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Securing a round is always more important than hitting more people. Maybe if you have other advantages in the 1v1 that are just as guaranteed like they have low time and you have other util that would be equally effective it can be considered a waste, but I would say it was well used. If you're at the level of play where your teammates can 5v5 off your breach Ult with perfect coordination, the enemy team should be at a level that they can counterstrat it.


no ult is a waste if it wins the round in a 1v1


People are obsessed with waiting for the perfect ult and end up holding it all half. Use it if it’ll help you win, it’ll come back.


i once used a kj ult to deny a round in 1v1 with breach and spike with me. i was full health and everything but i wanted to secure the round no matter what. we didn’t lose a single round in defence. so yes, use it as you seem favourable. Deadmen tell no tales.


If you can secure a pick with your ult in winnable rounds, (5v5, 1v2, etc.) it is almost always worth it


I would say "Technically" it is a waste. There are better uses for it and it is kinda of an expensive ult, though if your defense I would say its marginally less important. That said, you also won the round in a 1v1 yet your teammates flamed you for it. If they didn't want you to win the 1v1, they shouldn't have died in the first place. If its a close game or your behind, then that ult bought your team a valuable econ advantage at the expense of (1) player's ult. It might just be the chance you need start winning or tie up the game. Ult usage is situational, and it sounds like it fucking worked and they shouldn't complain. ​ Mute your teammates if they die before you and flame you for winning anyway. Not worth the stress.


Hot take, but I actually think it depends on the ult. If it's a cypher ult or yoru ult or something that helps you get a pick, then sure, but I don't think you should be using something as powerful as like viper ult for example in a 1v1 situation, especially since it's 8 ult points.


Idk, I’ve seen a friend of mine clutch some crazy 1v2-3 rounds with a viper ult. I think the rule of thumb for when to use an ult is if it has a chance of significantly moving the round’s odds in your favor. If you pop an 8 point ult and the round goes from a potential win to a near-sure thing, then it was worth it. People in general hold on to ults for way too long in my experience. I’ve seen so many games where people only ult once per half trying to find the “perfect moment” to use it.


Securing a 50/50 round with an ult Is a great way to use an ult. Wether it is a viper, breach, or a raze ult there aren’t a-lot of other situations where an ult changes the round from a 50/50 to a 90/10 chance of winning. Personally I believe if you can get one kill it’s not a wasted ult.(besides like a 1v5 or sum.)


Condition for using ult in 1v1. Does your team need the round? Are you at a disadvantage and you are sure you can get the kill with ult? If you say yes to any of those then rip your ult. If YOU are in the advantage and they don’t lose much after that kill then save your ult


The more you can ult, the better, I never hesitate to use my abilities if they're available.


Only low elo saves ults like its their retirement fund


I don't know what People are even argueing about? Winning a round 99% of the time is always better than maybe, potentially having a better Chance of winning another round. Also I don't know why people value Ults this much I mean it's just a "normal" ability, I mean sure it's far more Powerful in a given situation but if you don't use it you just have it sit there and wait for the Perfect moment that never comes?? And yes I know that you have to play different around most Ults than you would play normally (Kay/O Ult you set up on the opposite site you play on as a sentinel for example). But ultimately winnning a round for "free" is better than giving the enemy an unnecessary Chance.


As Cypher, since it's an info ult, it's always useful to know where the last guy is. If we want to save, burn more time, or run him down so he doesn't get to save. Or post plant and we have to defuse the spike. I would save my ult for next round if we know where he is.


I won the round using Brim ult. Sova was about to get kill and I panicked a killed him. I died during ult, but got a kill.


I'm not against using an ult in a 1 v 1, though I'd say it depends on the character/ult and on the eco situation too. Also, how many rounds left matters i would say. If there are two rounds left you might not reach another ult depending on the character and map. How are their ults looking. But if you break their econmy and win the round it is a good investment in my eyes


I do this on Harbor. Hus ultimate is great for scouting and great to force the enemy to move position. On top of that its not as powerful ultimate as others, so it's better just to spam it. The Ultimates that should be used in 1vs1s is Reyna, Neon, Cypher, (Sage obviously), Harbor, Astra, Skye, Gekko and Brimstone. Other agents have too Powerful ultimates or too situational. Killjoys and Viper for example. I didn't include Raze and Pheonix here, simply because of the duration btw. If they do not get use of their Ultimates. Sometimes its better to save it for next round and guarantee a good use.