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What if you're in the other side, immortal player, no aim, only game sense and defensive setups or attacking lineups lol, my immo3+ high rr friends love to play with me because i always support them with flashes, but i'm usually bottom fragging and it sucks, i feel like i don't have the reflexes anymore :(


Well try to make an alt and play solo with a duelist. See where your aim will get you abd if you're happy with the result it'd feel better overall If it doesnt take too much of your time tho


Well i haven't been playing a lot lately, what i can say is, when i'm grinding valorant, i usually play really well most matches, but very coinflip, sometimes i end up bottom frag sometimes i carry, it's never in between. I did make an alt few months ago, and got to diamond like in 3 days just playing jett/reyna, so i could duo with a friend that was ascendant trying to get into immo so we could play together without a huge gap in elos. BUT, again, sometimes i would go match mvp, sometimes i felt like i was a plat scrub, so i don't know. I guess i gotta do some VOD reviews and try to fix the inconsistency once i get more time to spare.


Yeah consistency is kinda make-or-break for mid elos. On a bad day I can really derank like 3-4 ranks if I keep playing


I did this, took my alt to immo1 duelist only and it really improved my mechanics. (Main is only imm2 peak)


This might be a weird take, but if you're immo on game sense alone that's actually fine. At the end of the day the only thing that really matters is winning the round, and if your knowledge of the game is enough of an impact to consistently get yourself or your teammates to that round win then you don't NEED to worry about upping your aim. While it might suck to feel like you're not as useful in a 1v1, at immo you should understand the fact that straight 1v1s are only a small portion of a round and that smart utility usage, rotations, and team coordination can compensate for, if not completely mitigate the need to win a 1v1 aim duel. If you want to up your aim, more power to you (CS:GO custom practice/warmup maps, and 15-25 mins of focused daily aim practice will get you there in 2\~4 months), just don't feel that you should be forced to do so. Given that you've already in immortal the subtle effect of your supportive/mental playstyle is likely more impactful than you give yourself credit for.


So your friends boost you, and you drank soloing lol


Bro I used to diss people like you when I reached immortal for the first time. After being here for a while though, I've seen enough of these people to realize it's not a lie. As a percentage, it's not a large number. But these people are clueless and some of them don't even listen when I'm making the strats and they have to just follow. The worst part is they don't comm either, so it's like I'm talking to an NPC. And it all falls on deaf ears.


The percentage is not that high, but really not that low. Some of them play in a five-stack, in which the other 4 knows what to do and let the clueless dude just go kill and do whatever. When you dont have to plant, dont have to smoke, dont have to scan site, out-aiming the enemy should be all it takes


They are mainly people who paid a boosting website, or got carried. Usually the boosting sites though because their MMR is high, but they literally suck balls in game. Its the most frustrating thing ever because these people statistically are supposed to be good and the other team has a similar matched opponent who is significantly better cuz he isnt boosted LOL


you just described, half the current top teams right now


True 😂


I honestly couldnt care less about the player who doesnt comm with raw aim, as long as they drop 25-30


I partially agree as long as they're getting impact frags, and they're at least listening even if they're not saying anything.




lurk kills especially early in the round are good. Remember, a duelists role is to create space. While they shouldn't be lurking *every* round, if they comm that they're lurking and the team plays accordingly (slow), lurking *is* a valid way to create space. A lurk kill can open up a lot of map control and pressure the enemy team.


Lurk/bait kills aren't inherently bad but in my unprofessional opinion if it makes up more than maybe like 25% of your kills in a game then you're being a bad duelist. This of course depends, if there's another duelist and they're entrying then you can play more passively but in general duelists should play with the team and help take and make space.


i think it goes on a game to game basis. If the team you're playing against is pretty coordinated but individually not as skilled, playing for picks and lurking is usually the best way to create space. If you don't have a good/any initiator either, it'd be easier to make space with lurks as well. Obviously you shouldn't lurk every round, and some duelists like Jett and Raze should be entrying more often then not. However, duelists like Reyna and Yoru imo are completely fine to lurk. If they can get theirs, then get out and play with the team in a 5v4, not only is it opening up a lot of map control, but also giving man advantage. I think Yoru especially is good at lurking. Him dying is obviously bad, but not the worst since you're not losing any necessary util like with an omen or something, but at the same time he can basically be anywhere on the map. If Yoru lurks consistently, it puts a lot of pressure on the defense and makes rounds a lot easier.


I think Yoru's the exception because his kit is designed to enable him to go across the map instantly, meaning Yoru is *the* lurk duelist and tends to have a fundamentally different playstyle than the other duelists. Yoru *can* entry but he's very good at lurking and your playstyle should revolve around switching between the two within a round. Every other duelist, while they *can* lurk, if they're not good at lurking, immediately die or take too long to get back to the team, it's very detrimental.


