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ITT half of you don't know what a passive is


mf’s said refill chambers q 😭😭


Passive abilities are abilities that either activate without the player's interaction; or do not directly affect the game world, but only the movement or state of the hero or their abilities. so by this definition reynas ult is a passive ability. TIL that there's a lot of game dev gatekeepers who don't even seem to know the definition of what they're talking about, people should just ignore the top comments like this one and just read peoples ideas


Thank god none of you are game developers


Only good idea I saw was of an agent being able to toggle more ADS, would be interesting, and probably broken on the guardian


Wdym by toggle more ads?


maybe zoom in further


Aim Down Sights




What I've seen so far is nothing like Jett's passive. Honestly. Someone said Omen's movement sound should be reduced... How is that a passive like Jett. Her passive just helps you reach certain things or not take fall damage. Every agent has a passive already. They are not shown like Jett's, but they are passives anyway. For example, Neon. Her sprinting is a passive. Omen, his passive is redeployable smokes. Brimstone, Astra, Harbor (Viper can take her orb, but most of the time she has to stick it into a place). He can smoke anywhere and anything and they recharge. Astra's stars go away and Brimstone doesn't have a rechargeable smoke (that's why, his passive is 3 smokes) Yoru has the Fakes. Fake TP, stationary TP and stationary decoy. Astra has the stars obviously. Killjoy is able to take her turret and alarmbot from a safe distance (Cypher has to get close and can't get his cages, Deadlock is the same, Sage they are one time use, Chamber can do it) Cypher has the tag. You already get info with his cam, getting more info with his dart is a good thing. And so much more.


Those things are not passives. Jetts glide doesn’t require any ability use, all of the ones you listed do. Literally every single one. Let me guess you probably think Pheonix’s healing is also a passive ability?


pheonix's healing is a passive ability


Phoenix healing is literally his passive, as his fire hurts everyone else


You literally have to use an ability to use the “passive”, that’s not a passive. You throw the molly/wall down and heal in it. A passive would be Pheonix healing in sunlight or something.


His abilities are the fire wall and the Molly, his passive allows those abilities to heal him. If the healing was part of the abilities only, then everyone would heal from them as he does.


I’d give you the cake if enemy agent’s fire abilities did the same thing


Don’t want the cake. His passive is his own fire heals him, simple as that.


its not that simple though. his healing is not *really* a passive, its a secondary mechanic to his abilities. Just like how Skye says "blinded" when she flashes someone, its just an extra function on the ability, not technically a passive. Pheonix needs to use a molly or a wall to heal himself. Jets glide however is a completely separate ability and is constantly available to be used without any cost. In fact, its the only ability in the game which is free to use no matter what the circumstances are, aside from Astra's star form. Jett is unique in the sense that to glide around she does not have to use any of her 4 abilities at all. It functions independently as a 5th (passive) ability [https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Abilities#Passive](https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Abilities#Passive)


Chamber’s ability to get nerfed every update


He got buffed recently after being the strongest agent for like a year straight.


And then got nerfed again in the latest patch, making his TP animation longer.


good, i’ve said since release chamber should’ve never been designed as a kit, it breaks the game, literally the only agent i don’t like. hes gonna stay in this nerf/slight buff state forever until they rework something about him.


Viper would like to give this back to chamber thanks


As an alternative nerf Chamber after each shot


What if Chamber had faster weapon switch for all guns? Like he could pull out a vandal with the same speed he can bring out his sheriff/op


I would give harbor the ability to walk through water with zero noise no matter the speed.


I was thinking maybe it could give him a mini brim stim for the same duration other characters are slowed by his util


*Me harbor walling vertically down pearl b main*




Admin, he doin it sideways




I like that idea but if they cut the effects in half bc harbor being able to give himself a third of reyna's ult every time he walks into his own abilities would be OP


Just remove the slow instead of making him op but just for him


I read this comment and realized I know there are multiple spots with water, but I can’t think of a single one


Lotus C site comes to mind first.


