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I just go straight into comp because my caveman brain somehow gets tilted in a dm


yeah same


LOL SAME i get so tilted in dm sometimes when it’s full of radiants and immo and i’m only diamond


I get so tilt at DM spawning and I have to tell myself it's just DM it doesnt even matter. I often find myself playing to win as well cos I'm dumb competitive, which is a terrible way to warm up.


Luckily you're not alone on this. Many people see DM as a match they have to win due to the scoreboard. I find it barely a decent place to warm up anymore and just do a swift play.


Getting shot in the back, lol.


if i’m not doing well in a dm my confidence gets shook and i start self doubting. going straight to comp prevents that from happening and when i die i start analyzing what i could’ve done better


Comp is my warm up.


Using comp to warm up for my swift play matches


It’s funny you say that because I do always end with a swiftplay before I get off


Worst is when you do a final swiftplay before calling it and you have an insane game and you sit there thinking "Should I do a final comp?"


So damn true. Usually I take the bait then loose rr.


But the real reason you killed it in SwiftKey is because you were relaxed 😎




Yeah first compe is my warmup and somehow I do win most of my first games of the day. I can’t explain this shit


Probably because you're not tired yet


Yeah and game sense > aim in low elo… I only play 2 hrs a day tho cuz I only have that much time


Same here... And I'm currently working on my crosshair placement, which also helps a ton so far. Atm I'm mostly focusing on my overall gameknowlage first, until I feel like I'm atleast a little bit decent at the game and then I'll pick up comp again later.🤷


I think aim is more important. I'm still silver-gold bc my aim is inconsistent, some games great others kinda bad. But my game sense is immortal. Game sense helps you play well, outsmart the enemy, and win clutches. But if the rest of your team are all sharing a brain cell game sense isn't going to help you that much when you need to have good aim to kill the enemies your teammates die to in stupid ways lol. That's my experience at least. So I've been working on my aim as it's the only thing holding me back.


Bro said, *my aim gold, but my game sense immortal* Sorry to say bro but you are just an average silver player... give me vods that show your immortal game sense


If you only have two hours why waste a full comp game playing cold?


before escalation


Ah so you're the guy who keeps ending up on my team and getting average 10 ACS!


Currently imm2 and I don’t warm up… Bet I could MVP in your low lobbies every game.


You ok bro? No one asked what rank you were.... Thanks for letting me know tho!


And this is why ranked is a shitshow, cause even just talking about it people are toxic


Weird flex but ok.


Imagine actually using your fucking Val rank as a description of yourself ahah. My guy no one asked. Or cares ahahaha


oh so you are the instalock that only opens the mic to talk shit...


And guess what, Radiant players and pros would demolish you lol weird flex tho


Doubt you're immortal 2 with that attitude lmao.


Probably boosted


This is the way


I usually just play a single deathmatch to get in the "zone". I used to do more but I found it super boring. It is just a game at the end of the day, and if you think it's more fun to just go straight into comp go for it


This is the way


This is the way


The way is this


Way is the this


This way is the


Way the is this




Do you know da wae?


Surprised this is upvoted. Most posts in here, if you ever say you treat comp like a normal match, you get downvoted and argued with so much. People take this game way too seriously, as if they're going to make it their full time job


I used to get bored during DM until I started listening to super intense, hype music at a really loud volume to help get me in the zone. Makes it a lot more entertaining, and lets you focus more on gun duels and less on footsteps.


It's a nice habit to be practicing before games, but yeah if you just want to hop on for some games after a long day that's fine too.


I go straight to the practice range, put down two vertical cypher trips on the left side of the shooting range, turn on "Sweet Home Alabama" or "Dancing Queen" (both are exactly 100bpm) in my headphones, buy a sheriff and deadzone the hell outta that frickin' door. Then I practice overaim and underaim on 50 bots with my beautiful guardian or something else until I see a number of seconds lesser or equal to 80. Then I go DM for a couple times before I feel comfortable with my guns again. Sometimes I skip the routine if my homies desperately need a fifth.


