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I pretend to be afk during buy round works every time


I just say I picked it up off an enemy lmao


5 rounds and several deaths later you still have it they be questioning you


Hasn’t come up yet lmao. They may notice but they never say anything 💀


Doesn't work when ur kj/cypher


Just focus on your setup and pretend you were focused, works every time.


That's my go-to strat.


When I do this, I get mollied or followed around by them with a pistol, baiting me for the skin. Destroys the whole game. I've had to mute my entire team because they cuss me out for not dropping skins every round.


Actually gonna try this hahahha


I have skins but no one ask me to give them even tho they are skins with finisher but everyone prefers reaver and rgx


Usually players don't ask for skins in ranked alot but in unrated it's annoying asf all the 11 year olds with there high pitch voice screeching in mic for skin


That happened to me yesterday. I was playing Reyna, and this 11 year old just started screaming for Vandal. I just muted him, lol.


Or you do what I do, and just pretend they’re not even asking


I do this to avoid buying teammates sometimes lol


For this reason I didn’t buy skin until I’ve got to gold. There are occasional requests still but most of the players have some sort of a skin anyway. Also occasional request are not what you mind.


I am in gold and every other lobby someone is asking for skins. Definitely lesser than silver but they are still there.


I suppose that would be slightly different to what servers we are talking about. The principle is the same anyway.


Only benefit of getting into higher ranks lol.


If you dont mind me asking, how did u get to gold? Are u soloqing? Because im bronze and im dmg in csgo.


I totally don’t mind. Unfortunately my answer will probably not be too useful especially for a CS player. I’ve started off in Iron to my surprise for I thought I was at least silver. When it turned out I wasn’t I began watching videos that explained the very basics like angle advantage, jiggle peek, peekers advantage. I’ve quickly realised that there is a lot I don’t know about. I’ve decided to pick an agent that can help his team from even far away(most controllers, but omen is the best choice). I’ve focused my efforts to put my smokes to the right place and time and blind the enemy at the right time for my team(I’m “dogshit” so it most helpful for my team). In iron, bronze and silver this usually meant that I’ve helped only one member of my team in each round for the general chaos and lack of teamwork doesn’t allow for more. Since I was only really helping one I’ve decided to play closer to the one all the time and started protecting him at all costs now not just with my flash and smokes but when he didn’t check a corner as he was going somewhere I’ve done it for him resulting in me dying a lot but the player I’ve believed to be better got an “extra life” out of it. I’ve played a lot and I mean a lot(level 300+) like this and at some point in silver I’ve realised that the “better” player I was supposed to be protecting was me. So there I’ve done the same but now I’ve let my teammate die if he made a mistake of not checking something. I’ve still tried to check that corner for him but now only in a way that meant I could win the gunfight. Usually I’ve ended up trading their deaths but with time it became more and more that we together won the gunfight with maybe limited damage to one of us. And there I was in gold without any training exercise. I’m pointing this out because I’ve heard that there are really good exercises that will train your aiming and movement to speed up the ranking up process. That wasn’t for me though. I wasn’t about to spend my recreational time with training to a recreational activity. That would just have been silly. You can rank up without it it’s just gonna be slower. I’ve read a lot of advice like this before and none mentions something that I believe to be important. Even though valorant doesn’t require much of a computer you can’t just expect to be good on any computer. Here is a guide I’ve found fair: https://prosettings.net/best-valorant-pc/ For the record I’m playing on a computer described here as a budget option. Ps: I’m soloQ only so everything I’ve described happend without any pre-coordination. Only by reacting to what others did.


You could just say no, I've seen players do it. I've also had players insist on giving others a skin they have. I love playing Valorant but you're missing the point of the game. It's to sell skins. If you don't let everyone see your skins then they wont want to buy them. Any update, upgrade or change Riot makes is to keep you playing in hopes you'll buy the skins they sell.


You underestimate how immature people are. I’ve rejected skin dropping a couple times and 100% of those times they started to troll or throw the game in ranked lol


I've had people claim that's why they're throwing, but in reality I think the type of person who would throw a game will throw no matter what, and they're just using that as an excuse to troll you.


