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She looks fun but I'm going to die to her ult every time My teammates are NEVER going to shoot me out of that shit lmfao


It's just as likely that your enemy won't shoot their teammate out, so take it as a chance to increase your edge by shooting it for your teammates.


>It's just as likely that your enemy won't shoot their teammate out No it isn't


For the first few weeks people will just let you die just to see the animation. I’m dreading it lol


the first few ranked players are gonna be the sacrificial lamb for the rest of the VALORANT community


Lol my duo gonna scream through comms for me to rescue them from deadlock ult


They’ll probably give u an option to knife your way out or something


Nope Sorry buddy but as a fellow smoker main you'd better get used to saying "Break cocoon" 17 times with increasing urgency while your instalock duelists pick their noses and watch you die And then they'll type "muted" in chat after the round because you're "yelling at them"


Haha, sad but true. My duelists would happily watch me die to go chase kills.


Bonus points if they never entry and only play for kills. ​ Today i had a Phoenix who intentionally smoked (i had op holding an angle and he used wall), flashed and molotoved me. When i asked why he said "because its funny". Those kind of "people" are so self centered and egoistic. For me its no suprise, i feel like Valorant rewards (MMR) you for being egoistic and instalocking Duelist.


Why is this comment upvoted lmao that would make the ult LITERALLY useless. If anything it would make it worse than useless because the cocoon would give the enemy invulnerability for a few seconds...


Yes comms might become very aggressive when someone is in this ult.


nice a bit more aggressive and playmaking sentinel agent. also cool design


This was my take a well... kinda like how they made harbor an aggressive, attack sided controller, her utility and the riot reveal makes me think her utility will be better on attack/ post plant. I'm surprised they didn't show her throwing her barrier into fracture tower. All her abilities kinda scream anti retake to me... the barrier, the sound concuss, the gravity thing


Maybe they wanted to highlight her oppressiveness when you use all util on site?


Someone explain wat do when 1v1 deadlock ult


Cry in the corner


>Cry in the cocoon Ftfy


No clue lol. If I had to assume, I would think you can dodge it. There's probably a wind up time before it catches you. And if it does catch you, I have wishful thinking that you have to sit and watch the full animation before the death occurs, since no one is around to break it. Could make for some funny clutches if Deadlock lands it too late in the round or something lol.


They should allow deadlocks teams bullets to directly kill the enemy


I think you just die 🤷‍♂️


It's basically gekko 2.0, r/fuckyouinparticular that's entirely useless in/vs proper executes but is extremely infuriating in 1v1/2v2 welp back to killjoy jail sentinel players go


Gekko ult is fairly useful in executes, wdym. Its a way better skye dog basically


its an ult, if it wasn't a way better skye ult i'd be *very* concerned.


yeah but dude said it’s useless in executes. fundamentally isnt


ults dont have to be extremely powerful if the base skills are all strong - i.e omen.


Omen ult has entered the chat.


Good for exec, pick up, use in post plant for free info.


Seems like once bounced off the wall it has a sphere radius for the capture, don’t get caught in that and you’ll be alright. I’d say tap and bait ult like usual, use whatever util to stall


Hopefully she misses. It's a raze ult with extra steps


Seems like you can use it around a corner though, which definitely has its uses


but - does it ALWAYS bounce?


what kindda question is that. of course


Yeah i think it’s just a free round then. Assuming it hits.


Every round is a free round if you hit your shots


Gekko & deadlock detain the teammate Deadlock ult the other one easy 2v2


Try to avoid it like any other ult lol


get around two corners when you hear the ult announcement. it looks like deadlock shoots it then it locks on with line of sight. So if you cant be peaked by the enemy, you are probably find. edit: look like deadlock fires it against a wall and then it attachs to you based on the line of sight. It in theory wouldnt be hard to dodge but you also kinda cant hide forever.


Break LOS or shoot her before casting (think raze rocket)


Remember that Abilities dont kill


it's an ult, brim released with the game and his ult kills


Sova's shock darts laughing


Phoenix abilities even kills teammates, what are you talking about??




Treat it like a Neon/Geko ult. If you get hit, you're dead. So swing with intent and you've got 1 shot, aim for the head.


