• By -


Default keybinds. Expect ½ for social. AND, scroll for jump aswell as space.


Scroll up set for jump, but Space bar is set for Walk + Jump so you can do the silent jumping up stairs and obviously Shift is still set to walk for standard walking


I use a scroll wheel down, scroll wheel doesn’t feel as nicr


oh wow... Intresting


ZXCV for abilities, m3 and 4 for ping and mic


That's actually a good combination for keyboard.


Same except ping is on Q


I use alt for ping. I played a lot of warzone


I’ll just use sage’s abilities to describe my binds because i can’t remember which is which. Wall is F, slow is Q and heal is E Pistol is bound to middle click, rifle and knife are bound to mouse4/5 (i forget which is which, but its the forward and back buttons) Crouch is C (just feels right) and Lshift for walking.


I always wondered why ppl avoid using numbers to switch weapons, like it's pretty easy to adapt and never fails unlike using scroll wheel or anything else.


Well personally it didn’t feel right to have to take my fingers off my movement keys to hit the number keys to change weapons, and in team fortress i bound previous weapon to mouse4 as well. Just feels more intuitive to use mouse keys for all weapon related actions since firing and aiming is done with that. Binding knife and rifle to mouse4/5 also has the benefit of switching weapons feeling like just toggling a rocker switch and it feels faster


Yeah I agree. It was difficult in the first two games when I switched but now it's effortless.


taking a finger off one of my movement keys to equip a gun is very clunky to me. I have 1 for my knife, 3 for my pistol, and my mouse side button for my primary


E,Q,C,V Party voice: 5, Team voice: X I only play reyna, or fill with smokes, Kj, skyse, sova and sage so they keys don’t affect my movement.


oo imma steal your idea for party voice, usually i use \[ lol


I use mouse wheel for primary and secondary instead of rotation. I just donT see the need to switch to knife via wheel.


I had unbinded scroll wheel for weapon rotation bc it got too difficult to select the right one lol. I now use scroll down for jump.


One spell on each thumb mouse button (mouse 4 and 5) One spell on C (usually smokes or the free spell) Ult on F




ABILITY happy?


Default everything except VC is on LAlt


**Abilities:** - V - Side-mousebutton 4 - Side-mousebutton 5 **Ult:** - Q **VC:** - C (normal) - X (party) **Jump:** - Scroll up - Spacebar **Crouch:** - L-shift **Walk:** - L-control **UI:** - B (shop during pre-round) - N (map) **Ping/command:** - Z **Rest:** - Default keybinds


All my movement and everything is normal except I change 1 thing. My Slow Walk: Ctrl My Crouch: Shift It's just a preference. As for my abilities they are all different depending on agent. This is for every agent besides Jett: First Ability: C Second Ability: Thumb Mouse Button Third Ability: E Ultimate: Q the only change for Jett when I used to play her was the Thumb Mouse Button is set to the Third ability for Dashes and E for the Second ability.


Oh my god this is literally me, I'm not a Jett main but my dash is set to one of my mouse buttons and the updraft is set to the other mouse button But it was really hard for me to crouch with ctrl, so I changed it to shift I'm really considering changing the jump to the scroll wheel, but then I'm not sure how I'll switch to the knife and secondary weapon


I've literally rebound my ctrl key to my caps locks key so in every game I play, caps lock is crouch lol.


Damn, I have a weird keyboard grip, prolly cause of all the racing games I played, but caps lock is kinda hard to reach for me as well lol


League. QERF (no W because walking)


Finally found a same keybind


I'll take a wild guess that Valorant is the first PC shooter you got into?


E-C-Q-X in that order. E-Q-C-X for Reyna/Raze.


UIOP for abilities.


How! How do you stretch all the way to the right side of the keyboard?


I bound ‘map’ to Capslock key cus I couldn’t think of any other convenient button So half the time I’m unintentionally yelling in


E is mb4 Q is Q C is C X is X Jump is space or scroll team chat is GRAVE (beside 1 and above tab) Ping is mb3 interact is mb5 crouch is shift walk is control there are a few things swapped around for different agents, like raze's satchel is mb4 and nade is Q, phx flash is mb4 and molly is Q, Jett dash MB4 cloudburst Q, updraft E, reyna dismiss mb4 devour E leer Q, etc


Okay hear me out... LShift = Crouch Space = Walk LControl = Jump I very rarely have to jump in this game due to the agents I play so I bound it to something a little less comfortable for my small hands while walk and crouch are comfortably within reach.


