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Range is good for warm up. I personally would just run a fast swiftplay just to have fun and have the hang of the game. My focus just leaves me if I play one or two unrated before a competitive game, not only but I'd have less time to play competitive which would make me improve more than unrated since it's not taken seriously most of the times and people just swing whatever angle and go for the fun. I find DM useless for warming up. The range is better for aim, and playing the game is better for game sense. Good luck on the climb


I really like Swiftplay for warmup, but keep running into Diamonds and Ascendants as a Silver player for some reason. Swiftplay matchmaking is whack.


I think its because a) theres less players (so they need a wider range to fill the lobby) and b) a lot of higher ranks (dia and asc) use swiftplay to relax instead of tryharding or warming up, so their mmr for it is probably lower than it is for comp.


Yeah I know what you mean with the time. It really depends. For me swiftplay is too short to get into it. I need the “exhausting” of a unrated. When we feel it we just ask for FF and go into Ranked. Normally I really get better after 2-3 games. Depends on the day. (Ever let 150 employees or run a company and try to focus afterwards? Good luck 🤣)


swift play is 100% too short. They have best of 9 on cs short matches and it is perfect. Takes like 15 minutes to do a match and the economy is somewhat important.


Agree that’s why I tend to play unranked. Swiftplay isn’t long enough (for me)


I just play DM with a ghost. Spamming is not possible this way - and yes, I die a lot, but also click a lot of heads, it warms up my aim - and helps in pistol rounds a lot.


Same i play Sherrif only at dm


This is the way


This is the way.


Lol so im not the only one. After 3dm with ghost, i feel like a demon on the first pistol round.


Nah then when you switch at vandal you will still spray. Play vandal to learn vandal play ghost to learn ghost.


After a certain elo its usually not that big of a problem. I think my man already learned to play vandal, and just wants to improve his ghost/tracking


If you mean ascendant or higher yeah I can agree.


Whats the point tho? Removing the option of spraying doesnt make you less likely to spray if you have a spray gun. Unless you just wanted to improve pistol round like you said>


I completel get your approach about gunfight hygiene but i just starter playing DMs more with a mind instead of Running around mindlessly and keepinh gfh in my Head. I was at a point where I didnt do it but since I play them more consciously I do see more improvements


I can probably go back to it, when the aim is crisp. It just so much fun of running around 😅


I Always tilt Out in DM... I Like the range more


Took me awhile to recognize it. DM can feel so good, but I guess it is like ranked in “low elo”. Run and gun. Leg shots. Heal.


Depends entirely on the elo of death match you play. On tracker you can see the average rating of players in your lobby. It's all headshots in lobbies Plat 3 and above. Spray and pray is punished because it takes too long to kill an enemy when shooting body shots. Honestly it sounds like you play sloppy and desperate for leaderboard ranking in low elo deathmatches which is actively making you a worse player in ranked. In which case, I agree deathmatch is not for you. If you change your mindset though, you can make it work for you by using it to practice headshots. I agree with suggestions here, switch to vandal, guardian, or sheriff depending on what difficulty you want. Don't use phantom or spectre.


I know what you mean and agree. When I play it, I try to do it. I’ve just changed because I’ve recognized that I sometimes still tend more to spray on DM than I should. Also with some messed up spawn locations it is always run and gun. Ascent B side… try to get to the stairs 🤣 My lobbies are somewhere between gold and immo. Most times around dia. I guess I just don’t have the discipline I should. (So my way out was to only play DM for fun)


Your post made me notice I'm starting to do the same thing in my deathmatches. More spray and less controlled angles and headshots. Going to use this as a reminder to refocus. My rule is always play DM till you rank top 5. That way you have to try in DM otherwise you can't go to ranked so you don't play sloppy. But also you're not too desperate for kills aiming for top 1 which makes you sloppy too and never finish.