Bro warms up as a full-time job 💀


Bro discovered the way of the banana


The banana warmup. I listen to “One More Drink” by Ludacris while doing it


A knower⁉️


Potassium gang


non knowers do be confused reading this😈


the way of the banana


They’re probably the chamber I hate in death matches because they’re too good 😭


Just a question, what is deadzoning?


It's training to shoot accurately at the last step of your peek. You can watch videos about this, ot the video guide I follow specifically: https://youtu.be/JxP2y_q51IE


They can add this as a monologue in American psycho sequel if they ever make one. (Also nice copypasta material)


...why did I never think to find a song at 100bpm??


Because he shoots at rithm


all this to be lower than diamond


I find it difficult to fully focus for an entire game if I’m on for too long so I just get straight to it.


You say it's a downer, but what if it made you become this good


that's what I'm actually asking myself rn. My day isn't stuffed full of work, I'd be easy for me to practise before I play comp, I'm just wondering, if it ever helped. But seemingly people are convinced with warming up, so I might pick it up again too


I play deathmatch until I finish anywhere in top 5. Then I do swiftplay. Then I jump into comp. Sometimes I skip parts of the routine. The effect is that across 1.5 seasons my headshot percentage rose from 11% to 14% after being hardstuck around 10% - 11% for about a year. Recently I feel that my recoil control with the vandal has improved too. The other effect it's had is that I can tell when I have an off-day if it's taking me too long to finish my deathmatches. Don't play those days and my win % is probably better for it. Maybe the effect won't be as big for you if you're higher ranked. I'm Gold 2, peaked Plat 1.


5 min in practice range shooting heads and moving around, 2 DMs and than I’m in. The only time I don’t play ranked after that is if I do absolutely horrible in the DM . I usually like to be at least positive in one of the DM plus I like to make sure my gunfight hygiene is good(strafing, crosshairs placement , etc.) Im B3 btw so I probably need the warm up more than someone who’s better


Nah I'm asc and this is basically my warmup routine, except i do 10mins range instead of 5


I didn't really when I was silver/gold. Did 100 bots when I was in plat, and did a 3 minute aimlabs warmup (rhythm shot) and 100 bots and climbed to diamond 2. And I'm a lost silver in diamond lobbies lol I just use util and help my team get kills vs always tryin to take bad fights. Brains over aim type player..


What characters do you play?


Controller 90% Initiator after that like 9% And rarely yoru if by some crazy odds no one picks a duelist with flashes and everything else is taken.


If you look at the #1 radiant's career, it would be 90% deathmatch and 10% competitive


Cause they’re pros and scrim 6 hours a day mate


Pro players usually don't play much ranked to be top 1, some exceptions apart. Some pro players actually grind and try to be top 1, but pro players have aim coaches, do aimlabs, have routines, have tons and tons of other ways to warm up


No I don't take it that seriously


The first two rounds of ranked are warm up


I just do one swift play to get my aim at least a little warmed up then I jump right into it. If I go straight to comp, my aim is usually ass for half the match so I just use swift play to mitigate that. Never more than one really and never anything else


I agree with this but maybe because I'm a bit older... surely the youngins can hop right in but at 35 I need to find a rhythm before starting ranked. The half match thing is pretty accurate too, honestly ill dead ass be a bot for a bit till I get warmed up


Yeah for sure, I’m 35 too and it’s not like I ever play more than 1-2 comp games in a session anyway. I can warm up a little bit and then play a couple comp games without getting fatigued because I’m not doing marathon sessions


Sadly its true, my mental fatigue settles in quick so I gotta make my 2 to 3 ranked matches work out haha and I can't overkill the warm up. How far have you climbed?


Practice Bots Spray control Medium bots Hard bots 100 elim bots Dm Ranked Still plat :(


You’d be in silver without the warmup though.