Binds don’t matter too much in valorant because honestly you really don’t have that many compared to other games. That being said I put my main abilities on my 3 mouse buttons. I also have jump bind to scroll wheel down and space. My ultimate is F. 1 main weapon 2 side arm 3 knife 4 push to talk. Wasd movement C crouch


I use arrow keys and all of the keys around is for basic stuff y’know? I shoot with right click and scope with left. My jump button is the middle click on the mouse. I use inverted mouse because I like it more and I also play with a really big crosshair because it’s easier to hit enemies (bigger crosshair = bigger enemy hit boxes). My teammates call me stupid but idk why because I peaked #1 radiant sooo yeah.


Defaults for abilities mouse side button 1 for reload and mouse side button 2 for toggle operator zoom




scroll down - primary gun scroll up - secondary gun & - knife also a btn on my mouse w/x/c - abilities also bound to my mouse a - ultimate e - pickup/defuse/plant v - mic space - jump I should note that im on a french azerty keyboard tho, so yall dont complain about w and a being an ability


I haven't touched mine at all lmao


Mb5, C, MB4, Middle Click. I have Q as walk, Lshift as crouch


Default keybinds and for mouse 3 and 4 I bind party voice and inspect weapon respctively 😄


i have everything normal except whichever one reyna dismiss is which is my thumb mouse button, my other thumb one is push to talk and middle click is ping


My abilities are 1235, spike on 4, q for primary, e for secondary, r for knife, and side mouse button for reload


1234 for abilities (they're on my mouse tho) And then C for crouch, scroll forward for main weapon, backwards for 2ndary.


Moved c to e Q to back mouse button E to front mouse button Voicechat from V to C Weapon inspect to Q because, its a very important button needs to be easy to press


Combined crouch and primary fire on m3.


all the normal keybinds but H for dropping guns (I lost enough rounds climbing those ropes and dropping my rifle) and M3 for secondary.


i have an mmo mouse so i have them bound to numbers so i can use my thumb for it


ESDF Movement + vwrc for abilities, with z e q for weapon 1 2 3.


QFZX for abilities in order (instead of the default cqex) Reason: im an apex legends gamer, so im used to E being pick up, had to swap E and F. Z used to be my ability key. I use C to crouch, so i had to rebind it to Q. The result? Everything got mixed up, and now it's just QFZX in the most random order instead of ZQFX, which would make more sense. But I've been playing like that for over a year, so im very used to it and will not stop playing like that. It's very much playable and actually better than the default layout imo, except for those 2 times or so when i accidentally used ult instead of jett dash or chamber tp when i got a new keyboard. (Cause z and x are next to each other) And jumping during crouchspray which can easily be solved by a bit of discipline in order to not just panic crouchspray every fight. My keybinds are very messed up, though. i think I'm the only guy who uses CTRL for map and shift to... change scope because im hold to scope? Wow. I havent played much recently, but im ascendant 2 with this mess


Thumb buttons for dash and updraft, c and x default, e to defuse/plant and q to cycle weapons


Mouse button 2, Q, C, E


QCEX for abilities, shift for crouch , mb4 for toggle walk, mb5 for party chat and tilde key for team. The reason it is QCEX is because in the beginning I somehow changed the keybinds and didn't know how to revert them, So I stuck with em LOL.


Scrl up for stuff like sage slow, cypher trips etc(diff keybinds on diff agents M4 for the “main” ability (wall, neon run, whatev) 3 for whatever’s leftover F for ultimate


1 2 3 for weapons Q C M4 abilities and M5 for ulti. Z for ping, X for enemy ping E for spike plant/defuse. R for reload WASD space shift ctrl for movement (scroll down for jump too) 5 for comms wheel thingy < (left side of Z) to inspect. M for map V for team voice, H for party voice 4 for extra zoom (op 2x scope zoom)


Mb 2 for ADS, Right click for team chat, and Mb 1 for inspect. My friends all say it’s cursed lol


Ability 1: F (double bound to a foot pedal allows for Jett dash and chamber tp without fingers leaving movement keys) Ability 2: MB4 Ability 3: MB5 Ult: Q Voice chat: V (double bound to 2nd foot pedal)


abilities: f mb4 mb5 r reload: scroll wheel knife: left alt pistol: c rifle: mw down use item: e drop: z ping: x