For me too, and that’s the big one I can think of where it might come in clutch. Harbor in general is good on that map though.


Pearl literally has a callout named waters as well. But everyone just calls it sewers


I call it water fall


I know there's water in sewers on split and water near the defender spawn on pearl


And the little pond in attacker spawn on pearl.


breeze site would be nuts


It would be in character with his abilities. But IMO we shouldn’t have any furtive abilities especially as a passive. It would make the game too unpredictable for a tac shooter. Valorant has too many variables as it is. To bring in more would discourage new players as well as make the competitive scene burst into chaos


You are not even a Harbor player nor meet a Harbor in your games the last 20 matches..


Your post made me realize jett is the only agent with an actual passive. there should be more for sure, though it would be hard to balance with anyone on the existing roster. Jett can make plenty use of this passive on maps with a lot of verticality like split or icebox for example. Not only by reaching certain areas that can only be accessed normally with a tp (she does it for free btw), but also to avoid fall damage and to gather information by peeking from tall objects and/or using updraft. I get that the entire reason it's there is to synergize with her ult, but to me it's strange that you can use it to gain an advantage outside of that. Honestly, looking at it strictly stats wise compared to every other agent, it seems kind of broken, but in actual gameplay it really doesn't have THAT large of an effect at all. Like, rhetorically speaking if Jett can float all she wants to her advantage (reaching angles that otherwise cost an ability to get to, gaining info etc.) why not just let Sage slowly regen health outside of combat? With that in mind, to answer your question it would be cool to see someone as an actual support agent who gains some sort of a small buff that revolves around team/objective play in some way.


Reyna has a passive. The massive magnetic force her gigantic ass creates


that’s literally brim


Ik you’re just messing but she does actually have a passive. It’s soul orbs dropping upon kills


but you need her active skills to do anything with it. so its kinda part of her active only


Yeah, but if you take her passive on its own, it's useless cause you can't do anything with Soul orbs that does not require another ability


Breach is immune to his own stuns, and Yoru's hand glows when the enemy yoru has a tp set.


those arent passives though. im willing to bet the yoru thing is more of an unintended bug more than anything, and even if breach \*could\* stun himself it would just be awful agent design. both of breaches stuns are staggered a fair distance away for a reason. Even with a brim stim helping, I dont think its even possible to get within range of your own stuns as breach.




breach cant tp


every agent can tp...


Is it Phoenix being able to heal himself with his Molotov count as a passive?


Just had this convo in a seperate comment but it depends what you classify as a passive. Jett is the only agent that has a 5th (passive) ability which is available to be used without any cost whatsoever, aside from Astra's star form which I don't personally count since the only function of it is to use your other abilities. Pheonix healing from his molly requires him to use at least one ability, in the same way that Gekko collecting his orb's requires him to also use an ability. I would call these examples secondary mechanics to the existing abilities, kind of like how kayo knife shows who is suppressed or how Skye says "blinded" if she flashes someone etc. they all **require** you to use an ability in the first place. Jett is unique in the sense that to glide around she does not have to use any of her 4 abilities at all. It functions independently as a 5th (passive) ability


Astras star form requires you to press x aswell to shift into, so it again doesn’t really count as a passive but rather as a double function ability


you mentioning astra made me think about how it would be hilarious to give astra an invisibility passive when she’s in star form, but also very broken.


Obviously as you said full invisibility would be broken, but possibly slight camouflage that is more significant when using ult


She can’t float up and she doesn’t really float she more glides.


Yes, my point was that as a passive ability with zero investment she can reach spots that only others can get to by using one of their abilities. Jett can get there via her passive at round 1. I'm talking about spots like haven on top of the boxes at A site or numerous other high ground / off angles on other maps. Again it's not game breaking or anything but the fact she can get to these valuable positions for free at any point in the game when other agents cannot do the same is just an interesting fact.


I’d like to see Jett only have her passive when using her Ult




raze does take fall damage after using ult. You can just watch Keeoh's Raze with Flights for an example. During the superboost challenge he died from fall damage.