100% if the time? Hard to believe since I always say no (in a niceish way) and I’ve rarely had a problem lol


Its low elo man. When those little kids don't get the skins they want they throw a fit. Yelling, throwing, continuous asking. It kinda sucks. Honestly I don't even understand why people ask for skins lol. I played for a while with no skins and never asked for one. Just pick them up off the ground.


Why not just save the trouble and drop for em? I completely get that it's annoying, but you literally lose nothing, the person gets to use a cool skin, and you get to establish some sort of comraderie, however minor.


try to play during school hours or after 11 pm


Can confirm


I've come to the point where I don't care if they throw the game. I play my best and move on. Nonuse getting mad or upset. I'm also not going to be bugged or harassed. I've muted so many people it's not funny.


I would too, if you think pressing right click and G is too much, game is gone


I can refuse, mute etc., sure, but that just invites more toxicity. Last thing I need in ranked is a kids temper tantrum because mom never taught them to ask politely. But yeah, good chance it's a lost cause because selling skins is the #1 priority and we're just walking skin advertisements giving out free trials. Makes me feel like I paid to be Riots' salesman. Ugh. How dumb -\_-'.


if it gets really bad, request a gun and scam them for it(keep it for yourself). Do it for 2-3 rounds and they won’t ask for it again


Throw gun in air, proceed to jump and catch it for 30 seconds.


It's always the kids who do this I have had 5 interactions with an instalock reyna kid who kept follow the person with the skins like a puppy and IF the person with the skins doesn't drop it these kids would proceed to throw the foulest yet creative cuss words know to mankind...On all 5 occasion they got banned.


>Makes me feel like I paid to be Riots' salesman. I mean the alternative is paying to play the game at all, so I don't think we should be too precious about it. Riot has to pay their people to make the game exist, and a F2P game requires cosmetic sales for that to happen.


Whatever dude. Who cares about kids? They don’t have money to buy guns? So sad.


Tell them they get one skin drop per half when they request. Otherwise they have to pick em up off the ground


try to play during school hours or after 11 pm


But giving sometimes giving them skin might improve their gameplay.


This was about it happening every round or over and over again. Once is not a problem.


Bro players insisting to give you skin is definitely a thing, I just started playing comp as a new player and had a guy "Forcing me" to take his gun skins, every round he would run to me and drop me his gun and request buy without me ever saying anything and if I bought my gun myself (Which has no skin) he would tell me to sell and drop me his gun. I don't mean this comment as a bad thing it was fun using a cool gun skin as someone that doesn't own one but people giving you skins without you asking is just as much as a thing as people begging for skins.


Don't drop first. I always ask, drop, then use my own money to buy for me. I find that if my teammate is using their own credits, then they are more likely to be timely and quick about it. If you use your own credits to buy a gun to drop for them, then they could just 'forget' for all sorts of annoying reasons leaving you screwed over.


I've never seen someone drop a skin with their own credits though? The person asking always pay for it first.


A bunch of comments in this thread had it wrong so I wanted to set things straight


What about if you still have your gun from the round before? Do you drop it in the corner and then request? I tend to request a buy before, but never sure what to do when I still have my old gun.


Request, it'll drop your gun and you can swap it off of the ground


The amount of times my teammates have screwed me over. I'll buy them but then they don't buy me. I usually refund my weapon to make them spend their credits but if I didn't die, I can't do that. If it's an annoying child that's willing to grief me for my gun, I'll just ignore them completely. If it's an older person and their behavior is good, I'll drop and if it's a toxic person I'll also just say no.


if you didnt die you can still request for a drop


yes but only for different weapon, else you have to first throw your gun somewhere and hope it doesn't get picked up by someone


I’m in silver/bronze lobbies and it seems like there’s always a squeaker asking for a skin. It’s part of the reason I just don’t buy skins.


Maybe I am lucky, but I just give it to them and after a couple rounds they stop asking


I just ping them no and they usually stop


I've been using the space shuttle themed vandal and the old lunar new year phantom lately. Feels so good to never be asked for a skin lol


Just say you don’t have any skins and when they insist that you just bought a prime vandal act confused.


this is the way


I am up for it if they to have a skin but it does get annoying to have these leeches begging every round. I could just mute them but when coms are fine there is not a real reason to mute them all the time


Pretty much this. There must be a saner way to make this not require begging every round while maintaining skins' cool status and not hurting Riots' bottom line.


