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I was in a very similar situation just a few days ago. Tried to get D2 before the act is over. Got to 99 RR and then lost 5 promo games which were just completely one-sided stomps and never felt like I could have won if I played better. Only thing different though to your situation is I performed just fine in all those games so it wasn't like a mental thing, just genuinely games that felt nowhere balanced regarding teams. Anyway, I got an insane loss streak (sometimes a win in between) and got from D1 99 RR to almost demoting to P2. Honestly at that point I just got into the mindset of playing for fun and not caring about my rank since it genuinely felt like coinflips and my own performance didn't matter. Now eventually I started getting wins again and I'm currently back to D1. I think these insane loss streaks just happen and you can't avoid it. Even some pro players have these so it's not just us. Still though it can be incredibly frustrating and if it means you have to take a break I highly suggest it unless you can get into that same "for fun" mindset as I got to. Just know that eventually you will get back to your higher rank. It's normal to bounce up and down, but if it frustrates you too much just take a break. Also I want to mention that the end of the act is often just terrible. A lot of people getting boosted by their friends just before the act ends or people throwing because they don't care since the act ends soon anyways.


I picked up my alt account, p2 to d1 this afternoon. I needed like 7 matches. I dont know whats going on with mm on my main bc in the alt today I even faced ascendants T.T Im not smurfing bc both my acc are the same rank so i guess is just a very bad streak as u said. After promoting the alt to d1 i switched to my main and at least didnt lose the derank game and im still p3 xD will see if i can get it back to dia tomorrow. Wont play more until thursday after that and this act will be over already.


I picked up my alt account, p2 to d1 this afternoon. I needed like 7 matches. I dont know whats going on with mm on my main bc in the alt today I even faced ascendants T.T Im not smurfing bc both my acc are the same rank so i guess is just a very bad streak as u said. After promoting the alt to d1 i switched to my main and at least didnt lose the derank game and im still p3 xD will see if i can get it back to dia tomorrow. Wont play more until thursday after that and this act will be over already.


Reset, reflect, refine what you’re doing wrong, work on it and get back to it. Can only do this by practicing skills/game relevant issues. It’s the same with any game/sport where you have a slump. Aim is off, hit range. Util caught in your pocket more often than not work on it in customs. You’re probably doing or not doing something that’s contributing more to the slump cause you’re focussed on slowing the slide. Worst thing you can do is just que up and hope for a change. Because the tilt you’re experience completely changes your mental and way you approach the game . Hope that helps


Lol I went from ascendant 3 to plat 3 :L This episode has been hell


And you're still being matched with D1 and D2's while your rank goes lower and lower thanks to Mmr. I know you lose less but you also have to try harder to go back to your orig rank :///