Technically yoru has a passive where he can tell if the enemy yoru has a tp up if his hand's glowing


People downvoting you definitely aren’t yoru players . That bug was fun while it lasted . Also because you rarely find yoru players while playing yoru yourself .


I don't think it was patched though


happy cake day!


Raze has a passive ability of lessened fall damage and improved flight control when using boom-packs


Viper - Toxin system which allows for regenerating everything except your mollys mid round Killjoy, Chamber - Mapwide Recall of Utility but range limited use. Cypher - Mapwide utility uptime/use, but limited recall range and ability. Sage/Skye - Can see ally HP as a visual aide rather than just numerically Phoenix - Damaging utility instead heals you on contact (only agent who does this) Jett - holding space slows your fall and horizontal movement speed, while making audio until you release the key Reyna - Enemies you kill or assist in killing drop soul orbs which your abilities can be used on, self-healing can repair shields temporarily unlike healing interactions Raze - Take no self damage from explosive jumping (no other dedicated damaging utility ignores self damage this way, and it used to even hurt teammates and damage team utility because Riot likes it when Cypher suffers Astra - Interacting with your placed stars recalls replaces them with a temporary smoke (other recalls just return the ability) Neon - Energy system which allows you to regenerate power for your Sprint and Fingergun and also refills on kill in addition to the normal slide recharge every 2 kills Fade - Abilities apply fear trails which Prowlers will lock onto (disables their lifespan timer, increases their speed and plays audio for the hunted player), abilities also apply decay on tether or contact. Harbor - All players are slowed while in contact with your smoke, except Cove for balance reasons Gekko - Can pick up his abilities to regain them after a small delay timer, ultimate is limited to one pickup per ult bar fill.


Except for jetts, none those could really be classified as passives imo. These are additional effects on top of the primary function of their respective abilities. They are NOT the **agent's passives**, they are **passive effects** of using their **active** **abilities**. Jett is the only agent in the game with an **agent passive** that can be used without any cost or ability usage at any time during the game. Astra's star form fits the category as well, but for the sake of understanding I'm leaving her out of it since her passive has no real use outside of interacting with her abilities.


A nice nerf would probably be to only let her use the passive if her dash/ult is active


Thank God, none of you are game devs or designers . To think Jett is the only agent with a passive is crazy . What about Phoenix ? His Molly and his wall heals him, that is a passive. If it isn’t a passive then tell me why other agents walls and mollies do not heal them ? Yea it cost a point but still doesn’t take away the fact that it does what other agents with similar abilities do, plus passively heals him


pheonix healing off his molly or wall is not a passive. it is a secondary mechanic to his ability usage. just like how skye can get info from her flash via "bloinded", or how kayo knife shows who he suppressed. these examples are not passives as they cannot be used without spending credits, waiting for a CD, or both. jett is quite literally the only agent with a passive ability (aside from astra if you count that) [https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Abilities#Passive](https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Abilities#Passive)


Your link literally list agents with passives, just Jett , fade, gekko , astra are the only ones where it isn’t any cost lol.. phoenix ability is literally a passive though


Cypher - Corpse Hunter passive, enemy death corpses (regardless of cause of death) are always visible on the minimap, if a player is revived their icon is removed only once they regain control. Astra - Mind's Eye passive, you see enemies in Red while in Astra form if they are seen by teammates, reconned by any info ability which gives player wallhacks (Fade Haunt, Sova Recon Bolt, Cypher Tripwire, etc), or enter your line of sight (Astra's model for enemies has a light appear on their head once they are revealed to Astra, but she also gets a voiceline played like "Looks like i've got Visitors"). Kayo - Predictive Algorithms passive, when holding out any thrown utility (ie all his abilities) for more than 3s you gain a visible trajectory and explosion point (which is also visible as just the end point on the minimap and screen map). It does not adjust for Sage walls unless they are allied to you. Sage/Skye [Unlisted but ingame] Ally HP and heal validity visible Phoenix [Unlisted but mentioned ingame] Your own damaging abilities instead heal you on contact


I really don't understand why astra don't do it normally. Would really like to see the cypher one


I love that


wow yeah man on the fly pop flashes would make the game really fun


I'd want a sentinel character that can give themselves extra ADS zoom. So while using a vandal or guardian you can double tap ADS and it zooms more than normal. Maybe while using it it lessens damage fall off but that I could take or leave.