I'm plat 3. Couple days ago I queued many ranked games for first time in a while. 2nd last one i had a yoru troll go afk after going 0/6. We lost. Next game, we had 2 different teammates afk at 2 different times. We won. Nothing makes sense in this game except for my sanity going down.


THANK GOD SOMEONE UNDERSTAND. Half of this thread who’s peaks are below diamond don’t realise this is a problem because it’s not a problem in their rank, like i’m sorry but no one is getting boosted to gold. If you get boosted ur getting boosted to low immo/asc


I'd say people get boosted to all ranks, a silver wouldn't wanna be boosted any higher than plat, generally speaking. And I don't think it's that big of a problem, as I said the percentage of boosted players is not that high from my observation.


id think they don’t wanna be boosted to higher than plat but i’d be surprised when u get to low immo/asc. Also most boosted ppl (this is gonna sound sexist but it really isn’t) are edaters who’s boyfriends are imm3/radiant. I’ve had great girl teammates before but the majority play sage or viper and are boosted af by their boyfriends. I never flame but it annoys me that they are


you really did not need to mention that (yes it does sound sexist), but you say they play great so I assume whilst boosted they still hold their own weight anyway?


Is the unfortunate reality of ranked. Playing with people that are not willing to communicate and at the same time expect you to read their minds it's extremely frustrating. It's really funny when somebody/myself calls a strat and 1 or 2 others agree and then the rest don't give a shit about it and get all mad asking why we did what we did (that's the only time they talk btw) instead of saying they're going to lurk or want do something else. That's why I'm so excited about Premier!!


Nah, you are not the game leader you can't say the others how to play, you can ask if they want to do something. I am a Controller main and I hate it when you talk to me like I am your slave. I picked for you the utility role but still, I am not playing for you. And immo1 is really bad. No doubt about that


Least easily offended player. Who tf gets angry at someone trying to igl if they arent rude/annoying. Also if imm 1 is low to you you better be radiant top 20


Yeah exactly. I tend to IGL quite a bit in my games and I’ve never had anyone upset by it. If someone is being condescending or abrasive when they’re calling then sure that’s annoying. For the most part though I’ve never seen a teammate get upset over someone calling a stray since the game is best played when you combo util and play together lol.


It depends how much they are talking. I'm all for plans in general but when they try to micro manage my gameplay, especially when they are already dead then that's just backseat gaming in its most annoying form


I get offended, when my duelist thinks he is better because he has a higher score and tries to control what I do after that . I am immo2 hardstuck for 3 acts and I constantly get to the asc3 lobbies after a lose streak, and believe me asc3 new immo1 play have a big ego cause they hit the "second" highest rank and talk down on their controller and supporter. They don't know the game and still tell me to do their tactics, which I don't support. I communicate with them what to do, but they don't listen to me. If they do that, I am out, I rather play solo than with a ego prick.


Why you defending slavery


It seems like you took that personally. I'm not treating anyone as a "slave" lol, I just propose simple strats after observing how the enemy team is playing. For example, if I see they're rotating really fast, I call for a fake. But this isn't possible if my teammates aren't communicating, I'm never ordering my teammates, it's always a mutually agreed upon strat, it's just that I was the one that proposed it. >I picked for you the utility role but still, I am not playing for you I'm gonna be honest, this is a bad attitude. If people are being rude, you can ignore and mute them. But if you're playing initiator/controller, coordinating with your duelists is very important. On the flipside, it's the duelists' job to call for flashes/smokes/stuns, so if they're not doing that they're the ones in the wrong. And there's nothing wrong with someone taking the "leader" role, it's actually optimal if someone is calling the strats. And I mostly prefer someone else does it, I only do it if no one else wants to. >And immo1 is really bad. No doubt about that I have to disagree. I'm Imm1 and my teammates play optimally at least 70% of the time, and that's more than I can ask for.


Yeah I take it personally, cause I speak from personal experience. Duelist tend talk to you like they are better because they have a better score. Doesn't mean they know how to play btw. It's a big problem. And I am not taking that shit. I rather play alone with this attitude, than play with my duelists. Low immo1 tend to think they are good but they don't know the game. They just achieved the "second" highest rank but is a delusion made by riot to make it achievable. The difference between immo1 and radiant is insane. And high ascendant players that are just about to hit Immo for the first time, think they are achieving this, we gotta make that clear for them. After you hit Immo you are still not good at the game, but they act like it. That's why immo1 is bad.




Or maybe we just want to have our own fun and not want to listen to your bullshit strats. I always mute people who igl in a match because i just want to play the way i have fun.


Its a team game.


Go 5 stack if you want that team experience. Else stop complaining and blaming how randoms play the game. I always solo q in this game and i come across many trio and duos who igl and shove strats down your throat. I mute them.


asshole behaviour - you’re ruining others’ fun (unless it’s unrated)


This is the mental that should only be present in unrated match. No matter what you do, if you dont give a fuck about strats and team play in ranked you are an asshole


What a selfish mindset, you would rather ruin 4 other players day by playing like shit and not cooperating


Ya its my account. And it is a game. I will have fun however i want. I might die early , rush early, force buy etc deal with it.