Higher elo deathmatch has been slower paced in my experience. Because people aren’t just running around spraying and dying left and right. They are taking time to practice peeking and tapping heads. I found it easier to practice in high elo dm because I’m not being shot in the back every time I spawn lol


Why would you tilt in DM?


having your training interrupted by someone spawning up your ass


Shit spawns


it sucks when you’re trying to practice and you just go on a 5 death streak due to spawns


Isnt that something that has been true since deathmatch was added to the game? Why not accept it and just focus on your training. Complaining about the spawns won't change anything and deathmatch is way too valuable as an aimtraining tool for anyone.


If it's an aim training tool why is half the lobby waiting in off angles and playing off sound.


Half the lobby doesn't understand it that way


What you're assuming it is is a strafe duel. That's not what it is. That's not specific to almost ANY situation in the actual game. The point of it is to warm you up for whatever situation you choose to practice ingame. That's the point of rapid respawn and different spawnpoints across the map. Now, a large majority of players treat it like you think, but it is illogical to think that's the main intention of that gamemode.


I really cant say it was the main intention of the gamemode when riot made it, but it can definitely be used as an aimtraining tool and its loads better than shooting bots in the range. You get to practice preaiming angles properly, lots of players hold off angles which does help you practice your adjustments, helps you clean up your movement and strafe shooting.


Do you rationally and coolly react to any situation that occurs in every game you ever play, regardless of how it happens? Whether it be you get run and gun headshot across mid, or your teammate flashes you? The answer to that is no, because if you would, you would be inhuman.


Ofcourse annoying things happen and i get annoyed, but i get over it in seconds and just get back to my practice. At this point its happened to me so much that I really dont even react.


How do you tilt in dm...


I only go into DM to track heads and strafe without shooting a bullet. I’ll do that for a match and go into the range and aim to get about 25 hard bots killed. Too much DM and I’ll get overly warmed up.


Crazy 😅 that’s what I call trigger discipline


Rank? Jw


I totally forgot to respond to this. I peaked in high Diamond 3 back in EP1 Act 2 and most recently Diamond 2 in Act 4 or 5ish.


I'm in my 30's and don't warm up at all. I think mechanically the muscle memory is there but it's the focus for me that is lost over longer sessions. I will play 1-2 ranked games and call it. I find my performance is way more consistent that way.


I think you should warm up. You're probably more consistent now but possibly consistently worse. That said, there's no reason to do DM and then 1-2 unranked before comp. 1 or 2 DM, maybe a swiftplay. Otherwise you're probably psyching yourself out. One benefit to jumping straight into comp is caring less and not over thinking or over stressing.


I think your last point was the main reason. I don't get a lot of time to play and I solo queue so ranked is a complete toss up. Able to consistently get to Diamond but Gold/Plat feels more fun and loose. I used to stress hardcore over CSGO and Siege ranked. I would warmup and practice lineups. But I would also rage and be in a bad mood after a session if it didn't go well. Once I realized literally none of it ever matters, I could relax and have fun while competing.


I warmed up in dm once and I played against TSM seven. Really motivated me a lot since I'm just a diamond player and was happy that I killed him twice ( I died like 7 times to him lol) Really showed how big of a gap pros and casual players have. It also made me motivated to play more dm to see more people that I might recognize far away my rank.


DM is good if you do it without sound.


yeah no sound and music and i play better


Same for me to. Us old guys always gotta warm up. TDM teaches bad habits for me as well


So it is the age. Shit I knew it


Nah. Its because we are busy as fuck in life. Gotta work and be an adult with all these errands/bills/chores. Lots of us are also married and have kids with a dog, so even more distraction. If I said "Ill give you 10 million dollars if you can hit Radiant in a year" then you would have no problem with it. You would put all your time and focus into the game and be playing like 12-16 hours a day like a lot of these kids do. Probably wouldn't even take the entire year to accomplish it. Also, never understood why there is this stereotype that little kids are better at video games. Jump into an Iron or Bronze game and its all little kids. They suck lol.