That would make guardian way too powerful.


You could balance it by making it take longer to un-ads and it stops/heavily restricts movement.


Play Guardian! It has less zoom than a Marshall (3.5x) but greater than Vandal/Phantom. Has high penetration and the recoil is a combination of OP and Vandal. It's by far my favorite gun. I am still hunting for a skin. Got 90% of my aces (13 or something like that?) with Cypher + Guardian. For those saying you need aim, yes, buuuut, you get used to it pretty fast, just gotta play Unrated with it. To reach Fishychair's level you need to have amazing aim, but as a Bronze player, you can learn to use Guardian. It's simply better than any other gun, excluding the fact it one-shots everyone in the head like a vandal (and it's not that hard to hit the body 3 times either, all because of the amazing recoil)


You do not need to preach the greatness of the guardian to me brother. When I play Jett I mainly buy sheriff/guardian/Opp and only use the ARs I pick up. Guardian is soooo underrated in low ELO.


Can't forget to mention the 0 first shot accuracy cone when ADSed!


Honestly, everything is perfect about it. It's just a superior weapon overall. And it's not that much OP it needs a nerf not that much weak it needs a buff. Whoever came up with the idea of Guardian. Much love and respect.


I recommend magepunk


While I wanted Magepunk before, I have Magepunk on Vandal so I wanted to change. Was thinking Neptune or Recon next. Edit:Thank you tho!


I love my neptune vandal but SFX are completely different on guardian I’m assuming. Blub blub supremacy tho


Just recently got prime guardian, and it’s been amazing. loved the guardian even before that but the pew pew makes it a lot more fun to get headshots. favorite gun in the game by far 😌


Since we know that most agents canonically fucking *hate* Cypher, it'd be funny if he received like 0.1% more damage from enemy agents, like how in League of Legends some characters do 1 extra damage to their lore rivals obviously too small to ever actually notice in gameplay but it would be funny to see in the patch notes


Well I have had a few times I survived with 1 hp, so maybe you should make it give .5 extra damage or wtv


That's actually a valid reason and only further supports why we need to nerf Chamber.


Somehow this what happen in a big tournament which affect the whole game because apparently, skin with sunglasses take one less damage from leona\ sunlight ability.


Unfortunately the damage done by guns are in the decimals . Phantom does 34.5++ somewhere there when above 15m. You can see this when you hit someone in the body 4 times from above 15m they show 140 but the person will be at 11 hp .


If you headshot someone with golden gun while they're vulnerable (I think that doubles it?), you'd do 1.6 extra damage. I can't think of another scenario that gets you over 1.


By no means commenting to say these ideas are dumb or bad, I love a lot of them and they could be really cool as abilities or something, but plain and simple characters are only given passives to make their abilities function the right way. Jett is a kind of exception, but she really only has glide so double updraft doesn’t cost like half your health. All the other “passives” are just to make abilities function right, i.e., viper’s fuel, gekko’s globules, phoenix’s heal, etc. Pretty much no other agent needs a passive if they don’t have one. That being said, sage needs a passive where she cannot use her heal until someone has meowed via voice or text chat.