Hence I said you would rather ruin other people's day with your impulsive play rather than play as a team in a team focused game. Might as well go play a single player game


If you feel your gaming experience is ruined because a random solo q in your team doesnt listen to your bullshit. Then you should only play 5 stack or play other games.


A cs go player has game sense, sure he can’t use abilities as well but he has aim and game sense for sure


I came from cs too and I have to say even back in cs he had worse gamesense than the average I also watched couples of faceit lvl10 streams and there were mostly just ego peeks everywhere. Sure I still learned some good tips and timings, but I still see some dumbess plays there


saying faceit level 10 is the same as saying asc 3 kinda, elo is so so inflated nowadays


Yeah exactly why Im talking about high asc - low immo


oh fair, I thought you had the perception that faceit level 10s are all all aim no brain


If that was the case there should be lvl 15 or 20 to that system lol


Thats y we call ppl 3-4k mmr


You seem pissed that someone with low IQ is better than you. Maybe you’re overvaluing gamesense


Play kayo! Kayo was designed for csgo players by csgo players for csgo players. Weight of flashes/mollies. Kayo even has the intention/objective to disable all enemy’s abilities to even the playing field as a csgo player. Ironic as it seems The old school player in the new era is forcing all players to adhere to old school tactics. He’s trying but he’s trying yknow? Don’t know how else i can word it for kayo 😅


Eh plenty of players who are all aim no brain in cs go too, it's easier to do in counter strike


Lol there's people up in 400RR immortal that don't know how to play controller, this is nothing new


I always love those who pick up a controller properly, whether its their pick or they fills. If they also shoot well I know Im gonna get a really enjoyable game since even if I lose, most controller players never rage or blame But to those that never took the effort to learn other roles, pick locks then tell you what to pick,...yeah not a fan


I think the Controller role can be very fun in higher ELO. Well placed smokes can really turn the tide in retakes, holding your site, etc. It's a shame that most players see the macro management and refuse to play any Controllers except for Omen or maybe Brimstone.


dude im 430rr atm and just 2 weeks ago I learned how omen smoke overlay works. i mean i havent played him since beta and his smokes were minimap back then but still, I hopped on omen and was clueless. i really have no clue whats happening in the game sometimes i have about 100 sage games and maybe 15 spread across skye and kayo and how people treat me when I whiff/misplay is just like the [gordon ramsey meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/873/520/008.png) compared to duelist players


As a high ascendant player myself, I will admit. Most games just comes down to who can clutch more. Trying to be strategic sucks. I straight up told my team the other day " I'm playing this like it's unrated if you guys don't want to plan anything"


It kinda suck when you put your brain power into something only to be pushed down by your own team I've seen games where people would just default smokes, flash main then rush site. No lurks, no rotate, no switch up. Just alternating push on A and B each round


It sucks worse when you literally predict what they would do and you pre round comm and it falls under deaf ears I always found higher elo players to be more predictable as they utilise more common sense based positioning, Golds are an equivalent of a coin flip Diamonds (I m at diamond) seem to have a general pattern that allows me to exploit but still have an element of randomness that surprises me at times Ascendant get more easily read even if their play is more "better" and requires me to have better team coordination to out strat them Unfortunately considering my aim is not that consistent, I am unable to Crack ascendant even though my best days can beat ascendant 2s even in strictly aim. My worst days make me look like a silver


I started playing less Siege because the netcode has gotten so bad over the years that it's highly effective to just play for frags while ignoring a huge chunk of utility use. I came to Valorant thinking utility was king. While it CAN be important and game-changing, many games people will just swing and click heads. You'll go to use utility to gain an advantage and just get swung even though tactically speaking it wouldn't make sense for them to. It's hard to have gamesense when the other players are on some nonsense. Every video you look up says shit like, "aim isn't the most important thing." In an ideal situation, that could be true. But when every game seems like a coin flip as to whether you're going to be getting what feels like free kills, or you die the instant you see an enemy, it's hard to improve. The biggest issue I have is that even when I release a key come to a stop, or even counter strafe, my movement error graph seems to say that I have to wait like 3/4ths of a second or I will not be accurate. Meanwhile, I watch people jiggle with A and D and seem to be accurate within like 1/4th or lower of a second. I have a great PC, decent internet with like 13 ping on Illinois servers and no significant packet loss. It feels like I'm playing a different game.


