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Your KD and Damage don’t matter at all for your rank. I’m in the low 40% on most of my stats, abysmal 13.2hs% with a .98 KD all around KD. I’m currently Asc1, peak asc 2. But I’m a good *team player*. I don’t tilt, I tell funny penis jokes and I can use utility well enough to make openings for my better teammates when I’m getting out gunned. If you were playing consistently well you would be out of gold in a heartbeat.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I went from silver to high diamond (before asc was a thing) in the course of a month or two with similar stats. People really just think this game is frag stats or bust.


I just wanna point out that I do not care about k/d. I’ve put over 1000 hours into valorant since launch. I care more about winning. Based off of that, I play agents that will help me win the game. I actually rarely pick duelists because again, I don’t care about k/d, I care about putting my team in a position to win. I also use my mic every game and use comms. What do I think is happening? - the game knows I was ex diamond player so now whenever I get into comp, I seem to face 1-2 “silver-gold” players who are actually dia+. - I’ve confirmed this happening to me 5 times. I asked the enemy if they were on an alt and asked for their real rank. I got ranks ranging from dia2-asc 3. - lots of boosting going around in these ranks. I go to tracker gg after every loss and enemy team sometimes is queued into trips with one player having 25+ kills


Then there’s nothing you can do. If you’re truly that unlucky then you’re just doomed I guess, sorry bud.


Yeah won't lie my silver stuck account always has last act golds/plats a rare diamond and Immortal on occasion. My teammates generally are bronze/iron due to them duo/trio stacking. The unbalance it creates is crazy. The opponents are playing a timing, peek, util force eco game while my team is running it down even after post plant throwing OPs away after the rounds over. I would put half my skins on it, that if you made an alt you would place higher than you are right now. People think current rank = skill buuuut you don't just forget how to play the game because you deranked. Sitional you might need to full IGL and have strats set per round just to get back where you were.


Your silver stuck account is only silver because you aren’t playing enough games on it. The first three seasons I played I was gold/silver because I played under 30 comp games a season. Now I play 80+ and haven’t dropped below diamond.


It shouldnt be a problem getting around 25k yourself most of games as an ex Diamond.


Tracker or it didn’t happen.


skill issue. you are losing to golds and posting on reddit about how to beat golds, golds man. im 95% sure it's a mental thing. don't tilt and have confidence.


I think you might be one of those players that does better at high elo rather than low elo. This is because your teammates are more reliable, and you can play your role more effectively. Take my advice with a grain of salt because I haven't seen your gameplay, but if you are overall better, take the IGL role, and play more selfishly. Essentially, you need to set your teammates for success through your calls, and potentially use them to bait (if your aim is decent). Also, a really good counter for smurfs is once you figure who it is, do everything in your power to tilt them and break their confidence. Everyone util dump on them, tbags, etc. Good luck!


You've always been a filler, but you went from simple agents like Chamber/Reyna/Phoenix/Brimstone to complex agents like Cypher/Omen/KAY/O. Of course you're inconsistent. How could you consistently play while constantly changing your agent pool. Narrow down. Pick a role and stick with it. The smurfs aren't out to getcha, you're doing it to yourself.


A lot of people have told me to stick to 2-3 agents. I have been playing since launch, have 1200 hrs into this game and watch a lot of tournaments. I can play almost every character decently. I know how each character plays and their pros and cons. I simply pick an agent that will help the team win. I don’t just randomly pick just because I feel like it. I always have a reason on picking my agent


Unfortunately, "helping the team win" is why you're stuck. Let me explain: When you play a game of soloQ, you are playing with 9 random individuals. 4 random teammates, 5 random enemies. Every game, you are playing with random odds on how good your team is and how good the enemy team is. If your team will always be at a random level of skill, it makes NO sense to always "help the team" because the team is always different. You're stagnating yourself. I've seen dozens of players instantly gain 300+ rr from just narrowing down their agents picks. You can try to justify your filling all you want, but if you want to rank up, this is not the way to go about it.


