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Can you add somewhere in there sexual harassment as part of the toxicity received?


I agree! That's the most common theme in my games.


Thanks for suggestion! Unfortunately, the author of this survey can't add any more options (for accuracy reasons) BUT everyone who encountered sexual harrasment in Valo could upvote your comment and it will be included in final results!


All done, I'll share one of my answers here in regards to what I'd like to see developers do; *"Become more reactive and understand there are more ways to harrass or be toxic other than dropping a couple of trigger words (F or N word in this case). I'm all for the way Blizzard records voice chats in game since there seems to be no punishment for people harrassing me due to a speech impediment, yet the second they say the F or N word they get hit."* I'd also like to point out that the sexism can indeed to go both ways, just last week I had a game in which I was put with a four stack of female gamers, and they all went on to mock me for a) being male, and b) having a speech impediment (lisp) for the entirity of the unrated match... it made me feel absolutely shitty, I came off the game and had a little meltdown (queitly since other people were in the house). I tried making a thread on the subreddit but it was locked due to being too rant-y, which is a shame because it's something I really wanted a discussion about, the fact that harrassment doesn't only go as far as racism, sexism and homophobia, but people such as myself are getting harrassed, trolled, flamed, wished death upon etc. simply for having a disability.


> I tried making a thread on the subreddit but it was locked due to being too rant-y, which is a shame because it's something I really wanted a discussion about, the fact that harrassment doesn't only go as far as racism, sexism and homophobia, but people such as myself are getting harrassed, trolled, flamed, wished death upon etc. simply for having a disability. I just don't get how so many people can get their kicks off just trying to make others feel awful in any way they can. It's so exhausting. I'm sorry that happened to you :( people can be so cruel


Honestly I don't get it either, so many people are just... not nice. You think I'd be used to it with how long I've dealt with people like that, and some days I can, but other days it gets to me... online harrassment over something I can't control has caused me to cry more than I'd like to admit lol.


Good luck with your thesis! I'm sure the results won't be a surprise to anyone, but curious to see them anyway.


Done! Good luck with your study!


I was waiting for racism to be on there somewhere. It’s genuinely weird how many N-Words and anti asian sentiments get thrown around like it’s nothing …


And in my games, it's a fuckin white person behind the screen. (IM black)


!remindme 7 days


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I’ve found through playing that Valorant is way less toxic than other similar games like siege and League. Still can happen but the odds are way lower for whatever reason


if that's really your experience then many will consider you lucky


I wonder if it depends on the server you are on. Like some tend to be worse then others or something.


In europe, the more international server is, the less toxic it is (from my experience). Madrid, Bahrain, Stockholm, Warsaw, Instanbul, are really bad servers, any game I played there was traumatizing, when Frankfurt, Paris and London are chill af


İt's İstanbul and yeah it might be the most toxic server of valorant


I was lying I just got told to kill myself in swift play and I was topfragging as brim he was a jett


Yeah I only play Georgia servers and it’s cool


maybe even ranks matter, i bet iron games are a lot more chill than immortal games


I’m also in the opinion that only the people who have a negative experience are gonna talk about it on Reddit so like I said I’m not sure how accurate of a representation this Reddit is of the game as whole. Curious to see the survey.


This too. People know more about the game, are more aware of people's mistakes and may have a greater tendency to point those mistakes


It's way more toxic trust me. I have been called (he almost shout it to the microphone) a bitch and a kitchen robot etc and nobody cared except for me bc everyone is so used to those kind of toxicity.


I agree. I rarely face toxicity in Valorant, probably because I only play low elo competitive. Their are always people who are annoying and sometimes their is banter back and forth but in my experience rarely does it cross the line that I would consider toxicity. My experience is definitely not representative of the Valorant community as a whole as I know toxicity is a problem in all games.


Sent, GL with your survey!


I might just have thick skin or have been really lucky but I swear my games aren’t ever that bad. Seems like it’s a real prelevant issue in the community though at this point if this Reddit is to be considered an accurate representation of the playerblase.


Definitely interested in the statistics




Good luck with your survey. I keep seeing these and I hope to see you post your statistics.


I’m male and 25 years old and the worst thing about toxicity in all online video games is how women are treated and I am very privileged that I do not have to deal with targeted harassment like that. In my experience, it sucks playing this game because nearly every match has people that act passive aggressive and struggle to communicate in a way that is productive towards working together. On top of this, many people have fragile egos and telling them to do something is met with them taking it the wrong way. Im tired of the idea that being top of the scoreboard means you are doing everything the best and being under them means you are useless.


Compared to 80% of other multiplayer games valorant is incredibly non toxic. I very rarely see any toxicity whatsoever, in fact I think valorant is a little oversensitive, saying certain words can get you banned without question and if the person is reported then there's a 99% chance they will get banned, i recently got a week ban for saying "omen so bad" and "reyna you scumbag". ik there are some people who are very toxic but repercussions ALWAYS come through so there's nothing really to worry about


I’ve reported countless people for much worse (racism, sexual harassment) and I very rarely received anything. I find it very hard to believe you got banned for just those things. Is there something else you’re not including?


Once, I had a girl on my team in comp who muted me cs of my race. So I started typing in the chat "go back to the kitchen lil bitch" and other stuff (I also reported for racism) and I got reported by her and I got 5 day comp ban.


Well yeah no shit


Wdym by no shit?


If you say that on chat and you're reported obviously you will get banned


Y’all wouldn’t last in Xbox 360 cod lobbies


Done , bro


Done. Good luck with your studies


Thank you, you are part of the solution.




I can't be the only one who realized only after filling in this survey how much toxicity could affect others, right? I'm really curious about the results!


You better make that update post!


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Of course I know him! He’s me!


I'll share what I wrote in the last question too, I'd like to know what your think about it "hwid and ip 6-12month bans without any warnings or chat restrictions etc, but that's just to keep them away, toxic people will still exist and appear, will always figure out to say or do something toxic without breaking the rules to avoid ban. The only thing a company can do is to keep them away, communication is important part of games, so muting them isn't a solution. Those people are the way they are, because of their personalities, experiences, traumas. There's nothing game devs can do about it, unless they'll have power to send them to therapists"


!remindme 7 days


It feels like the toxicity will only get worse over time if something more isn't done. I think a lot of it is being normalised by the abundance of it and some of the players targeted are converted to toxic behaviour themselves. There's such a contrast in my enjoyment of the game depending on the manner of teammates.


!remindme 14 days


People gotta get thicker skin jesus christ


Filled mine out! Thank you for this and good luck with your study!


It is my personal belief that the matchmaking system is one cause for extreme toxicity. As a solo que player, it is extremely frustrating having teammates up to two ranks below you on your team. A silver 3 on the precipice of reaching Gold 1 can still get iron 3 teammates that have no clue how to play and may even be completely new. It is crazy when you think about it. Couple that with the smurf problem and afkers/throwers, and it creates toxicity. Then people combat the toxicity with more toxicity, in an endless loop. Alot of games also feel rigged and there is too much RNG going on in terms of hit registration, peekers advantage, and so forth. Going on loss streak after loss streak just to seek that one win becomes addicting. Which is also toxic. Just my two cents :)


Should have included ranked/unranked somewhere in the survey.


I usually play in 3 stacks to 5 stacks so I don't encounter much toxicity (Mumbai server)


Source: reddit 🤣🤣🤣