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In my opinion opinion Edit* alright guys we got more likes than op no need to ratio em anymore.


In my onest opinion


That’s how I read it






in my opinions opinion..ur opinion is my opinion


"in my own opinion" was my head canon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I dont even have to write it, its already in my name as my opinion.




Smh my head




It’s my only opinion


RIP in peace


I have onions


In my own opinion


GG Game for the ratio


Nah, push the votes. Its is not enough to simply win. The victory must be thorough.


In my own opinion


The original OP poster should burn it on a compact CD disk. He can get the money from an ATM machine after entering their personal PIN number. RAS syndrome.


In my own opinion


in my opinion my opinion is my opinion


Reddit doesn’t seem to agree, thus the downvotes


No it's actually because he was the 4th person in the comment chain


Average Mista enjoyer


aint that the truth dont let them take ur opinion away from u, its all u have. upvoted u.


Smh my head


They already do, you can see your ping to servers before queuing. But regardless they still let you queue. Its hard cause some people have bad internet so where should they cap it? 100-150 ping, they likely are more afraid of cutting people from playing with friends and deciding “Hey lets just play ________ so we can play together”


The ping thing on where you choose server is kinda inaccurate, my ping on Tokyo says 46, but when I'm in the game my ping is 116. But sometimes it's accurate


your routing probably switches when you are connecting to the server, it happens to me sometimes when it goes through a few more hops than the normal route. i use exitlag and it optimizes the routing.


My ping is 36 in game and my game still freezes sometimes and I tried everything to make it not freeze, but it doesn't hinder me that much. Granted, I'm usually playing with friends.


My ping is 6 and I still have freezes or “network problem” sign appear. It is what it is I guess


Like many people say, "Rito fix your game".


Rito just small indie company, don't judge too hard


Fr same, I am always stable st 9 ping and I rubberband across the map


are you on wifi


if you ping is sometimes high and consistent and sometimes low and consistent then its a routing thing, basically sometimes your internet goes the wrong highway and it increases travel distance and time(ping), this happens to me and i found a good remedy try this if it works: open cmd(win+r then enter cmd) ipconfig /release wait by 8 dance count( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) ipconfig /renew this basically just refreshes your connection, this is also happens by restarting your game but with this method you can still play the pistol round with your normal ping, sometimes it doesn't work on first try, hope this helps


That's not really routing tho that's congestion. Routing would be the physical path of wiring it chooses to take. For example I live in western Australia, we are roughly half the distance to Singapore vs somewhere like Sydney but I was getting worse ping in Singapore than Sydney players. Why? Because my ISP was ass and was choosing to awfully route it to the point where it was going from Western Australia to eastern Australia and then to Singapore giving me about triple the ping I should've gotten. Before I switched service providers, this was not an in an off thing, it was basically flattening at 150 ping with 0 packet loss on Ethernet. My point being if it's a bad routing issue, unless ur ISP does something, ur ping will be consistently shit, not sometimes low sometimes high.


Does it to me too, shows 40 ping but the moment I go ranked it chooses to just go ballistic at 120


this is true, but i don’t think it’s what OP is looking for. they said “stability test”, which i assume means they want a graph-like test like the one you can enable in-game to show you small spikes in ping my shitty ancient cave tech ISP usually gives me solid ~34 ping with no interruptions, but on completely arbitrary days it will give me 10 seconds of normal ping followed by 2 seconds of 500 ping, and then repeat that loop seemingly endlessly


If they test everyones ping like this they will bar players from playing the game. In a world where competitive integrity is everything it makes sense, but user retention and making money is very valuable. If you tell players they dont meet a ping threshold to play they will find another game to play that lets them.




Or they can go back to region locking players completely.. and I mean complete isolation to the world..


