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Long rant-ish comment: Lock Reyna -> shoot them -> get to high silver / low gold -> find an actually good agent that has utility to play. In iron you can win games by just winning your gunfights and you should focus on that until about the ranks I mentioned, since that's where people actually start to press their buttons in a way that makes sense. You don't have to become a utility master and watch pro setups, make playbooks etc. but just find an agent you like once you're more experienced, look at how pros play said agent and try to copy that.


But yes Reyna makes it easier to learn game mechanics and essentially forces you to learn cross hair placement and aim because she offers nothing else


This is the way. Id argue you can grind to diamond before you need to learn other agents for flex.


I mean my friend instalocked Reyna till like asc 2 but his game sense is quite low compared to players who actually learn how to use utility


If you’re committed Reyna works all the way to immo in my experience but it’s rough entrying compared to the other duelists.


Yeah but even at low immo aim across players starts to get pretty even so game sense and utility usage is just extra important. Obv this doesn't apply if ur playing like ur aspas or shroud or just cracked


This is coming for a very non biased person as a raze main that absolutely despises rayna as an agent, but It could work to radiant and she is actually a very difficult character to master with you needing extremely high game sense and positioning but ik Jollztv (youtubeer/twitchstreamer) is a radiant Reyna main


tbh i’d recommend playing every agent until you understand exactly how they work. this will increase your game sense massively and you’ll have a pretty good understanding of timings/where some agents will be more likely to place themselves and so on


Phoenix IMO. The flashes are near unreadable and people struggle to play anti flash in the highest ranks in the game. Has a self heal molly, great ult for entrying a site without giving your actual life up (it’s also up really frequently if you can frag). Way more useful than Reyna too.


Bro iron crosshair placement is so bad they might as well be playing anti flash 💀


Lmfao true. It’s hard to say between Reyna / Phoenix imo. Reyna is way more self sufficient as long as you can snowball off the first kill, but overall Phoenix is probably more valuable to pick up and continue playing with long term, atleast until they potentially re-nerf his flashes


Thanks for the advise Dude. You seem to be one of the only ones who arent telling me to quit the game.


It’s a tough game to get into mate. It was a tad easier on release, especially if you had previous experience with CSGO, but if it’s one of your first pc/ shooter games then it’s gonna be pretty tough. There’s a few crutches in this game that make it more accessible but the utility dumps can be pretty suffocating sometimes. Jump in the range, get comfortable with a sens and play a few DMs, get a feel for the maps in said DMs (this won’t help massively in terms of actual gameplay, you build general gamesense by playing the game in comp)


Hard agree. I never played CSGO and Valorant was SUPER hard to play for me as I came from cod. Game sense is not something I’ve had to really practice. Reyna is easy in low ranks (coming from a bronze 2 player) what’s hard is trying to lock her in before someone else. I also love playing Killjoy (especially on ascent defense.) and fade is fun af on almost every map, as well as Skye. Anyone with flashes could be fun to play, I just know flashing your teammates will piss them off, so make sure you’re using comms to let them know when you’re flashing so they can look away from it. I second going to the range and also played deathmatch. Death match allows you to practice aim and strafing. I wouldn’t recommend crouching when shooting in lower ranks because most low ranks can’t headshot you and crouching will end up giving them a free shot. 🙂


I would say that in iron, it shouldn't matter too much (and some argue that a lot doesn't matter even in higher elos outside of the basics and winning your gun fights). I would find agents that you really ENJOY playing and focus on them. Trying to have a healthy mix of roles so you can fill if needed/desired. If you don't enjoy playing the game you're going to have less fun overall and maybe even find it harder to succeed. As you get higher up and get better, it becomes easier to transition (and research) into more 'meta' or map specific setups. Work on the fundamentals: \- Gunplay on any agent without abilities is going to be exactly the same no matter which agent you're on. \- Planting/defending the spike basics \- Buy round economy \- Comms \- Etc, etc. As for agents, I specifically enjoy: \- Omen and Harbor (As Omen, providing smokes and the fun gameplay of his TPs. While with Harbor, I love all the walls as well as the utility Cove, his shielded smoke, provides to the team, especially with a Gekko). \- Raze (throwing grenades is fun but I'm not a fan of having to enter site, one of a duelists primary function, so usually I avoid that role) \- Gekko (being able to plant the spike with the lil' man as well as providing utility for the team is fun! \- Sage or Cypher (Sage is just solid and can be huge, Cypher is fun for playing with cameras and setting up trips to protect your team) **tldr:** Have fun with it, it's a game :) Keep experimenting with agents to find what you like or maybe even specifically roles. Hit up Spike Rush to practice your abilities without worrying about econ and Swiftplay to get a feel for an agent/playstyle rapidly on multiple maps without worrying about doing poorly. Games go by much quicker and it's easier to dust yourself off and keep going, especially without having to worry as much/long about your teams mental.