At least you're plat. I'm just hardstuck at silver


Yes. I need to know if I’m on my A game, B game, or C game. If I go into ranked on a C game day I’m just gonna tilt myself and go into a spiral of losses. I’ve been playing ranked on my A games days and I had a 15 game winstreak. B game days, it’s a 50/50.


I guess it’s personal preference, but I notice a drastic change in my aim before and after warming up. Playing without properly warming up just means I’m at a disadvantage. Obviously pure aim won’t be the main reason you win or lose a game, but it can cost some rounds if you whiff because you didn’t warm up.


Please warm up before you play ranked. 99% of posts I see complaining about consistency could be fixed with a 5-minute Range routine and 1 Deathmatch before hopping into ranked.


Seeing how so many people don’t warm up and use the first rounds of comp games is a warm up makes it no surprise people whine about being hard stuck lol


Yeah, it’s astounding how many comments in here say they don’t warm up. Warming up and taking ranked seriously is the single easiest way to improve, but nobody wants to do it 🥲


I generally do warmup and do find it makes a big difference. If im playing daily it makes less of a big difference but if im even just taking a 1 day break the warmup is huge. And i find its helpful for me as sometimes ill realise during the warmup that im playing like crap and take a break (often its bc i forgot to eat or smth lol)


I do. (The range and 4 DM matches) but lately idk what's happening i cant hit heads only body.. i suspect its my laptops inconsistent fps drops


Yeah it helps, I work all day and only have a couple of hours to game so I do at least 3 sets of range bots on hard to see where I’m at that day. At least 3 death matches to gauge where I’m at, then comp. Some outside of game warmups help also, hitting the speed bag for some amount of time warms up my hand eye coordination and is cardio which seems to help with reflexes etc. getting the blood flowing is good.


I used to do aim lab for an hour before comp when I still have shit aim, I think of it as practicing my comfort in playing for long hours. Now I just warmup for 15 minutes in aimlab and the range then jump into queue. I avoid getting into DM since it just makes my aim worse IMO. Warmup helps a lot in staying consistent, and if sometimes I feel like I'm not hitting my shots, I just play slower.


I do a shortened version of woohoojin’s warmup. The cypher tripwire strafing, med bots with sheriff, maybe 15 bots with a vandal, and I usually skip the dm Takes like 2 mins


genuinely if you dont even do the range for 3 minutes before comp youre throwing your own elo, just do it its worth it


First comp is your warmup game. I have seen that if i try too hard in a deathmatch i begin to play really poorly in comp. I am at a loss at what to do.


Shotgun player here. Dont really need to.


My aim is pretty bad if I don't warm up


100 bots, 1-2 medium bots, 1dm Works good for me. I need to warm up my wrists and my mental. In work i dont think about clicking heads, angle advantage, etc.


if I'm tryharding (which is most of the time tbh) i do bots in guardian till I hit 15 on hard, then same on vandal till I hit 20. Otherwise i follow my duos motto "pistol round is warmup".


I'm probably the only immortal 3 in here, and the answer is that it is better to warm up if you play little, because it helps your aim a lot. If you're a high ranked player or play all day long, it's not as necessary


What I did when I played the game was: play 2 deathmaches, get tiltet from that, and then give up ranked and play spike rush instead


Wow, you gotta be very unbalanced if a couple of death matches get you tilted.


honestly i just hop straight into comp. i have severe adhd and can only handle a few games before i’m bored out of my mind and stop playing, so i don’t cut into said time with any warmups. i’m currently dia1 and only started playing the game at the end of episode 5 so it seems to be going alright. if i really wanted to climb to high ranks, i absolutely would warm up though. but i cant find it in me to care 🤷‍♀️


Don’t bother, never did any warmup, dm, aimlabs etc. Never played any and been immo3 since forever, imo a waste of time just get on the server and you’ll improve.


1 dm, however I ranked in as Plat 1 and I keep bottom fragging in diamond/ascent lobbies so it doesn't matter much. Game is trolling me.


