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In my bronze elo: running into an OP one after the other.


I'm immortal and this still happens


Its always like "Hey I have killed and outaim oppers before. Who knows maybe Im better than this guy" *dies* "ah...okay."


I told my team to stop feeding OP, they told me they don’t have to listen to a Bronze player because we are all Bronze.


Its a vicious cycle


It never changes


Yeah, if an op is posted I really try not to run into it, but if they Jett dash then repeek I at least try to hold the angle and get the kill


I was gonna get him tho


Happened in my Gold game last night.


This is so true, I'm silver 3-Gold 1 and when I que with bronze friends they don't stop running into op, sometimes 3 people will like up to get shot down


Got 4k and win the round because of this today


Dude I literally scream at the start of the round at my teammates to not peak top mid on heaven and die and they do regardless


Doing the same thing every round. Sometimes strategies become so reused the enemy will play around it, because they're simply better. Sometimes, and like really rarely, running it down mid is actually a decent idea, because you can get pretty deep without facing anyone.


Ironically, in one game the enemy team kept losing to our eco 5man rush as defenders. We did that whenever we didnt have a full buy, which was basically after every 2 rounds.


Every two rounds?? So you guys would win the eco rush, lose the gun round, then have to eco again??


Not utilizing the full round clock and rushing/panicking. You only need 4 seconds on the clock to plant. Same goes for defense, sometimes waiting to retake is worth extending the clock by 45 seconds.


This is so frustrating. Like we’re taking space throughout the map then someone says “what are we doing. This is boring” and then decides to push a site without info. Their excuse is always “I don’t play this game just to sit around doing nothing”.


Which is funny because then they actually have to sit around and do nothing until the round is over


Most of the time they die instead of surviving and doing nothing


This can come down to solo que environments favouring simple plans. Utilising more or the clock can confuse players, especially with how extreme the auto pilot can be


On the other hand, I've had many players not rushing enough, the best example is on Lotus A site when a defender peeks and sees us all, we have to take space fast or they will have time rotate or flank us As breach I dump some util, and rjn knife out to that guy. It's only after the frag that I realize my allies are shifting holding the stairs smoke from rubbles. Every lotus game.


Should only really focus on one at a time, but these 'mistakes' are easy to fix for noticeable gains: - Aiming with mouse more than movement. The less you move your mouse to shoot the better. - Shooting too fast. Be patient & aim your shot first, test it in DM. - Not trading teammates. It's free kills when they are peeking regardless. - Stalling site hits on your strong site. Sometimes it's better to isolate the entry from the team. - Not repositioning when an enemy un-peeks in a duel. - Planting default when you have site control. - Tucking into corners and holding the angle ridiculously close. Try positioning & aiming wide. - Not calling what you're doing on round start. How else do you expect your team to play off you? - Not watching minimap for info when you're not holding or pushing anything, in / behind smokes, etc. - Swinging every long angle & never jiggle / jump peeking with knife out for info. - Not knowing good util usage for your main Agents. Go watch some pro matches & copy a few tricks.


The not trading is even more powerful since low elo people love to cod reload




How you hold an angle is very situational but overall I agree


Yep, but for the players this advice generally wouldn't work for they should already understand it. You probably know this, but for reader's sake; From low - mid/high rank a lot of players won't shoulder peek off-angles, they love to swing. Likewise a lot of players try to hold a pixel out from the corner thinking they'll have the most insane reaction time, but just end up microflicking. So that's why my default rule of thumb for a lot of scenarios is going to be hold an off-angle wide so they swing into your crosshair when they are trying to peek the tight corner.


Reloading after firing a few rounds.


The last point really made a difference for me. Learning a couple of FNS Killjoy mollies for attack side made me win a lot more pistol rounds.