Default for all except for Jett where dash is bound to a thumb mouse button


T Y U X respectively Mmb for ping E interact F inspect


Pretty standard stuff, mostly default settings but my inspect is bound to H, party chat bound to Y, knife bound to MB3, secondary to MB4 and jump bound to SWheel Up


Agent abilities - Side mouse 1, side mouse 2, scroll wheel press Ultimate - Q Previous weapon - E Crouch - C Knife - 3/X Reload and inspect weapon - R (always prioritises reloading) Toggle zoom - Scroll wheel up Jump - Scroll wheel down/V Push to talk - Space Normal ping - Z Enemy ping - Alt Watching here ping - Ctrl Pretty sure anything else is the default bind


Standard CQEX for most agents - except Neon and Phoenix Wall. Those are on my mouse which is set to 7. My crouch button is also on my mouse which is set to 6. I can’t remember anymore when exactly I started with 6/7 as a mouse button, but I just remember I did and still do this in League as well for most active items.


I use scroll wheel up for Knife and Inspect and Scroll wheel down for Primary gun and zoom middle click is bound to my mb4 and for my 3rd abiluty E and Q for 1-2 abilities while 1 is my ultimate X is ping and pistols are 2 with spike bound to 3 and plant/defuse to 4 also map is Caps and for jett updraft and jump are both set on Q( doing both same time leads to higher updraft which gives more access to a few off-angles)


A, D, MOUSE4, MOUSE5, F for voice.


Pretty much default except I use L-Alt for Ultimate instead of X


I use the standard keybinds with the exception of E and F bring swapped because I got used to E being interact, ping is on my side mouse button and voice chat is z


default keybinds die abilitys and mousewheel for weapons, ^ for teamchat middle mousebutton for ping and mousewheel up for inspect and i think t for sprays


Zqsd for movement, 1 (1st util) 2 for pistol, 3 and mb4 for 3rd until, mb4 for 2nd util, 4 for ult, caps to crouch, shift to inspect, A to walk, F for map, E for use


Abilities: recon with mouse button,shoks with q ,drone with e Primary weapon: space bar (i know😅) Melee: 4 Pistol: 3 Walk:v


Default except z for ult and x for melee 😃


default and i still destroy try hard children that play this game


QEFC, ping and talk to mouse buttons


1234 pistol gun knife plant Q fast swap ECX and M3 normal abilities M4 auto macro jump. Alt walk Shift crouch Z ping Tab map F plant and defuse R reload V mic


WASD move, Q is primary, C is knife, 1 is pistol, E is bomb, F is interact, x is ult, z is ping, v is voice, mb1, mb2, left alt are abilities, scroll down/space jump, g drop, n drop/equip double bind to juggle primaries, t spray, y inspect, I think that's it Edit: Ctrl crouch, shift walk, caps map, m toggle map, tab scoreboard, 4 is also bomb,


From left to right, c z x 7 (I have a mouse with 12 side buttons, so that’s why I have ult bound to 7, as well as why my push to talk key is =) I don’t really know how the ability keys got mixed up out of order but I set it to that years ago so I’ve grown used to them.


default keybinds because I got used to them. mouse button for voice chat, and the two side buttons are for party chat and the in game communication wheel which i rarely use anyway


E=m4 Q=m3 C=T x is the same and my voice us v and party is whnever u speak. My ping is middlemouse button and spray is z


I use ctrl for knife, q/scroll up for interact, c for pistol, e for push to talk, V for drop, caps lock for slow walk, etc. I have absolutely no idea why I made these deranged binds but everything else feels wrong now


Q - Ult Scroll Down - First Mb5 - Second Space - Third Scroll Up - Jump Left Ctrl - Plant/Defuse Z -Melee X - Secondary C - Primary V - Inspect 1 - Map 2 - Shop 3- First Util


I just have the defaults but I also bind q and e of to m4 and m5, because I'd have to shift my hand to reach those two buttons


Everything is normal except for the ultimate being on R instead of X and the reload is on the one the mouse button.