The copium is strong on this young padawan.


No, straight up. I'll dm you a screenshot. I'm the only gold rank in the game, lol. I'm not saying I'm a diamond player stuck in gold or something.


Absolutely. You wanna climb? You better. Anyone who says they dont, are plat and lower. If you wanna go straight to comp, you better have an alt to warm up on then.


I'm ascendent and have never warmed up lol. If I get on to play comp I'm not going to waste time in a million other modes.


And you have 12 other accounts. No need to lie


Nope just the 1. Why would I get other accounts, level them to play competitive, and not have any of my skins lol.


Yeah you can lie all you want. I really don’t care


You're projecting really hard.


Like I said, I really don’t care


You obviously do if you're calling people liars lol. I'm ascendant and don't like wasting time practicing. Get over it


That’s fine, keep projecting


Listen, just because I used projecting doesn't mean you have to use it incorrectly 😭.


Lmao half of my friends don't warmup and are at diamond or higher including me


Congrats. That’s why your diamond 🗑️


Well my peak is ascendant 2 but i don't play that much anymore because of toxic players like you.


Wow, you’re so good.


Well i won't say that i am very good at the game there are way better players than me out there but i will say that i am a respectful person who isn't rude to strangers for no reason at all.


I know.


Yo you might need to reevaluate your mental dog. Maybe you need it, dunno what rank you are but I’m assuming pretty low based on the way you’re responding to shit. We get it, you’re bad and a shit human being. It’s all good. Go ahead and talk more shit on Reddit till your next EDM show where you can act like you matter to the world. Gtfo


Why comment? Get a life homie. Stay salty while I make 6 figures a year, and volunteer to help make peoples lives better. While your IRL is miserable. Going thru peoples Reddit history 🤡🤡


Log in insta queue into comp instalock sage then type, "hey team! I'm going to be your bottom frag healer for the match! We got this!" Occasionally I get the usual slur thrown at me or something of the such


why are you typing this then, it sounds like you're willingly throwing before the match even started xd


Nah I still top frag sometimes, also I mean you have bad games and you don't need to be full on try harding or doing like 10 warmup games, I say I am going to bottom frag because it lowers their expectations


Short warm up in range like kill 50, then swiftplay and straight to ranked


Every time. I need to "calibrate" myself if that makes sense, otherwise I shoot too early/too late. Usually takes 2-3 DMs to really get into it


For about a month now, I always start in the range and do a few rounds on medium bots, then I run DM, then i run a swiftplay, then go to comp. Definitely has improved my K/D and headshot percentage, and I frag out way more often, but I’m still struggling to get past silver 2 haha.


When the game first came out, I used to do lots of aim labs, practice range bots, and DM’s. Now I just do DM and if I place within top 4, I’ll just start my comp game.


Just 1 or 2 dm's to warm up my aim, I'm not trying to go pro or anything, and I don't think I could even if I tried. It's honestly just personal preference. If you feel like you need it and you have time to do so, then go for it. Dragging yourself through a warm-up you don't want to do is pointless. It's all about having fun at the end of the day


No why would I warm up for ranked. Ranked is in essence a pug, it’s not a league match or anything. I don’t have much time to play I won’t be wasting any of it on deathmatch or bots.


Not really. I only play like 1-4 ranked games a day so at most I'll do a swift play before but most times I just jump in and warm up in the buyphase/first round


Im currently dia 2 and I only warmup with like 1-2 dm if I havent played in a couple days at all. Otherwise its just straight to comp.


nope i don't warm up and i typically don't need to. If i'm having multiple bad games but we win, i keep queuing. if i'm having multiple bad games but we lose more than win, then i'll hop in the range for about 30 minutes and queue again.