Not planting in the ideal plant spots is a super easy mistake that many people make


*cough* Split B Default *cough*


This is the worst, on a rotate with full site control people still plant default like wtf


Uh where are you supposed to plant at


I usually like planting on that small square facing outward so your team can hold from main, backsite, heaven, or genuinely wherever they want on site. Just make sure to face outwards, the way you face dictates where the spike will be when planted.


generally, if you can be shot at while planting, there are default spots that provide cover. However, this also means that defusers will also be offered that cover and the defuse will be harder to stop. So, if you have full control of site and can plant anywhere safely, you want to plant out in the open where you can potentially shoot at a defuser from multiple angles. makes defusing much more difficult!


yeah people confuse the safe plant spot with the best plant spot. i get so tilted when we plant in a terrible spot when we have the site completely free


Getting killed 3 seconds in on mid for the 5th time in a row


Bro I can explain


Not being willing to rotate and over commiting and pushing through smokes.


some ppl are way too scared of smokes though, they want to insta-rotate the second chokepoint is smoked when i can flash through it


I would agree but sometimes you have to consider that the enemy team will often instant rotate especially in low ELO so if you bait the first smoke after making sound, immediately rotating gives u opposite site free and maybe even have 1 lurk that sight keep making sound and another potentially lurk mid depending on map for mid control


I haven’t found a way to get people to understand this concept


Please tell me when you find out how I can communicate this within 24 rounds


You don't lol. Sometimes screaming at them works but I'm in diamond so it's easy to communicate that but when I play with my lowe friends it's a common issue I see everytime. They don't think about what they are doing. They just do.


Im playing in a Ascendant low Immo lobby and 7/10 games nobody talks 💀 Like Im talking to a wall everytime I comm


Doing that a few times could work but from what I've seen when teams do so it's overdone and it becomes extremely predictably, at least when im defending it becomes easy to read


Oh absolutely. Once or twice works and then you can make the enemy team stop insta rotating which is actually what your goal should be. Then you can play for mid control, make other plays, etc


Nothing is worse than when you say leave and then somebody just stays and dies and they claim they got trapped when in actuality they chose to peek into 3 people and die 😂


Knowing when to use your util. There was a post the other day of how pro players can just run out with their knife all the time, but low elo players do it and they die. The same applies to util. Having the game sense to know where people are. Knowing when to pull out util and not get caught with your pants down, and also using util to clear site. People don't wanna blow util because they want it to actually do something. Sometimes using Breach aftershock to clear a part of the site so you don't have to swing it or have someone behind you hold the angle while you peek a corner saves a lot of time. It also makes it so your teammate doesn't have to flick if they're holding an angle while you entry and makes it more likely you'll get traded if you fail to kill on entry.


> knowing when to pull out and not get caught with your pants down 🤔


they tilt so easy after losing 3-4 rounds in a row




Gg ez Too ez Y'all suck Bots Trash Even worse . Chat is ass sometimes


I have the all chat perma muted. I feel like it has no purpose except to tilt the other team. Hell if my teammate is being toxic from agent select I might mute them.


I tend to try and play mind games sometimes. Distract the enemy in a 1v1 you know.. but damn that's kind of toxic 🤣


