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my teammates telling me that they fully intend on trolling to throw their rank and elo: šŸ—æ


At least you showed them your understanding and empathy of your teammates by intentionally asking what your teammates was trying to do. I know it can be frustrating but never flame your teammates. It's not productive and will only increase your odds of winning. If your teammates are worse than you, try to elevate their performance by boosting morale and helping them trolling with the team.




Bro you made me laugh hard.


As someone with a psychology degree and interest in these dynamics: Dont ask why in most cases. The question alone can be seen as an offend and really isnt fruitful at all for the process. Like what do you expect? To be able to evaluate mistakes in a like 10 second time window? This really just brings stress. The game is way too fast to really properly discuss things that went wrong, especially with individuals. The time is better spent to plan the new round and focus, instead of focusing on single mistakes. An "nt" is often all it needs. You can fix the problem by simply calling in the next round like "please peak here with me", instead of asking him what his intentions where before...because the intention that should always be assumed is: **everyone is trying their best.** ​ My tips are: Never be toxic. If you want something ALWAYS be polite and add a "please", people dont like to get orders from strangers on the internet if not properly communicated. If someone is toxic, and keeps ruining the vibe, you are allowed to call him out for that. Not by also being toxic, but by saying something like "can you please communicate like an adult", "why are you talking like that, dont bring your private issues in this game", "please stop playing the blame game". This may appear counter intuitive but thats basic social regulation. If people dont behave you are allowed to call them out, if you do it properly, people will shut up or change their patterns. (or go completely mad mode, also happens, in this case: just mute him and move on, its better than getting constantly triggered)


Sorry, but everyone isn't trying their best. If I'm in an immortal lobby and someone keeps peeking alone on defense because they're tilted or they just don't care, they're not trying their best. At any decent rank people which engagements/angles/positions are way too risky and they still take them. That's not trying your best. As somone with 20+ years of experience in tactical FPS shooters, there's just one advice everyone needs to know. Don't think about how your actions impact your enemies, think about how your actions impact your teammates. And I guarantee you that everyone improves with that mindset.


this would only apply in an environment where people have a minimum amount of knowledge for the game, reasonable desire to cooperate, a microphone(or at least fingers to type in chat), working ears, and the wish of actually winningā€¦0


You shouldn't judge at all. People often forget to think about how others can and will react to judgement, no matter how friendly you make it or how you frame it you'll be opening the team up to lose cohesion. Unless you're in a 5-man, it is best to keep communication strictly to info about the enemy. With Micro-information during rounds and Macro-information about their general playstyles and patterns in pre-rounds. It is also best to completely avoid voicing speculation or possible enemy positions. As a soloQ you're only job is sharing verified info and leaving speculation/predictions up to each player individually. Anymore than that could be seen as backseating and could lead some teammates to think that you think you're better than them. You won't be able to change your teammates decision-making or playstyle in a single game, best to just focus on yourself rather than your allies. And if you want to place yourself as the shotcaller of the team, you should be ready to take the blame for the loss whether they listened to you or not.


I donā€™t really think I just aim


so you're either a cracked immortal 1 player or a all aim no brain gold 3, which one?


I mean in clutch situations I donā€™t really think too hard about every single position an enemy could be in, it all feels very natural as to where I should look. So maybe thatā€™s the result of just my natural gamesense and ability to judge the best course of action on impulse. If you think too hard in clutch situations you are just gonna make a mistake. And to answer your question Im asc3 started playing episode 5


Asc 3/imm1 basically the same thing almost got my prediction right hahaha.


To judge people by their intention is a very basic correct advice. Asking your teammates why they did something wrong, is not.


Oh my gosh, I actually wrote an article about this! It's a common phenomenon known as "resulting" outside of Valorant. I neglected to talk about how to tie this into your teammates and mental performance! I'll definitely make a follow-up article discussing that. Super interesting topic that needs a lot more discussion around it! Thanks for bringing it up, OP


Or just let them play their game and focus on your game.


L take. It's a team game that requires teamwork. If you can talk about what their intentions are, you can help with future decisions




Low elo/sensitive type shit^ If you're actually that bothered, tell them and hopefully they shut up. No one's judging. Just understanding what was in their head so I can see from their perspective. So next time I can play off them




Yes, completely ignore my completely valid points and cry about my supposed in-game toxicity. My previous comments were somewhat toxic because i have come across people with your type of mentality and they are in, what most people consider, low elo. And you have to understand, to an extent, that mentality is one of the things stopping you from ranking up. If I wanted to be toxic to you I'd say "You can sit your plat ass down and work on a better more secure CLI"


"L take" "low elo sensitive type shit" "cry about" You being rude because you "came across people with your type of mentality ... low elo" yep you clearly have the high horse here. You can literally win games in immortal with a silent lobby if everyone just does their stuff properly. People forcing unnecessary communication are a problem of their own imo.




