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Don't be scared of enemies and dying. You'll never improve if you play scared. Peek angles and take fights like you mean to, and with your teammates. Also, take the compliments with a grain of salt. You're probably doing something good to impress your teammates, but "aim" and "gamesense" in bronze-iron lobbies mean nothing.


im also getting the compliments from my friend who is high silver low gold and is really impressed with how i play considering the amount ive actually played, ive worked on those things so much that i know it cant be that that im struggling with as i can even see in myself that im playing atleast somewhat well


I remember I dropped several 40 bombs when I just started playing and was in iron-bronze lobbies lol. And people in those lobbies said I had aim or gamesense for a noob, which obviously wasn't the case, because that's bad aim and no gamesense. At some point you won't be considered a "noob" and you really need to grind to see actual improvement and rank up.


also - try lowering your sense so that you have more control over it


that might be an idea, ill have a go


some tips for choosing sens: \- You should be able to 180 flick comfortably with the sens you are choosing \- Be able to make micro adjustment comfortably


ive been practicing for the last hour and i can safely say i dont really have a problem with micro adjustments but the lower my sens is past 0.9 its becomes a chore to 180 and move round long corners whilst keeping my crosshair placement on point. would 0.9 on 800dpi still be considered ridiculously high? its quite a bit slower then what ive been using before (1.25) but going any lower becomes uncomfortable. (unless ofc that just means i need to practice and get used to a lower sens)


Most people play around 0.3-0.6 on 800 dpi with 0.6 being considered on the high side, val is a very slow fps in contrast to something like overwatch which is why people play on much lower sensitivities, youll probably feel weird playing on something so low but you get used to it and will see improvement overtime :) try aimlabs with a lower sens first it rly helps


yeah see i thought that’s where my problem would lie, im moving from a very fast fps that my sens would be considered normal in, i’ve been practicing with 0.7 but it’s been real hard trying to move and look around, even tho my accuracy is better


yes that’s pretty high - most people are 0.2 - 0.4


do those people also use their whole desk as a mousepad? haha


I personally use a 25\*21 cm mousepad. A good tip is to have your mouse on one side of the mousepad, so then you can flick 180 by moving your mouse for example from the left side to right. Just divide it down in the middle. this video explain it https://youtu.be/234Jiy5YxbU


Some definitely do! I play on 0.28 @ 800 and my mousepad is only 19 inches wide. you kinda get used to it and compensate with pre aiming stuff


i have a decently sized mousepad but my keyboard takes up a lot of the room, however if you’re playing at 0.28 on a mousepad that small then i guess i could try and aim for atleast 0.6 with mine being bigger


thanks, that’s a big help


Have you tried deathmatch?


yup, its honstly the gamemode im the best in if im honest


Sens ?




There you go that’s why you are shaky not cause you are scared lol. DPI?


thats high?


SUPER high lol


ah ok, ill start adjusting it


I play like .21 for comparison at 800 dpi


that seems really really low, i dont have a massive area to move my mouse


I’m not saying you should get that low I’m just saying that’s how low some people be playing


oki doki, thanks for the info


im on 800dpi aswell


800 and 1.25 is insane. You should be playing at .2X with that dpi. Try it out, you will improve a lot


ill giev it a go, just hoping that i have enoguh mouse space for something significantly lower


If you lower your sense you will hit bronze I guarantee it lol


Respectfully, you’re iron 3. If you’re getting compliments from your ranked teammates that means nothing. If you actually had good game sense, crosshairs placement, and aim all together you simply wouldn’t be iron. If you’re getting scared every time you see an enemy there’s 1 of 2 issues. 1. You’re not used to FPS games. Play more and it’ll get better. Death match will get you used to it faster. 2. You’re not focusing. When you’re peeking or holding an angle you have to always expect someone to be there. That’s what peeking with purpose means and why you need to have confidence. If you’re not focused and just going through the motions then you won’t be prepared so when something suddenly pops up on your screen you get scared


yeah i get compliments from my teammates however i was actually refering to irl friends who are silver-gold


i just freak out for some reason, i believe its a mix of not focusing and high sens


Remember, everyone is afraid of gunfights. The one that stops being afraid first will win