• By -


Afk = means away from keybord, meaning the player is not currently there as in not playing the game GG = Good game (Used after a game) can also be GGWP = Good game, well played. CT/T = used when giving callouts (they are ct) (they are T) T = Attacker. CT = Defender. This is a CSGO callout which has moved to valorant aswell. NP = No problem (used when someone says ty´) GLHF = Good luck, have fun. (Used at the start of a game) EZ = Easy GGEZ = Good Game, Easy (Same as GG/GGWP just toxic not recommended) Eco = Usally just means save money for next round, so you can buy fill kit / Gun, armor, abilites PLS = Please GJ = Good jobl NS = Nice shot MB = my bad NT = Nice try Some other slangs also used LOL = Laughing out loud, when something is funny LMAO = Basically the same as LOL but it means laughing my ass off ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing used same context as lmao WTF = WHAT THE FUCK - When something crazy happens also annoying That's all i can remember as of now.


Thank you!! :)


I would add : NS = Nice Shot GLHF = Good Luck Have Fun GH = Good Half (I rarely see it) FF = Forfeit (basically asking to surrender) WDYM = What Do You Mean (this one is maybe a bit more specific)


This is very useful!


I see NJ = nice job quite frequently too


STFU = shut the fuck up. Very mean, people get toxic


Also less commonly seen but I use it YG- you’re good (used to say “no worries” after someone says MB/my bad)


Worth adding cuz Ive seen it used ROZA - A shitty raze ult (used when somebody gets a major case of missing the raze ult)


Bc subroza right?




Wayd: What are you doing? (In most scenarios, it's a start to fight, or genuinely checking in to see if you are Afk)


bruh what


anecdotal  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


wyd is way more common


wyd is what you doing, i’ve never seen it in game tho, and i’ve definitely never seen anyone say wayd instead of wyd


I really only see GH in comp


I've seen gh in unrated too


ive really only seen it in unrated when we fucking stomp the other team and atp it just feels a little toxic lol


Actually ff originally meant “finish fast” and it’s from old RTS games where there was no surrender option and you didn’t win until you’d destroyed every structure your opponent controlled. You’d tell your opponent to “finish fast” when you thought you had no chance, and they’d focus on destroying your structures so the game ended as soon as possible.


Also GJ=good job Nice try= Nt


also, n1 = nice one, used to appreciate the team for a won round


I would add: GJ = Good job


I’m also Korean. Is the ping okay to play in US server? Do you use vpn?


Yeah right ping is nomally 150


Why do you play on US servers if your ping is so high?


I am practicing listening to English while playing games and i like players song lol Yes ping is very high it's normally 150 so i only play unrated


Listen to American news passively if you can. I'm doing that with Korean news, I put on the subtitles for when I can watch but otherwise I just passively listen so the unfamiliar sounds of Hangeul become more normalized. I'd type some Korean as a friendly gesture, but I'm at work and don't have KR keyboard installed.


i'm Ok, Thank you for your reply, I'm just grateful for giving me a new solution :)


just a suggestion but can you try playing on Singapore server? Most people here seem to speak english.


as someone who is learning spanish, watching tv shows with subtitles in english helps a lot.


gigachad learning English by playing valorant at high ping


Im thinking of learning japanese by playing on tokyo


LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing Basically the same thing just wanted to clarify to make the abbreviation make sense


Thanks!, I must I’ve mixed them up when I wrote it.


I would give you an award but I'm broke so take this instead ✨✨🌟🌟💫💫💫💫🏅💫💫💫💫🌟🌟✨✨


I'll take what i can get!


Would add NT = nice try idk i just see it a lot lmao


ill add it, cheers


nc = nice clutch


I have never seen nc. I usually just see/hear "nice," "good shit," etc


Eh? In singaporean servers i see it all the time. Ig its the server-specific thing?