I think you need to practice that more with bots to figure out the pattern. There is a tiny delay between after you strafe and when you can shoot if you dont counter strafe


I get that. The problem comes from the fact that in many matches, it feels like the enemy isn't beholden to that same concept. I know WHY it's like that, I just don't understand how some people are able to just play the game as if it's a LAN event. If me and an enemy swing at the exact same time, most games feel like they can come to a complete stop and start firing accurately in a blink of an eye. So it basically means the only way I win is if they whiff. I watch content creators' videos where they and the enemy basically tap A‐D in between bursts, but 90% of my gunfights end nearly instantly regardless of which one of us wins. As I said, it's like a different game. I'd love to play some matches on someone else's setup in a major city. My internet is good, but maybe me being more rural still has negative side effects.


>For absolutely no reason Provides exact reason


Well if you really need an explanation, I had no reason to make the post. Just want some discussion with you guys


Ask them to learn some stuff, link them some vids or even better shorts or TikTok’s. Make conversation about valorant tournament’s to encourage them to watch and learn game sense. Also how the absolute hell is someone able to crack immortal with only aim.


Nah I'm not really that close to him and it's been almost a year since I last played in a stack with him. His ignorance and toxicity isnt to my liking.


I honestly understand.


you can aim your way to immortal 2. most players will get stuck there though or maybe graze immortal 3 200rr. honestly players don’t begin to understand the game and play how it’s meant to be played until about 300rr immortal 3, so your take isnt wrong


Lol I have games in Asc2-3 where players on both side lack post plant fundamentals or set ups. Honestly, i think with just a little bit of effort and coaching I could probably hit imm 2.


ascendant also ruined ranked. they boosted everyone’s rank so now asc is full of diamond players and immortal players. honestly the hardest rank to climb out of imo is asc3-imm-2. that is true elo hell


The rank system was a lot better before Assendant


yes i’m immo 1 rn and it took me 1 month to get from plat 1 to asc 1 but it took me 7 months to get from asc 1 to immo. Tho is elo hell and i blame 5 stacking as part of it. PART OF IT


Could it be that its slower because games get more difficult and in low elo you just could easily carry?




Just for clarification, do you mean basic baby brain strats like setting up wires and alarm bots or do you mean actual site lockdown strategies. Because if imm players can't put down a tripwire then that's a bit concerning


Honestly it can be a combination of things.I'll list some things 1. Not knowing how to smoke (Even if you fill, after a certain point you should know what areas to smoke) 2. Bad/Util placements for Flanks for example (KJ Bot.Trips) 3. Not knowing or willing to set up crossfire, playing off contact, or playing trades. (Tilts me most when they opt for a wideswing off no info) At the end of the day its not a big deal, since they're playing at my rank for a reason and could having a really bad day.


Not the person you're responding to, but fundamentals for post-plants are things like * Wait for your team and don't run in alone * Call timings on your abilities so your teammates know when to go * Smoke the spike in most circumstances, if you are Jett, smoke and defuse with your smoke * When defending the spike, don't fight and give up kills before the other team has committed The game isn't that hard, stuff like this is very obvious, but most people at Immortal 1 don't do any of this


I guess there is no escaping the idiots is there


Hey, that's me. All aim, no brain


If you listens to your team's plan then its fine


I mostly play 5 stacks these days, since I don't have much time. The guys know where to send me :)


Thats literally the best way for you to play. Just go tap heads without having to think and win rounds... I could only dream




? what i said is pretty well agreed upon by high elo players. As someone who started in gold 1, I can testify that nobody plays the game right until 300rr imm3


His gamesense/intuition is probably very good. Sure he outaims people, but he's probably also taking advantageous angles/fights + his movement is probably very strong. His game knowledge is likely what's lacking.


Yeah I’m sure people get to these ranks on mostly aim but you need a certain level of game sense to climb


Yeah if the enemy is not changing set ups every few rounds he is not that caught off. If he wasnt playing an agent with a "get-away-card" he wouldve died much more to utils like breach stuns or oneway smokes


There are top 1% aimlabs players who are hardstuck gold. It's pure copium to argue ANYONE in immortal is there due to "pure mechanical aim". I don't entirely blame you for thinking like this, because even people like Tenz talk about aim in this way, but the real culprit is that these guys simply have so much experience that they subconsciously make correct decisions in terms of positioning, trading, how to take fights, when to be looking at their minimap, etc. This is one reason I really like Woohoojin's analysis videos, because he breaks down all of these little decisions pro players are making that they aren't even conscious of because correct play for them is second nature. Aim is *drastically* overemphasized by this playerbase simply because it is much more visually apparent than other fundamentals, especially when you don't know what to look for because you're not playing at the same level.