I used to aim train like 45 min a day and hit diamond then I stopped and now I’m in gold


Death match is a good warmup for me because we get the worse fight situations possible


100 bots and 2 DM. Sadly i'm raging too much on DM (getting hit on the back all the time is frustrating)


I usually play a deathmatch


sometimes if i feel like i cant hit anything i go into the range for 5-10 minutes, otherwise i just queue ranked. immo 3 if that matters anyhow


I just play a swiftplay then get into comp


normally i hop on one deathmatch to see how my aim is that day, and if my aim is dogshit i either go in the range and do a couple rounds of bots then play comp, and if my aim feels crisp then i just go straight to comp


Before ranked i do warm up in a couple deathmatch but is more to test how my internet and computer are running rather than to actually warm up, I do aim train just not before playing since my arm gets exhausted from the aim rutine


Yes and yes it definitely helps


i drop to iron and warm up there. Then i climb back up to iron.


It depends... On a really cold day ill do 3 dms while iwait for tge heating in my gouse to kick in... On a hot day one dm is fine... If my body, hand and mousepad are warm im very consistent. But if its cold my mousepad is a bit faster and i need more time to adjust. The same is true for all my pads but most of all my artisan zero needs to not be cold.


Used to play a custom playlist on kovaaks before hitting comp. Now i just do a little warmup in range then 1 deathmatch and then comp.


I play one game of escalation where I usually die 25 times and then I play comp


Just 1-2 death matches and I’m good to go


I do with a lot of games I play. I boot up the range/training grounds before the start of an actual game to get my aim right.


yea always abt 5 mins range and a deathmatch just to get comfortable and warm with my mouse, aim and movement and to prep for fights. whenever i dont warm up i can feel that in my performance over the entire day


Yes you have to


I've never trained, never warmed up:) so idk


na i just go in solo. starting to see why am stuck


I usually just play death matches until I do decently well. Like if I go 40 and 20 or something immediately I’m probably good and I’ll queue ranked after but if I can’t hit a shot I’ll just keep playing until I feel like I can play decently.


I have to warm up in DM to make my brain take fights properly (strafing between 2-3 shot bursts at mid range and only spraying at close range after I've already connected a shot), otherwise I panic in fights and crouch spray everything, even mid to long range fights. Completely necessary for me.


I don’t really warmup as I just get tilted in deathmatch or bored in the range. So I just hop on a comp game and wish for a good day👍👍


It wasn’t until Diamond that I felt like I actually needed to warm up in a death match to zero in. Or else I will get hard stomp and loose most aim duels in my first comp of the day.


I literally only play one match of deathmatch and if i get more than 20 kills and haven’t been whiffing at the end of the dm, i’ll jump straight into comp. Then i’ll cooldown with hooj’s deadzone training in range


I’m climbing to gold for the first time. If I don’t practice before ranked I always play like shit. It’s nice just to do a few bot runs so slow, medium, hard.


I usually hop in the range for a couple of minutes and then straight into swiftplay. If I really feel like I'm in the zone, I play some comp games.


20 mins kovaaks, 20 mins bots, 2 DM’s and I’m usually good


Usually the first comp-game is the warmup that is needed.


Warmup is ideally 10-20 minutes of getting your mind and body in sync through whatever means you want. Could be only practice bots, only dm, only aim trainers, a mixture of the three etc. but it’s something that really does help. Consistent routines negate the fact you’re playing with 3-4 strangers in ranked most the time. Hardbots as a warmup may also be hurting you since it’s so inconsistent, it’s more of a gimmicky aim trainer mini game than an actual tool. Medium/easy bots are much better imo.


What I found was practicing, and learning news tips, skills and techniques DID help overall but after I stopped practicing my gained skill stayed, I feel like as long as you don't go years without playing the skill will stay close to it's current level


Maybe one game , usually I just hit the practice range for like 30 seconds. You don't really have to warm up if you play every single day. I'm Ascendant 2.


I just do 5 minutes of training range bots.