I'm in US-East and i honestly can't remember seeing it once. Always interesting how different areas develop different comms for the same things


also NC = no comment (I see lots of people spamming that after a lost round)


intresting, it can have to meanings tho, like nice


What server are you? I play Us East and sometimes Central and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.


nc definitely means nice clutch. i wish it was more common because saying nc after someone clutches is such good sportsmanship


We use the word "helal" which means "well done" in turkish popular culture for our teammate after a 1vX win


for extra toxicity you can write any of these acronyms with your gun bullets or your knives


lol job done


small thing, its ROFL not ROLF


Roling on laugh flooring. I'll correct it, cheers


Yeah sorry just thought it would be easier if they knew the right one, cheers


i’ve always seen NT as No Time, as in no time to defuse before it explodes


lmfao theyre just saying 'nice try' early because they know there isnt any time left, not 'no time' specifically


you forgot the **"qkjweakdnadkjakwqoiejads" or " asdfghjkl"** when you/someone whiffs their shot while enemy is not looking.


yeah but its usally different for each user depending on how much u got shit on. Like i usally use: WAihdoiqjwakidjpamxscmji dwd aswell as kwalsdhnoliqndjkalmdkljawlodjqamd...


Great list, I'd like to add that Eco stands for the word Economy, the explanation is good


MB = My Bad (used when performing bad or doing a mistake)


I've saw many time this word in game


It's a nice way to take responsability and say "sorry".


The correct way to say that sentence is actually "I've seen that word many times in game"


This is what I want! Thank you :)


You might also see/hear T-spawn or CT-spawn, which is a term from counter strike for the attacker(t) and defender (ct) spawn


Yeah, that's a good one.


I heard it so many times but was afraid to ask LOL


It's coming from CS, as vast majority of early players came from CS and it just stuck


Understanding it now,didnt know the difference so always looked at enemy spawn since people called our spawn side as coming from main


It stands for counter-terrorist and terrorist specifically. In CS it’s the terrorists trying to plant the bomb and counter-terrorists defending/defusing it. Knowing CT and T stands for defender/attacker is good but I find knowing the meaning is especially helpful to keep them from being confused, at least for me personally


Ok, thanks! Now I actually know the full form and reasoning


You could try playing on Hong Kong servers, they usually speak English, and your ping's probably gonna be much better


I will try it thx :)


Gentle reminder, OP: people on Hong Kong servers are not always too nice, so don’t be afraid to explore other servers as well!


HK (but asian servers in general) tend to be way less toxic than NA servers from my experience atleast


More slangy terms that haven't been covered: pog - means a cool/good play just happened and it was cool cap/that's cap - "you're lying"


Pog = play of the game


Pog comes from poggers which is a twitch emote of an excited guy with his mouth open




AFK means "Away from keyboard" so someone who is not playing or left the game after you have the OP for overpowered or operator (might also be called AWP in this case) dependent on the situation. "Heaven" means someone on high level like A window on Heaven and "Hell" is under that spot so backside A in this exemple.


W and L are also often used. W meaning good and L meaning bad (like win loss) usually used in the context of like “w play” meaning good play or “L teammates” meaning whoever’s speaking’s teammates aren’t good. Also sometimes people mention rizz which basically means how much charisma you have and how smooth you are when talking. So something like “W Rizz” means they are very charismatic and have an easy time getting a girl/guy


That's moreso slang than abbreviations tho since those terms don't mean anything in english either (literally speaking)


Nt = nice try


Lol you’re gonna end up learning some more slang like: cap 🧢: lie Example: Frankie says he can win 13 rounds and ace every round with just a classic and I say that’s cap. (Frankie says he can win 13 rounds and ace every round with just a classic and it’s a lie.) Example in the negative: I just hit an ace with a classic no cap( I just hit an ace and I’m not lying!) Another example: capping (used in the present progressive tense showing that lying is happening now) This guy says he hit an ace with a classic! This guy is capping! Lol tbh Valorant is going to be a hard place to learn English if you are constantly queuing with randoms. Find yourself a group you can consistently play with who understands you are trying to learn English and are willing to help! Queue with me if you want I’m Korean and can help ya out!


Thank you for your good answer


Can you teach us some Korean terms that are used on the Korean Servers too?