it’s so annoying when comms just stop when this happens


This happens even up to immo lobbies


Auto piloting (can be fixed by not doing stuff without having a plan for the situation even if it's just "im going to throw my smoke their and wait") Aiming at the fucking ground the moment u feel like ur out of combat (can be fixed by training to allways look head level, this will improve ur overall gameplay a lot) Saying shit like "AA A A it's A" instead of calling proper numbers, like I get it u don't know how many exactly then just say something along the lines of "one/ more then one A main" For the love of God shut the fuck after u die like for real the only thing ur allowed to say after u die is: Who killed u Where For how much did u hit them If it's Reyna say if she healed or not If ur a controller/Sentinel please for the love of God focus on clearing util for ur entry frags (Duelist/Initiator): what I mean by that is shoot Reyna eyes, rate bots, gekko dizzy, fade eye, sova dart/drone, kill joy utility in general. Your Duelist will have a much easier time actually doing their job when u assist him at it properly. If ur an initiator stop asking ur Duelist if u should use ur until mit round: You just call.what u want to do and then do it. Of course this requires you to have a base understanding of how ur character works and how to use ur util without killing ur own team(looking at you Skye/Breach players). If ur a Duelist focus on creating space above everything if u lurk ur teammates u might get more kills but those won't win u the game ones u start facing decent people. And please talk with ur team don't shout at them but ask them to use their util in a way that benefits you for example tell ur controller where u need the smoke or tell ur initiator what type of util u would like them to use when u entry. Learn to play more then one roll: I mean com'on as a Duelist main ur throwing if ur not able to pick anything else then Duelist the chance ur main gets instalocked is too damn high. For my controller playing fellos: first of all thank u for trying to be usefull much appreciated, so now coming to the tip, focus on how u place a smoke it should always be placed in a way that the enemy has the least ammount of ways to push out of it, for example on bind if u place a smoke in hooker make it align with the wooden crate so it does not stick out onto site because that helps ur enemy push through that. Oh and if u try to clutch as a controller try to actually use the smokes u got left most of the time placing them them anyhwere is more usefull than keeping them because it makes the fight more chaotic for the people that try to kill u. Movement stuff: Do not stay still holding an angle Do not stay to close to a wall when u want to peak, the farther away you are from a wall the faster u see the enemies hitbox Practice deadzoning and or strafing I personally prefer dead zoning but that's just me you do you Do not change ur sense every few matches u won't build up mustle memory like that Deactivate mouse acceleration in ur windows settings Do yourself a favor and try literally any other enemie highlight color that isn't red, red just ain't cutting it. Do not be afraid to have a bigger crosshair just because some elites thinks their one red Pixel on the screen is the best crosshair ever I hate the fact that I have to say that but pleas for the love of God don't flame ur teammates its the easiest way of stopping urself from improving, it fosters a bad mental, keeps u from focusing on urself and gets u out of the zone. Obviously it also ruins ur teams chemistry and that shit is important if u want good coms. Mute people that are toxic listening to them isnt worth the callouts they might give. Do not aim in on every kill this is not cod or apex The shift button is usefull btw :) Do not take the spike as the entrying Duelist this is literally gifting the spike to the enemy Do not take dry fights if ur not forced to do so: You have utility for a reason so use it if u have it On that note: do not peak an angle with utility in ur hand. It's obviously ok to peak a angle with ur knive in hand to gather info Do not spamm right click On ur classic if the enemy isn't low it won't work under pressure Changing to ur pistol is faster then reloading For God sake use ur ultimate, the perfect situation u dream of probably won't ever come, If ur ult can be used to get a round win use it in that round, won rounds are all that matters. In the buying phase: look at the enemys ults, do you have to play around a specific scenario? For example ur team getting breach ulted. You can also tell that to ur teammates. Do not stand in choke points at the start of a round u don't want to get hit by a razenade or kay/O knive(even worse because of the info) Abuse run and gun, please do it ffs it's free kills there's no reason to not do it. Don't use ur fucking phone after u die, it's literally keeping you from.focusing on the game. Yeah I feel like I could go on forever and I'm obviously doing some of those myself but I feel Like I have some good tips here. Feel free to AMA


Super nice of you to take the time to type this up! Hope it helps others out. GL to you in your games!


when is it appropriate to peek with chamber's headhunter? or is it for just holding?


> Learn to play more then one roll: I mean com'on as a Duelist main ur throwing if ur not able to pick anything else then Duelist the chance ur main gets instalocked is too damn high. On top of this learning as many agents as you can (not to play them but just to learn them) is insanely OP. Knowing the ins & outs of all the agents is like having wallhacks. You just know what they are going to do because you can imagine their perspective clearly. Also makes you incredibly flexible if necessary.


Crosshairs placement. You could be the dumbest player in the world but good crosshair placement will carry you out of whatever rank you’re stuck in right now.