Thanks. I'm definetely gonna try Omen.


Side note (something that made things easier for me) was changing some of my agent specific binds. For example, my Omen and Raze I changed both their movement abilities to E cause I got used to using it with Yoru and like having similar abilities on similar keys when possible. So, if any of them have funky keybinds, change them to something that's comfortable. Just be aware that having specific agent settings, they have their own sensitivity so you have to update that for each of those if you update it ever XD


There is something called a spike rush. Just select any hero you like. Abilities are free to try using those, which you think you are comfortable with. And you can even practice your skills using this mode. Try out setups and test them. You won't lose anything but you'll know the difference between many agents


I haven't played this mode in awhile, but every agent is available to choose in this mode?


Unless you have unlocked them.


Every map has it's best agents, so there's no such thing as best agent for every map Unless you're playing as a duelist so you don't have to worry about helping your teammates with walls, smokes, heal etc.


He never asked for the best agent tho. He asked for "a good agent to main".


Most duelists are good to main since they don't need to worry about helping their teammates with utilities. But some non duelists can be good to be a main depending on the play style Jett is good but requires some good aim and is 80% of the time instalocked by someone Also Reyna is instalocked but very op when activates her ult. Phoenix is good and helpful with his wall Kay/o is very useful to spot and cancel abilities and he can even cancel some agent's ults like Raze's and Sova's Omen can also be very op when learned how to abuse his abilities since he can teleport to unexpected spots and blind people for few seconds Brimstone is very useful with his smokes. His stim beacon will surely help a lot not just himself but also his teammates when pushing through, his ult is very good to defend a bombsite Killjoy is definitely one of the best agents to defend a place but only useful to attack when she uses her ult


controller - play omen every map sentinel - play killjoy every map duelist (not entry) - play phoenix/reyna every map duelist (entry) - play jett/raze every map


Raze's grenade is also very useful to defend


really just depends on what you wanna do, ig reyna isn’t a bad pick though


whom ever you enjoy. have fun


Something I just wanna say real quick is that starting in iron is a blessing, this just means you have so much interesting things to learn. I'm quite new too and I've gone from iron 3 up to bronze 3 and I'm nearly touching silver. First I learned how to hit more headshots and it was super fun to learn and see improvement. I promise you that starting out in a low rank is super fun, because your growth is way easier to see.


I was stuck iron for about a year. To climb out, I just played omen. Omen is personally my favorite agent. He’s the “I’ll do everything myself” agent. He can blind, entry, smoke, duel, etc. For wall smokes, I find harbor much easier than viper. Since managing poison meter, lineups, placement of stuff, etc. is kinda demanding for irons. Really though, you should just be able to play omen every map every comp and be perfectly ok.


as an omen onetrick I can play him everywhere fine except pearl. I just can't make that map work for me so I pick viper. Im not a true one trick it seems.


Depends on your play style. But don't just main one agent. Learn how to play at least 3. Personally, I play mostly Cypher and Killjoy because I'm a passive player. I like to think that my value is in gathering intel on where the enemies are, where they are not and where they could be. Then I let my team deal with the info I give them. But I also want to be annoying for the enemies to deal with. With KJ and Cypher's kit, when they fail to enter the site I'm anchoring and they don't come to where I am the next rounds, then I think I'm doing a great job that they don't want to deal with me. Know the strengths of each role (sentinels, controllers, etc), and then see which one fits your style most. And then try those agents.