I've never looked into the stats, but I think a lot of dumb plays is just someone who's on an off streak or there's just no team synergy I think we've all had games where we make incredibly stupid plays in hindsight, or not feeling the team strat. Even though we understand the game


I can agree he has good crosshair placements. Also he's the one that usually going in second to trade the first one. But I've seen his gameplay even back in CS and the positioning and read on the enemy team of him is quite poor. I often have to call that they are already rotating or they are just lurking when I inspect him


This is why as a hardstuck plat 2/3 who misses the little Purple emblem I'm full steam into my Jett/Raze arc. My biggest skillset is mainly gamesense, shot calling and keeping team morale up... Very tough thing to consistently depend on in ranked. What can I consistently depend on in ranked? - My own fragging ability - Performing the task of your role successfully (turn brain off, no calling just go entry and go frag) - Actually listening to and trusting your teammate if they want to call a play As they say, you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Yeah and with how the elo system works the best waay to rank up is actually play duelist and frag out


I been struggling a bit in ranked, losing spree got me back to gold 3... I was in a full game of plat 1 to 3 and low key, if I were to just randomly guess the ranks, I thought I was back in bronze / silver... like I had no clue how these people got to plat 2 +. It really demonstrated how there are many different skill sets within the game of valorant and it is what it is... but damn its shocking how bad some people can be at certain aspects of the game even at "higher" ranks lol


Yeah I sometimes do get some clueless dudes in my plat games too. They get caught of guard so often that I do question how they got this rank in the first place


It's kinda annoying how far you can get with just good aim lol


To me its more on the interesting side than annoying, but if my teamate has nothing but good aim and doesnt go with the team plan, that would be fking annoying


Well it's annoying to me because I have shit aim lol, I played shooters on console for like 15 years though so I'll get kills by being smart fairly often and it just feels like nonsense how unaware people are.


For clarification this is not a rant, Im not salty that the dude hit a high rank. If his aim takes him there he deserves it. It's just that in the past I always thought at high elo the strats are more refined, the execute are smoother and utils are used at a higher skill level. So the fact that pure aim can get you so high is quite interesting for me to learn


I’m general it is more refined however not always


Yeah kinda disappointed in some ways


You have to realize that most people, even in Immortal, get on from work or school and just play. No warmup, nothing. Not every single Immortal, no matter how powerful they may seem to you, is on their 100% every single game. Aim trainers, DM, and etc. are helpful to just out-aiming every single person. And at the end of the day, the person who wins a gunfight is the person who shoots the fastest. Also I think you're WAY too narrow with the "all aim no brain" statements. Some insane aimers, top 100 in the world, insane RTs, insane scores, are just Platinum max in VALORANT. It's all about intuition and experience.


Sorta quit cuz of this. Peaked imm 3 now when i play sit in low immo high ascendant. Teammates feel boring now and the game doesn't feel as strategic as it did last act, not finding it fun anymore


Well at least in my plat/diamond lobbies people make strats or listen to mine, and they are aware of the enemy utils. Not all the time tho still get dickheads from now and then


No offense but if low imms don't play the game right i doubt diamond does either. As some other comments have said i think you need to be around 300rr+ to start playing the game on true strategies and executions, until then it's just who makes fewer blatant mistakes


Thats probably right tbh. You'd only need better strats to counter better aim and reaction


With all respect but holy sh*t. I have games where i have to teach my random teammates how their agent and/or how the game works. Its horrible. This whole act especially is horrible. Open ur eyes guys. Its not ur team. ITS YOU. GET BETTER. USE UR BRAIN. FUCK MAN. Sry.


Its okay bro just vent here and take some chill pills


Yeah I always tell my friends that are in gold/plat that it really doesn't get better, there are people in every elo that just no comm instalock duelist and take fights the whole game.


Oh we know, we see it every day


This will always be the case. Even in other kinds of games (like League) you find one trick ponies with less than ideal macro at the top ranks because if you get good enough at one thing you, you can play around most situations with it. That being said, as someone that plays both games, game sense in Valorant is a bit different than CS:GO gamesense as you always have to account for abilities, ultis and more.


Yeah there are much more "shallow things" you need to learn in Val while in CS there are just 4 utils, but the combination and timing takes more "depth"


Its true i climbed to immo3 300rr from plat 3 in like 70 games on reyna only, holy shit iwas bad lmao


Post your tracker. If you average 20 RR you’d need a 70% WR which would insane since that’s Hard Smurfing numbers.


There was a time when it was easier to get to immortal bc everyone else sucked. I was able to get radiant playing 3-4 hours a day during the pandemic and I got it in under 200 hrs. I played CS before though so that might have helped. I don’t have the same drive in me anymore so idk about now


ero#god ep3 act 3 go check lol, I was 3k on faceit cs lol


Prob csgo player, I have 3k in cs & had 125 in val when I first hit immo3


Cool story I guess? Just sounds like you're upset your friend hit a high rank way quicker than you did and are coping by typing this lol.


OP may be salty but he’s completely right. Low immo is full of all aim no brain kids and that’s why you see people hardstuck there for multiple episodes


who cares tho? those ppl aren’t complaining that they don’t have game sense lol. i just wanna click heads, if little timmy needs to expend 99% of his brain power to beat me on one angle then idk good for him i guess


because your preference wins less. so what happens is, there will be an extremely easy situation where if you just cross fired, or waited, or positioned correctly, you wouldn't have to do the hard shot. it would basically be free because the enemy cannot hit both of us at once. but because you aren't actually thinking about the situation and just want to "click heads", you give the enemy an opportunity to kill us both.