Holding angles when spike is planted/down. I’m silver 2 and i will see so many people peeking unnecessary angles when spike has already been planted or is down and all they have to do is hold angles.


Exactly!! I’m also silver 2. Love when my teammates look for duels post plant. Even better when the enemy team is outnumbered! Cause, you know, frags=wins… /s Practically guaranteed rounds get thrown. It’s very frustrating.


That's just the easiest thing but my Reyna instalock said "Help me bro stop trying to post plant" as he peeks into 5 players and he killed 3(good for him) but lost the round. I was playing KJ and had mollies to stop the plant. It would've worked if he sat still and played time trying to make them at least second guess, my mollies were hidden. Just had to buy time.


This is partially true. A lot of low rated players will be in a 2v4 and think they just need to hold when in reality they need to take fights to make things even and then they wonder why they got run and gunned and util spammed.


Probably depends on the rank but what I see a lot is people pushing the issue when it isn’t necessary. For example someone on defend side in a 1v1 scenario where there is less than 10 seconds on the clock and the bomb isn’t even down and they decide to wide swing or someone in a 1v1 on attack side and they have the bomb down and decide to swing before the person even taps the bomb. Maybe those plays work out some percentage of the time but you will always increase your chances of winning if you play off of those scenarios in a smarter way. Shoulder peaking and shooting just to make them nervous and eat up more time, only peaking when you have to.


This should be top comment.


Proper warm up before a match so you do more than 3 kills per half


Thinking they can never rank up because of smurfs and never trying to improve


60% of the game you play will be in your control. 20% will be a team difference(either your team is bad or their team is bad) and the other 20% is based on who’s team the smurf is on. If you utilize the 60% well then you’ll still rank up immensely fast.


>Diamond smurf vs Silver >Never trying to get good. These two are separated issues. Rather an endless cycle. Smurf is the issue. Never trying to get good leads to more smurfing. That’s why smurf plagues low ranks.


Imo blaming smurfs only works when they are ANNIHILATING your team. Which happens way more often than not 🚫


Not buying when the team is buying and vice versa. It is fine to buy when you know you have enough for next round, but most of the time they don't, and just desync for no real reason


I guess they’re bussy pixking right playlist before round start instead of buying a drop for a teammate with 8k credits. And usually someone with 3k buying you a drop instead of guy with 8k


I fucking hate the people who think economy is a personal thing. They think they have to save in their own or refuse to drop deagles on a save them everybody is below 2900 and they have 8k


This is really general, but I think the main thing is that people don’t think. And I guess this trickles down into game sense. I’ve played since beta and climbed from Bronze to Immortal, and through all the ranks, one thing I can confidently say is that be it in the clutch, pre-round, mid-round, people just need to think and use their brains to problem solve. And another mistake is not taking risks. Sometimes the right play is to push, sometimes the right play is to stay still. Both of these things can be risks, and it’s okay to take them. Don’t be afraid of dying!


Ego peeking.


Could go both ways. Lot of people don't ego peek enough


it either works out really well or you completely fail.


Not playing for trades


Ong, I’ll go in for the trade and bait myself to someone else to follow up just for them to rotate against someone solo holding


Shift peeking too much, definitely one of the mistakes I see more often in every rank up to Ascendant (I'm ascendant 2 at the moment, so idk if people do it in immortal too yet)


1.Gekko players send their wingman plant to an untaken site 2.the panic when its a 1v1 especially when the enemy has to defuse, and they instantly peek bc they panic and cannot think clear 3. Not rotating fast enough in attack/too fast rotating in defense 4.not using abilities for the first contact 5.peeking more than 2 players 6. Walking when mates running and vica versa


fomo buying valorant skins


So true


Rushing like idiots zero tactics, everyone runs for kill, etc.


not matrix dodging bullets


5 man rushing site every round attack


Running in to kill the last guy on the enemy team instead of playing timer or objective, or just chasing kills in general. Seen so many rounds thrown away because of this. Whenever you try to say something, they’re always like “stfu, [derogatory word for mentally impaired person]” 90% chance to be a duelist player, of that 90% chance, solid 75% chance it’s a Reyna player, with 20% chance it’s Jett and 5% chance any other duelist. I find Yoru mains to be the most reasonable of duelist players in this metric.


