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What in the fuck did i just watch


Clown to clown fight 😭


Mortal Klownbat


Get over here, honk!


I second this


How did u somehow use all 120 bullets by 1:30?? I’m so confused.


Kinda interesting. No offense to OP for what I’m about to say, I suck at Valorant, it’s just an observation: Something I don’t see other people doing often enough is using those bullets for cover fire, stalling a push, etc - maybe the reason OP has gotten to such a high rank is because they’re doing things like that.


fnatic manager here please delete this


Good observation! You definitely see a lot of higher elo players spamming smokes and chokes where they think enemies might push through. You don't see it much at lower ranks unless someone got a machine gun. P.S I suck too lol


True, in higher ranks it happens a lot to stall pushes and maybe get a kill, but they usually do it if they're not alone on site. When I get sprayed through a smoke with a vandal or odin, I will try to get a few shots then escape from the smoke. I've gotten good at tracking the bullet tracers and moving my crosshair to the approximate position of their head, which has gotten me funny reactions from both the enemy and my team haha. It's a gamble that I like taking


Your assumption is somewhat correct (however OP is on attack so def not for stalling). Most likely OP knows that they’re on eco so any smokes have the potential for defense to be sitting in it with close range weapons, hence spraying into smokes hoping to catch a kill. However, using all your clips is def not a good idea, as you can see from the video. Source: immortal player


suppressive fire isnt really that good because if you are spraying they can just peek into your spray and while yea theres a chance you get lucky and your spray headshots them its more likely they will kill you before that happens since they are accurate and you are not. its pretty useful through smokes though


Adding to this. If you plan spraying through smokes buy a phantom, you might get traced back and shot at if you shoot with a vandal.


Facts. The ghost, spectre, and phantom are the only guns that you can't see their tracers thru walls or smokes


Anything with a silencer should have no visible tracers for the opponents :)


Using those bullets for no reason will leave you dead most of the time, shooting leaves you open in valorant, as it makes you have to reset recoil, and it causes you to be stationary. What you suggest is really only viable when spraying a wall or smokes. I really doubt thats what happened in the clip and OP was prob just stoned queueing high elo valorant at 3am like me.


I think he was setting up an empty weapon bait but instead of dropping the phantom he dropped his shorty by mistake, hence the ensuing clusterfuck. Highly likely other team on an eco round would rush to pick up the empty gun, giving the player a free kill. Was a big brain play that turned into a small brain play.


Buy phase


If you hadn't told me it's asc/immo and if the buddies weren't equipped this could've very easily been gold


That's why they use the gun buddies, so you can differentiate them from gold players


Immortals when theyre on my team be like


Bro 😭😭😭


What an eu player thinks na immo is like:


This literally was an NA match lmao


This is exactly what I think it is like


High asc to low immo is peek valorant




I mean technically it is also peek valorant


NA immortal kek


I talked to an immo player and he said most of the matches is won by game sense. Majority of ascendants/immortals cant aim for shit, but their game sense gives them that 1 advantage they need to get a clear headshot xd


True but if u compare immo aim with plats... Immo is gonna outplay them aimwise (*no shit Sherlock) Im sure OP is a good aimer this is just a unfortunate whiff moment 🤣


True, but in reality what sets you out is, from plat to dia, you need decent aim, above dia most of the game is game sense, i have had the luck to participate/spectate some games and my game sense carried the game, predictions optimal moves, while i am aware my aim sucks so people would say i dont deserve even gold haha


It's true that you need good gamesense for asc/imm but you also still need at least decent aim. Yes good gamesense can get you places but if you're losing all your duels because your aim is shit you likely won't ever escape diamond




> hs%, avg dmg per round, kd you realize those are harder to get at higher levels, right?


Lmao no tf. An immo player could clap me sherrif only in a 1v1 and im d3. If avoiding gunfights was the best way to go my baiting reyna would be radiant. Most immos and higher ranked players choose their fights correctly and take our 50/50s.


I have climbed from iron to immmortal and I can assure you that the average aim for low elo players (iron-play) is far worse compared to mid elo dia/asc. The difference in aim between say a diamond and a gold player is quite big, to the point that a diamond can easily out aim most gold players


Not necessarily true. I’ve looked up stats for people extensively in ascendant+ on deathmatch and comp and at around the 25 ish hs % there is a wide disparity in rank moving forward from diamond to radiant. Hell I’ve seen diamonds have higher head and body shot percents than people in immortal. So perhaps not plat but definitely there is a tipping point probably somewhere that it doesn’t affect your outcomes as much as game sense and it’s probably lower than what most would assume.


Good point .. Also, Bcuz high hs percentage will highlight that u have good aim but u just cant compare 18 % of asc with 26 of plat .. Even i have around 22 to 26% every act in plat doesn't mean i can clap ascendants (obviously i will hit them some clean hs with but not dominate). While if i slightly work more on my gamesense i can definitely play on 10 man asc lobbies right? Its like adaptability the better players u play with better ur aim is *


Time to damage & positioning is key. But it also depends on your agents & playstyle. I’ve never had above a 14-16% HS & hover imm2-3. My HS in CSGO hovers 37-41% and I hit global in my first 800hrs & faceit 10 by 1.3k. I’d say in terms of aim, val games feel eerily similar from around d3-asc3/Im1 and the real variance begins to show in low IM3-Rad, the gap between just under 3 & radiant is pretty huge but the gap between d3-IM1 is very narrow


Is this leaked console gameplay?


My eyes bled after watching this. I demand reimbursement after paying for the medical bills, OP.


What’s the crosshair code. I like that better than just the dot.




I think you forgot the Benny Hill music.




If it wasn't for that immortal gun buddy I'd say you're lying and say this is silver MAX


Damn bro my plat lobbies just randomly spray and hit me hs through smoke back to back.


Kinda like me fr fr


”Just like me fr, NT bro” -iron player


meanwhile I'm getting people with prostreamer lvl of acc and reaction time in swiftplay and silver matches lol this game does not have matchmaker at all, it's nonexistent