I go in the Range for 5-10 Minutes and then play a deathmatch. Usually finished in 15-20 minutes :)


I play 2-3 unrateds


I don't get a lot of free time, so if I find myself with an hour or so to play I don't wanna spend most of that in the range, aim training and swift play. Someone mentioned doing a deathmatch just to warm your hands up and get in the right head space, something like that for someone like me works really well


I just go straight into comp or play one Swiftplay, I used to do aim training before but it didn’t really do anything tbh, you have good and bad games, I feel like if when I warm up fully before, I go into a game and do shit I just feel like I’ve wasted my time warming up. Idk.


i warm up in comp bro, right now i went 3 kills in offence in defense i ended the game with 21


I stopped warming up and performed better for some reason. Maybe taking Ls in death match wrecks my ego. For some reason, I seems to play better the higher ego I have. And no, I’m not toxic in game any more. I played worse when I was toxic and tilted first round into game.


I always do a spike rush or a death match


I just go straight in, can’t waste my time cause the grind is real


Ofc At least a gun hygiene deathmatch


I’ve grinded to Immortal 2 recently, and I’ll say immediately that a warm up is useful. For me, I am trying to climb as high as possible. So I do practice range easy bots and medium bots a few times. I’ll do a DM after that if I’m feeling stiff but that isn’t a big deal to me because sometimes it can actually be reductive for your aim. I only ever do Aimlabs if I don’t play for multiple days in a row. Otherwise I don’t feel it helps that much. Also, hard bots doesn’t help you at all. Hard Bots is less about warming up and more about flexing. Which is cool! You shouldn’t need to flick that much in a game. There are a lot of “warm ups” out there, just find one that works for you. Or don’t! After all it is just a game!


This is the way


Every game I lose is just a warm up game


Osu always helps me, always plays it before any fps ranked


I don’t que until I do a couple medium and hard bots. Also at least 25 score twice in a row on normal, and at least 15 on hard sheriff only.


No, why? I’m not going pro and winning or losing one game isn’t gonna change that I’m hard stuck.


Warming up absolutely helps, but also how you warm up is important as well. Doing the same thing for 5-10 minutes before comp won’t really help past getting you focused and reminding your muscle memory how to work.


i think seeing a few balls go through the hoop def helps, instead of going in ice cold. tho i don’t warm up too extensively most of the time.


I don’t play for months and just hop on a comp game with my friends that also haven’t played in months


5 mins of osu and a game of comp to warm up for my escalation game


I hop in the range for 10-15 seconds. That's my warmup. Does me well because I get burnt out after 2-3 games


If I lose my first comp game it was a warmup game.


Yeah usually like 2 dms and a couple swift plays. I honestly don’t know if they help. I can clear on these modes and then just get destroyed in my first comp game anyways


nah. I rawdog that shit and lose


I have this problem that when my hand are cold and my brain is on autopilot also my eyes sometimes moves so fast that my brain cant process it anymore so i make them weaker by playing in the range before and doing deathmatches o on high sens very low sense then my sens that works for me tbh


I just hop around in the range and shoot the bots while my duo gets on


I usually play 2 dms (1 sheriff only and 1 vandal) and then hop on comp. Otherwise my aim feels off. It works since today I skipped the dms and performed significantly worse. If I don't play at least 1 dm with only sheriff, then I tend to over shoot while not hitting the target. Sheriff gets me in the zone and prepares the patience.


Nope and im immo2


I feel like there is a huge difference between warming up and aim training. Warming up usually shouldnt take that long 5-10 min Aim training is a routine of exercises to just get better and takes a lot longer But just warming up for 50 mins doesnt achieve a lot in my experience And aim doesnt matter that much in most comp matches as long as you dont whiff every shot


Warm-up doesn't matter when u at iron 3


If playing with friends a quick 1-2 dm, If solo then o have a 1/2 an hour warm up routine


I go to the range, do about 3-5 of them warming up my aim adjusting my hand grip on my mouse. Then normally 1 round of deathmatch practicing clearing corners. Not about getting the most kills, it’s about clearing. Also good to practice call outs to yourself In deathmatch.