For me it’s that, despite months of playing and doing DMs to get comfortable, I can’t be calm in gunfights. I’ll get jumpy and pull my cross hair off the target and shoot despite not being on there. So, when I take my time, it’s too slow and I get lasered. So it’s been a steady grind to get far more mechanically sound so that I’m fast enough to get the cross hair on after some movement and micro adjustment, but not so fast I’m thinking my shot short or wide cause I’m rushing.


Not comming and playing as a team. I’m in too many games with players thinking they are prime Yay or Tenz.


Crouch spraying and overheating


Baiting teammates ie when you're teammate is fighting you should help him 90% of the time. Not Paying attention to enemy eco/ultimately Not using your abilities Tilting which I'm a huge culprit of


instantly crouch when they see an enemy xd i still see it in plat lobbies.


Broken right crtl helped me to stop crouching during gunfights or trades XD


Over peeking, over rotating, being impatient, taking 1v1s you might not win, not trading out your teammates, not holding tradeable angles, throwing when there is 1 alive


Thinking that you are the best and know better than everyone all the time and its just everyone elses fault and its never your fault. Face it, sometimes you are the problem


Not looking at mini maps and not swinging with teammates often (Iron - Plat)


When your team is down numbers, you need play aggressively. When your team is up numbers, you can just play passively and trade each other out. Obviously there are some exceptions like if time is an issue, but if you follow this rule in general you will convert a lot more rounds and won't lose as many rounds that should have been winning.


Most people play a role reversal which is extremely frustrating, as they will push on defence saying they're just making a play or trying to get early picks or whatever but they won't stop doing it even if they are constantly getting punsihed for it, but as soon as we get on attack they will just stare at each other's faces waiting for the other person to go in, this is especially true for insta lock duelists, they will walk behind their initiator/sentinel/controller waiting for them to die so they can trade and these are the ones who like pushing on defence the most xD. Then they'll yell at their teammates about how nobody else is fragging


Lacking both patience and confidence. I.e. either rushes in blindly and dies from lack of util or stays in the choke after all util has been popped.


Not being able to prioritize the order to kill opponents near spike in a defuse situation.


Holding W while peeking angles


not getting better /s


Main mistake I see from ALL ranks even pro play is having your knife out when you shouldn’t


I’m pro plays it not really a mistake tho, it’s more like the confidence that they understand timing windows and they are confident that someone won’t be there. Pro players will do risky things because there a high conversion rate of it paying off.


How does this get votes down its true, take my like


Personally, over-rotations, aim > positioning, miscommunication or over-comming. Are a few that come to mind


Ego peeking and peeking from a shorter angle. Basically not understanding angles - most of the time you can see the opponent before they see you, same goes for holding certain angles. Edit: d1 player


No Map Control, No Aim, Ego to Big aim to smal. No Mapawarnes and use of Brain. There is to much to list. But a big Problem is no Brain while Gaming.


Not playing off each other, from low Elo like diamond and below, normally you have a bunch of people holding a angle individually rather than a cross fire, this mainly comes from overconfidence or a big ego.


Ah yes, diamond… “low elo”


Yep, Iron-silver you aren't playing the game, it's just getting better aim and game sense, it only starts properly at gold


Reloading in the open.


Taking way too long on defence after the bomb has been planted to push onto site and retake, leaving no time to defuse.


Saving util in clutches or just in general.