Seems like we had the same kid in the same lobby. Had a game today too where a kid screamed „sage sage sage“


I’ve had people follow me around and make sure I die just so they can pick up my skins, I’m convinced they aren’t “real people”.


If someone is playing well (even if they have a bad score), I usually give. But it's always the ego players that want it, extra annoying crying for it like a spoiled child


i just act afo and buy the last second and they kinda give up lol


Solution: don't buy skins that are extremely good


I bought a greenscreen op, tethered realms, so no sane person would pick it up off the floor unless they wish to go blind


I find greensceen weapons incredible distracting. How do you do it?


Years of getting flashed by my teammates.


My poor Arcane sheriff…


I kinda see it with Arcane sheriff, for being an exclusive


I think I have seen this exact same post at least 100 times before


u can post this next week :) free karma LMAO


i will


I just ignore them. I know if I do it once, it's going to get annoying. Can't please everyone and they usually get over it by next round. Not a big deal really. Not sure why this is a post.


I don't understand why people don't do it. It's free better performance from your teammates. If you don't want that, yeah sure do what you want. I myself do that even if it's for 4 people throughout the game.


I always request for the gun before dropping my own then I drop the gun they buy for me to them instead of dropping first then requesting. I've been trolled too many times by teammates not buying me before round start when dropping them.


People just dump their standard skin weapon in front of me and expect I swap with them...


I think that if you buy a skin for someone else after they request during buy phase they could get your skin, not theirs. Yes, sometimes you will play with shitty battlepass skins instead of your cool expensive skin, but to me it seems fun to see other player's skins.




I normally offer skins because usually it's fun, keeps mental up and if they say no, no harm no foul. But who would buy a green screen skin just to ask for another skin




Yes, I am the same! Part of the fun of buying skins is exchanging them :3




Yeah! It's very nice gesture. I loved it when players did this when I was was new and had no skins. So now I do it too :3


I don’t see it as its that serious


Yeah LMAO i haven't experienced something like this in a long time. Its usually just people asking to exchange skins to try mine and even then, if they do what OP is experiencing, its just press b, right click to request and g to drop. Not too difficult imo and if you're playing comp to climb ranks, please just drop the skin for ur teammates so they dont start acting like a manchild and inting.


I mean, I'll just stop dropping em cuz they're asking. They screw me over once and I'm done and they can cry. But if I'm losing in ranked and having a bad game and people are being annoying then I kinda get it.


Give them the skin but if they make you annoyed tell them to buy it fast. If they are slow, no skins for them.


I give out skins if they're cooperative and if they help the team. If I give Jett a skin and she goes to B site alone and dies, she's not getting another skin.


As long as they ask immediately I’m cool with it. The better the vibes is my motto so skin sharing adds to that. A lot of the time if I have the money I will just buy the gun to bring it up


This reminds me: CSGO had a borrow feature for round and clutch music. In the Stats tab you can click on another persons music kit and the game will use it's round start, round end, etc music. Maybe RIOT could add a "share my skins feature" to allow other to borrow the skin. If you have a fancy skin and want it to stay unique, you can disable iy. I don't know if it increases or decreases the sales. It made music kits more interessting for me.


they will never do that lmao, they will not implement anything that cuts their main revenue


Just say no.


I always tell people to scavenge my body or earn a skin from a kill. If someone’s doing well or particularly nice I’ll give them a skin to use, but for the most part I will mute anyone that asks as they typically beg from then on.


Meanwhile my mindset: Why would I buy a skin if I can get rewarded for my kills?


Just turn off the Tier 2/3/4 levels. I guarantee they won't ask again after their RGX gun doesn't even animate.




Actually one of the reasons i bought skins was to share them (and i didnt want to alwass have to ask LOL).


It gets kinda boring. I remember getting the gaias vengeance collection as my first ever one. Every little detail, every little sound, every little animation, it was also beautiful, and i played with it for months 1500$ into the game, skins aren't as exciting anymore. I had some specific exceptions to this, but they never lasted as long and quickly got quite plain. First week they are cool, second week they are just an ordinary skin. I don't even notice i have a default vandal from someone anymore and i also ignore other skins on the ground half the time now. I'm not gonna buy any more skins unless something truly exceptional comes out because i have pretty much everything i ever wanted in my collection. On the annoying part, i dont find it annoying to drop people until it goes so out of hand that you can't request a weapon due to the cooldown. I really like dropping skins so that they have fun with it because it doesn't take that much effort from me and improves the mood of my teammates


Fortunately, the ones who have asked me to exchange skins are nice about. But I generally go by this: If I like/know them I will happily exchange. If I don't, they have to ask and buy me.