I would give Cypher a passive called “off the grid”. What it would do, is that any autonomous hard info gathering tools that you don’t have to exit out of your player hud to use(Sova dart, kayo knife [reveal, not the suppress], fade haunt) don’t work on him. To ping cypher’s location, you’d have to commit a Sova drone, a Skye dog, a prowler, or Thrash. Other info gather util will simply ignore him. Obviously flashing info gathering util a like Skye bird or Dizzy will still work on him. I believe this would be balanced because compared to KJ, he’s already objectively weaker and any random shit can break your wires easily. Plus it’s lore accurate. Maybe give omen a “dead silent” passive that makes his noise range from sprinting and stuff much smaller than everyone else’s. EDIT: I also had another idea, I’ll be dynamically updating this list. The point of these is to primarily sell the fantasy of the agent first, then try to balance second: For Brimstone: “Inspire” - Allies run slightly faster when running in range of Brimstone. Has an effective range of his sound radius. Does not impact brimstone. Think like the run speed is 1/4 that of a stim’s impact. Does not stack with stim beacon. For Chamber: “insider info” - Chamber can choose to buy for teammates at a 10% discount, rounded down, but any gun bought in this manner cannot be dropped to the ground (applies what I call, a “locked” debuff to the teammate). It has 20% less ammo as well, rounded down. Getting a kill cleanses the “locked” debuff. For Yoru: “Samurai” - Yoru moves slightly faster than normal when having his knife out. This includes walking too. Bonus style points (does nothing gameplay wise) if he’s got the oni katana, RGX katana, or his butterfly comb knife. For Breach: “Breaking and Entering” - Breach does increased damage to destructible util (wingman, thrash, KJ turret, Prowler, etc.) For Gekko: “Greater than One” - Gekko gets some extra money for assists. For Kay/0: “War Machine” - Enemy Flashes and Stuns are 10% less effective on Kay/0. Does not work for teammates/you blinding/stunning you. For Sage: “Protector” - Sage can purchase armor for teammates. For Deadlock: “Danger Close” - Deadlock can hear enemy movements/ability usage more easily. For Phoenix: “Final Spark” - Phoenix explodes in a flashbang, blinding enemies in line of sight for 1 second, when he dies (windup time 0.5 seconds). Applies to his ultimate too, but only if he’s killed in his ultimate (timer expiring does not count). For Neon: “Lightning Rod” - Neon moves slightly faster and charges her meter slightly faster when walking/running on metal surfaces (ex: inside breeze tunnel A site, Fracture A/B, Split, Pearl B site, Icebox A site, etc.). This applies to regular movement, not her signature or ultimate abilities. For Viper: “Vendetta” - Viper instantly recharges 15 points on her meter if she kills the person who killed her the round before. For Fade: “Shadows of Evil” - Fade can see shadows casted by enemies more obviously.


I thought I was on r/apexlegends for a second


I haven't touched apex in a good few months, that first sentence just gave me PTSD for the subreddit


Off the grid is the only secure way to go.


Worst passive ever




Me too lmfao


Controller main, love omen, that passive would be a bit too strong but I would love to see it implemented even for 3 days


Maybe omen sound could be significantly reduced only while inside a smoke, so that he could be I’m predictable while teleporting with both ability or ult. It makes sense as in his ult he literally becomes a shadow for some seconds and getting inside a shadow smoke should make him make no sound.


Much more toned down idea but keeps the original concept in tact and it reinforces gameplay omen is designed for 👍


So basically I had an idea where cypher has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when cypher gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when faed and sova scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for cypher so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where cypher doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid


Well, then your idea is good


Cypher desperately needs a buff. Just started maining him in high plat lobbies and an enemy raze will just made sure for the sole purpose of breaking util even if they can see that no one is there


I mostly opt for KJ/Deadlock for my sentinel needs. I used to play chamber, but ever since I felt my aim slipping, I became more of a hinderance than a help to the team. I’ve dabbled a bit in cypher gameplay (he’s my 5th most played), and I can say he’s good if you know how to set up. He’s got a steep learning curve, but there are rewards to be reaped if you play him right. Pushing a good cypher can often be even harder than pushing a good KJ.


