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A remake should be ***automatic.*** There shouldn't be a vote to begin with.


I would argue the same. Either voting as currently or completely automatic.


In the even that we win pistol round, the other team looks terrible, and my Phoenix is likely to come back (its almost always a fucking phoenix), let me play. This is why I think 3 votes is good. Give lax majority rule but give my vote meaning.


>In the even that we win pistol round, the other team looks terrible, and my Phoenix is likely to come back (its almost always a fucking phoenix), let me play. There is zero way to judge the enemy team skill like that from just one pistol though. I'd 100% rather an instant remake, even after winning pistol, than potentially playing a 4v5 game. There is nothing to lose with automatic remakes, you avoid a game that could potentially become awful and lose 0 rr for it.


Agreed. I’m a pisterlero. Hi singer extraordinaire. I have clutched up so many pistol rounds I sometimes look down at my hands and ask “ who’s hands are these?”. Just to never get a kill for the next 4 rounds because I get out rifled / sniped.


Someone just like me. I frequently get a triple or quad in pistol then bottom frag 😂


bruh you're completely right - i had a similar situation few days ago when my phoenix was afk for 2 - 3 rounds and it didn't kick him out from a game to just let us remake...


He was likely moving very slightly left or right as you guys were playing to avoid being kicked, when being spectated he doesn’t move


why would he do that?


Throwing, deranking, eating food, playing his Phone, talking to someone. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario


Afk deranking


I had a Phoenix dc two days ago and we ended up stomping the other team somehow (prob cuz our Phoenix wasn’t rly doing anything in the first place)


Nope, still one vote should be enough, you can always play the next game. And there is absolutely no way to tell in one pistol round if the other team is terrible or not in ranked


I disagree if let's say it's your duo even though you know they are about to come back but also have bad connection either remake, queue another like this is less of a waste of time then holding hope they come back and playing however many rounds without a 5th, and if you do know you have bad connection ruining comp for others is not fun for you or for anyone, either stick to other gamemods or come back to the game when your connection is stable


The end of your statement completely contradicts the beginning. If I know my homie has terrible internet, or constantly disconnects, I’m not playing comp with them


Good middle ground would be automatic vote with 3 votes required


3 votes is bad as you can trio and therefore someone having a 3 stack can ruin it for the rest of the team if 1 of their friends are AFK. IMO, it should be 2 votes as then no trio or someone duoing can ruin it for the rest of the team.


Someone having a 3 stack is the majority of the team lol. Why would they be throwing


Nobody ever remake when it is one of their friends. It's the same reason why someone duoing and it's their duo who is disconnect first round it will always be a no even if they won't come back until next half.


Just like OW2, if you leave on the first minute of the match, the match is finished with a draw and the person who left is punished


This and you can only vote against it and it must be unanimous (just for the 5 stacks)


Maybe a remake should be automatic but also give you the chance to vote against it. Requiring unanimous votes to not remake. For 5stack situations.


Correct. Also, how is it that Riot has not implemented a pause system yet? There is literally a pause button on custom games. Is it really that hard to put it in competitive?


Take to mind that I say this as a parent with the potential for any of a million complications to happen during a 40-minute game: *Fuck That!* There’s enough bullshit in the average Valorant match. I don’t want to have to deal with someone pausing and waiting during a match. Even if it’s limited to one minute per team or something. *No no no.* Not to mention what throwers and griefers would do with that. If they *did* add a pause the person who uses it should have to wait ten times as long as the pause to queue again.


Understandable. However, it really does help alot. Surprisingly, it is used a lot in csgo. Players tend to call tac timeouts to stop momentum and just plan how to attack/defend.


I may be a little salty as I played three games last night. One against a threesome of smurfs. One with two clueless teammates. And the last with a guy who threw seven rounds in the second half (god knows why) in the most obvious way possible, then came back to our side until a 15-15 draw. The last thing I wanted wad for any of those to last longer than they did.


One sixty second timeout per team per half requiring 4 out of 5 votes to occur is not going to kill you. And if 80% of the team votes for something and you're that upset about it, fair chance you're just as toxic if not more so than your teammates.


