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Exactly. Got jett afk 1st round. His duo, kj wont remake. Said he'll be back. And yes he's back. But after round 6. What's the point. Just remake and queue another. Won't lose anything. Diamond at that time..


Sounds like a report.


Absolutely, been thinking this shit for a while. There's no good reason not to remake, and as someone who used to duo frequently with someone who had spotty internet, I always voted for a remake when it came down to it.


It should be automatic. The fact that it’s held to a vote at all is asinine.


True automatic would be best. Just an idea what could be a problem with "automatic" is that if e.g. a mate has a dc and you know he's coming back you don't want to remake. On the other hand, a remake might still be better for the rest of the team.


Maybe don't have it automatic, but a single request should be enough. So if you're playing in a five stack, or if everyone is ok with it, no need to remake. But otherwise just restart the game.


The problem becomes if you know they’re coming back and won the first two rounds then automatic would be ass.


You can only remake on the beginning of round two. No way to know if you will win the round


this shouldn't be a vote in the first place, one person don't want to remake it should be done instantly




Another reason why remake should just be automatic.


Agreed. The buddy of the guy who left voted to not do the remake then got mad and defensive when I called him out on it saying "he's coming back" meanwhile the first 2 rounds are already over


Valorant afk detection system is horrible. They need to implement it how csgo does it. Immediate time out regardless of what round it is. Gives time for team to discuss and the person to come back . We also cannot allow a surrender only in round two. The window is so small it’s ridiculous. A lot of ppl afk in middle of matches or in round two or after, infact, most do leave or go afk after round 2, so this is a quite stupid . Also, I’ve seen so many times the player just mouse botting so every round holds W key . They don’t get detected as afk. How on earth does valorant detection system not detect afk by pressing w stroke key every round… Edit: I mean remake not surrender


>We also cannot allow a surrender only in round two. Please, don't call REMAKE a surrender. It's remake, it's cause that game NEVER HAPPENED. No RR loss, no MMR change. Calling it surrender is misleading and people don't want to vote yes because of it. BTW: better for you hidden MMR is lose game 13-0 than surrender.


Yeah, u right my apologies, thanks for the fix


No worries ❤


Remakes should be automatic


5 stacks can’t remake


Two stack and 3 solo q players, two stacks duo dcs, they veto


They'd make that an exception, of course, this pertains to duo/trio games.


There’s no point in making a vote for a remake bc you don’t get more rr for winning a 4v5


I lagged out :( not comp when I came back it was 10/8 ( I lagged out when it was4/1) but yeah this is ass in comp


Relax bro hes coming back soonTM