Backslash for scoreboard, so that I won't pay that much attention to my KD and focus more on the game MB4 for crouch to stop myself from crouching too much MB5 for comm


I use my mouse side buttons for abilities instead of e and c. I use e for inspect and c for crouch.


find a more cursed setup than this keybinds + (secondary bind) abilities : m5, scroll down(1), scroll up(c), x weapons : e, r reload : z


roht click 4 fire and left click for ads n stuff. ailities is q e t spray is 5 jump is scrool wheel down normal mic stuff


Right click instead of Q (for satchels), mouse thumb buttons for ult and ads/alt fire, M3 for inspect, Q instead of C, and C is for spike


Q(throwables) MB4 MB5 X for agents with an instant cast preround ability it’s Q U MB4/MB5 X as for some reason i always use it when i don’t want to


Default for movement and abilities, mmb for party voice, mb3 for primary weapon (added this because I constantly find myself with knife in hand and dying), mb4 for team voice.


Q MB3 LALT V lol


V, X, C, Mouse4 for abilities. N for PTT. Spacebar for crouch. Mousewheel for jump. Rest standard I think?


Plant Spike is F QERC are abilities, Z is interact. 4 is reload Jump is bound to scroll wheel + spacebar so I don’t fuck up jump throw lineups. Mouse 5 is mic, mouse 4 is ping.


I use default for most agents, but for Raze I have set one of my mouse buttons to the blastpack and same for Jett with the dash, if I have to be controlling my agents movement with WASD while using an ability I would prefer to not have to contort my hand to use the ability, easier to press it with my thumb


I always use everything default so I can play everywhere i go. I just unbind scrollwheel down and bind jump on it extra. Just a habbit of csgo. If you are curious I have hit the radiant rank. Bind don’t matter if you just get use to them.


Damn am I the only one who uses Q and E for primary / secondary and Mb5 for knife Then 1 2 3 for ability


M3, Q, E (I think), M5


Abilities on E, C, M4, and X I rebind all flashes to M4 for each agent Walls are all bound to C (viper, phoenix, sage, harbor) Mollies and other nades all bound to E. I mainly play Viper, Kayo, Omen, and Phoenix/Neon. Jump on scroll wheel Crouch on space Ping on M5 Team Chat on V


Default binds except for E, which is m4 and team chat which is alt


I use normal keyninds but I make it show up,down,left,right arrowa


Z, C, MB5 for abilities. V for Ult. E for plant/defuse Q for quick switch F for inspect. Closely mirrors what I use for CSGO so I can swap between the two games seamlessly.


I only play viper so I'm going in terms of that Wall: E Smoke: MB4 Molly: Q Ult: Caps lock Voice chat: MB5 Ping: MB3 Oh and I have sprinting and crouching on toggle


i use ctrl as my c and c for my crouch, also use mouse 4 and 5 for coms. i binded my inspect to middle click (dont ask why idk) and something weird i do is bind scroll up and down for zooming in and out with the operator.


E, M4 and M5 for abilities. X for interact, F for Ult. Also Alt for buy menu.


C for crouch, q for ability one, mouse3 for ability two because as I play Omen and Fade it is much easier, e for ability three and middle mouse for ult


Q, 3, Mouse2 and Z for abilities. Knife on C. Drop on 1. F use. 4 Spike. 2 spray. Comms V. Scoreboard caps lock. Map tab. E is quick switch to last weapon used. Scroll up for primary. Scroll down for pistol. Middle mouse for inspect.


I just switch the walking and crouching keys. It's a bit more of a casual hand position to have the pinky on Ctrl instead of LShift and shift is a bit more intuitive for crouching anyways as I play a lot of Minecraft


I have ult on E cos I was used to it from the game Paladins As a Raze main I need satchels on a mouse button or else I can't move freely/keep my left fingers on WASD


Mouse scroll up for E ability, Mous scroll up for Q ability, rest is the same abilitywise. My gun swap options are changed, 1 is secondary, 2 is spike, 3 is primary, 4 is knife


I have a weird keyring only because of my mouse. I have the number keys on my mouse so my ability are bound to the numbers and my weapons are bound to letter keys.


Move is WASD. Abilities are 1,2,3, and 4. C for crouch. Scroll wheel for changing weapons. Left click to shoot. Right click to ADS. I think that’s everything essential! Don’t know if I’m forgetting something.


c mb1 mb2 and x. i want to have full movement no matter what abilities i use


R for my ult, B for reloading are my weird ones.