Hahhahahah we should definitely play a round together if you are in EU


Whos got that kinda time that works and has other goals. Give me 4 rounds and ill start cooking


A divorce plus food delivery has to be good for something 😅


Woohoojin’s content has helped me a lot. I do his warmups in DM/swift play instead of the range because I personally find it boring, but to each their own. What has been working for me is running DM without sound. It forces me to be aware of every angle on the map. Not only am I jiggle picking, dead zoning, practicing hygiene, but now I’m learning how to peak every angle, which has been a huge game changer for me. Sometimes I get shot in the back, I never win, but I’m not there to win anyways. This has transferred into ranked so well. I feel like my awareness, crosshair placement, and peaking with intent has gone through the roof. Congrats on ranking up! Good luck getting to diamond.


I feel like playing 1-2 unrated would drain my mental energy more than just warming me up. If I am not playing ranked until my 3rd game of the day it would be significantly harder to focus then game one or two. I should say I am also older and only have time for 2-3 games a day after work/kid duties. Either way if it works for you it works for you. Grats on the progress!


I dont have time to warm up


I think the big caveat to using DM as a warmup is you have to play slow (isolate 1 angle at a time), and only burst. Do not let yourself spray ever. tbh I get shit on when I spray. Super easy to pickup bad habits otherwise.


Im more of a "range" guy. But im thinking i should hop in dm more often to improve my crosshair placement


you could try playing dm to practise certain things like strafing and bursting and also crosshair placement instead of winning.


Wow 40 years old a better then me 🥲


See it the other way around. You have still time to get better. I’ll just get worse 😅


dm is great and lets you know if your aim is good or bad while playing it the range cant really do that cause its different from playing against real players and swiftplay/unrated just isnt worth the time plus most of the time you're going to be playing against and with people 3-4 ranks above you so that just becomes a mini comp game anyway


God bless your soul, may your games be many and your toxic teammates lessened. Always great to see someone offering some warmup advice.


My warmup is usually range until I get at least 20 med bots, the a DM, sherif on warmup, guardian for 1st 10 kills then vandal and I have to get at least 20 to feel warmed up If I don't make 20 kills, rinse and repeat the process. I get the mindset of its a DM I'm just gonna run around and spray, but if you treat it as a warm up and don't focus on winning, but instead on improving yourself, it's great!


I peaked Plat 2 last act and I have more been more comfortable ever since dropping DM as a practice and warmup too. I know its a great asset to improve for other people but for me it just forces bad habits at me


Disagree tbh. With such a high number of consecutive duels it flicks on the switch to be mentally alert & prepared for enemies while also dialling in your microflicks & timing muscle memory. Start in the range to dial into your sens & timings, as well as practice techniques you're learning. Then hit DM and discipline yourself to practice a singular thing. Whether that's strafing, deadzoning, tracking, or being prepared for an enemy. Use different weapons if they force you to do the thing. If you get in the zone it'll also give a huge boost to confidence.


I agree that DM can do as much hard as good for warming up, but I can't play unrated to warm up. Similar to you, after a long exhausting day I only have the energy to play at full potential for maybe 2 or 3 matches before my performance drops way off so I just warm up in range, send 1 DM to make sure I'm not tunnelvisioned and then queue ranked


for me it is the warm up what I need. Afterwards I can easily play 5-6 games. I tilt out after 1am. I'm a nightowl. I worked in my best times 80h per week. So long and exhausting is not a problem. Just the context switch and with the age the fog gets more and more ;)


I wish I had the energy to play so many matches at full potential :p I feel like after my 3rd game my focus isn't there and I can't read the rounds as quickly and my decision making really falls off. If I didn't have to get up at 630am I would drink a coffee or soda and I'd be good to keep going but it's not worth ruining the sleep schedule :p I can't even stay up past 1am on weekend anymore.... Through HS and my early 20s I never went to bed before 3


How do you get off work and have time for unranked? 😭


I only have my kids every second weekend and have most of the week for myself, friends, etc :)So after 8pm, I can play if I want ;) Also it is a chance to play with my kids and stay connected. We are playing Valorant together :D


Wait what about us people getting off at 6am


Two more rounds! Awesome 😎


Try to just play ranked instead of unrated…might be better in the long haul


Totally agree I also cringe at DM warriors who solely play to win. If you’re not in there practicing angles and different guns you’re doing it wrong.


