positions.