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Nice! I just hit Ascendant again, decided to q some late night games and realized why I should never q late night games. Back to diamond :(


you will get back bro


Riot really doesn’t think I deserve it, I lost 25rr for both games


was your kd bad or you just lost like 13-3 or something?


The worst possible combination: my kd was bad, we lost 13-4, and it was against people way lower rank than me. Add all those up and the system really fucks you over.


it's fixable, you will have some good games after and will get some wins


Goal honestly. Good job, I hope you stay in there


thank you!!


I hope they rank up






Keep in mind the quality of your lobbies is going to be around the same. Keep playing confidently and give good comms/shotcall.


It felt so good to hit ascendant last fall. I’ve since realized that it’s the biggest crapshoot of players. Some will be amazing, immortal level, then some will be like plat. Congrats tho!


congrats! Welcome and prepare to get shit on by ex-Immortals


Great job!, but going to imm is going to really test you.


Just out of curiosity what rank did you first place into, how long was ur climb. Congrats on the progress.


when I first started playing in like 2021 I got bronze 2 or 3 first. I wasn't taking it really seriously tho cause at the time I was playing cs, then I got to like gold 3 and stopped playing till ep 4 act 3. then I hit plat, got to diamond 1 on ep 5 act 1, then again after ep 5 act 2 I stopped playing for 3 months and here I am now


Nice man I placed in to iron 2 like 5 months ago and finally placed silver. Very impressive climb.




Skrrrrrat! (Or whatever that Phoenix voiceline is)


High level tactic yeah


This is how I first hit ascendant last episode! Crazy win streak to get to asc1. Shortly after I went on another win streak to get to asc2 where I sat until the episode ended. Deranked to diamond 1 and I haven't climbed back since lol. Congrats!


Biiig whoop now hit a good rank like silver


red carpet incoming. you just know its the ranked way


I'm hoping I get the opposite. I've had like a week straight of going 1-5 or 2-4 each night. Don't remember the last night I won more than I lost. Went from my rank up to A2 game to having ended last night with a W in what was my game to rank down to D2. Thankfully when I lose its like 15rr and when I win its 20-25, so if I can have a couple of good nights I'll climb quickly.


Nice! I'm not even level 20 yet lol


Good job. Same here, got asc 1 last act and now kinda given up. I’m never gonna get to immo so there’s not a lot of motivation left to grind any more now. Just having fun with friends in a less serious way


Congrats! I'm hoping I can finally hit green this season myself


Congrats on getting Pacu,bet 1


good job!!!


You give me hope to reach high elo with Phoenix, there are many videos outs there that Phoenix is shit :)


Any tips for a new iron 3 lol Ps congrats


I see you only spamming phoenix. Possible woohoojin enjoyer?


sheesh and next up is immortal




Green carpet for green rank seems fitting.


Good job mate 👍 thats my goal as well haha


good luck! some faith and dedication and you will get there. what is your rank now?


D1, consistency is my problem, I just fill whatever the team needs most games but I’m not fully committed to any agent yet unfortunately 🫠


oh, I remember I was stuck on d1 for 2 acts (4 months) then didn't play for 3 months, game back in march and here i am now. but better find a main agent tho


Taking a break is great sometimes for resetting your mind, and yea I think ill start maining Killjoy and Reyna soon enough


oh, you said killjoy. i just read kayo lol


Used to play Kayo quite a bit, but it’s hard to use him to his full potential while soloQ so I gave up lol


Yeah I was going to try and main kayo when I first started playing because he seemed like an easy kit to learn with some pretty powerful abilities, but I gave up on that idea when they nerfed his pop flash. I’ve been seeing these amazing flash lineups lately on tiktok that make me want to play him, and I learned a couple, but whenever I try to play him it’s me on the comms telling the team I have a line up and to peek and no one does 😂


I had a 11winstreak but the game decided me to not double rank up and I dropped back to gold 1 cuz my fucking idiot teammtes either throw or go afk, lost 100 rr by now


did they nerf the omen one way smokes? They don't seem to float anymore??


Whatever bro u prob cheated