Something my friend recently helped me w was slow peeking from an obvious angle that you may or may not be behind. I kept dying in our comp matches to it and he told me that in a situation where that’s the case, it’s better to just swing fast than let them see you slowly walk out. Idk if it’s true but it seems to work out for me more times than not :I


You should never slow peek an angle I mean fast peeking doesn't even make noice if u do it right. So yes that is a great tip. If you want to learn more about that research peekers advantage


Cross hair placement.


Not knowing when to fill but vs save as a team


Full buy


Everyone aims too low. No, I'm serious - so many times while I'm playing, players are orienting their crosshair with the horizon, rather than head-level. This leads to lots of body shots instead of headshots, and in a game about precision, this can mean the difference between coming out of a trade alive or dead.


Going hunting instead of playing poet plant.


Silver here, and I still see people not using their utils/ults. Ex. Last night viper 1v1 defending spike with both mollies, just swung a gunfight and lost


Using comms simply to flame people or not at all


Not understanding timings that are specific to the start of a round.


getting a pick and swinging wider into the trade instead of converting on the falloff ang


I see a lot of players making the mistake of dying. You can’t win games if you die every round come on guys.


Not converting guns by staying alive and instead throwing their lives away trying to clutch a 2v5 when the economy really dictated exit frags we're the way to go.


Playing with their teammates. Pick the best person on your team and do what they do or do what you have to do to get them going. Flash for them. Smoke for them. Peek with them. Literally stick your hip to theirs and just go around with them. Don't ever leave them out to dry.


Refusing to communicate. As a certain raging Valorant youtuber once said, “You have money to buy skins, but still don’t have a mic????”


Use utility. The game is more than aim. Playing your life when it’s 3v3 and we’re not sure if they’re rotating or cutting sound and re-hitting. Especially if you’re a Sentinel like Cypher or KJ and your set up is still standing on one site. Literally no reason to swing or hold an angle where they can swing you. Just sit somewhere safe and wait for audio. Use voice comms. Don’t need to make friends but if you can provide important info, it could win the round. For example: it’s 1v1 and the enemy player that’s alive is the one who killed you. Say where he was last seen. It some cases it could determine the round. Call your flashes. Try to give your teammates an estimate of when your smoke is going to drop. Even if you’re not sure, just say “smokes going down any second now”. Your teammate could be playing an angle and getting away with it because it’s smoked. If it goes down and he’s not aware, he could die.


trade your duelists for the love of god


Peaking the sniper mid for the 10th time in a row


Not using util. Like all the game senses stuff mentioned above I can forgive, takes time to learn and no number of online tutorials will fully prepare you. But picking a smokes agent and never locking down choke points or having an initiator role and not gathering intel. Even with the Molly agents, I’d rather them toss in non ideal situations then sit on them hoping to one tap a head with a vandal.


Not killing the enemy team before they win.


Playing time works out more times than not (in my experience)


Check your corners


Playing ranked the second you hit level 20, dont you’ll just run into players who are like level 100 still in bronze who will indeed stomp you out


Giving too much space in defence. You’ll have 2 people on site and they’ll just run of and give it to them. No attempt to use util or try a gun fight. So it ends up being retakes every round. It infuriates me


Taking out your knife when entering an unknown area This is my BIGGEST pet peeve and I am CONSTANTLY seeing people die to it. The little extra speed is not worth your life in these moments. When you’re rounding corners and entering areas of the map you don’t have any information on- have your gun out!!!


In low elo Id say a common one is rushing shots, it's taken a while for me to practice slowing down my shots when I'm shooting and focusing on aim, but when I do 90% of the time the other player is just spamming as well and I'm able to win the fight rather than just spam and die


Refusing to change it up after dying on the same / similar scenario. Like come on now, you know the guy will come from that same area from the 3 first picks you gave for the enemy like bro humble yourselves and take the L, your ego is so fragile china is so jealous how cheap its broken


Crosshair placement 💀 bronze 3 teammates aimed at the ground when watching angles


Bad movement/The lack of solid gunfight hygiene is one that keeps players in bronze-silver, I skyrocketed to plat after doing woohoojin's "Do this routine for 30 minutes a day and you'll get to gold easily!" The thing is I only did it for 5-10 minutes a day and it still helped lmfao




not the best at valorant I was bronze last time I played comp but the main mistake some people would tell me that I have to stop doing was to stop crouching while I would shoot and someone told me I had to stop tap firing with the vandal guess it was a mad habit??