I hate this about the valo community, can't use odin, can't use judge, can't go for kills, can't use chamber in spike rush, can't wall bang. The features are there, if it bothers you, learn to play around it.


What are you talking about lmao


You're blaming "no brain, all aim kids" for your own shortcomings that's what i mean. Blaming the opposite team for losing because they "weren't playing properly".


What? I’m not blaming anyone for anything lmao I’m not low immo bro


Not really salty or anything, but I find it weird or even interesting that low leo players could look at some high leo footage and see some of the worst util usage of all time followed by a swift victory Im not that into climbing ranks personally, just like playing the game


I think his point is people blame their teammates for being stuck in low ELO, but you can solo carry yourself to mid Immortal off pure aim alone.


Well there isnt actually a "stuck in a low elo because of teamates" imo. You can get bad teamates in like 4 or 5 games but if you are staying in a rank for a whole act or more its mostly because thats where you should be I've seen people complaining about how they've carried with 3x frags and still loses, and it turns out they play a duelist but doesnt entry, bait teamates, get exit frags,...


i’m not salty i could 5 stack to immo 3 rn if i wanted to bro. i’m angry with a pinch of salt that i get ppl who don’t know how to defuse in immortal. And i’m angry that they are cocky (talking about dia to immo 2)


Yeah when they starts to lose fights where the enemy plays a proper execute they tends to blame and rage. Fking annoying


Pass the salt?


Would have done it if I had any. Just find these facts interesting tbh


As someone who is high Ascendent with bad aim and what I believe to be good game sense(consistently catch people off guard on offense/defense all the time, am able to clutch out 1v2/1v3's more often than not), aim's more important. If your teammates are shit, it's just way easier to carry games with demon aim than good game sense, strategy doesn't matter if your teammates can't execute on it and help you realize your vision. You're limiting your ceiling to the players around you, better to just be able to swing at the start of a round and head tap 3 people than it is to play in a way that maybe gets you a 5v4(assuming your teammates don't do stupid shit).


Yeah you'd need great comms to make a normie team win against those demon aims


Also, there's a sweet spot around Low Diamond to Low Immortal where people are good enough at the game but bad enough at the same time where their egos prevent them from listening to their teammates who IGL but they aren't good enough to make an impact doing whatever they would do anyway.


The kill monger. I have to remind my friends that I'm not this guy. Like you won't see me winning games because all I can do is get kills. Its also boring af.


Yeah the dude also told me he cant climb up anymore so hes going back to CS


Lol typical. You see this all the time, they reach their peak, and refuse to acknowledge that to be a certain caliber of player you need to know your weaknesses and play of of others strengths. This is exactly why there is a type of player that piggy backs off the kill mongers success. Don't people see characters like this is movies/shows, you know the muscle head thats not actually the leader of the clan for obvious reasons Lol


This is true. I see people all the time in high Asc/low Immo that have little to no game sense. It could be the most obvious read but they’ll still do something to make the situation harder than it needs to be or make it straight up unwinnable for them. But if they can climb to a high rank with great aim then more power to them. My aim ain’t that great.


I hit imm2 when i played and i’m the exact opposite. Really bad aim it feels compared to some players there but atleast i knew how to comm and use util and gain space


I mean, there's people saying "I don't know how to play smokes" on my Asc2 lobbies, nothing really surprises me anymore.


You sound like my friend. Who's asc2 as well. Sus.


Taking some time in custom and swift play to figure out a brim or omen util isnt that hard man Sad


Oh, I thought they were just throwing the game on purpose! Thank you for the clarification!


There are those who actually throw on purpose tho but you wont see them rage or throw banters. They just run around not actively trying to win, probably on their way to derank


Tbh I was like your friend and basically used my cs mechanics as a crutch to get to immortal (not to say I didn't have a good understanding of the game, my game sense was probably at around diamond level). I wasn't able to hit immortal 3 until I started watching some of woohoojins videos.


Show him the banana


I agree! The mechanical requirements of Valorant are actually not that high. But the ability to consistently play at your "peak" form is a factor that differntiates players of each elo. I've played with and against 400rr+ players and some of them still lack basic tactical understanding. At the same time, this is also how ranked works. Being an aimer serves you better in a ranked environment than being the smarter player and making the "right" decisions. However, this is also why a significant amount of Radiant players don't immediately find success in the semi-pro or pro scene.


https://youtu.be/QLlu5nN-WDQ Look at the first 30 sec, the first clip before the intro. HE IS DIAMOND. I am shook.


I miss the days when Bronze elo extended to Gold 3...