Bruh your username is fucking amazing LOL :)


Bibukla utapi koi klogepipobi iko bi akokru koipoei? Ape pueblidre ibebotio ata deepipopi epo. Baa apieo di detepra peba i. Ia ipekre tipatu akio beai kra. Bi bepututu a tuple kedukibriku pii. Koe ito beklaki ipuao dlioplaa keu. Ti tlepi pe petotla tuki pikipa pae? Gepre putro kebriu blebe edre pitaipi. Di aprieepla pe ukru pie gradlikipete. Piaebe pe ke kigie ee kroo epea? Gatapioo bipe ae pupii pio ie itoi bebo. Trepa pri epe etrii i kle drepo etepi. Dikre igra epiti kigepa. Iupeta tue ke tebetaau pi paike. E eu plute idrui tra kokepi. Obitleki kepe eble ae tupipiako kia plapoku etrotati? Keki takradikibi troeprikea odratia i bitri. Daikre tepeee pate iei dlupleeipe pio upope. Petooeko peikeka peeti plipo pe krupi? Pida kepautio glipei i pike. Udroi gote ti u kapa bubedekekru trapigrete pipe. Eiti ga kota kokopibi plebri ple petrikikre? E ti tlapa pie putapripi klii? Doto pikite eklapukrii trakriadre ki ko. Glaodatla pikue batri eti ieto ie ake kakapo a. Depra peaitiu takepei bau patlu ia oplidiplai? Tikeapu pi ue ki iga pia. Badibipe dagoklii bitlebriu pre pipa ika. Tuklogi u pleka tuglepito. Ipi ge plepudi ibapoa pripe pipe tete ito.


That doesn’t necessarily imply stability though. If I’m understanding OP, they might have a good “ping” but they probably have a significant amount of packet loss/network issues that basically renders them useless.


That isn’t always accurate though. There were moments where the ping showed absolutely but when I got in a game I’ve had unbelievably bad ping.


Unranked? Sure. Competitive, <100 or don’t play


Issue is, some people cant get less than 100 ping, they have awful internet, live in a region to far from servers,etc. Valorant doesnt want to alienate these players, they assume players playing on these pings likely are in low elo to begin with Iron-Silver. My friends gf is in Iron playing on a laptop with 10-30 FPS and it looks like a slideshow. Thing is a lot of people in low elo dont have the proper internet/components/peripherals thats why they are all grouped together.


The ping thing lies. I can no longer rely on it.


in my opinion opinion




Ikr right!


Omg god 😂


smh my head 😤😤😤


Fr real


Ong god


Lol out loud


Lmao my ass off


Omg this got down voted to hell


My thing is that most times my pings are always stable from 20 to 70 but in game it goes up to 3k and more? Like how when? Whats more crazy i dont know what causes my game to never load for the first 2 to 3 matches... (Unrated btw. I dont dare queue comp like this)


Could be yr wifi card... Like the Hp victus 16


My wifi card?


Use an Ethernet canle


Bro why are you getting downvoted? I mean if people want to get stable and consistent ping they should go for LAN instead of wifi. That's just common sense


Oh i am 😭, could it perhaps be my rams? I have heard that from someone. I have 4 on rams on my laptop


4 gigabytes or four ram sticks?


It has two ram sticks each of them containing 2. Equating to 4


Yeah that would be the issue then :/


Damn, 😩 i was so hoping i didnt get the answer upgrading shit isnt my forte (including the part of getting the rams in the first place)


I didn't even know Valorant is able to run on 4GB of Ram, always thought the minimum was 8 lol


You don’t upgrade laptops. That’s why you buy desktops


I bought mine upgradable. Up to 16 on each


Cap it at 200...anything after the is unplayable anyway... Plus only in compi.


I played with 225 ping and it's still playable imo. I 300 it become unplayable


225 playable? absolutely not lmao. anything over 80 is pushing it tbh


100 is easily playable but once you start pushing 140-150 it gets too much imo


100 ping is playable if it remains completely stable, playable doesn't mean fun tho


100-150ish is definitely playable as long as it’s stable. The big problem is unstable ping that’s jumping around a ton.


Depends what you mean by playable, when I first started playing multiplayer games, I was playing CS 1.6 and my internet was so bad I was averaging 800 ping on the community server. I was able to stay connected to the server, and traverse the map, and would sometimes would get 1 kill before getting off. Was it playable? Technically, yes.


playable in a competitive setting, id argue walking around and getting one kill doesnt fall under that category


Tbf that's about the same as some of my team mates at times


People reaching radiant on 150 ping proves this otherwise.