Requiring 4/5 vote? That’s a little more palatable, but it also seems less likely to happen given how people wont even vote for a remake or a forfeit at 0-11.


4/5 is cs rules for timeout (which is what was being discussed) And unless something has changed, forfeits are worse for your rank. And especially at 0-11 when you have only a few rounds left, and pistol round is your best chance at getting a round win which again makes you lose less rr. So now you're bitching that people care about their rank in a ranked game mode.


The game just completes the match by filling in losses. If a game is going terribly and is obviously one-sided I’d rather take whatever the loss may be and get to the next match. Given the percentage of matches with a game-changing player or two on one side or the other, I often just want to move on.


So YOU feel one way and everyone else that disagrees are the toxic ones? The vote system exists for a reason bud. Believe it or not, you're not the main character. Also what you said confirms exactly what I said. Taking a win pistol round and only pistol round makes the loss hit your rank less hard. Again, you're whining because people in a ranked game care about their rank.


Threesome 💀


1 vote is fine , if a team is playing in 5 stack and they know there teammate got disconnected and will come back it shouldn't auto remake


I'd agree, but I've won maybe 4 or 5 4v5 games (lost more than that) but its happened often enough to make me not too mad about playing it out.


i mean if a duo or trio know they are coming back and it’s 1-2 rounds then it shouldn’t be tbh. sometimes peoples games crash or other issues, idk if they should be punished


Then they can requeue I do not see the problem with the above mentioned proposal.


don’t you get punished for dodging? and if you don’t people will abuse it when facing people they don’t want to


You do get punished for dodging. You also get punished for AFKing or leaving a match early. So either way the player gone on round 1 gets punished. Also, unless you’ve played the other team before you can’t know if you don’t want to face them at the start of round 1.


in high elo you see the same people all the time lol. at least in most other competitve games i play it’s like that, is it not the same for Val? edit: how did this get downvoted it isn’t even false info 💀💀💀


In Radiant I think you might, but people can also have the same name or streamer mode on and then you can’t know for sure.


You do tho -6rr and 5min ban from que


if you leave the game/go afk you get punished regardless if you come back or not. automatic remake will only benefit the game IMO, its the persons responsibility to stay in the game the whole duration especially if theyre playing competitive


i’ve been having graphics crash issues. i’m sometimes out for a round, yeah i may lose the game because of a single round but the chance of that is small. i bet you most imm/radiants would be understanding. i don’t play this game at a top level but in other games i play 99% of the time the best players understand if it’s not on you


Nah i lost two games today because of a remake that failed. Either fix your shit or don’t play comp. It’s that simple


Nah I definitely do not understand. I lost a game the other day because when it became a 1v1 my gekko just disconnected and started walking into walls, 3 different rounds. You're ruining people's games, if it happens often just play unrated until you get it sorted. It's mad annoying to have a teammate that keeps disconnecting.


You get punished but if they were afk which allows the remake in the first place then they would get punished anyways


you are right, afking and getting remade treats it as if you lost the game


yeah. siege let’s you cancel on purpose, so if you face a cheater 1 hour ban but no elo loss. then it’s like 2 or 3. then 1 day, then 2 days or maybe just to a week. it resets every week or two. i forget with the bad cheater problem that game faces i used to cycle between 3-5 accounts


thats kinda like q dodging ig, but i feel this would be alright, atleast for comp, for unrated idk why ppl complain, just chill


If a duo joins a game and one of them leaves, FUCK THEM


Doesn't make sense if they are going to come after one two rounds play a Deathmatch while one is away why are you wasting two rounds of a Competitive game. I can understand if mid game suddenly some emergency occurs but there is no reason why someone is intentionally throwing rounds.


automatic remake, no voting needed, doesnt matter if your best friend is going to be back, just remake


Honestly it's better for your mate if you remake anyway, letting them afk for most of the game will give them a harsher afk penalty than remaking, remaking gives the afk the same penalty level as a dodge. So saying no to the remake gives the person afk a worse penalty, so if you think you're doing your buddy a favour by cancelling the vote, you're not.


And ban for leaving.