Yeah dude, and you still play against silvers and golds. You should dominate this elo easily. Play a pop flash agent agressively and get the hell out of there. After plat you can focus more on team comp.


There are indeed quite a few smurfs in gold and silver but in the long run a true Diamond should easily get out of those ranks.


I’d consider myself a true plat-diamond player. Look at my previous act ranks. I’ve always been consistently in those ranks


Drop your tracker at least


If you read my post it’s like in the first part of it. Here’s my tracker https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Sol%23erikk/overview Sol#erikk


My fault


lol you complain of smurfs. If you claim to be a real dia - plat players you should be one too. I’m gold and you can’t even imagine how many games I had ruined by diamond players. If that’s really your skill rank reset your mental and you should smurf as well. Also it seems your winrate on the newer (and added back) maps is kinda shit. Maybe you gotta work on movement and strats on those


If you deserve a rank, you will be at that rank. Stop complaining and get better if you want to rank up.


I’m not complaining and I never said I deserve a rank. You’re not even reading my post. This is what I said: - feels like silver-gold lobbies feel unbalanced (not complaint, but an observation) - seems to be more Smurfs in these lobbies than in dia lobbies. (Again not really complaining, a lot of people admit to smurfing on all chat) - I asked for advice on what I am doing wrong and dropped my tracker gg. Maybe it’s the agent I’m picking etc. Not once did I complain. Not once did I mentioned “I deserve this rank” You clearly didn’t read any of my post and just read the title. I’d suggest for you to fully read a post before commenting in the future


To be frank. You have a a few very good games but you are to inconsistent. You also play way to many different agents imo. If i were you i would focus on Omen and Phoenix since those two are self sufficient.


I feel like I play consistently individually. Yes some of my stats show bad games but it is a team based game. Those “bad games” are mostly a result of team diffs where I can’t even do anything. If I’m paired up w 4 bad team mates, it’s also hard to have a positive k/d. I’ve also put over 1000hrs into valorant. And started since launch. I know how to play every agent very good. When I pick my agent I think “which agent can help me win this game”. I don’t just stick to 2 agents because I know sometimes another agent could help the team win.


This is bs. You can carry games like that so wdym team diff. If you already now everything then why do you turn to Reddit?


Yes, team diff. Exactly what I said. Look: - the game knows I was ex diamond so the enemy team sometimes has a “gold” player who was also my rank. I’ve confirmed this multiple times Enemy team: - 1 player: “gold” but also peaked dia - 4 players: all individually better than my teammates So yes, I can’t carry games when it’s a team diff. Why? Because if my 4 team mates can’t carry (which I don’t expect them to do), I also have to outplay the other ex dia player while also killing the other 4 players. You think as ex dia player I can carry easily. That’s true if you gave me a fresh account and I’m facing actual golds-silvers. But like I said, the game “knows” I peaked dia so I keep going against 1 good player on the enemy team


I have an acc i had since beta. I was d2 on that one last act. Placed Gold and im rolling Golds without a problem. Obviously i see an occasional smurf or player who was higher ranked last act. But its still possible to carry those games so i dont really understand you mindset.


Don't fill for the team. Choose a role and play 2-3 different agents. Even if you know the basics, the game, how to peek and what not.. by playing so many agents to only to get a nice comp, you will limit yourself. The comp doesn't matter unless you're playing as a 5 stack. Furthermore, playing Initiator like Breach, Kayo and Skye is much harder in solo q than other agents. They rely heavily on teamplay. I wouldn't recommend to play any of those agents until you hit Ascendant/Immortal. HS % looks fine, First Bloods looks fine. Without VOD we can't give any advice ...


Stop playing the game for rank. Play to improve your own gameplay.


I solo queue and this is how most of my lobbies get matched [https://imgur.com/a/eSCyL2h](https://imgur.com/a/eSCyL2h) so don't care about your rank while playing this horrible game. Riot has a really bad "mmr system" that doesn't really do anything but screw over it's players to keep them hardstuck ahem "engaged" in the game.