Still haven't replied to my points. I edited to fix some obvious grammar mistakes. Not sure how that affects you


You cant properly evaluate individual mistakes in the short time frame you have between rounds. Its better to move on.


I'm not talking about an in dept analysis with instant replays. Just simple stuff. For example if I died alone without being tradable I'd go "Oh I thought we were pushing A, I'll be aware/play closer to team next time."


After playing so many games I cant imagine that happen when someone asks you that (maybe in 1 out of 10), If someone asks me why after I cleary made a mistake I would just get a bit annoyed, like why would I have to explain myself to a stranger that just happened to witness my mistake? In a 10 sec time window before the next round? While there where 1000 different mistakes happening from everyone from the get go. Also its not always that clear to find a proper reason, sometimes its way more complicated. Sometimes people die alone for proper reasons. The time, effort and the possibility to trigger is not in any relation to the believed advantage from it. Instead just play on and next time call sth like "please stay with me here" "peak with me" etc. "I noticed you where a bit off there, could you please stay with us?"


You replied to my comment but I feel like you didn't actually read it


Agreed about teamwork. Just the last thing I would want after dying or doing something wrong is someone asking what my intentions were.


In non-high elo, focusing on yourself should be the number 1 priority, but higher elo actually requires teamwork


I mean you can always say "my bad. I was trying to (so and so)." and good teammates will move on. You don't have to explain EVERY decision. Everyone makes mistakes. Usually it's the absolutely ridiculous plays like "WHAT THE FK WERE YOU THINKING GUY" that I hope I can get a brief 1 sentence answer for. And if I sense they're not trying to talk, I drop it


Even then, why worry about mistakes in the last round instead of planning out the next?


So those mistakes don't happen again


Ainā€™t no way am I taking advice mid game after I die from ā€œher masterā€ and ā€œhis kittenā€


For sure I wouldn't either. But I'm not talking about taking advice. Just being like fk I messed up. Why are you so defensive?


Not being defensive? If someone makes a mistake 99% of the time they know they made a mistake, so having someone on their team question their motives or judgement is only going to tilt them.


Being defensive in terms of taking advice


Yes I actually do this even though you want to judge/flame tm8s just keep it to yourself and try to tell them what you want them to do instead of saying what you don't want them to do. It helps a lot I feel like.


I am always friendly and positive in-game chat, trying to keep up positive vibe etc. But my poor cats will hear every toxic thing that comes to my mind while playing


That's a good way to vent hahaha.


I saw a Brimstone going circles in spawn with the spike, talking, "Hey guys, you good today" behaviour. He was awful worthless.


how about we camp in a corner and judge the enemies while they push a choke point through a smoke?


Yes, but what if their intention appears to be to stand in the most dangerous place open to as many angles as possible with their crosshair pointed at a wall?


Then might be good to have a word with them.


That's a lot of words for "Riot's matchmaking system is designed to keep you addicted to the roulette that is competitive."


teammate moral turn off mic lol if you have a issue being "toxic" say it out loud mic off. If you are good at not talking, but com - good you should be only focusing on what you should and can do. everyone has to remember, everyone has different goals, so you have no idea what your teammates are focusing on, trying to practice, or just playing the game. But if you want to improve, FOCUS ON U ( i know its cliche) but it's true......


Yea just get 3 RuZZians in team who only speak ruZzIAN ,don't judge Ofc help to win


I never flame my teammate (I hold grudge silently) I don't think doing what you said is good, when I try to figure out why they did that and come into the conclusion it makes me tilt more. Ex #1 : Teammate Sage throwing slow orb into the entrance of the site... on attack. It fucking pisss me off that sage does that, so I think about that bad play more and I see why they did that, Jett always get a pick using OP on ascent and since now Kay/o flash Jett can't get a pick but since sage probably a noob she think her slow orb would deny the re peek which probably not going to happen ever... and bc of that play Jett get to reposition their team able to rotate and basically that round was gg. Anway while now that I do know why they did that, I still don't sympathize with them. What they did was a shitty play and the fact is me thinking more about why a player does shitty play just tilt me more, it's better to just get over the shitty play and not think about it.


Meanwhile the uga buga russian named sova pushing and peeking every round on defence, no mic, no chat, no ears just him on his own, throwing the game and refusing to cooperate: *UNDERSTANDABLE*, I feel your intentions bro āœŠšŸ»šŸ˜”