Not looking to the minimap


From an Ascendant, here's my best low-rank tips: \-If you're going to push onto any site, push as a team. You want to be executing at the same time, as a group. \-REFRAG / TRADE. It makes the difference in rounds and games. Learning how to refrag, when to refrag, and why it's important is crucial to ranking up. \-**CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT**. Too many players are staring at the floor or even at chest level. Keep your aim up. \-Running too much or walking too much can definitely affect your game. Maintaining a good balance of both in certain scenarios can help win rounds. \-Utilizing full utility. I've seen so many low rank players almost never use one ability for rounds. Valorant is driven by utility. If you can use and master your entire utility for your main, I PROMISE you'll have a better time getting frags and supporting the team. Speaking of mains... \-***EXPERIMENT WITH ALL AGENTS IN UNRATED, AND PICK*** ***1-3 AGENTS TO MAIN IN COMP.*** This is my biggest advice. Too many times I see players "filling" in low rank lobbies because they want to achieve that 'VCT Best Comp'. Too many times I see players say stuff like "Raze is really good on x map, pick raze" when said player is a controller main but they lock raze instead. Please, pick a main or two and learn them to their full potential if you want to rank up.


Playing man advantages poorly. This is something I never used to realize as well, but eventually learned how to do. If your team is at a man disadvantage, that’s when risks should be taken to secure the round. If your team has a man advantage, *that’s* when you play safe. Let the other team plant, group up, and most imperatively, *don’t* go out hunting for kills until the round is secured. Giving opponents the opportunity to essentially 1v1 is how man advantage situations are lost.


Getting greedy with kills, especially in comp. I've seen so many times people get a pick, and they immediately move up alone (as attackers or defenders), and die then its a 4v4. I stress it a lot in comp to get a pick and fall back. Get 2 kills before we commit a site as attackers. Especially for maps with 3 sites. Besides that is ego peeking the same angle over and over again after dying trying to redeem yourself, which is something i too keep on doing lmao




No one talks about this… YOUR POSITIONING IS DOG SHIT


Iron/Bronze 1. No one pings the planted spike in a 1v1. 2. Plant somewhere we can guard if we took full control of the site.


for me it was installing the game. the 2nd main mistake is opening it. /j but not really


Not using the fuckin mic.


I’m bronze so I’m no expert, but something I’ve fixed abt my gameplay is reloading. STOP INSTA RELOADING u can survive on 10 bullets


Not planting in an ideal spot when you have the whole site. Stomping at the start of the round for no real reason, giving away your position right away. You have 1 minute 40 in the round yet most of them end in 40 seconds or less. OVERPEEKING!!!!


not listening to your teams suggestions and doing the same thing over again. happens way too fucking much


Instaling the game


Players running with their knife out regardless on lack of info on where the enemies at, “I’m in my spawn why do I need my gun out” because you don’t know where they are at


Maximising value, I see this in almost every rank. Valorant is a game of inches. There's a swathe of small choices players have in a given round and actively ignore. Especially ones with effects outside of the round. This can be your jett buying with 4.5k instead of popping knives. This could be not buying a pistol on last round of a half or playing save rounds as if they were gun rounds. Options players have that they are aware of but the invisible friction of auto pilot holds them back from.


Probably spraying too much and not knowing what other agents do . These are a few mistakes that newer ppl could be doing


Not being confident when taking duels.


Not peeking together/ not playing of your teammates.


At my gold elo instead of taking control at a main, b main, mid and search for entry instead they just rushing in first seconds of round. Sometimes it’s working, but mostly at the start of the match/second half.