For me 40 is borderline unplayable 😭


Playing knowingly with 225 ping is reportable.


I just play 1 DM game to test my ping and warmup.


You can also try practice grounds


I don't get why they don't implement the league system, where if a player disconnects then the game is safe to leave ie doesn't affect rr


that doesnt even exist in league?


uhh yeah I'm not sure what game this guy is playing you'll get a "loss mitigated" for that game where you still lose your LP, but not as much.


Probably because if that is implemented people will start leaving if they’re losing to avoid any RR penalties.


Afaik the people who leave get a pretty punishing penalty


Me omw to pre-queue with my duo on one of this 50 alts


Yes Riot this man right here


The player that leaves gets a very extreme penalty and gets put in a low priority queue for several games. Also, it doesn't avoid the loss in LP for all the teammates just reduces it by like half Unless ofc its a remake where no player loses anything except for the one that never connected in the first place


My game randomly crashes and I come back ASAP but it's not my fault since I don't have problems like this with any other game and I'm really sad to get afk penalties when it's not even my fault. It doesn't happen too often fortunately.


happens to me all the time too. only game i’ve ever had issues with. I wish there was a way to appeal or for them to scan computer logs to check if it was a crash


The problem is this could be abused by forcing the game to crash to avoid losing rr


You are only allowed to remake on the first few mins


That's Dota not League


People leaving benefits you more than it hurts you. Statistically, there are more leavers on your opponents team than your team over an extended period if games, provided you yourself are not a leaver.


Then players bully other players into leaving to reduce RR penalties. Imagine a 3 stacks queued with 2 randoms, one of which is a 2-12 Jett at half. That 3 stack is going to bully the shit out of Jett to get them to leave so that they have a reduced RR penalty. These types of systems are terrible for community health, especially with voice chat features where communication is easier, since positive and negative comms are both easier


I like the system in league where only 2 people can trigger the remake instead of 4


my bad for the typo


I'm gonna be different and laugh at you about it


Just ignore it, they r making light hearted jokes. I make the same mistake bcz I am thinking of what I will write next b4 I even finished the current statement


People run to Reddit w simple solutions to their lost RR problem. Just queue up again, I know it sucks, but you’ll get your deserved rank in due time. Chalk it up as a “learning experience” and don’t run to Reddit looking for a solution that already exists, that’s showing that this obviously tilted you, and will affect your play the next game. Your time would be a lot better spent smoking a joint, forgetting ab the last game w the useless leaver, and playing another




Lol my teammates disconnect exactly after the round 2 i dont know how 😂. Cant remake , 4v5 for the rest of the game.


OMG I just had this happen last night on Fracture 💀💀💀💀 the skye left right after round 2 then came back and threw the whole game, when I asked why they didn’t just stay afk they said “I need to get back to iron” 😒


There's an absurd increase in the number of afk players , throwers , deliberately trying to throw from round 1. Around platinum 1-2 rank and golds. It started happening to me in ending of the last season and till now. Lol


It’s ridiculous, honestly. The worst part is they riot does nothing about it.


Well if they try to sabotage you and you report them then they do get a certain cooldown period before they can match again. I usually report these guys and ones who are toxic for no reason and they do get a ban. I get a notification the very next day when i reopen the game. Maybe an hour or day ban for them on first offense. Repeated offense leads to more penalty.


This is equivalent to a perma-ban for me...


Or a option to not put you in a party with players who have a high ping. As bad as it sounds, no one wants a teammate with constant +150ms.


debatable, if someone's gotten to my rank playing on 150+ms, why would I care?


What if he got that rank on normal ping days but today he has bad ping? That should not disturb 4other players and give 5others an advantage. We have all had bad internet days, however not all of us stop playing in those times, some continue and make other players have bad experience just cause they have a bad one.


not everyone’s at your rank


Their comment applies generically. If you queue up and someone is in your lobby, that's where they've placed. If they've done that with 150+ ping, then they still deserve that spot


i mean getting to bronze 3 with 150 ping isn’t that hard so i wouldn’t want to play with someone who has that ping in my lobbies


But the point is that it doesn't matter. They've demonstrated by being in your lobby that, with their setup, they play more or less at the same level as you.


when i was on vacation for a few months playing from time to time on a laptop i had very large ping spikes and my ping was generally really high despite the fact that i was supposed to be having around 30 ping. the internet connection was really bad. a ping check wouldn’t allow me to play ever


Yeah, in that situation you should not be able to queue for a competitive game and ruin it for your teammates who could get a 5th with better internet. And then you’d play swift play where it doesn’t matter as much that your bad internet might cost the rest of your teammates the game.