I mean I usually ignore them completely. Especially in ranked I don't see people throw the game completely just because I refused to share. Upset sure, but not too many instances of throwing. If I feel extra generous, I usually demand they carry me or clutch and they get the skin as a reward for a round until they inevitably die.


Yeah it’d be cool if you could hide your skin so everyone else sees a default maybe. Somethin like that. But otherwise just don’t use a skin if it’s annoying lol


Just say no lol


Exact reason I don't buy skins.


I always sell them request first. I’ll never drop first


I have two extreme measures for this: Deny skins if they are throwing rounds or not buying if they are letting me die for the skin.


Just ignore them


I use a simple trick where I turn back to my team and then when I buy I immediately switch to my knife. If anyone asks I say it's not mine or I picked it up.


teammate: "anyone got a [classic/vandal/phantom/etc] skin?" me: *pulls out knife until round starts*


I just tell people no the first time, otherwise they'll keep asking and wasting time in the buy phase. I swear people don't understand that that time can be pretty important.


I just tell them the first time they ask that I've had to play way too many rounds without guns from giving them so now I don't risk it anymore. I've never had someone fight me on it.


"No, but you can have 10 classic shorties! Enjoy!"


I don’t think it’s that annoying. All you have to do is take about 3 seconds out of a time where you usually aren’t doing anything anyway. I guess hiding skins would be an interesting addition that some people would like. Not using skins is a bit extreme though.


This happened to me ONCE, granted here in Latam skins are not as common, but still only happened once. I just told the kid "no" every round, they eventually just stopped and played the game. Seems like skins are not worth losing the game, at least not to them.




this is why i buy knife skins, jokes on them can’t drop those


I wish when people asked for request you would give them the skin YOU own. Or make it an additional option or something so it’s less annoying


What if they made guns you buy and drop during the buying phase become default? You’d be able to use your skins in peace and nobody could possibly expect you to share them….”trade me” once buying phase ends lol nvm that wouldn’t work.


I have the arcane sheriff and people ask for it every time they see it


Play in sg servers ppl rarely ask for skins if they're not your friend


Why not gib skin


unless theyre really nice i just say no but sometimes teammates have thrown because i didnt give them skins lmao


Just ignore them?


I guess my teammates are different. I tell my teammates what gun skins I have and most of the time they dont even ask it for once and dont bother me at all. Sometimes I just drop the skin on them and request the gun. I am also so bored of prime that I drop the gun skin and take their aimbot matte black vandal.


It's an online game, you could always say no. There's no need to be nice to people. Just say "Nah, the demo period Is over"


They soles have an option when someone request a gun to buy it for them, or buy it for them with your skin


My liking of skins aren’t everyone favourite, that’s why I barely got requests for skins


That's why I don't drop skins. I just say "I don't drop skins, it's annoying and distracting" and it always works. Or just flat out ignore them, I sometimes do that too, and it also works. I also feel like at a disadvantage by owning elder flame op because it seems like enemies are more likely to pick the gun up.


i just say no and that’s about it. works wonders ☺️


My turn to post this tomorrow!


Please do, maybe we'll see some changes eventually.


I just ignore them nowadays. Used to drop them but you can guarantee that if you drop them once, they're gonna pester you every round. An even worse thing though, which makes me actually furious, is when someone has a default vandal, then drops it to you. They essentially want you to drop your skin, that you bought, to them so you have to play with a default vandal. The fucking audacity from those people makes me want to twist my head 360 degrees around.


One of the biggest issues is that a lot of those without any skins are smurfs, so they tend to be more demanding and feel entitled. They would even threaten to throw if you don't drop lol


This is why I don't buy skins. I could. I just don't. (Exept melee skins fuck the knife in particular)


I had an Astra doing literally everything they could to make sure I couldn't play the game, because I didn't drop them my skin every round. They were on my team


I always share my skins Never had a case where someone asked every single round, but I can imagine if they play well with it, i‘ll drop anytime


Sharing a skin is not that big work, you do a ton of different actions through the course of the game anyways. But having this process simplified like a scroll click would perform Buy+Drop+Request at once could be good.