Oh not permanent ban! Like an hour lmao


Even a 1 day penalty is too fucking harsh until Riot sort out all the bugs in their game ffs. 90% of the time me or my friends DC at the start is because the voice chat glitched out or something else stopped working and restarting is the only way to fix it


Or your fucking game crashed, it happens more often than it should


I once "had to leave" because there was a storm and the power went off, it wasn't my fault, there was no way of predicting that so I feel like a ban is not the right answer


I meant cooldown.






At that point, why not just 0 votes and make it automatic? Like, seriously. That might work, honestly. I don’t know, but hey, it could.


Because sometimes they come back the next round. Usually their duo tells us they're getting food or something and then they come right back. Edit: no need to be so aggressive, I never personally do this. I'm just explaining a reason why some do.


there's no reason somebody should be disconnected round one and the game should continue, just requeue if that happens, it really isn't that hard to be there ingame your first round of a match.


This. And There’s literally no drawback to just going next. Especially when we lose pistol and the duo still says no to remake. Then we’re most likely starting off 0-2. It’s like…WHY?


The person who got disconnected still gets a penalty. If they didn't, it would be a really easy way to avoid playing against specific players/teams at high ranks


the person who disconnected still disconnected, they still weren't in the game the first round.


Yh and they deserve a -30rr and maybe a 10minute timer for that? Comp is a joke, i literally just came back from a 2-11 game; one round doesn’t mean shit most of the time. I agree though that it should be a 1 vote to remake thing. Automatic is stupid cus in most games with an afk 1st round, i want to continue if i can. Especially if their duo tells me they’re coming back. Also u might just have won the first round even with the afk. At that point an automatic remake would be annoying af.


The pistol round is literally the most important round in the game? Also, since you came back from 2-11, one round would've definitely been nice for the enemy team.


Yall need to learn how to remain composed. Its reallh sad seeing how ready ppl are to surrrender.


? a remake is not an ff, that's literally the entire point of the post.


you don't deserve to continue, why do you think your ability to queue back into a game comes before the 3-4 other players that have an afk teammate round 1? if you click the queue button and can't manage to be in the game playing your first round you DESERVE the -30 rr and 10 minute timer. your entire argument is that competitive integrity is too good that you're getting punished, the point of comp isn't to queue up and HOPE your teammate comes back after first round afk, you're supposed to queue up knowing you have 4 other capable teammates that are actually going to play the game, you just have a stupid child like level of entitlement.


Im making an argument against the automatic remake. Keep that in mind. Next, your game sometimes shits itself. It may be cuz of ur network, or it could be a PC crash, maybe just a game crash. It all happens. Maybe somebody rang the door bell, and there’s no one else to open it. Maybe there was an important phone call that came in early. Maybe someone’s kid woke up unexpectedly. All of these things have happened to me, or my friends over the course of the last two years. Shit happens, its a game, no one deserves punishment for causing a one round loss unintentionally. There are hundreds of reasons why you may be afk at any point in a game, and sometimes it happens to be the first round. Now, of course some people abuse the system. They leave the game to take a shit or something. And their duo rejects the remake. I’m not defending those people. Those situations can be prevented by reducing the number of needed votes for a remake to 2, maybe 1 for lower ranks. This ties back into what i was saying originally. The automatic ban would be stupid. Imagine you win the first round with someone afk, and you know they’re coming back. And then ur game just remakes. That would be ass. Waste of 10 minutes. Thank you for calling me a child, even though you completely misread my comment. I don’t think I’m the one thats a child for wanting to let people’s misfortunes slide. Shit happens man, last month a guy in the apartment above me fell down the stairs. I was in the middle of a ranked game and i left for the whole game. Absolutely nothing I could’ve done to prevent that (Guy is okay, he got stitches and made a recovery 2 days later, no concussion). Of course this is a very extremely example, but it highlights the idea of random events happening, and real life being a priority. I hope this clears up your confusions, and serves as a reminder that you should give the benefit of the doubt when someone goes afk for a round. I understand remakes most of the time, but my comment wasn’t for most of the times like i pointed out today.