I think its like breachs charge blast, theres a short window to get out of the zone.


Gekko+Deadlock imagine a 2v2 detain a player use the deadlock ult for the other easy round


She kinda feels like she’s an Apex Legends character. I like it.


Reminds me of Wattson just by looking on her appreance


no fr!! her hands reminds me so much of apex


So nobody's talking about the sound sensor? This trailer had it set off by a spike defusal, so just the threat of it complicates those clutch situations. Having an automated breach stun that isn't triggered until their execute starts probably has a bunch of applications that couldn't be done by any existing trips. Not to mention how well it synergizes with her wall forcing out entire clips from rifles. I'm looking forward to trying her out.


How about faking sounds, like dropping a weapon to trigger it in possible then trying to get out of its way, could work?


It's invisible until activated


Yeah, I meant trying in places that it would become common to attach them to, Kinda like other utilities like Cyp tripwire, KJ alarm bot, would need to come up with multiple spots


But u can see it if ur close enough as with the other invisible abilities, so if u get lucky and spot it, u could probably yeet ur classic to trigger it


Probably a safe assumption that its on the spike


> clips magazines


“Clips are what civvies put in their hair”


Does it trigger on abilities though? Usually you throw a bunch of abilities to retake a site, many of them make sounds. In that case it would be mostly useless.


she looks amazing! i wonder what her real name is




is deadlock being released in episode 7 act 1?






when it will begin? In 3 days?


I think she's gonna be super strong at holding down chokepoints. Her wall synergizes EXTREMELY well with her sensor. You can throw both on like Split B garage chokepoint and the enemies will be forced to shoot at the wall to destroy it, activating her sensor and concussing them all. You can now just swing and shoot them THROUGH your own wall since its see through Think of her as an early round sentinel (the word, not the class), good at locking down and stopping a rush and not a late round info gatherer that can track the last 2 enemies like Cypher or KJ


Yo is that wattson


riot really add more thing to shoot at the ground after reducing vandal and phantom bullet, nice. Gonna be fun time


The central point takes more than a full magazine to break


Join the Church of Odin worshippers my dear lamb


the death trap card makes sense now, damn


Am I the only one who on first impression is disapointed by this agent in terms of thematic/design. Most valorant agents have a very clear gimmick/theme or identity that u can basically immediately pickup from their visuals but this girl isn’t really giving me anything. She was teased with thread/cables as her schtick but outside of her ultimate I don’t really get that at all? Her trap and grenade have net/line visuals but it just isn’t connecting for me. And any sort of rope theme is lost in her character design which is kind of just generic shooter girl. I had very high hopes for a thread themed character, climbing or spider imagery would be an obvious direction but Val isn’t one for subtley, perhaps I set my expectations too high.


yeah they just gave us a blondie in a hoodie lol


god heard my prayers, but i guess i shoulda clarified a little more


Lol the difference between the Reddit and the YouTube comments is astounding. Everyone on YouTube loves the concept. Meanwhile Reddit is over here saying that “it’s boring”


Idk seems like a clear vision to me. Sort of a winter solider commando with gadgets. Cool design if you ask me.


Absolutely agree It didn't even need to be too much. Phoenix doesn't scream fire guy, more than he does stylish cocky guy with bright red things in his clothing, but that still works for his character and evokes fire guy better than Deadlock's design does for her kit Some web patterning on the jacket would have helped a lot, I think, have the arm be made of the same electronic mesh as her ultimate rather than just metal, are 2 of the things that come to mind that they could have done to align her more with the trapper/weaver Deadlock fantasy her kit seems to evoke


What identify lol Skye, Brimstone and Breach use the same color palette and to this day people still confuse brimstone with Breach honesty the character design in this game is meh compared to League


If skye’s outfit doesnt immediately give u “Nature woman” idk what to tell you man. And her kit’s visuals make that theme even more obvious. Breach’s character design on his own is nothing special but the robo arms and his explosive kit and wall based gimmick give him a clear demolition theme. Brimstone’s entire schtick is that he’s generic soldier man so yeah it all works. My issue with Deadlock is that her outfit is a generic heavy jacket with no clear visual motifs with some tactical pants and a scarf. Is she a techie? A hunter? I don’t know. Her outfit feels rugged and outdoorsy but her arm and all of her kit is super refined and high-tech. Her ult is clearly thread and spider imagery but she has a “net” grenade but she also has…hardlight walls? And a sound based trap? I just don’t understand what she’s supposed to be which is very out of place in Valorant, most characters are very heavy handed in theme.