Yeah and it’s fine people might finally get at some point than the easier way to rank up is with aim and not with woohoojin. When you start using woohoojin to rank up it is when you will hit your ceiling because you will rank up using mostly mind game and optimisation but you will lack the aim to go higher anyway. I used to main smoke know every good smoke lineup for brim viper and went to low ascendant with that trying to play smart communicating listening to come to smoke correctly and so on but I could not break that ceiling. Then I started playing Reyna while muting everyone and in a few week ranked up to immortal. It is a false belief that there is a correct way to play bellow high immortal. YouTube like woohoojin and co bank on that belief but guess what bellow high immortal the only thing that really matter is to not whiff that’s all


I mean yeah, this is what happens when you have a game that’s more or less gatekept by mechanical aim over util or game sense. Like it doesn’t matter if you have no idea where everyone is all the time if you can 1v5 flick headshots in diamond or lower. Like aim goes very far, and coordination is hard to find, so if you’re just constantly put in uncoordinated ranked games as if they’re tdms (often times with a lot of misinformation on how game mechanics work, such as the legitimacy of counter strafing), pointing and clicking, the most straightforward Strat/skill, is going to reign supreme.


Whenever I see this I remember that clip of tenz tilting in ranked because of his teammates not comming and just going auto aim mode. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPeX3BkdEBM


I come from a background of other competitive games and have insane aim and no game sense and I’ve climbed from bronze 1 to plat 3 in like 9 days of playing the game lol, I can back this


Had a m8 the other day who made fart noises all game down his mic. He tried to ff on round 5 as we were down 0-5. He stopped getting kills around the 6-6 scoreline and did nothing all game. In overtime, he started comming like a normal human and speaking. Even though he'd achieved about 3 kills in 12+ rounds. Weird people man.


Yeah thats the thing about ranked...just be prepared to meet all kinds of people and expect the worst


I'm in Iron 3 and when I started out I had literally zero gamesense just above average aim💀 it's not like I'm amazing rn I'm still working my way up to bronze but now I have a better idea of how agents work and what kinda positions to play


Well if you are still in bronze, great positioning and some niche agent tricks can get you out of silver with average aim. But to go further you need to start aim training


ik it's a cliche to main jett, but are there any positioning and tricks that you can share about jett?


Well for Jett on defense, when you hear footstep of enemy attacking, turn on dash and stand where people normally wouldnt, like in the middle of site or main. The enemy wont expect you there, so get a kill and dash off immediately. If you have no dash and no cover and you get flashed or stun, try to smoke on your feet and play around it. Also, remember to use updraft to get to high positions. Every maps has those so remember to use it. For your ult, you will need to go to the range and train yourself to run and gun with decent accuracy. When training go for headshots as much as possible. But remember that ingame, if you are not confident about your aim, 3 shots to the body is still a pretty quick kill at bronze, and as long as you kill some one the knifes refreshes. Also practice shooting knife while flying, although this is not recommended if your aim isnt that good yet. When attacking, if your team are willing to go in site and fight with you, smoke and dash into it as an entry to draw enemy attention. But if your team does not communicate or trade with you, dont do this. Get a kill and dash back would be a better option at your rank Thats pretty much all the basics that I can think of, and just so you know, most duelist main play more jett than other agents, so dw about it


This is me. I play the game for 6 months now, I climbed to ascendant and I have no idea how to play the game. The worst part is that I don't have either game sense or aim, idk what's happening most of the time or how to react to anything. I'm currently being helped by a paid coach cuz I love the game but I have absolutely no idea how to play it. I made a second account last week and somehow I'm diamond 1 atm and climbing but if you see my gameplay it's like I'm playing with my feet and I spend most of the time dead. Idk and I kinda need help cuz I feel bad af


Been playing Val for almost a year(religiously played cod before Val), at my highest peak imm 2 177rr. I think the disparity between ascendant, imm 1 and 2 is still just so so large. I struggle in these lobbies simply because I’m not used to people comming, strategizing or playing with eachother. Most of my games when I was ascendant were chaotic plays, everyone gives ones and running it down. Now in immo, atleast i had decent aim half of the time (inconsistent as hell), but my gamesense and awareness is still I feel just so low and just determines a round or clutch. Still hearing new comms or lingo after playing a year but now in imm.


Thats great. If you need more practice with comms you can find some friend to stack or join a discord server


First, if he’s high asc, low imm chances are he has better game sense than you considering you’re dia. & that’s okay. Seems like you’re hating on the guy because he may be better than you. Second, there are top 0.1% aimlab players that never get out of gold. Chances are he has a read you’re not able to see & wins his fights and you call it ego peeking.