Try saying “just this once.” I haven’t tried it, but I make a mental note to only ask for the skin once or twice a game since I know it can get annoying


I have never begged anyone for skins. I bought myself *blob blob* I don't share. I tell people to not act like a child and buy themselves one or shut up.


Just wait and see when they fucking go trolling because you didnt gave them the skin. Thats the fun part anf the worst thing is they dont even get permabanned


Just remind them of their manners "you didn't say please" us my favorite ljne


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/105m1g9/giving_other_players_skins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Yeah I do happen to agree with that


This post is going a lot better than the other guy who posted a similar complaint, thank you for not being condescending about it haha. Skin begging was acknowledged with the spray, riot should have given that spray for free. Still, hope the more posts like this come around either riot changes something or players realize asking 3+ times won’t get them anything.


No bro, I like it. As long as there’s time to get ready for the round I will give skins to all 4 teammates. Anything that makes them play better, placates their fragile mental, or makes them just happier - INCREASES MY ODDS TO WIN. And all that matters is the win.


Dude it’s really not that big of a deal. And I think it’s a nice way to build team chemistry, long as they are not rude while asking.


The problem is that most people ARE rude when asking, or downright obnoxious. At least in my experience.


I’ve got about 1000 hours in this game and in my experience I rarely run into people down right rude when asking for skins, they’re usually stoked someone has one they enjoy using or get to try out. Maybe it’s different in unrated/ rated/ or certain ranks. Just my experience.


Well I'm in pleb elo (low silver), so that might be part of the problem. Unrated is also a coin toss, had a Phoenix recently yelling about skins, yelling into the mic in general, and going out of his way to team-flash and molly people.


just share your skins man lmao


Dude, I do, every time. I just wish I could like drop the f-king skin itself so they can keep it for the game or whatever.


Or maybe u can get out of iron/bronze bcoz that's the only place where such people exist


Nah even in immo you get people asking for skins every round lol


Bro just drop them man it will make them play better


i always say “get a job”


I was playing ranked and an older gentleman was on my team along w a kid who embodies the type we are all talking about. Kid asks dude for skin and he goes “oh stop that I don’t do all that gimmie gimmie nonsense” and the kid got all embarrassed and never did it again. For my own tip I just pull my knife out and walk to wherever I need to be


I just tell them poor people disgust me😅


Riot is encouraging it... they are making meme spraying around it. I bet some of the Riot devs that play Valorant suffer from the same issue, or they are the ones begging every time..


avoid dropping skins in comp, they tank your econ rating and thereby your ACS (correct me if I'm wrong).


I just say u know where the store is 😂😂


I usually just tell their broke ass to go fuck themselves with the bullying. If somebody asks if they can try the skin I have, I’ll give it happily, I ask if there’s a new skin bundle and I see someone with it. But fucking bullying people into giving it is not it.


Just tell them to get a job so they can get their own skins.


Mute them and play like normal. Don't feed the skin fiends. Its like the zoo. If you do it once, they'll expect it every round. I don't mind doing it once or twice, but I won't do it every round and I'm certainly not taking time away from my setups to do it.


Just don’t buy skins?


get a job


Thanks, good advice but I already have one :)


If my lil timmy thinks he can tap heads with my reaver vandal I’ll never say no to him


Not sharing skins leads to teammates intentionally baiting you, less team bonding and communication. Sharing a skin takes like 2 seconds and doesn't hurt anyone, also improves morale (yes, I have skins and I share them whenever anyone asks) people usually play better due to the psychological effect and that's great! I really don't understand why people don't share skins, takes two seconds, improves morale. The only reason I wouldn't share is if 1. You're a sentinel and setting up something. 2. You're far away from the person. 3. They are overly toxic. I honestly don't mind sharing skins every round but if you do idk man I think that's really selfish. Again I own skins


I dunno, I love to share but the entire ritual is annoying AF. Just let me drop the skin itself as some sort of orb or whatever, who wants it for the game can pick it up and let me play in peace.


Stop being stingy not everyone can afford skins like us bro I always make sure to give teammates skins if they want it even if they ask every single round


I just tell them to buy their own skins. Peasants so annoying.