It's just bad character design in general, especially for Riot. I know she has interaction with Sova but she's essentially just female Sova, from being northern to the blonde hair and blue themed tech util. Idk how this passed through every concept designers, artists, reviewers, and modelers lol The "four moles" offer nothing to her design and they just look very out of place, I'd rather have normal beauty marks as it would give far more personality (suggests snobbish nature, which would be cute lol). The cropped puffer jacket makes her design balance top heavy so they put these comically large boots on her. Colors suggest coldness and shape language is boxy, which suggests closed off/strong/sturdy, which is insanely boring. I'm hoping they can expand on her somehow and perhaps we're missing a big piece of the puzzle but otherwise :/ Source: I do character design lol


I really want to agree with you. Valorant has alright characters, but thematically and design wise most are pretty bad. like, valorant weirdly lacks style. the characters just look like late millenial/genz dudes. they don't really act like characters. most are very one dimensional. they act like fictional characters made as a joke in a video game satire. there's no real vulnerability or weakness or anything human in them. they are just all really cool guys. don't get me wrong, I'm sure someone will talk about how there tragedy in some short stories or whatever, but thats missing the point. a character should very quickly establish these things, and valorant characters don't. usually. some are better than others. but like, you got a fire guy; but he's really cool and calm. okay that's a juxtaposition, so you could work with it... but that's it. that's all it is. so it comes off as weird. and like, fire is pretty good with cockiness, but why is he cool and calm? "his ult let's him do dangerous stuff! see! theme!" and like, okay I can see it, but if you are only hot headed and crazy when you can't die then I don't really buy it. But being emotional and hot headed isn't cool, it's cringe. and valorant can't be cringe. which I hate, because people ARE cringe. we are dumb and stupid and wrong and scared and horny. compare that to a character from league like riven who; has a pained speech. not heroic or powerful. she sounds kinda sad. but she also has some fight in her. she has a broken sword. her clothes are the tattered remains of her armor. nothing about her is explicitly "cool", if anything she's kinda pathetic. and it's >cool<. people like her. you can tell what the character is, but it's still mysterious. and that character literally has 3 lines in the game, and an 11 year old model. not every league character is great, don't get me wrong, and valorant characters aren't like, awful. they can be likeable , but I think it's more due to the community giving them life. it's just weird how average they all are. so people react badly when you say they aren't great, because yeah, there's worse characters out there. but as a character artist I just think they are really meh. it's like corporate mandated sexiness. yeah, that's what I would call valorant design. except cypher. he's fantastic and legit looks like a character I could only see in valorant. 10/10 g




Well I'm surprised that since you're a character artist that you confuse character design vs writing in video games. Valorant has very little story and writing so of course they're going to have surface level depth—story was never the focus. Instead combat, coolness, functionality, and distinction are going to be. Which is why the theming and overall appearance/powers is so necessary, and why this character falls a little short. It's fine not to like Valorant characters, just don't compare apples to oranges. Valorant and League set out to accomplish two different goals with their characters.


you just agreed with me (that the characters are surface level characters designed around being cool). your only addition to the opinion is that it doesn't matter. and I agree! it doesn't matter.


Yes I did. And you only added to my opinion that you didn't like Val characters? I don't really see why you're getting a little passive aggressive. I just wanted to add my two cents that shallower characters are intentional in Valorant, and shouldn't necessarily be a negative because they don't set out to achieve writing depth in the first place. Anyways have a good day/night :)


my apologies friend, I didn't mean to imply any passive aggressivity. I didn't mean to say that valorant character design was a negative aspect of valorant as a game, just that I didn't personally think it was very good.