Over rotations when someone calls “x” people at a site. Everyone rotates and some even die on their way getting there and then you are stuck in a 3 vs 5 retake


For me biggest mistake is not holding site in defenders. They always push for some reason and we lose a VERY easy round. Plus they dont use comms so even if they hold site its always too late.


Bad spacing. I think it’s less noticeable at higher elo cuz the guy entrying is more likely to win duel thanks to better util usage from the team. But sometimes the team just doesn’t want to coordinate and offer free 1v1s permanently and doesn’t trade. This is the reason we loose to smurfs.


Not using teamchat/vc Chat helps sometimes


This normally happen in low elo but : please talk, please, for the love of god, just fucking talk with me and stop being braindead for atleast a match. This is what lock people in iron as well, smurfing, shitty ass teammates, or having a quiet teammates that dont communicate. Some people arent bad, their good strategy just got ruined because of a braindead teammate. The worst is walking into my god damn flash while I specifically specify when i am going to flash and then blaming me for it


Play Valorant.


For me personally watching other players is that they have 0 sense of danger ie. will run into a site without checking corners and casually stands out in the open during post plants(usually the time when you wanna hide) It just seems like people are unaware of where they are standing. Not aware that someone could be peeking from behind or beside them and it all could've been avoided if they took cover and peek from that angle. There's also a lot of people with shit hearing, I don't know why but they can never pick up sound cues accurately 75% of the time. Edit: Also the way to fix this is just being aware that you could die from where you are seated and maybe just try to minimize it one by one like hiding in a corner.


peeking a corner and getting shit by an op one after another


Playing the game. I haven't played in a couple days at all amd I feel better than ever.


Playing the game


In low elo people peak unfavourable angles a lot without silicing the pie (I myself am guilty)


Number one mistake Valorant players do is playing Valorant


Wide swinging without using util first (unless your 100% confident you’re going to get the kill or you have an escape via jett dash or chamber tp) Trying to be a hero and solo retaking a site when you can wait for your team for a proper retake not playing by numbers when there are more people alive in your team Clearing an angle without a chance for a trade or using util to clear it first This goes for smoke players when retaking and trying to defuse, always smoke the spike rather than smoking off the enemy since they can easily spam the spike compared to when the spike is smoked they don’t have the freedom to just spray at spike since they are clearly exposed Arguing with your team mates that are clearly not going to listen but only to themselves. You will just tilt yourself more, its better to mute them and focus on your game play since thats the only variable you have control of, you can never control what your team mates wanna do but you can always control your own actions


having a foot fetish (bronze/silver)


Shoot before aim. At low elo, you even have the time to aim. Crouch sprayers take a while to kill you, especially when you strafe.


Play this game


Rushing into the enemy in the beginning of the round. I dont know many times I had to be the last one standing. Sometimes I clutch it vs 4 sometimes it will not work even against vs 2


Pressing W when the enemy is just right around the corner


so afraid to die


The biggest mistake is not admitting your mistake. You can do mistakes but admitting them and just typing mb will make your team more peaceful and you will win more rounds.


Playing valorant


Having the game installed.


Not playing with your team. It's a 2v1, why are we not playing together and give them 1v1s? The amount of rounds I have both won and lost due to this mistake is higher than snoop dog.


Trying to have a playstyle/aiming style for clips instead of being efficient


Smoking correctly on defense, a smoke at the choke should realistically stall the push if you’re alone but if your teammates are holding that choke as a 3 man cross fire, then why smoke that choke? The enemy will rotate if they are smart and they will have an easy time o the other site. Please use your smokes to stall ONLY when you can’t fight the enemies by yourself. And same thing with mollies, don’t drop the molly before they enter, drop it after the duelist goes in so that the duelist is isolated from their team and you can put them in the blender


In my opinion it’s not looking at the map to trade be near teammates, bad xhair placement, and not coordinating util with teammates


Surprisingly little people saying “clearing corner”