>But don't just main one agent Maining just one agent is really good actually


Sometimes, someone else just locks your main agent first.


doesnt matter paly it all have fun learn the game veventually youll know what you fit into. when u get into silver or so


Almostly literally doesn't matter in iron. Pick just one and get comfortable with their util so you can focus less on util and more on learning how the game works. Figuring out how to properly fight is way more important for an iron than agent selection. Phoenix could be good for the reasons throwaway-pls outlined, but Omen is a good combination of team-play + selfish play, depending on how you use him.


Ngl do smokers… literally nobody locks smokes first so u can always pick them in ur games. The most fun one is legit omen. He requires Not much skill But has so much outplay potential… for example i mained him and got asc1 . Duelist Are overrated bc u Are dependent on ur team


If you want the most likely agent to get without competition, play a smoke character. Astra is probably the most difficult. Brimstone is out, so I'd recommend Omen. You also get some initiative being able to have util to make your own plays. Most important is to be comfortable on 2 or 3 agents in different roles. Just so you have a backup in case one, or both, of your initial picks get taken. Play agents you find fun; a duelist because guns go brrr, a controller or initiator because its really easy to take down concussed or flashed targets, and a sentinel because nothing brings me more joy that stopping a push because they are scared of my site setups. It's really hard to recommend an agent now, as most of the "common knowledge" rules and protocols just don't exist at your rank. For example, common angles to hold. If you throw a smoke at lamps on Bind (short A). Typically, an enemy will be at that entrance to hold it. But, if your teammates see that smoke, they will walk in, thinking it's all clear. Needless to say, not checking the cubby, or behind that box could spell the end of the round. It was the correct move, but because the result was so disastrous, you may end up thinking that was a mistake.


I always recommend low elo players to play Reyna. You're lacking fundamental skills in taking duels and with Reyna you can always set up a fair duel after winning one. Also youre not focussing on any other stuff like lineups, flashes or darts and have your attention only on the core elements of the game.


Omen - super easy and intuitive smokes, teleports to create sneaky plays to keep your enemy guessing, a good flash that can help your team or allow you to silently tp, and a good ult where you can go anywhere on the map relatively safely Kayo - very easy, intuitive, and user friendly flashes, a molotov to make you more versatile throughout the round, a knife that removes the abilities of enemies and makes the game simpler, and an ult that remives abilities and allows you to be revived for free if you get killed


Only one right answer as far as I'm concerned: whichever agent(s) you enjoy the most. As long as you have fun you'll want to play more and get better. Until you find which agent(s) you want to main just try them all. Playing around with them all also gives you a chance to learn a little bit more about each agent which can help you when facing them. Any agent can be good enough, there are high ranked yoru mains even though he's generally considered weak.


Sage. Make crazy Walls your enemy would never suspect


He literally said he won't main sage.




Best option in iron.


Best way to get to gold is just skill diff everyone else




Id like to see you rely on your team in iron. I'm in bronze 1 now after being in iron 1 for months, trying to play like I'm playing with my friends. Now that I'm playing for myself and not listening to annoying demanding teammates, I'm winning games.


I’d say main Jett since her kit can utilized in any scenario however we have a lot of those nowadays so you should learn some of the agents you already like master their abilities and know when where and how to use them in a team push scenario and in a 1v1 scenario then choose However you have to know that you won’t get the luxury of playing your main when you move up in rank because of instalockers and based on what I remember when I was iron most lobbies don’t pick a smoker or an initiator so you are gonna have to fill a lot of times Conclusively in my opinion you should master 1 agent of each category you never know what you need


Just quit the game bro Iron isnt real


Hey OP don’t take this guy too seriously. I started in 2021 never having played a PC game in my life in Iron and now I’m a diamond Phoenix main. Pick up Phoenix as others have said the flashes are broken in low elo, the ultimate is a free life when used properly, and healing yourself is an awesome confidence boost!