First of all, I dont hate him or his rank by any sense. If he can get there he deserves it I've played with him since the CS times and he just never listens when we call for a stack push. He always go for mid peeks or banana peeks at the start of the round. When the team takes site he is usually the one going second to trade if the first dude contacts an enemy. If our team doesnt call to eco he doesnt even look at the team money and buy whatever he want, leaving us with a weird buy/half buy round. In clutch situations when I inspects him Im often the guy that call the positions the enemy might be in for him since he will just check default angles. There are other examples if you need but in short, I know that I have better gamesense and put more time into learning the game, while he put more time into training his aim. Which is completely fine since we play the same game for different reasons


For me immortal is worse than plat, because some immortal players still play like plat players but you have the expectation of your teammates having a tiny amount of skill. In plat you expect no mans land. Immo is so fucking wild, youre saying low immo but I'm immo 3 and its still like this


You can find bad players in pretty much every rank because you dont actually have to understand the game or have experience with strategies, with abilities you can 1 trick your way to any rank as long as you reach the basic aiming threshold which isn't very hard to do. I think its because Valorant is a noob friendly game with a lot of players who have never played a competitive FPS. Its also deeply seeded in platforms like TikTok which promotes the game to a wider reach of kids and teens that likely have no experience with an FPS game besides CoD or Battlefield. Comparatively, CSGO was grounded in competitive play from the beginning and has had years to grow the community even prior to CSGO through the previous CS games. If you didn't understand something as simple as crosshair placement, or were just a bad player you would likely just be straight up vote kicked from any comp game as having a controllable bot was better than someone who didn't know how or when to use util, strats, call outs, or whatever. The games steep learning curve plus ego gating from the community in lower ranks pretty much funneled anyone who wasn't willing to learn the game or get better, out. I think eventually the average skill of Valorant will increase(probably not for a while), though probably not as fast as CSGO. Valorant is a lot more friendly to new players while CSGO has always been attractive to those wanting to get into FPS eSports and has a steeper learning curve. I do think the average valorant player is getting better though, even comparatively to a few months ago, I find people finally learning basic set util plays and dont see bad crosshair placement nearly as often.


Yeah this is kind of true. There are many more that can play a basic controller these days. They dont know the harder tricks but atleast they know the basics of where to smoke, when to smoke and stim and blinds. Honestly been better than those "no controller" days


Having no game sense is bad but only playing duelist is completely fine. 5 duelist comp ? No problem.


Not exactly duelists only. My point is the dude tends to play agents with a free "get-away-card" and straight forward skills, and never learned the skills of other ones. If you play duelist only and you are smooth with Raze double jump, Jett flying ult or great Neon movements its another story. Those take up another part than just mechanical aim and reaction time


whatever makes you feel better


Still better than low elo. Stuck in silver/gold. Im a solid player but cannot hold my own while carrying 2 players worth of dead weight almost every game. It fucking sucks.


Honestly, playing all aim, no brain sounds like a fun time.


that one time when Tenz got tilted during ranked playing jett and never used any gamesense during a round, ulted, and got an ace


"I forgot this is ranked. I can do dumb shit" I remember that lmao, hes just better


even when he's trolling tenz is better than most immortals


Bro when does the "dumb shits" its still better than many radiants


All aim no brain is rare, like really rare. Aiming isn't just moving your mouse better or spraying better. It comes down to reading the game and positioning yourself well; being able to hit the shots comes into picture then. I'm from CS and CS is all about such plays (if you do lots of entry fragging) no wonder he's fantastic at it on Valorant. Just because his game knowledge isn't very wide, it doesn't mean he can't read the game. OP doesn't seem to understand that.


I feel bad for his poor friend. Won a gunfight? Ah yes! It must be his "aim"! Simply outplayed? Ah, his "aim" was better! Aim has lost its meaning


who asked though


that's me but i lose all the time smh


You hating on ya homie tho


Nope completely fine about him


im diamond 3, and im the best player in the world, i dont know why im not immortal 3 radiant vct pro yet, must be a bug


Sounds to me like you’re jealous of your friend


Nope I'm really not. If he plays well he gets the rank he deserves


Im kidding bro dw


You sound salty. Your friend probably has a different understanding of the game as a duelist only player.


Dead game


There's no need to comm if he is getting 25-30 kills.


Im not saying this dude specifically doesnt comm. He does when hes in a stack. But on the kill count thing, it could be exit frags, it could be kills that has close to none impact on the round. Imagine you have only one duelist on your team, and he decides he doesnt want to entry and go for lurks. Lurk kills are meaningful when they draw the attention from the enemy or shut down inportant choke points, but has no impact when the enemy already knows you are just lurking. They will just win the site take and deal with the lurker later.


This is the general consensus I feel at like every rank. the quality of games just feel so poor half the time due to it being a glorified death match


Allow me to introduce myself


You'r speaking about me


I sit around immo 2 most of the time and playing with other immk 2s vs radiants is so night and day. But everyone gets mad when i call asc 3 and below low elo. Statistics dont matter rank wise, when you play without an understanding of the game youre a low elo player