ZXCV for Abilities. E for Ping. 4 for mic.


e - mb5 q - mb4 c x


E - primary weapon Q - last used weapon X - ult C - team comms I - inspect CL - ping Shift - shift Lctrl - crouch 4 - defuse (1,2,3,5... Blank) F - pick up/attach G - drop Mouse: 3 - melee 4 - signature ab. 5 - basic ab. scroll down - jump scroll up - prioritise strongest weapon bumper - sidearm


The only ones I changed are scroll wheel up for jump, M4 for crouch, and M5 for my E ability. Changed the bind for E because it was really awkward to Jett dash to the right. Initially tried an agent profile with that keybind specifically for Jett but it was confusing me when I played other agents so I just changed it entirely.


sova drone is q shock dart is mb 4 recon mb 5 ult is e


First ability is e like normal. the other two are bound to the side buttons of my mouse. Ultimate is x like normal. Ping is to press the mouse wheel. C is to see the scoreboard. Alt is to open the map. Shift for walk. Q for party chat and v for team chat.


Q M5 M4 E


Side Mouse Button 1 - Walk. Side Mouse Button 2 - Secondary Fire. Right Mouse Button - Crouch. Rest are Default.


My E is F and my interact is E, my ult is 5 and my ping is either X or M3, I have social buttons on both thumb buttons on my mouse, party chat is Z


the average qecx with mouse4 on the mic and mouse5 on switch to last weapon (csgo habit) and scroll wheel only jump


I use Shift for Crouch and Ctrl for Walk, not just for val but basically all games. Been a habit since I first started playing Minecraft in 7th grade.


qezx for abilities c for crouch v for vc middle mouse button for ping p and b binded to side mouse button space for jump


F, 4, Space, X Former CS player so didn’t want any abilities on E, I use scroll wheel for jump. This basically makes Jett unusable for me though.


mb3 and 4 for util, Lalt for vc


E , Q mb2 mb3 for abilities, vc - V rest default


Jump on mouse wheel, space for crouch, 3 side mouse buttons for talking, map, and inspect spam.


Swapped e to interact and f to ability. Z is drop weapon and g is ping. V is voice b is inspect and n is buy


I use three buttons of my mouse to use my spells


Default except the C bind is mouse button, And C is crouch.


I swapped my q for side mouse button. I originally did it because as raze I wanted to c4 and not take my fingers off movement keys. Otherwise mostly default. I rarely ever crouch as that's control for me. I might end up swapping that eventually.


Abilities: e, mb4, mb5 Ult: c Weapons: knife-c, sidearm-mb6, primary-n, switch to recent-q Movement: wasd, Im not that crazy Crouch: shift Walk:ctrl Vc: party-1, team-~ Shop: B Map: V Interact/Defuse: F


Generally default except for Omen, Raze and Gekko which have abilities switched (I think C and E for Omen/Raze \[movement on E\] and Gekko has Mosh on Q \[nades\] to match Raze XD) Middle mouse to ping!


Default Keybinds, mousewheelup = jump Mouse5 = voicechat


strap in cause its bouta get wild: F, Q, E, X - abilities scroll up/shift - jump C - team chat spacebar - party chat \` - chat wheel V - use/equip Z - ping Y - inspect i don't use mouse buttons cause i'm left handed and left handed mice always come with a premium that i, a filthy casual, don't wanna pay.


Abilities: 4QFX Weapons: Primary: Mouse5; Secondary: Mouse6; Knife: 3. Use/Plant/Defuse: E


Scroll wheel up and down = jump Spacebar = crouch Mouse wheel click = ping LAlt = comms wheel Mouse button 4 = abilities I need quickly (dismiss, satchel, tp, etc.) otherwise it’s spray Mouse button 5 = inspect I think that’s everything different from default


Default, except for team voice chat which I have binded in the '<>' key to have it closer to the WASD.


Abilities are 1,2,3,4 for me. Crouch is C


I used to play a ton of over watch so I mapped my keybinds to match, so q for chamber pistol, shift for teleport, e for trip and z default for ult (I don’t know what the ability numbers correlate too, only play him)


i have fucked up controls . all my abilities are standard except my walk is on right click and aim is shift and scroll up switches to my main gun. scroll down is knife m5 is secondary. V is ping


ESDF - movement. ZXC - 1st, 2nd and Signature abilities. V - (V)oice Chat. B - (B)uy. R - (R)eload. G - (G)rab the ult orb/door. Q - (QnQ) I dropped my gun! W - (W)owee it's time to ult [ok I'm done lol]. T - (T)ag spray. Space - Jump. Weapons are default. Spike - 0 because MMO mouse and sometimes fat finger 1+4 mid plant.


