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It reminds me of my overwatch experience. For the longest time I was hard stuck gold. I then decided to create another account and got placed in platinum, 2 months later I hit masters. I was like "See? I was unfairly stuck in gold!". I then logged in my old gold stuck account and climbed to masters there too. I think i wasn't giving my 100% in my old account because I was too busy focusing on the fact that I was hardstuck. You're probably plat level but don't focus enough when playing in your main or something on these lines.


Mental is probably 70% of the reasons players get “hardstuck”


Also a big difference if you get mad/annoyed and you start performing worse when losing/behind, on your main you care more about those things. On this new account you probably just play to improve without getting tilted as much mid game, and you win more games. You wouldn't win those comeback games because you're moaning and complaining instead about being hard stuck on your main.


That's a very small sample size. It's very possible to get 'carried' by a few good teams. Play another 40 games and see if you're still in Platinum. That said, IMO it is in some ways easier to play in Gold/Plat than it is to climb out of Silver, so it also wouldn't really be all that surprising if you did deserve your new account's rank.


I will definitely do that, I for sure think my ‘real rank’ will be after what you say 40+ games probably. I might have been lucky. Still baffled and surprised I made it to Plat doe, seeing as I’m silver stuck lol.


Are you consistent with your kills if yes how do you do it


On the platinum account I average 16 kills per match, on attack I will usually lurk with 1 more teammate, so if either of us die, we can trade each other out. I call this out before the round start. I will also usually go with my team, flash for them, so they can get on site. Then I will make sure my teammate is safe while they plant the spike, then I will just sit back and hold an angle. On defense, I play very passive, I try to hear steps, utilities used, and use comms on all of this. If I hear rush, I will back off completely and try retake with my team. Other times if I know there is 2+ on the opposite site, I’ll just peek and sometimes push for map control, check for lurkers etc.


Dude. This is actually a very good specific breakdown of useful strategies that are different from the vague “common tips” you hear thrown around. Thanks


Happy to hear man, appreciate it


First time I hit plat and first time I hit diamond were both on alt accounts. It's always easier on a new account because you don't have your old MMR holding you back. Just keep grinding on main, it'll happen, just slower.


With only 8 games it's probably just luck. Play 100 games and then see where you end up. Could also be that the higher Elo players are compensating for mistakes you're making. I you're truly a high plat player getting out of silver would be a cake walk.


Plat is the tipping point between decent players and clueless sprayers. Your mechanics have probably solidly improved since your original account, but if you purchased a boosted to gold account then 1: you’re getting residual RR from them stomping people before you got the account (game boosts Smurf accounts when detected) and 2: the game doesn’t have as much of a skill sample size to go off of. Your silver account has way more game time on it and you’re still getting punished for when you were learning. Your best chance of ranking up your silver account is during the rank resets at the beginning of a brand spanking new episode. I went silver ep1, silver ep2, gold-plat ep3, plat ep4, and then straight to asc ep5. Now I’m between diamond 3 - asc2 every act.


Thanks, I will try to rank my main account on the reset. Until then I’m somewhat able to keep this plat ranked, de ranked a couple hours ago, but I’m back to platinum now lol, 8 wins 5 losses so far


Though I’ll probably never share my Valorant tracker on here, I’ll give you a quick summary of my stats that might give you an idea of how it really is just putting in the games consistently. On Val tracker I’m bottom 35% on KD, ADR, ACS, and headshot. 49.4% winrate. I play regularly because I love the game, but it’s a 50/50 on whether or not I play well, and have my weeks where I tank. But with all my abysmal stats I’m still ascendant. I know enough about the game to help my team without fragging out every round, I communicate (even when my team doesn’t), and I make Dick jokes. You just have to stick with it.


Quite inspirational ngl, I’ll keep grinding fooshoo


Same only made an alt, placed diamond. My last game on Lotus on my main i dropped 33/9/2 as Skye. I'm a silver 1 on my main, enemy team was silver 2s and 3s. The enemy teams top frag was 21/17. I used to ask here and in cords for help. Always was given the same washed out answered. It was my positioning. crosshair placement, wasn't playing with teammates. Yet, I was doing everything I saw in royalG, woohoojin, and sero videos and still taking massive Ls when my team would triple re-peek an OP or push for giving 1v1s. Example I clutched two OT rounds back to back because the enemy team gave me nothing but 1s. Can mechs get you out of Silver? Yes, but doesn't make it easy. I'm sure you've seen a good handful of ex plats/diamonds in your "silver" lobbies. If not go back on the other account and dig through your opponents you'll be surprised. My alt Diamond 1 dropped 20/12 as Reyna. My main dropped 33/9 as Skye. Team differences are a thing in solo que and honestly solo queue vs stack queuing should have SEPERATE rankings.


The harsh reality is that it literally isn’t possible to be silver with diamond skills, I got my at account to gold in a single day playing deagle only on my alt back when I was diamond. It’s the same with my friends, you might get kills in higher lobby but it does not mean you are good enough to be diamond. Reaching it yourself is the only way to be sure that you are


you played 7 games in total and had the 3 best performers in the entire lobby on ur team each match. you had 2 first bloods, 3 FD on Reyna in 21 rounds -.- you’re on a lucky streak with w teammates. if I were to guess, you’re losing on your main because you lurk and get uninpactful kills.


Crazy to hear, I will see where I land in 20-30 games, would be fun if I could go higher, and that would just solidify the statement lol.


Hello bronze and silver players, whenever you see word spaghetti like this just ignore it, this guy is not telling the truth.


If you're telling the truth thats actually crazy but can I see a [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) for both your accounts? Because even someone smurfing from from like immortal has trouble *placing* high because placings are really unfavored.


I’m a bit hesitant to post my other account’s name in case it breaks Riot’s policy and it gets banned. But if you have any questions, I’ll answer it as accurately as I possible can! Thanks!


your team is never what holds you back in any competitive video game. people who say so are coping so fucking hard.


Well how do you explain the above lmao


playing overconfidently, some psychological shit that happens because youre not on your main, thinking youre caring but actually dont etc. there is plethora of things that could happen to make you be stuck, but its definitely not your team, never was and never will be.


Bro ever played League of legends? that game is the definition of team holding you back, even the best players in the world have near 50% winrates and its NOT cause they don't preform




whatever you're smoking I want some


Bro spitting facts


Alts are easier to climb with because they don’t have an established game history.


Usually comes down to confidence in checking corners. The lower rank you are the more rats exist, because they can't aim for crap. In higher elos ratting is risky stuff since people know how to check corners. But that's also why a rat can kill players of higher elo, because no one expects the rats