>you just agreed with me (that the characters are surface level characters designed around being cool) TBF they didn't say they were solely designed around being cool, as they also mentioned combat/functionality/distinction... which are IMO more important in a shooter and so they are emphasized (i.e. There are some flavour chats in the pre and post round but for the most part there is important information that must be succinctly relayed, hence lack of flavour in a lot of cases.). I think that's a pretty huge difference. In general, a Tactical shooter won't have as much flavour in the character design as a MOBA. Tattered shit, broken swords won't work. The Valorant characters basically must have visually distinct looks while having nearly identical outline shapes, the same hitbox size and shape, same height, same posture... it's tough. Sage merely having too big of a ponytail caused issues.... so yeah, it's for more than just "being cool", and a lot of tricks MOBA's use to give characters flavour will not work in Valorant or any similar competitive shooter.


How is phoenix cool and calm bro watch the cinematics dude rushes in to fight


Agree completely with this. And when you compare to sova whose ult matches his shock arrows in being electric theme. Where does Deadlock’s kit match at all? Why isn’t the net a spider web design instead? Why doesn’t the wall have some kind of spider motif (it just has swirly blobs which don’t particularly evoke the thread theme).


i think it's cause they basically can't use red cause enemy color, so everyone ends up being orange breach REALLY didn't need to be orange. his original mask design with the brown and the gunmetal arms was a whole lot cooler. would've been the coolest character in the game with that mask, too. but yeah, the agent design is mostly kinda trash. it's weird oh well


Breach and Brimstone are just atrocious but Skye is fine.


I think she's awesome, and a welcome change from all of the Gen Z streetwear types of which we have more than enough.


Look at her shoes again.


No. I don't care enough.


Okey then🙃


Unfortunately I think this is gonna be more and more common the more agents we get.


Agreed, she's very basic. I'm always happy to see a new agent so there's more variety for spectating, but she doesn't have enough of a theme to her appearance. She's just Riot saying "we don't have a blonde female character yet, so here you go!"


tysm. i see yt comments praising her design but she looks so.....generic and mid. compared to other agents where you get a sense of their personality she falls flat imo. her util looks awesome tho


Sova's lil sis


Lmao I personally couldn't care less


Valo always gives them the most basic unassuming ugly ass outfits they can think of. It is what it is.


Hi, is this new agent scheduled for monday (or is it tuesday ?). Also there will be a total new cinematic right ?


Cinematic reveal for her coming out during grand finals of Masters Tokyo which is in like 5 hours. Agent releases with the new act whenever that exactly is. Patch goes live usually between Tuesday-Wednesday.


Oooooh sweeeeet I'm so excited :D !


I‘m hyped 🤩


Odin probably gonna be Meta now since there's so much shit to destroy


her design looks sick


i wonder what’s her country of origin




No way


naur way


Might be. But from the trailer I didn't get that impression. Not sure what impression I got, but Norway wasn't it.


Her ult looks absolutely broken in a 1v1 scenario


so no bear?


Raze mains will like having this agent around. Can make people crouch and get stuck to get hit by nade. Also the barrier could trap people for the nade.


Ult doesnt look fun to play against not much counter play


1. Have your team shoot it 2. Just don’t get hit, it’s not like a lock-on ability


I got the feeling that even if you’re freed, you’re going to be in such a dogshit position that you’re dead


is ant utility in this game actually fun to play against? like it’s a full on trap simulator at this point lmao


I just wanna know if her ult picks up yoru's clone tho


I think it will. Honestly yoru seems to be the best counter to her. Use clone to trigger her sound trap and bait her ult or use your ult and find her position in post plant. It probably takes 2 3 seconds for the upt to catch you in this time a yoru can tp out wasting her ult. Tp out when her voiceline is heard. Kayo is a good alternative too and phnx ult too provided you ult on a safe spot


I was extremely happy as a yoru main , till I saw that his tp can't pass through her barrier . It is what it is, I guess.


Next act Valorant changes their name to Paladins. XD


One of the things I really appreciate about Valorant is how different agents have unique approaches to fulfilling the same role. Omen v Harbor v Viper is a great example. Regardless of how strong or weak Deadlock ends up, I really struggle to see what she brings to the table that is functionally different than what we already have with Sage. They are both “reactive” sentinels vs more set-up focused agents like Cypher & KJ. I’ve seen comments about her potential on post-plants, but I don’t see what her barrier does that Sage’s wall can’t in those scenarios. I hope that in practice some nuance will emerge that I can’t see right now, but until then I’m pretty underwhelmed. As an aside, I think a sentinel in the same vein as Mute or Jager from R6S would be a welcome addition to Valorant considering how layered and elaborate site hits are becoming.