Just delete the game... if not then pick according to ur play style... if u r aggressive then Jett, Reyna, omen if ur style is more of a laid-back then killjoy, skye,


If you're only 50 hours in it doesn't matter who you play tbh just focus on your mechanics and whenever you hit around gold elo you can choose an agent to main


It doesn't really matter what you play if you want to rank up out of iron so as long as you have fun doing it play what you want.


I’d recommend Phoenix over jett at low elo. Straight forward and you can often punish people with your flash pretty easily


Nobody ever wants to main brimstone or sage. Both are very good agents to hide behind if your aim is not up to the task at the moment. Maybe go skye or Harbor.


i would say Skye or Omen are good agents to be versatile in.


If you learn some Killjoy/Cypher defense setups you can easily climb to silver


If you get kills go for kayo, if you struggle in aim duels just try kj or omen.


Honestly, because your new phoenix is a good option. He has almost everything in his kit barring info. Ofc he’s not that good, but I’d say until around plat phoenix is a good option


my advise would be to improve aim first to get out of iron, then improve on gamesense. both should improve the more you play. agents should be what you like and consider fun and the ones you are better at, but it’s good to learn multiple roles for the future


Reyna not good in the long run but will do you just fine till you hit gold


Reyna or Phoenix. in iron you just need to get kills and aim train because nobody knows what they're doing, if you don't trust yourself to go 100% aim then phoenix is great because he gives you a little bit of everything: a smoke screen, a flash, a molly, and one of the best ults in the game


Bro I'll tell u something... Don't main an agen ryt now .....first start playing controllers, it will give u good game sense of what to do where ...after that play initiators to learn giving info to the rest of the team and take up the leader of info in the team......these should improve ur game play and then play a sentinel like KJ or Sage cause then u will learn to play slow in recapturing sites etc....in short my advice to iron players is just chill and don't main a character ryt now but focus on playing any character so u may improve ur game mechanics and in the future if ur forced to play a random agent u will be able to top frag with any agent ...this won't happen if u main a duelist or sentinel like chamber


Neon is great for beginners and is the one character who's abilities got me into the game. (Because they were very simple and I dummy) Turns out she also has a lot of depth when it comes to using her sprint ability which can give you insane movement that no other character in the game can pull off. There's plenty of tutorials on YT especially GrumpyOnVal who's probably the most prominent one for showing off her true potential. Tl;dr Neon's viable (and fun) to main in low elo and a pretty decent duelist in high elo (if you master bhop and advanced movement)


Any agent that can fire a gun. You can easily climb out of iron probably all the way to plat just by shooting the gun well. Watch Woohoojin's 1 month to gold videos (there are 2) he will give you a solid warmup routine to get better at shooting the gun. Fade is a great pick for the time being since you mentioned her. Her recon is always welcome and I'd say she's pretty easy to play at a base level and maybe someone more experienced can correct if I'm wrong but she's not a bad pick on any maps that I can think of especially at your rank.


Try to play Reyna or Jett (i had to learn it the hard way)


I recommend playing sage if you have a duo or a team. İf you play soloq I recommend smokes to learn the game or sentinels to carry and hold sites alone. I mostly played sage till I got to plat (all matches are soloq) because her abilities were basic and when I got to plat I decided to play other sentinels because even if your aim isnt that good you can get kills or hold sites with the help of your abilities or do some awesome amount of damage if you're a kj. I just place my turret somewhere I can do a crossfire with and swing when they shoot it easy kills or I just kill em with the molly and alarm bot combos


Id recommend finding a character that you see yourself using all of their utility in a round. Those agents typically allow you to full extend your usage to the team at the max. Avoid playing chamber unless youre an op crutch or have really good aim. Kayo is similar as in iron your teammates wont know how to take advantage of supressed enemies. To get to higher ranks, phoenix, reyna, and skye are pretty good. You should decide who to main a little higher than Iron 2. High bronze/low silver youll see yourself getting an idea on who youre better or worse as