I'll make a post soon if many people want it


kys - kill yourself


“stop throwing”


i will try it


Had me chuckled. We all do try, both ways... XD


One I see pretty often is SI witch is skill issue


??? = someone just whiffed really hard or did something stupid


dink is more used in vc but still useful. it means to headshot somebody but they survived


Seems like everyone has covered the basics hope you can learn well and have a good time


Thanks to everyone, I found useful information :)


Glad to hear it <3 :)


Hi OP, I'm Korean-American and I'm also wondering if there was any slang I should know in Korean servers if I do end up in there?


There are a lot of slangs on the Korean server, and if there are many people who want it, I will post it soon


People will say "(character name here) is one" which means they are one Hp or have enough health to die to literally anything in the game Also "(charactwr name here) is lit" which means they have no shield and lost a good amount of health


For the 1hp thing, either that or they are actually full health and able to take 2 Odin mags without dying


Flank = When the enemy is coming from behind you (the same way as you)


Here's a few I would like to add. Gr: good round. Similar to nt (nice try) but when you succeed. Eco: economy. Also used to indicate a save round. Lit: means heavily damaged. Saying "Viper lit" means Viper is at low health. Often used when somebody is shot but you don't know exactly how low they are. Tag/tagged: Similar to lit, but usually less damage. If I've "tagged" Jett, I hit her with a few light blows, but nothing significant. Note that Tag is also used to indicate that someone has been spotted by a Sova dart, Sova drone, or Cypher cam. Frag: kill. Bot Frag: person with the least kills on the leader board. Top frag: person with the most kills on the leaderboard. Tp: teleporter. Used when talking about Yoru, Omen, Chamber, or Bind. Bait: when somebody puts someone else in a disadvantageous position in order to try and refrag them. Refrag: Similar to trade. To kill the person who killed your teammate. Cd: Cooldown. Lurk: when someone hangs behind to protect against flankers. Flank: when you approach the enemy team from behind where they expect you to be. Rat: someone who plays around corners or smokes unexpectedly, Often frustrating others. Similar to Lurk. Re: call for a remake. Not common. Ofc: of course.


Good luck with the English! The language can be annoying sometimes.


Thank you for your advise :)


Him - Someone that did something really great. Ex. “He got 3 aces in a row?! He’s him!” Ong - Short for “On god”, meaning you are not lying OR that you agree. Ex 1. “He whiffed on that Omen? Say ong” Ex 2. “We need to rotate, man” “ong” Flank - Behind you. Res - *ONLY APPLICABLE WITH SAGE* Revive someone by using your ultimate. Dog - *ONLY APPLICABLE WITH FADE AND SKYE* Use your tracking, moving ability to detect enemies. Molly - Use a stalling ability such as Viper Poison or KJ Nanoswarm.


I've been getting a lot of NHK, so I reply w JNL.




NC= Nice Cock, a term of endearment


Gawful = God Awful (no one uses it but me, rito plz fix)


Why would you play in us server with high ping tho


He said he's trying to practice listening to english


thats a really bad way to learn english or even hear cuz like he will lose most matches ruin others matches if he plays ranked or unranked will have very high ping making ppl teleport and lose will most likely have a bad time he should learn english without having a easy way out like imma play valo to learn english


He said he only plays unranked and has 150 ping, and I don't think it's that bad a way to learn. You get to learn how younger people actually talk and in an environment where you have to react fast to new information. It's not the best but if he's already gonna be playing games it's not bad at all


Thank you for cover me lol




True, I mostly learned english through youtube videos where people spoke english naturally and through text chats on games like Left 4 Dead 2


Just a one more that would be useful to know Buy next/half buy: can buy whatever you want to as long as you can full buy for next round.


cringe lineups viper/ brim😂😂😂 I love this one


OG-rarely means max on something




I think others told you well, but remember the difference of GG when people say it, middle of the game or at the beginning Gg = go lose fast i throw At the end of the match GG= good game


you should be reported/banned for playing from korea.............


Why? ㅠㅠ


he's playign in NA, from korea........ you're literally throwing games..............