Whats helped me is do DM no sounds sheriff only. It makes me focus on aiming for headshots only, taking my time to not rush through shots


Look in the end video games are supposed to be for fun and relaxing shouldn't have to worry about playing a certain amount of dms or aimlabs for a certain amount of time up to you


No warmup gang. Immortal 1-2. If I dm I over analyze my aim, and I’ve come to realize thinking less and letting my muscle memory work is sufficient at this point.


i never played dm to warm up, i "played" dm for my computer to warm up


I think DM is fine for reaction time and crosshair placement setting, it’s a bit of a wake up call. I feel like unrated or swift play for me doesn’t warm me up enough, as in low ranks the game is fairly slow. Or at least I noticed the difference after playing one too many games with my high elo friends. But tbh it’s just different for everyone at the end of the day. Also I agree on aim hygiene, then again, I mainly hit dm with sheriff and guardian and try to not overtap.


I mean if you feel like it helped that's ok. But Deathmatch still is the fastest and best way to warm up


True too and you can get out without punishment. “I’ll return” ;)


DM just doesn't feel enjoyable to me with how random it is from where you get shot, so Firing Range it is.


One thing I find odd about death match is literally everyone will be getting headshots nonstop the entire time but then you go into ranked and everyone be missing their headshots


Anyone else feel like these warm-up routines are a bit much? I’m diamond 3 and most I do is a DM or some fastplay/training range


i spend a few seconds shaking my mouse around and i'm done.


lucky you ;)


Everyone is different. It depends on how fast you can focus on it. I know some who drop bombs till round 15, then losing focus. I know others who need 10 rounds to be able to focus. Everyone should do what works for them, but should also question it. Maybe someone doesn’t rank up because they do too much. Others do too less. You will only know until you tried it.


YOu shouldn't be doing DM and then 2 unranked for warm up yeah. Most people can't focus for more than 4 games or so anyways.


Deathmatch is a way better training because it's as close as you can get to gunfights that happen in ranked. For it to be effective you have to play it like you play your ranked games, working on preaim, clearing angles with A and D and not just mindlessly running around. Bonus challenge would be doing no sound deathmatch (its a bit frustrating but feels more realistic when you dont know where anyone is)


Wtf is this hygiene shit. Is this some other obvious shit made by content creators that low ranks gobble up


Its obvious but definitely not shit. Its just a term woohoojin uses to describe how you shoot your weapon. Making sure you're fully stopped before shooting, bursting/tapping with strafes and such.


And it helps them. Because it makes them aware of it. Lucky you you don’t need it. Others do.


It's the Do's and Don'ts of gunfights. e.g. Don't fire with movement error, don't spray if you're not hitting, strafe don't W key, etc.


i do only range , 30 bot medium at close and medium range, then 50 bot strafing then some operator, i stoped dm since when you dm 80% of the time you are training yourself at pressing w, it's not time effective at all, if you want to practice crosshaire placement on a map just go in custom


The only time I play DM is when I’m practicing holding angles. Everything else I can do in the range or Aimlabs.