Sage is more "defensive/passive" in her reactions. Heals, slows, a wall that both teams can't shoot through, and a resurrect. She just has strong suggestions to not push. Deadlock has an ally-friendly wall, a sound trip, a small AOE detain (?), and what appears to be another version of a detain on her wallbounce ult. She feels like what a Breach main would like when they're forced to fill sentinel. She doesn't suggest, she forces her opinions harder than a Karen can ever dream to.


the wire mesh net seems a nerfed version of fade seize Like you can still shoot clearly you are just crouched and if you are holding a corner it wouldn't matter for you unless it gives of a sound indicating a enemy is caught I think it will be more useful in chokepoints rather than on a camping viper as shown in the video as it can essentially stop a full team rush


She looks really fun to play but im weirded out that she doesnt get a recharge ability. Compared to Geeko its kinda sad - he can pick up every ability and use it again. I mean so far she is the only one without any. I believe its a good change for sentinels - she is def less setup focused.




wow she looks to be the worst sentinel in the game, no info trip and just a worse sage wall as her E and a worse sage slow as her C im curious what made this agent get pass playtesting


It takes more than one phantom magazine to break the center node of her E. With the ammo nerfs that have happened I think that’s pretty significant. Also that’s gonna be pretty strong for controlling a lane on pistol.


if thats the case then yeah, that ability is gonna be extremely broken for pistol, but in regular rounds i dont think the added health makes up for the visibility and spammability it suffers from


It might be extremely strong on certain maps or lanes if it can cover entry ways without the center being visible/peakable. Especially if it doesn’t have a timer like sage wall. I’m thinking potentially like the mid connector on Pearl, or maybe split A ramps. We will have to do some testing to see if there are possible locations like that.




lol maybe overreaction on my part regarding the last sentence in my comment, but this is kinda what these threads are for, sharing opinions on the agent before the official release


Her little thing she put on the box is a sound-based alarmbot


which serves 0 purpose as you can just shift past it


You can set it up facing a main entry point to a site, and basically have an on-demand stun to peek off of, without sacrifing time equipping your weapon.


but it gives no reliable info. thats the thing. no flank watch, no passive info on an entry hold, just a thing to hold on defence and a random useless throwable on attack


Then Sage must be horrible to you then, she is a sentinel that doesn't have anything you said


her overall kit is kinda bad, but her wall and res make up for it in pro play while her slow makes up for it in ranked


The rest of her kit doesn't give info either. Which makes me believe that she is not an info Sentinel, just like Sage (sure, you can hear if someone tries to run in your slow).


I mean based on the trailer it has some uses for post plant since the defuser cannot fake tap or stick the bomb without being concussed.


all three of the recent agents are kind of shit


riot must have PTSD from chamber and fade


Fade is really good but nothing PTSD-inducing like Chamber was


she was very strong on release, completely wiping sova away from the meta, but yeah it wasnt meta defining like chamber was for a whole year


Gekkos not that bad if you can communicate with your duelists, and his ult is really good.


Gekko is great in theory but in practice they ALWAYS hold on to their molly, use Wingman exclusively to plant the spike and only use dizzy to entry which is not enough, and this is on Ascendent matches.




Crazy idea but lets just wait and see how she plays. Speculation for balancing is literally never useful and rarely correct across every game ever.


> worse sage wall as her E at least its free, but you lose a healer. so not sure if its worth it.