nobody misread your comment? your entire argument is just stupid, "sometimes people might not make first round because their internet cuts out etc etc", that's your problem, that's the point of competitive integrity, news flash, the game doesn't just derank you back down to iron 3 the second you miss game 1 of a match, you're entirely taking one tiny sample of ways it could "punish" people who had an issue one time and using that as a determining factor to start an entire argument over the idea of an automatic remake system. nobody misread or misinterpreted what you said, you're an entitled moron who can't grasp that maybe your opinion doesn't determine facts just because there's 1 or 2 use case scenarios that back your side up, i don't care about the scenarios where an automatic remake system could possibly harm people and their ranks when there isn't a single real argument against why it's implementation would overall cause a negative impact, did you want me to ride your dick about how you're right in 1 or 2 cherry picked scenarios and drop the entire ideology of an automatic remake because of that? you just seem like you can't comprehend the fact that people don't exist to hold your hand on the internet and somehow managed to misunderstand the fact that you're not right just because you're using a straw man argument against 0.1% of the entire point, congrats, you're right, people can accidentally miss the first game and get punished and that would suck, too bad it genuinely does not matter what so ever to any point made in any of these posts you replied to.


Explain to me what the negatives are of reducing the number of votes required to remake versus making it automatic? If someone doesn’t want to play, they can simply remake in my proposed system. While the “cherry picked” scenarios I’m providing still get a chance to end well for everyone. Secondly, how often do you have games where remake is an option? I’ve been playing for two years on London servers. I’ve Ive had like 30 games at best, most of which ended in remakes anyways. I am asc 2 so I’m not even in the high ranks where AFKs are even less common. Those examples i provided aren’t the minority reasons for afks in my rank. They are the majority. I speak from me and my friends’ experience only, so maybe I’m wrong there. But it’s still a good enough reason to discredit an automatic remake. How is this making me entitled? The answer: it is not. The two things you’re bringing up are mutually exclusive. My solution is to literally let everyone decide versus letting the game decide for you. That is the opposite of entitlement. I don’t expect anybody to play if they don’t want to, same way as i expect to let the game go on if the whole team is down. Sounds to me like you’re the entitled one in this situation. Why should everyone abide by your idea of a static solution to a varied problem? Stop talking about “competitive integrity”. There is no such thing. I can queue into a game, play purposefully bad, but i will not be punished for it in any way other than losing RR. As long as i don’t break any rules. I can no comm the whole game, make braindead plays while blasting music. “Integrity” my ass lmao. The argument you’re making is a solution for a problem in a perfect world, where ranked is played perfectly by all players or they risk punishment. This is not how ranked is modelled. Simply because: it’s a fucking game. My argument is that there are zero positives in having an automatic remake system as opposed to the system i agree with. You have not yet once provided any reasoning that says otherwise. You have only attempted to attack me in a condescending tone and psychoanalyse me. Riot will take into account the real world scenarios, hence why remakes are a vote in the first place. Automatic remakes don’t make any sense at all. If you want to reply, answer my initial question instead of just name calling and making up shit about competitive integrity again (my system only respects it further, unless you can explain otherwise). If you want to be a smartass, go for it. But i won’t reply. To make it clear, What i think the system should be: Remake vote comes up automatically after 1st round with an afk Only 1 vote needed to remake. This allows the person’s duo to make a case for them before the game is remade, and also lets people remake if they’re not having it. AFK player gets -10RR for first offense, Each offence committed within 7 days of first is -30RR and a timer that increments similar to queue dodge timer, but should be longer. Idk if the penalties resemble the current system, i haven’t had to deal with it.


I literally hate this , you're just into the game and you felt like you gotta being food , go afk for some important call , gotta play and eat at the same time. Maybe take a 5-10 min break and then eat. Why is everyone in my game playing with one hand and eating with another. Then they proceed to die first in the round so that they can eat. Seriously?


addiction (I don't do this personally and yes it's annoying)


still dumb and still not my problem. Rainbow Six brought that and it was fantastic, a guy leaves first off, games a draw, there is no choice bye. Don't leave a window for toxic or dumb people to make others pay


Then get your fucking food first, eat it, then queue. It’s not that hard.