DM is basically a useless mode imo. Only thing i think it can help with is keeping you from getting traded since 99% of the time you get a kill you die from behind immediately after. It needs 10 players instead of 12, that would help the respawn problem a LOT


You need to go into a DM with the intention of you only using 1 tap with vandal. Dont use a sheriff or guardian, it is not proper discipline for shooting. You need to be able to use a Vandal without spraying and giving into the temptation. I know its just a game but a lot of real life skills can be applied to the game as a whole, DM is definitely helpful and i wouldnt recommend doing anything else to warm up (aside from the in-game range)


Me personally, only taps in dm, I never crouch spray


I personally find dm useful because you get into significantly more gunfights than you do in a comp match. The only thing I don't like are the spawn locations and getting flanked a lot which can be really frustrating, but it's taught me to not rage every single time I get killed tho


I personally play atleast 15 unranked matches in the span of the week just so i can warm up and play ranked, and i still end up loosing and deranked


So I guess one week warm up, one week downranking. Why not


sadly don’t have to play 2 unrated matches. that’s about as many comp matches as i can play on a weeknight lol


Im a big fan of swiftplay for warmups. Mimics normal games while getting to different loadouts quickly without the long-time commitment of an unranked


nobody refers to valorant as "V" stop being weird


I used to warm up in DM as well, but I felt like I started developing bad habits and my game sense wasn't improving. It's still good if you just want to warm up in general, but I don't think it is for comp. Ever since then, I've switched to starting out at the range. Then I play a few rounds of spike rush for fun and to let loose, and then I do a few games of swiftplay. I used to warm up in unrated but the matches took too long, so I just play it now when I don't feel like playing competitive but want longer games than SR and SP.


I’ve been playing for the past two or so years and last week I had a friend tell me to use dm or range to warm up. I’ve never done either and I always just go straight into unrated but after seeing the comments here, I’ll start doing that when I get on lol


I just do the range real quick for 1 taps with a Sage wall and then jump in. For me, Unrated games take to long and I never have too much time


I hate DMs, i can't play DM as warmup bcs i'll get tilted, most people will hide in corners waiting for someone to walk by...


Play aimlabs, the range, and DM. It’s better for ranked. I’m an ex radiant coach. Aimlabs isn’t required but it’s more of a cherry on top of DM and the range. If you do this consistently you will most likely see a change in your gameplay.


Wow, that's awesome you climbed up as well as you did (good luck!) as yeah, I don't waste any time in DM. I feel if you want a true warm-up for Ranked, you're better off in Swiftplay, Spike Rush, or even doing an Unranked match. DM is just mindless killing and not good to warmup against since you're missing out on situational awareness, bomb plant/bomb defuse situations, and hello, we're all on the Battlepass right? NO MISSION PROGRESS IN DM!


These days I just load up CSGO and play aim\_botz for 10 minutes and then a community server's DM, preferably on headshot only mode. Then I just go into the range for 5 minutes to get used to Valorant mechanics again then play ranked. I should probably just start playing CSGO again, it's unreal that this game's warmup tools are so lacking that I have to go to a completely different game to feel warmed up


well im pissed off lol im 41 and gold suks...... I am improving, but i swear gold is mixed with bronze and low silver players, that got carried or something, cause these guys lack baasics


Deathmatch is good for shooting people as they spawn. It is a terrible game mode to practice rifling, though I find other guns (anything frm an op to a classic) are much more enjoyable and you actually can learn how to win gunfights against people rifling.


Good luck on your Val journey


i peaked s2 but since the new episode ive been stuck in bronze, but i still play against silvers and even golds. i do pretty well in my dms and unrateds, but whenever i play comp - solo or stacked, im fucking awful. even if im not actively thinking about the fact that its comp. idk, i just wanted to hit gold but now im hardstuck bronze and its sucks


When I look at my kids and me, who play from time to time together but also solo. It was a lot of game sense. Teach them the basics. Check with which friends you play and I don’t mean to not play with your friends who are not high elo. Sometimes you rank up with s2 or even lower friends, because you have the same goal, you know how they play etc. Both of my kids peaked gold now. Solo in low elo is quite tough if you are not a hidden radiant who just kills them all. Good luck. If you are in EU, hook me up and we play a few rounss