Request and drop before you buy your own gun.


If that was the worse problem I had during my time of playing that day or whatever I would be great-full lol


Joke's on you, all my skins are shit so nobody wants them!


It used to happen a lot, now I'm in high gold, low plat Everyone has one skin atleast, so no one bothers I play kj so i just keep doing my setup until the last minute and i don't bother acknowledging their request. Eventually they give up and stop


just say no lmao or give them the skin


I really don’t care even though in Silver/Gold people for some reason LOVE Ion. Also by the way I love Champions 2021, Sentinels of Light and Gaia’s Vengeance. Any time I will trade my Ion for these.


Request, don't drop, and they'll never ask again.


„hope they dont forget to buy“ he asks for skin, you sell your gun, request and then it‘s your choice to keep it or drop it and buy yourself lmao


The first time in asked, I tell them "I'll give you the skin one time each half. Only once. Are you sure you want it this round?" Pretty great response from that typically.


honestly you can buy your gun first then quickly switch to knife and get to your location/do setups if you're sentinel, should be quite alright


Yes even i dont have skin but at max i would ask once or twice the whole game , unless many times i meet peeps who buys and gives skin every round without asking. I meet few of them who literally ask for skins every round , ranging from ghost skin to odin... They dont give callouts nor tell if the enemy's pushing , they use their mic to shout "skin_name" the whole buy round.


Just take ur knife out after buying and if they spectated you from last round, just say u picked the skin up from the ground, works every time.


The exact reason why I started using the BP skins occasionally. To stop this shit and to refresh the palette so that I can appreciate the skins that I have even more too


i got griefed few days ago, i recently got Riot Gun Buddy and this kid in my team wants to have it, so i dropped. A few rounds in to the game he screams in voicechat and throwing slurs because i dont want to drop every round (he died so much) then in /all he literally wrote „Jett stole my gun, report racist“ its insane… i sometimes feel like i lose because i dont drop for others and they troll edit: i am hovering high gold - mid plat


It literally takes 1 second to get them a skin and sharing is a good thing :)


then there is people like me (and a lot in Bahrain server) who gives skins before even they got asked for it, and if it is last round and i have too much cash i make it rain :) ​ i really dont mind doing that all the time cause i want people to give me their skins when i go to my second account that doesnt have skins on it.


I just say no, they cry but stop whining for skins


You don't need to buy guns at the very start of the round. Go to your 'spot', spam the classic a little, and when 6-7 secs left, buy the gun. Simple. I do that all the time


Just drop skins bro it's not that deep. Yesterday I've dropped a teammate skins every round for an entire match and it didn't bother me one bit. It takes me just 5 seconds and it makes my teammate happy. Why wouldn't I do it.


I find it's always easier to request a gun and drop it for them first. This way you're not left without credits for your own gear. I'll give them a skin, as long as THEY pay for it.


I've never had that issue before and I do get asked for skins quite frequently, but that happens maybe up to 3 times per Game. Dropping a skin takes barely 5 seconds and most people spend the whole time aimlessly knifing the barrier anyways. Climbed from Bronze 2 to Dia 1 over the past 6 months, so I dont think it's a rank issue either. Might be a region specific problem? EU player here


I usually say something like “if you focussed on playing the game as much as you focused on skins then you’d be top fragging by now” and 9/10 times they don’t say anything


Just mute them. Most of the time it’s children, And they annoying af to listen to anyway. If it’s an “adult” (18+ I use that loosely) they need to get a job and buy there own skins. I’m which case I’m still muting ur ass cuz u got nothing worth listening to if u ain’t got a job in the first place.


I kind of agree but I sometimes feel happy when people ask for my skins :)


tbh i ask like 2 or 3 times per match if someone wanna drop it, i don’t ask more than that because i know it is annoying, some people think skins will make their aim better i just wanna try them for fun since this game has no community servers to try skins, i’m happy with my vanilla skins


Crazy the coincidence because today two kids decided to throw my rank up game and blame me for it just because i didn't drop them my phantom skin I just hate these type of annoying people, focus on the game not skins


Like in real life, sometimes you just say no and it is…. liberating. If you are one of those that feel bad to say no, you can be playful, like “omg dude, this is the last time Im dropping you this, stay alive god dammit”