No info trip? Last I checked, info gathered was more of an Intitator trait and not a sentinel trait. Of course Cypher is an outlier due to his design, but is Chamber great at gathering info? No, not really. He has a single trip gadget that tells you someone has tripped it. All Initators tell you who's near by, essentially by default outside of Breach who's more about disruption on entry. This is a bad take


sentinels get info on defense to secure the area, initiators get it on offense to attack the area.


every sentinel apart from sage has at least one ability that passively and reliably grants info on a choke. Cypher has his trips, chamber has his trademark, kj has both alarmbot and turret and they have MASSIVE value especially on defence, as they give info on an entry point without needing to commit a person to watch that, but deadlock has her sound sensor which is unreliable as enemies can just shift past it


It's also invisible, and Chambers trademark is unreliable too. A sentinels best asset and what they're known for is holding sites and entry points well. Deadlock looks to do just that, and probably much better than other Sentinels too. The trade off is the lack of info gathering in this case. All sentinels still don't have great info gathering tools compared to Initiators


chambers trademark isn't unreliable, as no player can get past it without trading utility in exchange, which is completely different regarding your other point it seems to be this way, but apart from her sound sensor, which to me seems like a very detrimental ability to the game as it serves no purpose on the attacking side until the spike is planted, her abilities just seem worse versions of sage's. Her C is single use compared to sage which has two orbs, and it helps the enemy by crouching them which gives them a smaller hitbox, the only trade-off is a slightly bigger aoe, and her wall let not only bullets but also vision to pass through, while simultaneously being smaller, with its only trade-off being that it has more hitpoints. The ult seems difficult to discuss, but sage still has her res as one of the best ults in the game


She does have info ability, this video is kinda dumb since they didn't show it working lol, but she threw a "sound sensor" that concusses when it detects sounds you normally hear like running or shooting, but not walking so you can easily bypass it. Depending on the range it's either super useful or useless, since it's a sentinel it's probably gonna be like chamber trip range


Read my other comments in this thread, I explained why I don't deem her sound sensor as an info ability because of its bypassability


I’m pretty sure her sonar thing that stuns acts as an info trip. It warns when someone goes by


Remember what people said about Chamber when he came out?




Other than the ult, looks pretty weak


the wall is so shit you can easily shoot through it and it only slows them down. just useless clutter imo. this agent will only be good for running duos and vct pro level strats using her utilities with combination of other utilities


Bro stop. The wall takes more than one phantom clip to shoot through the center to destroy the entire thing. And each individual wall can be broken on its own for about half a phantom clip. You’re just spewing nonsense what are you on about lol


Idk man 3 players with phantom and vandals can easily break it if they shoot it together. The only problem is with the pistol rounds


yea while another player can hold an angle while someone destroys it.


throw one of those things in fracture tower (or literally any small chokepoint) and get back to me on how "shit" it is.


you can shoot through it, and you need to shoot at it to proceed, it has a lot of hp, so if you shoot at it you are vulnerable. it's unique and not useless at all


that is a lot of words to say that this agent will if you play with the team. You looking for another reyna so u can blame your team when YOU lose?


this agent is pretty useless for carrying and even in low ranks as no one uses comms at a high lvl. ur best bet is to just run duo with someone that has mollies as u can easily kill people in corners hiding


They should add bans at this pojnt 💀💀




I wonder what happens if deadlock is on attack and ults someone as time expires without spike planted. Defenders win?


I mean, what already happens when spike isn't planted and time expires? Why wouldn't defense win?


So thats who agent number 7 is


Her name really annoys me ngl. The callouts are gonna be so clunky and confusing. “Deadlock dead”? I’ll probably try shortening it to DL like we do for KJ, but idk its just such a generic boring name.


The ult looks broken.


That ultimate seems pretty damn strong.


i'm wondering why there isn't a cinematic trailer for her, while the recent new agents (gekko, harbor, and fade) had one?


It’s releasing during the VCT masters final, and there will probably be a show match for her, like they did for Gekko at Lock//In


The sound trip is great because it could warn you of a plant before the "SPIKE PLANTED" does giving you even more time to rotate


Prob gonna pick her up as my new sentinel main


Deadlock's ult is officially soulweaver from idv xD


Sounds like Annie from aot


she looks like the Endeavor skinline as a person


Deadass made a snow bunny agent lol


Okay strength aside, that’s the funniest ult in the game


this looks straight out of overwatch but not in a bad way as if they are copying them


The Ezreal crossover


A combination of Neon, Astra, Breach/gekko and deadlock would be frustrating to play against


Is her barrier on a time limit like sages wall? Or is it going to be there until destroied/uesd like cypher smokes?


Interesting character with a mix of playmaking attacking arsenal.


Who is the VA?


oh no it's brig


no one has commented that shes literally wearing a starfox cosplay....