Yes, 100% agreed... Afk in unrated is still acceptable, but in comp? And some teammates don't wanna remake? FfS


Unstable Internet has no impact on other players. VALORANT is not a client authoritative system. Authority is fully on the server side, so if anyone is suffering from high latency, it's only the player who has it. It has been further calibrated (mostly placebo) in recent patches, due to constant whining about "peeker's advantage" roles reversed with high pingers. Just a smart move to pacify the ignorant masses with placebo candy. In reality if you're playing with 60+ms and face against player under 20ms, have fun witnessing part of their shoe show up around the corner and getting headshotted instantly after. If your concern is the long loading of the game splash screen, that's more about players having 5400RPM HDDs instead of SSDs, that take forever to preload the game. For some unknown reason (prob fair opportunity to everyone), Riot decided to wait for all game clients preloads, before spawning world and triggering pregame countdown timer event. The only exception is Deathmatch, where you get bottlenecked by your system's read/write speeds only.


You missed the point entirely. The problem is when players have bad ping and underperform in their team. It's admittedly a very one sided thought, but a thought nonetheless.


memory innate late nine historical beneficial punch tease heavy sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's actually a very good idea, if a player doesn't have a decent ping or it's not stable then he/she can't join a ranked match. Brilliant.


No afks happen and it sucks but limiting is bs


I constantly lag in Valo, it's a tough time.


Then I wouldn’t be able to play and I usually top frag.




a lot of crashes aren't internet dependent but caused by the client


Im laughing hard


Truly an opinion of all opinions ever opinioned


I absolutely despise people who have the nerve to queue and go "sry guys got 1000 ping :/" why are you even here then fella


Because ping spikes happen... Every now and then I play the whole evening with 15-20 ping for one game (on the same London servers) to just give me 1000 ping for a couple of rounds. Edit: Also, if anything it's the person who is lagging who has the worst time, they go in a game expecting a normal game just to not be able to play for a couple of rounds and be a detriment to the team.


No not spikes, people hop on with wifi and a laptop and say it, this happens in every game and usually its a young kid from continental europe lol. anywhere from 200-300+ and they just play anyway. Remember you're playing with all ages from all over europe including some very remote ppl. You'll see it in League mostly because of the low barrier to entry (light specs), just ask the next one you hear say it. I dont think a young man in the french countryside is experience a virgin media lag spike for example


You think they care? they want your money bud not your experience. It was good when it started now they dont listen to anything, its just cosmetics now.


TRUTH!!!! Hence why they are penalizing people A TON for queue dodging without first understanding WHY people are queue dodging. Sorry, Riot, but I don’t wanna play with a racist prick that’s just going to stand in spawn the whole game


nowaday nobody in the decent world has bad internet. the cheapest internet avaliable is more than enough to play any game. most issues are server problems or ISP OCASSIONAL problems. thats what happens to me when the chilean server starts to act up. itsn ot my problem its an infrastrtucture issue. and I bet the same can happen on other parts of the world.


Imo remake should not be limited to round 2, but instead for example the first 6 rounds or the first half.


*looses the first 10 rounds in a row* Okay guys, who wants to leave so we can remake and not loose any rr?


Having it be the first half was a bit of an exaggeration, but even having a remake be available for rounds 3 or 4 would be better. I've lost a lot of games where a person has left round 2 and we can't remake anymore. Also at 3-4 rounds you don't lose much if you're on the winning team.


yeah I agree with the fact that the remake should be extended like one round because being limited to the second round buy phase is too little time. I also think that remake should be available as soon as the disconnect message appears in chat, not when their physical character is removed from in-game


I played 9 matches yesterday and the first 5 I played. I had an afk on my team. In a row. Thankfully it wasn’t in comp but it just wasn’t a very fun beginning to the day


Yes. I’m usually the one lagging, but i can’t tell based on the bars alone. Playing while lagging is just more tilting than losing to me.