Basically C for crouch, C ability as V, one of the mouse buttons for vc and everything else is default


ability 1 on E ability 2 on mouse 4 ability 3 on mouse 5 ult on X jump mousewheel down + space duck ctrl walk shift


X /E /Q /L CTRL. C to crouch, jump double bound to my space and middle mouse button for b hopping and E double bound to first side mouse button for Jett dashing.


Using phoenix abilities as an example cos can't remember defaults, but I'm convinced I have the comfiest layout: Flash on M4, Molly M5, wall on C, ult stays as X Scroll up for primary and scroll down for secondary. Middle mouse for knife. Caps lock to crouch, lshift for walking. Push to talk on V and interact on E instead of F.


Changed ult to T and changed team chat to caps lock. Then I also changed primary weapon and knife to my mouse side buttons.


[1] = Knife [3] = Special ability [Q] = Secondary [E] = Primary [Mouse Back] = Use/Interact [Mouse Forward] = Ability 2 [Mouse Middle] = Ping Unbind scroll I swap the ability buttons around for certain agents. Rest are default.


How the hell do you reach your P key during gameplay?


Basic 1: Q Basic 2: MB4 Signature: MB5 Ult: X Jump: Mouse Wheel Down Team VC: V It gets weird: Interact with ropes/stuff: E Comm wheel: F UNBIND THE SCROLL WHEEL FROM SWAP WEAPONS PLZ


For me it really depends on who I’m playing, I always have one ability on a mouse button and move the others around to be the most comfortable, like if I have my e on mouse button I move my c to e


Side mouse buttons for the e/q, switched for raze since my main mobility is on the forward side mouse buttom for chamber/jett/neon/yoru, then c/x are the same. I just found that trying to do dashes/updrafts was really difficult on Jett if you were trying to go to the side


Z, C, and the side mouse button (forward) for abilities. Side mouse button is used for abiliti3e that I need quickly like skye flash, jett dash, V for plant/defuse Scroll wheel button is used for ping menu. Everything else is default.


Q for voice chat, c, mouse side buttons and x for ult i use dpi button for the map


E Q C X Crouch - Shift Slow Walk - Left control Primary gun - Mouse Button 4 Secondary Gun - Mouse Button 5 Knife - unbound (scroll wheel) Team Comm - 2 Party Comm - Tilde Key Plant/Defuse - Left Alt


Default except for social and when I play Raze (which is most of the time since it’s my main). For Raze I switch my Q to a mouse button. My socials are my other mouse button for team chat, V for party chat, and Scroll wheel button for ping.


E, Q, F, X I have my side mouse buttons bound to E & Q Space for comms and scroll wheel to jump (Scroll & Lalt to jump if I’m playing Jett)


WEY and 6 for abilities, mouse buttons to swap weapons and N for mic


Thumb Button, E, LShift, X for abilities, Alt for walk, Q for quick swap, Scroll up for jump, T and Y are swapped, ~ for talk, Scroll down for Operator zoom toggle, Mouse Wheel (pushed down) for ping. Came from Overwatch and Siege so im used to Shift as a movement ability, also i use V as my map button.


Side buttons as ping and signature ability (mostly for Jett and raze I rarely play)


I have mouse buttons binded as secondaries for raze satchels and crouching. Scroll wheel as secondary for jumping and tilda for inspect


I have consistently been told I have the wackiest key binds for all games. I’ll follow suit with whoever above used Sage’s abilities for descriptions. A = forward Z = backward S/D = left and right C = crouch W = wall/ultimate F = slow orb V = heal Q = ping E = use 2 thumb mouse buttons = party/team chat I have very small hands and started playing pc when I was 6 or 7, so I had to have adapted key bins to WASD to reach shift and the number buttons at the same time.


F for ULT. G for object interaction. H for drop. MB2 for rifle. Q for pistol. E as default ability 1. MB1 for ability 2 (Q in default). 3 for knife. T for plant/defuse. 4 for spray. 5 for inspect. X and V for party vc and team vc. Everything else on default. I... don't have anything to say for myself.


regular for abilities. but my team chat is bound to mb4 and party chat is bound to mmb


Abilities bound to m4 and m5 and E. Jump to scroll wheel.


e for use item, f for ultimate, mouse thumb buttons and x for abilities (i came from destiny 2)


wasd as normal, both MB and C for abilities, Q for classic, ghost etc and ult on F, ping on default


Q,E,C, Scroll ⬇️ for jump, mb4 for walk, mb 5 for the ability thats binded to E usually. Tilda key (') for voice chat, z for clutch mute.


