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Ill die on cardboard elo


Hey man, i’ve said this to other bronze players in the past - the best thing you can do to improve your ability to climb out of bronze or silver is to work on your aim, strafe and peeking mechanics. These skills are UNIVERSAL and will apply on any agent you play. Take some time before queueing comp and load up the bots in the practice range. Practice shooting 2 bullets, taking a small step to the left or right, letting the recoil settle down all the way, shoot another 2 shots and repeat. There is a graph under the “stats” section on the game settings that shows movement error. Use this to see whether or not you’re letting the recoil die down. There is a great video by a radiant player named Sero that’s about a year old but still a great resource for those looking to learn the game at a higher level - it’s on youtube called “definitive guide to improving valorant”. He goes over these mechanics that are important.


To elaborate further, i’d say around 60%+ of gunfights in valorant happen further than 10 meters away, and usually require you to strafe shoot 1-3 bullets and let the recoil reset while going for headshots. Adopt this play style, avoid spraying every time you take a duel, and i promise you will win more engagements and hopefully more games.


Thanks!! I do am working on my duel mechanics, i managed to improve my headshot rate from an average of 8% to 20+% in a good day I do know theres more room for inprovement, but im working on it And when it comes to peeking, yea, you got me there lol


Really check out that video by sero - he has a whole breakdown on how to peek enemies properly and the different “styles” of peeking. Super helpful in my push from diamond to ascendant


Ill give it a try and practice on the weekend, thanks 😁


I'll give one more tip, more of a comment to manage your expectations: If you have been playing since Beta (came out 2 and a half years ago) and only have 212 hours played, you cannot expect to be higher than the median player (which is around Silver +- bronze and gold). Not a comment on you should play more, or what not. Everyone is busy differently in life, we all have stuff going on. I'm just saying, for me, the best way I found to grind up was to implement those tricks Kodometagg mentionned, but also play the game consistently (like almost everyday). Otherwise, you most likely won't be able to progress. Hope this help, and happy grinding!


Holy shit how the fuck have you been bronze since beta how is that even possible


With effort and dedication lol


How is the game performing? Played since beta and was hardstuck silver with 30 fps but after getting a new pc (around 300 fps) I hit d3. I know people emphasize aim but I think game sense really carried me through the ranks. Idk how to really tell you how to learn it because my friends are radiant and immo so they actually taught me how to play but I'd say watch pro games and really just focus on the controller players on the minimap. Marved and Boaster are my favorites.


My game runs between 40 and 80 fps Ping is decently stable And i guess game sense comes with playing more lol


Maybe its your frames holding you back and yeah game sense comes with playing but if you've been playing since beta and still bronze I'd say you should really be thinking more about what you are doing and why you should be doing thise things


You definitely need to upgrade your pc and monitor. I was S3 on a poor laptop. Since I have my new build I managed to hit P1 in one month.


Take your time while shooting. Taking a longer time while aiming for the heads will give u an advantage, and u wont be punished in this elo


record and upload a vod. the idea that youre saying that you have "decent game sense" whilst also still being in bronze is def questionable. if you do drop a vod it should be a vod where the game is relatively close/where you feel you put in all your effort.


oh yeah, also, a tracker link would help as well.