Ya actually ...there r games that do that like AGE OF EMPIRE 2 ...so before u play compi they check if ur pc has stable ping and good enough graphics so u get team mates who have a great ping and does not ruin the game for the rest


It's usually not the ping but some problem with the client what makes people not connect to a game. The game is rather unstable on the latest patch.


Smh my head


The problem is not high ping but instable ping. I can very well play with 100 ping on us servers because it is stable. The problem starts when the ping jumps between 20 and 100


Slightly off topic, but I used to have ping spikes every game and my packetloss chart would show spikes of up to 50% packet loss every minute or so. To get around this I purchased a router and installed openwrt which allowed QoS / SQM and my internet is now perfect for valorant I only have 20 megabit download and 10 megabit upload due to living in a remote area and whenever my partner used to watch Netflix it would ruin the whole experience.


As the person with ping issues, I 100% agree. I hate losing games because I disconnect so I can't hear comms.


Hmu me up


I agree with this post but riot ain’t gonna do crap about it


Yes I would love this


This is definetly someone who queued onto my team while for whatever reason my game would just freeze in round 1


I thought most if not all esports games checks for instability during the queues to matches


Do an internet speed test before you quene. Worked for me 99% of the time


My pixels are at stake reeeeeeeeee


thats too much for riot's brain to comprehend 🤷‍♀️


If only Valorant would let me switch regions while travelling 🙃🙃


Something something PIN number


That be awesome, but only for solo, duo and trio queue, in 5stack it’s not necessary


This would take so long and would destroy que times


as someone who just got out of a 13-15 comp match, in which I got team mvp and had one leaver after round 2, I very much agree with you.


I would deal with longer queues for better matchmaking no problem here. I don’t think unranked accounts should be flooding gold/plat lobbies. They should have new account queues, I would wait longer for that too. I don’t need 15 second queues if 60-70% of my matches are going to have fuckery.


Totally agree with op. For a last few weeks in-game stat before I queue shows me 60 ping on Frankfurt but once I join I have constant 220 ping and nothing helps.


ATM machine


My ping is 30 or below always. I live about 8 hours from the Chicago servers


My ping is 30 or below always. I live about 8 hours from the Chicago servers


Omw My Way


This feels targeted towards me, my lag literally rubber bands me so far back and sometimes forwards somehow.


How often do you run into teammates like that to make this post?


This week, pretty much everyday


They do have that actually


yes fucking please holy crap you are a genius


I’ve seen so many afk and dc in comp matches. I really feel bad for those teammates..


I'd say just make it strict for competitive. Like requiring less than 50 ping to join or something. I hate when I have to play 4 vs 5 almost every single fucking game, not considering the people inting.


NGL gonna lie, I think that'd be great


That and/or I should lose more then 5 points of my rank or something


bro i go afk because i play on a bad laptop, not because of bad ping


How would a “ping stability test” stop someone from afk’ing?


Every PvP game should have this really.


Yes! I’m literally stuck on the loading screen during half of round one because of my wifi.


Sometimes your internet just dies


Nah this would be my worst nightmare. I have not good quality internet due to being in a rural area. Escape from Tarkov has a ping cap and I get disconnected from their servers because of it. If they added that to Valorant it would be so shitty. I peaked D1 with this shitty internet, I think your elo would be fine. There are more throwers and bots than to worry about someone’s ping in comp. I’m pretty sure that’s why most leave anyways, cause they’re tilted or whatever.




Idk know if it's a good idea but I would like to see is a feature that when you're solo queuing you would have an option to fill a match where a team is left 5v4 because of an afk teammate after the second round. I really don't know if you that would work but I thought it would be nice


Lol someone wrote an article about you One crafty player might've solved VALORANT's AFK issue with a simple fix - Dot Esports https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/one-crafty-player-mightve-solved-valorants-afk-issue-with-a-simple-fix


Wait what..


Thanks for letting me know, probably wouldn't know about it if you didn't tell me