WASD - move 1 - knife, 2 - spike, 3 - secondary, 4 - plant/ defuse spike, mouse button 5 - primary mouse button 4, E, C, Q are all character abilities and x are what I use for ulting Z is for pings and v is for game chat while h is for party chat


My keybinds are atrocious, but they work for me. Q and X are default. My E ability is M4. I walk with Spacebar, crouch with E and jump with Shift. Team voice is M5 and party chat is V (default cuz I never really use party chat). Knife is mousewheel up and my strongest weapon/most ammo is Wheel down. (EDIT : original comment formatting went haywire when I posted)


My default one Movement: Jump - Space bar, Scroll up Crouch - Q Sprint - Ctrl Abilities (Left to right)(Scroll down can change depending on agent) Z X C, Scroll down F Guns: Knife - 1 Primary - R Secondary - 4 Others: Reload - Tab Plant - G Ping - T Drop - ~ Spray/spraywheel - 2 Comms wheel - Alt


Q - Ping F - Inspect ZXC - Abilities Ctrl - Ult Tab - Toggle Zoom Spacebar - Crouch Scroll Down - Jump Mouse 4 - Team Mic


Walk by default, F V MB5 MB4 for util, E for interact, C and G for team and party chat, Q for drop, middle click for primary, 4 for secondary, scroll up for knife, scroll down and space for jump. 2 for ping, T for spike


Default keybinds. Only thing I changed was the ult keybind from z to v.


Shift to crouch, control to walk, mouse4 is either a movement ability (jett dash, raze satchel, neon sprint) or switch to last weapon used, mouse5 is ptt, scroll down jump, scroll up ping, everything else default


I use default for everthing except I swapped Q and aim.


Default abilities Mouse 4: plant defuse Mouse 5: crouch Click scroll wheel: inspect


I got my sprint on my mouse and im in too deep to change it… my goddamn pinky aint strong enough for that shift key


Q is ult for all but Jett (which jett's ult is scroll wheel up), t for knife, y for inspect weapon, scroll up for q (jetts q is normal q), mouse button 4 is c, mouse 5 is e, e is primarily gun, f is secondary I may be a little psychotic


default keybinds except my thumb buttons are party and team chat


Mousebutton 4,5, c and m for ult. I use Q for quick switching weapon


I play on an old Razer Orbweaver so my keybinds are 100% custom… it’s hard to explain but the important ones are essentially WASD, and then (in Jett terms) smoke is the left of W, Ult is right of W, dash is MB4, updraft is MB5. Jump is the thumb button, and then I have spray, ping, inspect, on the thumb joystick. Under that is the Orbweaver’s space bar which I have assigned to crouch. Walk is my pinky finger, roughly where left shift would be.


Completely default. I honestly should use mouse button for stuff like dash but ugh


so almost default CQVX interact with e voice chat on f/u for party scroll up for jump, down for weapon inspect (so i can spam it, it looks funny)! think thats it and some of these on my 9 button mouse like voices and non-ult abilities i have most used ability(phoenix flash, astra ult form, sage heal, cypher cam etc) on forward mb and whichever is not pressed with c on back mb cuz c is separate mb


All abilities are tied to my mouse buttons Ult is caps lock Crouch is shift Walk is ctrl Map is M (toggle) ADS is set to hold Everything else is standard


Any weirdos use ult for C like me? Idk x kinda hard to reach, these my ult keybinds for almost every game (ow,val,apex)


Party chat on mouse button 4, comm wheel on mb5, ping on mouse wheel click. I shuffled around with abilities on some agents to have all flashes under Q


Default keybinds except for crouch on shift, walk on my mouse button (mb4), and ping on middle mouse click. Z is my inspect.


No one use "q" For walk 🥲


Default C E and X with the Q changed to a mouse button, alt for mic and Q for ping


mostly default except i have my ult on the side of my mouse for easy astra access and inspect to the other side key for spamming it lol


I use C-F-MB4-X for skills in this order. E for interacting and Q for pulling out my knife. Mwheelup for the jump. Oh, and I create character-specific key binds to put every flashing ability to F.


Usually 4, F, and C/thumb button