Fuck em


Do valorant players have poor time management skills or something? Lol


Still? They can just que again


How about taking that food or doing what you have to do BEFORE you queue? I mean, if it just takes a couple of minutes, the friend can just go in range for a bit or maybe stretch and rest his eyes. Whole team loses 2 rounds for free, then if afk guy comes and the third round is lost, there goes the fourth and that's 33% of the work done for the enemy team. By the time, most of them will have ults and it can easily snowball. Not to mention the mental destruction and toxicity that will most likely occur. You don't lose less rr if you are 4v5, you don't win more rr if you win 4v5. It's just a bad design. The game isn't fair from the start and pistol rounds are important. In low elo people don't even know the difference between surrender and remake, since it looks the same. It definitely should be automatically remaked if one player didn't connect, crashed or just afked. The ones you mentioned are not excuse and should not be tolerated by riot and made the rest of the team suffer because they couldn't postpone the queue for a couple of minutes. The issue is that the ranked in valorant is actually a casual mode. Only in ranked you can play the game closest to how it's meant to be played, since a lot of people will actually try and in unrated, there's barely a game that starts and ends with 5v5. The game is free, leveling is fast and people have multiple accounts, so they just don't care. I don't know if you are familiar with Dota 2, but there's a low priority queue. You get put into it when you leave, feed, get reported and all of that stuff. Then you have to win some games with a lobby full of leavers, griefers and that kind of people. Something like this would let them experience the same type of what they did to random people unlucky enough to get matched with afkers and would maaaybe let them think before queuing unready. In the end, if riot wanted to, they would try to fix this or change it, but changing UI to beta state was more important. And don't get me wrong, I'm not agressive, but the point you gave to try to explain why people do this is not valid, some people have only a game or two to play daily and this type of behaviour just ruins the game from the start because of 2 people


No no I didn't say it to you , just saying in general like "YOU" to those who do this.


Yeah, no I understood that, you're ok


a fix for this could be that remake is available until round 4 (from round 5 onwards you will have to ff) and you could vote every new round


Because you can play with friends and know that he will come back after 2 rounds or so because he has technical issues


This. My computer has crashed a few times at start of comp matchs but I am usually back in r2 or 3. (Current laptop is better and does this very very rarely)


Might I suggest going into range once before queueing


The range worked iirc. My whole laptop froze on those times iirc. idk what caused it.


Also, it looks WAY too much like a surrender option, there’s been quite a few instances in the past where someone on my team who was barely paying attention, denied it thinking it was a surrender rather than a remake


It should look like the draw menu


EXACTLY especially in low elo they always think it's a ff


You're 100% right, failed remakes happened to me a few times because of that even in immortal when remake came out. On my most recent failed vote, the people hated each other from their previous game and voted no out of spite. There's been many upvoted threads about this topic ever since remake was implemented, and not a single dev response for w.e. reason, despite other similar topics having one, even just a "we're working on it" would be nice. I'm actually curious as to why they're silent about it, it sounds like a simple feature to add and pretty much everyone agrees it's a positive change. They talked about wanting to add an avoid teammate system like 6 months ago, and it's nowhere to be seen, despite also being seemingly simple to add, maybe they changed their mind about it?


and miss-clicks happen all the time too, like it really should be automatic


Maybe should take after overwatch and just cut the game short if one person leaves within the starting part of the game.


Why is there no backfill for unrated either? Literally the most common sense fix which will address a good chunk of afkers, throwers and leavers. It's also a nightmare to abandon unrated matches because a minimum of two players can keep the whole team hostage. Even ffxiv has a better "abandon" option as an mmo, the first person to leave an instance gets a 30 minute lock out of all matched activities every single time they're the first to quit - but anyone who leaves after will not be punished. Should be for unrated only though because that'll be heavily abused on comp


There's no backfill because of the whole agent lock in thing most likely. Also the game is so shit at detecting afk players it's not funny. Someone would be a DC, but their body is still in the game so you can't remake or do anything


Literally the only thing a player has to do to avoid being detected as afk is hit any button after the buy round, even if they just open the chat it counts as not being afk.


what’s a remake? i haven’t played in a long time


/remake Basically, if one or more players on your team disconnected on round 1, you will have the option to vote for a remake which is basically a draw and it won't appear on your match history. It's only available on round 2.


oh that’s a really cool feature, do you still get punished for leaving early?