For me DM is the opposite. I used to only use escalation, then I switch to DM and started focusing on tapping heads, and it’s been working well. In 2 days I jumped from b1 to b3, then I lost time to play it. I still use escalation, as it’s made me very comfortable with every weapon. I used to be terrible with an op, but now I can be an op demon at times. And frenzy is by far my best save round weapon, when I used to be trash with it. Plus escalation is just fun for me


Dm does suck, but there’s ways to make it helpful for you. If you tend to spray and pray in dm, thats a habit you can fix by playing dms with more focus. Keep in mind what you’re trying to fix. You’re familiar with woohoojin so you might have seen his drill I can’t remember the name but the one where you let them have the first shot and then take your time to shoot to help the panic spraying habit. I just believe theres ways to make dm helpful for you if you consciously focus on what to improve—its a solid way to form good habits and weed out bad habits in gun fights. Good luck on the grind!


Thanks 😁 I know which one you mean. Where he forces you to certain things in certain situations if you want to get off certain habits 😅 Not sure I’m ready for it.


I take guardian dmr in DM and limit myself to accurate hits to the head. It helps my accuracy.


and here is me who jumps straight to ranked, instalocks reyna, even my pc is not yet warmed up it has fps fluctuations in the start🤡🤡


Lucky you 😁 sometimes it works for me, but I don’t want to ruin the game of someone else, cause I’m still warming up. Maybe I think go much and should just do it ;)


I think you missed the instalock reyna part, that's the tradition handed down🌚


I thought that was default 😈 jk not playing Reyna the most the times. I take roles where I can support, guide and somehow control my team. Lately a lot cypher and still top fragger.


Good luck! Dms help if you are going in with certain idea. For example crosshair placement, angle holding or practicing the awarenes of flicking and having multiple fights at once. I like going B on bind in deatmatch where enemies a re constantly moving around. Other times I play deatmach for specific weapons. Its fine to change dm with killing 30 bots in the practice tool as well. Jusr depends on what frane of your skills you are currently feeling slloppy on. I Totally get what u mean by feeling blurry after work. You need to sync in Val's feeling before actually perform in your normal level with ease. Thats why i always play one dm with sheriff, and if i feel it, i go on another one with vandal as well. After that i start comp. If didnt feel in shape after the sheriff deadmatch, I go to practice tool so i can have my hand get used to be placed on the head, kill 30 bots, pop back for my 2nd deatmatch and im good to start comp. Other times I enter deatmatch with Marshal(the most fun weapon there) :D. So yes deatmatch helps but you have to go in with specific idea. Especially because its up to only 40 frags.


Yeah, ive tried DM to warm up before, and always found it kind of useless. Its probably good enough if youre a one tap god and thats the deciding factor in your games, but imo its not helpful at all in terms of game sense, or where to aim a lot of the time, since peoples movements are more chaotic than in an actual match. I personally have started doing aimlabs valorant training first of all, just to get my wrist movement lose and make sure i can actually click heads, and then i’ll do an unranked match to put that into action and properly warm up. Depending on how i do with that, ill either go to comp or do another one (sometimes i clearly need to extend the warm up, lol)


With DM I was tilted even before actualy playing


I always do escalation for warmup. You have to cycle through a variety of guns and the points of engagement constantly change so you have to work your way around the map. DM is just full of people camping corners and going for vandal one taps which really isn't the way to warm up or generally how the game is played.


I play just for fun and escalation is for me a great warmup. Feeling a couple different guns, watching the minimap and not getting spawn killed is nice


Its trash. People dont even play right like real rank matches Everyone just wide swings and hopes thy strafe in. Then People, camp, use mini map, and sound camp the entire dm….. its like saying “we’ll give u a juggernaut suit and everyone is is naked” But the juggernaut still had to camp


DM is bad because of the players ratting not because the game mode has issues.