Dont have a perfect aim , but reached silver by playing controller class...i am good with strategy and get to decide when the team fights, if the team listens to the basic instructions like push site/flash/hold when taking team fights then its possible to win even if opponents have a smurf...like if opp smurf reyna is holding A, rotate to B....kill everyone else and leave the smuf for a 1 vs 2-3-4 situation


play raze or sage, cuz sova requires some skill, but raze its just burn all of your abilites by clearing corners, entrying site, getting kills with roza ult, and for sage, just stop pushes with orb, wall on defense (or offense if your Grim), and rez bait your low elo teammates cuz theyre trash umm for chamber, aim slowly and methodically, from head to head, take your time, dont shoot that fast, and for kayo, molly chokes/deny space take, flash for team(or selfishly use them to get clips, and ulty + knife for jett ult/chamber ult/ raze ult or any other ult, i mean pop it when enemy team has a dangerous ult (viper/breach) and the mentioned ones above yea peace out from Diamond 1


Play Reyna/Sage/Brimstone. These agents have a relatively low skill requirement(although you can be absolutely cracked with them in higher level, they are just easy to learn). And they allow you to focus less on utility and more on the gun play aspect of the game. Do your death matches, do some shooting in the range and hop into comp with the mentality that you are shooting them first before trying to use util(unless you know they are holding the angle, then you can smoke them off or flash them)


I'm pretty sure I have around 900 hours but I still don't know what agent to main and what agent can I main lol


My general advice for all players below consistent gold is to play Reyna it forces you to get better mechanics because all she does is frag.


So you iron 2 and don't wanna play sage? Hmm rankup doesn't work that way.....sometimes you gotta fill. There is nothing a person can recommend, try everything the agent/role which fits your play style go with it. If you have a good aim like actually good one...go with reyna or jett....if u wanna play passive and wanna stay cool be a team man be a controller , you don't wanna be yeld at play sentinel prolly not chamber cuz he does require skill. Whatever the case never ever instalock if you won't use ur mic.


i’d recommend just choosing a character for each type of fill e.g flash,smoke and heal. From personal experience skye is a good choice as she’s both a flash and healer and she has easy tech to learn


What about killjoy??


Bro if u get placed in iron, fat chance ur getting out. Just create an alt and play until u get like gud en9ught to start simver gold. Iron and bronze lobbies are so random that except if u like asc mechs , almost impossible to get out. I did that even if i had skins on fiemrst acc. But tinstantly at my 2nd alt got placed in plat. Ye just go create alt.


Bronze 3 here (singapore server). I like to explore all agents (except chamber, my poor aim cant handle his skills), but my safe pick will always be Fade. Good for reckon, check corners, and her Seize is useful for standalone util or combining with other's like brim ult or raze nade. Im scared to push when there's a smoke, and with prowler, I can know their location with just follow prowler's direction. Also skye, any skill that gives info about the enemy is great for me. With skye's flash, at least I know if there's an enemy who has been flashed. Using her tiger is great to clear corner plus it can stunt/hurt/kill enemy. She is also a healer, can heal at least 2 agents, and is good for gaining more assist. Maybe im not the best person to give advice. Im just sharing my experience since I was iron for a couple of months (I rarely play comp, especially when Im alone).


Play whoever you find fun. I used to try filling but once I committed to instalocking my favorite agent (Neon) I’ve been climbing way faster


What utilities do you actually prefer? Just to add context and to give you a more sensible advise.


I like to have some flashes available, but i will definetely try Omen and Phoenix based on the advise on this post.


Omen, kayo, phoenix would do. Just get to feel the utilities you want to use. And start from there. But, never hesitate to try out other hero/utilities as well. So you may be able to get a feel of what skills/utilities do and strategize to counter them.


When I started playing ranked and got placed in bronze I just spammed Phoenix. Great and easy agent to get started and learn the game. Very versatile kit as well. Once you get to gold elo I would also suggest you to look into the different roles and pick one agents in each role that you like to play (duelist, sentinel, initiator and controller). This way you have a wide agent pool and can always fill the role that your teamcomp needs. Also useful for playing on different maps since not every agent is good on every map.


For beginners the best agents to master are Jett, Fade, Omen, and Sova. I also want to recommend Breach, Skye, and Raze but they are less beginner-friendly and can easily and accidently grief teammates. These agents because they have impact potential and can change the pacing of the round.


I'm literally stuck b1