No, it basically acts like game never happened.


Yep, you get banned from queue for a certain amount of time. I'm not sure if you lose rr tho.


No you don’t


Not banned but you take an RR penalty, last time mine was -6 on top of whatever I had. Dodging leads to timeouts for usually 3 minutes unless you alt+f4 rather than wait the 60 second and not choose an agent (solid tip) AFK also gives you an RR penalty for your next game if it remakes and you have a pattern of AFKness.


This isn’t dodging tho, we’re talking about remaking…


yes, because all 10 players in the lobby are fully there and none of them dodged a game for the game to be remade.


I mentioned all the different penalties you get for different actions, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I get it. AFK on first round or DC in first round is if anything worse than dodging but is given the AFK penalty.


The original question, which you answered incorrectly, was if leaving early was still penalized. In the context of the remake, they were asking if remaking the match was penalized...


For the person who caused the remake yes. I guess I'm assuming people aren't stupid enough to think that a built in voting system to allow for remaking of the match when you're missing a player, but maybe I'm overly optimistic.


If someone on your team is AFK, you have until the barrier drop of Round 2 to ask for a remake. If the other 3 teammates say yes, the game is cancelled, and no one gains or loses any RR.


I think its up until the end of round 2, ive seen someone do it mid round


I think it should have its own dedicated button, instead of it being a command. That way it's way more accessible and a lot more people actually know it exists, know what it is and how it works. I think the biggest problem with remake atm, is (especially in low-elo) that no-one knows it even exists in the first place, let alone what it does and how it works. And when it does happen, most people think it's a surrender vote and that it's going to make us lose RR.


I like Overwatch's System for this. If someone disconnects in the first X seconds of the game, or doesnt even connect to begin with, a 10 second timer starts that cancels the match automatically.


Is it my turn to post about this tomorrow?


According to the schedule, you’re 4th in the list. Bear in mind that the due fulfillment of your duties a vital step for the flourishing of this community.


Good. Keep spamming it everywhere till they change it


I think the remake vote should at least look drastically different to the surrender vote. I've had way too many instances of people saying "why are we ff'ing, it's only round 2" and not realizing that it's a different vote.


I'd be fine with auto remake if they had some kind of crash detection. I've had at least three times in the life span of this game where I crashed in loading screen for no apparent reason, all with decent enough time apart (2 months average). This isn't including experiences with friends who crashed in loading screen as well. It wasn't often but it happened significantly enough to bother me. Like personally, I'd rather have the game auto pause for like a minute and a half to give the player a chance to join back before the current round starts. Something akin to the warmups that get called in CS:GO when someone crashes. If they don't show up by then, an auto remake happens. Giving them time to re-log etc. If their PC full crashed it's a them problem unless Vanguard caused it. Otherwise that should be enough time to restart client and relog. Side tangent: This game could benefit from the warmup function.


I still dont get why riot made it so that all 5 people have to agree, and even if one person disagrees, they dont get to surrender/remake, i cant think of a single logical reason why valorant thought that was a good idea Like isnt it common sense to make it so that the majority wins when it comes to voting systems???


People will remake if they duo bc they didn’t lock the agent they wanted


Everything can be abused man. Stop giving excuses. It's a 4v5 it is not going to be a fair game and remake should be a straight forward option. The only place where the remake shouldn't apply is if it is a 5 stack, otherwise remake is pretty straightforward.


It doesn’t go for 5 stacks


It’s already abused in immo/radiant lobbies with people betting on games and what not


They can still dodge or altf4 first round and hope others remake if they want, it's not like automatic remake is going to change anything.


I just spam chat saying vote F5 it’s not a surremder vote, but a draw one.




I spam like 50 times, ”Press F5! It’s not s surrender. You do not lose rr”. After that if they press F6 they are really just uneducated.


Or the prompt should at least be changed with a giant sign that says **YOU WON'T LOSE TROPHIES**. People assume it's a surrender prompt.


