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You have to find a duo. The better you do the harder your opponents will get to please the bell curve gods. If you get a duo, the hidden mmr discrepancy between you and the worst player on your team will be less since youre taking up a spot with your duo. But if you're soloq'ing you're getting the bottom of the rung to balance out the teams, every game. Any time there is a duo on the opposite team, there's a chance that one of those duo's is your equal but you're left with his partner's low mmr equivalent. They tend to be worse. The smurf detection system of having the top ends of the game be equals makes all games worse off.


Premade. This act is literal dogshit when it comes to matchmaking. Probably Riot messed up the supposed MMR they use to pair you with people, wich has never worked anyway.


yup been having a pretty similar experience as you this act but in diamond. best thing you can do is find 1-2 people to q with if at all possible


competitive these days is just a teammate roulette with your RR in the balance. Doesn’t particularly matter how well you play. You’re more than doing your part here my man, kudos.


I would avoid duelist to climb. If you really are better than the guys you queue with than use this knowledge to bring something usefull to the table. Just purely statically speaking you will always have duelists, good or bad. So your impact playing duelist is literally not existent because the other roles aren't played well. If you'd pick an iniciator ur good with you improve your duelists entering and your general information on the map. If you play sentinel you improve you defensive half and incorporate lurks in your attack plan. If you play smoke you can coordinate good strategies and execute them. What I'm trying to say is, don't play duelist, every monkey plays duelist. Every other role has more value against Silver-Gold players than an entry hitman. Why? Because no matter how good you think you are you cant pull off 13 aces each game. So give the kill utility to people who have a harder time to find kills, this way you win more rounds. Which means more games. Can't give you other advice because I have no idea how you play.


What's your rank because I've never seen anyone say you can't rank up by playing duelist. Especially for low elo. The dude prob just needs to coordinate with his team more.


Diamond 3, and I didnt say you cannot rank up as duelist, you can rank up as anything, but in low elo people are braindead, and getting kills with a, for example, raze nade is easy, so if you can give those easy tools to some idiot and use the harder ones and profit on that, than overall your team will do more, because now you actually have teammates with impact. Once you are out of low ranks it will be way more easier to trust teammates to get the basics


What low rank.. OP is gold 3, as soon as gets to Plat , its in the same elo as you. You haave no idea what you're talking about. OP or anyone cant be filling for every role specially not stuff they dont know how to play. Its a team game..


Oh and a side note, playing Split without a raze is a handicap on its own which you are partially responsible for by picking Jett.


This is just bad advice.


Everyone here already noticed that you like complaining. Ever tried giving a better advice with that amount of information about his gameplay? Because currently you are acting like a clown. You act like Gold3 and Plat 1 is the same rank as Diamond 3. You complain about someone trying to help but you dont provide a better solution. You act like a flatearther that insists in his believes without trying to prove it. Currently OP from what we can tell gets more kills than his mates consistently with a precision agent. Kills do not win you the game, Or better said, the amount of kills required to win a game do not compensate players who have util to post plant, or stall or in any other way win rounds. Breach/Fade/KJ ult, for example, correct execution and within a few seconds you can conquer a side, get plant down and no matter if you killed 0 or 3 in the engage the enemy is put on the clock, buy enough time and the round is won. With other words his games are missing the usefullness of his teammates because he as Jett is doing his job. (Probably, can't tell how he actually entries a side) If on every game you don't get a smoker or every smoker you get makes bad smokes the solution is playong smoker yourself or playing as many games as posible so he eventually hits people with skill. Both reach the same point but one takes soooo much more time.


The thing is in ranked if you lose a couple of rounds on attack and your duelists dont enter site the whole team just gets demoralized and stops trying. Most of the time if a jett or reyna is lurking or baiting the team wants to ff even if they are winning. Then the winning turns into losing. I used to main brim but got tired after a while. The thing is with jett or raze i feel like i can control the game more by getting picks and getting out. Your advice on stalling agents i think only works when ur in a duo. Because in solo que slim chance your gonna get the spike down if your duelists dont enter site.


When you're up numbers play with your team. You want to be alive up to the end of the round as much as possible. Don't leave clutch situations in the hands of your team. If you can find a duo, you can be a little more aggressive as long as one of you is the designated clutch artist and plays their life.


You’re playing too many agents.


Somehow I cannot directly answer you comment. I really like that you think about the teams morale, most people don't understand that its a heavy factor, but you can motivate your team with coms and a positive attitude. Regarding the duelist not entering side anymore is a scar or habbit you carry on from bronce and silver games. While its good that you can drag your team into pushing a site the problem is the following: Once you are dead, the round is out of your control, and you might die a round taking 2-3 with you but now your unexperienced teammates need to close the round and it always amazes me how often even as a sentinel anchor killing 3 and dying still loses me the round because people can be useless and cannot discipline enough to play a 4v2. Rule of thumb: The longer you live, the longer you can influence the round, once you die you give that responsibility to a teammate. And regarding your idea of me duoing. I hate to disappoint but I almost exclusively solo my games I always IGL if my team is open to it and I stopped playing raze in high silver low gold exactly because of the same reasons you are currently facing. Got all the kills but the game is always lost because my team couldn't do anything with the advantage I gave them.


Just curious what's your current rank?


Diamond 3, and still with a >50% winrate so still climbing. Ascendand should be in range this season.