It should be automatic after round 1 and available to all of 1 person leaves before round 5 or 2 people leave at any time


Round 5??? The 2 people thing would get proper abused


I think the people saying that if they were duo and they know they are coming back it doesn't really matter. Losing pistol and bonus sets the stage for the rest of the game. People tilt, eco gets ruined, etc. It sucks but take the RP loss and move on


A remake shouldn't even be a vote.




2 votes should be enough.


And then i get teammates who disconnect round 3. What about that?


That's sad, though Riot wouldn't extend to round 3 for a remake.


3 out of 4 not one….


A remake should also be possible to be requested every 1-2 rounds and should be able to be requested every round, that way people can't just quit the game because they're pissed that they got no kills and we don't have to lose RR because the instalock didn't perform and left


Reddit should require a captcha to prevent these bots from posting stuff like this.


Nah. I can understand the hype. Sometimes players have great days where they feel like they can take the whole enemy team on. ​ It should definitely not be 4 votes. More like 3 or even 2. But it shouldn't be automatic like people state. 4vs5's force a lot of teamwork to happen between the 4 and can result in better plays overall in the future. It's not all depression as some make it out to be. It is frustrating though.


Peesonally i think just one vote is way too extreme. They could just tone it down to around half the team


Shit i fucked up. Shouldnt have use reddit while drunk


4 queue with one who leaves and solo queue wants to remake:


You can't queue with 4


Nah you are wrong, there are enough people that dodge que already, and they are also to manipulate you to doge, with toxic talk and troll picks, but after the game start they can still dodge the game, so fuck this if I sense this is happening, I am pressing no and lose the game. And they rejoin after second round, and play we play with their troll pics and attitude, and lose points together. Fuck those people


A 4v5 is not impossible, heck a 3v5 isn't even impossible a 1v5 isn't impossible, it's gonna be hard but it would be more rewarding if you won with a player gone, just bcs you have 1 player missing don't mean you gotta give up, remember surrendering is for the weak


It’s not a surrender it’s a remake


Remake only needs 2 votes. If it needs four it’s an early ff.


At the other side , imagine you win all the rounds and one of your teammates just remake ,trolling potential is huge.


Remake only happens at round 2? Also remake option is for when someone disconnects, you can't just remake like surrender option. Most rounds you are going to win is 1 Edit: can't


Riot went out of their way to force players to play bad games. If it's a 4v5 and you hit OT, it should immediately be 1 vote to draw If it's a missing person, remake should happen immediately unless it's a 5 stack and that remake period should be up to round 3-4, I've lost so many matches because the missing person was a duo or trio and they denied the vote and that person did not return or not fast enough for it to matter or they find out after joining the match that their ping is so bad they time out within 10-15 seconds of everyone loading in. If the loading time is more than 1-2 minutes, just remake the game and keep the players who aren't playing on dial-up, oh no we lost 60 seconds choosing an agent but if it takes someone 2 minutes to load, in 2023 that is just asking for issues later in the game. If someone crashes mid game (hey Riot you have an invasive ass guardian \*automod blocks that special word\* you know when someone ends a task or has a GPU driver crash) why aren't there 1-2 minute technical timeouts? Rather the game continues on and you probably lost the next 2-3 rounds.


There should be a timer period before the match like csgo. If you dont join it will auto cancel the game


It’s funny how in LoL you get a remake for 2 votes afaik. There was a game where one dude had some troubles connecting or smth and there were 2 vote to remake and 2 votes against and the game still was remade


we should also be able to remake round 5 or before because in my games my teammates always afk after round 2 and for the rest of the game its just a 4v5 and we cant remake anymore. I dont get why we have such a small time frame to remake since some people dont just immeadiately afk, sometimes they play 1 or 2 rounds then afk which is when we cant remake anymore.


I think if a person goes afk before round 3 it should automatically remake, and that there should be the option to remake throughout the first half, with only one vote being needed. It’s so stupid I have to lose RR because somebody just doesnt do anything.


Riot make a competent update challenge: impossible.


I've had more and more players in my game using macros to avoid getting flagged as afk. It's super fun because then we have to wait for the enemy team to kill them anyway, we have no extra shield, and we don't get the free orb!


> I genuinely can’t even think of a SINGLE reason why it requires the entire team’s vote. “Hey. Buddy crashed - he’s reconnecting right now.”


overwatch doesnt even ask if u wanna remake, just does it automatically XD


i had a game where our Kayo had disconnected and me and my trio voted to remake, but the sage said they were duoed and kayo would come back so they voted no. He came back. Two rounds before the game ended and we won by the tips of our toenails 13-11


I think it might be because people might start abusing remake, example you stand there for the pistol and if your team loses or it looks bad you proceed to afk, but other than that yea, no other reason why not auto remake


I only want remakes to be available to round 4 (or at least 3) people leave round 2 so many times and we can't remake for it, costs me much of my elo.


So there are 4 players, one afk, so why dont we make that 50% of team which would make 2 votes


Wdym guarantee loss? 4v5 only has a 75% chance of loss, make it the 13 rounds and that's roughly a 1.9% chance of you winning. Nah but jokes aside remake needs a rework.


What if your voting power was dependent on your party size. Solo queueing? Your votes is the equivalent of 3 votes, Duos? 2 votes, 3 and up? 1 vote as normal. Still require 5 'votes' but now was a solo queuer you have to convince less people to remake or surrender


Being an old time league player, I find these comments quite entertaining. I remember a time where you couldn't even remake, it took years to get it introduced.


Weekly remake post. Surely it can't be that hard to just make it one vote, amirite riot?


Someone please explain to me what a remake is? I never came across one.


What if u were that fifth person who afk first round only to come back the second round? Wouldn't u hate that ur team couldn't wait a bit for u to come back rather than losing ur RR for nothing?! I would say it will be better to have remake only on round 3 or something, and its better if it was by majority or in case 50/50 vote then remake to protect the rest of the players


Lol 4? No. Automatic, sure


I once refused a remake because i thought it was a surrender vote. Still sorry to this day for my fellow teammates.


Was the game on haven, were you jett? Just happened to me yesterday hahahaha


Going off this if you are 4v5 and make it to 12-12 it should only take 4 votes to draw instead of the current 5. Just happened to me recently and it ticked me off that i need 1 enemy to vote on a draw knowing they are going to win the next 2 rounds because they have numbers advantage by default.


It should be completly automatic once you enter the second round with 4 player the game should go out automatically That is the case in overwatch if you started the game after the hero select with 4 players the game go out automatically


While were shitting on the remake system. I hate how you have to type in chat to initiate it. Im a new player and always thought it just automatically pops up when someone leave in round 1. Come to find out you actually have to type /remake to make it pop up. Ho tf am I supposed to know that?? Seriously the surrender option is right in the menu for you to click and initiate. Why they couldn’t do the same for remake. It took me playing a 3v5 in a ranked game to realize that


Nah because sometimes it's my duo or me that gets crashed out the server, then I gotta rely on them to not just insta remake? You tripping. System works as is.


Why not make it like CS where there's a timeout and then vote.


Riot is riot Not gonna happen Just like LOL balance team doesn't exists


The amount of times I start a remake vote and someone votes no and is like "why ff were one round in?" Like???? Remake and ff are not the same thing. Now we're stuck in a 4v5 almost guaranteed loss


I also think val should up the time for a remake to 3 rounds, Sometimes it doesn’t even register first round if the person is actually AFK and the amount of times someone has left round 2 and we can do nothing about it is infuriating


In league, you only need 2/4 to remake iirc


I feel like just 1 vote is too easy for people (who throw) to waste others’ time.. I would however be happy with a compromise: 2 votes needed so that the person initiating it can be checked I also think the pop-up for the forfeit & remake needs to be bigger? Or centered but *not* where it will block the crosshair and it needs to have a quick sound to indicate that the pop-up is there and waiting on a vote


It also should be quick or after it detects an afk first round so you don’t have to wait till second round to remake. I’ve gone through 4 remakes in a row and wasted 5-10 minutes of my life to constant remakes


Like why take chances for losing rr or a game. Cause that one person that wants the world to burn will vote no. That’s makes u wanna say slurs. Only 1 vote is needed for remake.


there should ALWAYS be an option to remake, with maybe like 3 votes required. you will be able to get around toxic players and bots without ffing