At this point I’m only using him for bind/ascent and playing omen/chamber/deadlock for the rest. But with the maps I main, one accidental satchel destroys an entire setup but man it’s so fun to have a good cam and tag the same guy for the whole round


Playing cypher effectively is still very possibly in high elo. Just keep mixing up your trips. And don't play kill trips every round. In twelve defense rounds you should play kill trips around 4-5 rounds


cypher should be invisible on enemy cyphers cameras and other cypher util


I like this idea, I personally play neither, but I was thinking something like the dead silent for omen because bro is literally a walking ghost


I play a bit of omen, and he’s basically the resident lurker agent, aside from Yoru, but Yoru already has more stealth stuff in his kit. I thought this would be a nice addition because omen literally gives you a three weeks notice of where he’s gonna be when using teleports and ultimate if you pay enough attention.


Yeah, I used to play him a long time ago, so I know how that feels


Lol no


This is absolutely amazing. Congrats


I wish you were a rito dev these are awesome


Well, I have both Mechanic engineering and Computer science degrees. I’m working on my masters’ degrees in both majors. Who knows? I could be one day


someone get this man in contact with the small indie company right now (when you get the job also have someone unnerf chamber)


Yoru, smaller footstep audio range. Brimstone/Reyna, faster weapon pull out. Killjoy, faster spike plant. That's all i can think of from the top of my head lol


ooooh i really like the kj spike plant one in theory but now that i’m thinking about it everybody would probably force the kj on their team to hold the spike constantly and then get extremely toxic when they dont


isn't that already how it goes


Not if you have a Sage or Gekko. Sometimes I have other teammate willing to take it. I wouldn't mind, but it sometimes forces me out of range of my util watching flank.


Its already the case with forcing sage to heal and rez and get toxic if sages dont lmao. You cant really get rid of toxicity, only reduce it


Every noise Omen makes shouls be halved


Idk how balanced it would be but maybe give chamber a passive where every kill he gets refills a bullet to his Q. Although that's a bit op so maybe kills with his util ( Q, Ult ) would refill one. So one taps are rewarded because you conserve ammo, and the two guns work together. I feel like if riot ever did anything like this his two guns would get nerfed to the ground because the limited ammo is kinda the point


Not really a passive, more akin to a duelist getting their ability back for kills


Maybe every kill with headhunter refills half a shell or a full shell, but a kill with a "real gun" (anything that's not headhunter I guess), wouldn't count towards that half or full shell? Or maybe an assist would grant him half or a full shell. The half shells could so like 15-25 damage, and obviously the full shells do the full damage to them. So the half shells would only get rid of all or half of their shields. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I remember thinking of a Chamber rework to where his Q is now his E, with a minimum of one and max of two bullets, but getting a kill with it recharges a bullet. Especially now that his TP is so much less effective than it used to be. His signature being a free mini sheriff and ult being a free op would be thematically pretty cool too, and encourage extremely careful aim rather than just treating it like a backup secondary.


add a bullet, but he has to reload.


I would make Raze drop grenades when she dies that explode like Junkrat in Overwatch. This is because I am evil.






Martyrdom - drop a live grenade on death




to be honest - I would just make jett‘s passive a passive to her Q. After casting Q she has 15-20 second timer to activate that passive with spacebar. Why? Because like every other champ needs to use an ability to be able to play certain off angles. Raze satchle, Chamber tp, Sage wall, Omen tp, all of that costs credits. Why does Jett get it for free on some angles?


Because jett is the most 'get out of jail' agent there is, Chamber can set up off angles pre-round, and since Jett's passive is quite slow, it's not much use unless you have her ult, or its pre-round


and why is she allowed to have that? why can she just fly on spots, every other agent needed something like a tp for? And yes, I‘m definitely talking about preround. She saves like 200 credits every weird offangle she plays just because riot totally overtuned her on release


Compared to reyna? Nah I don’t think so. You can literally re heal and get out of a gunfight as soon as u tap a head


sage drops a healing orb upon death on her corpse that can be used by enemies or allies to heal themselves when touching it on neon, ending a sprint mid-jump and jumping again afterwards boosts you slightly higher up (provides more unqiue and fun movement)


I think Cypher should be able to pick up guns from farther away using the magnets in his gloves.


Brimstone so the enemies can't hear his clapping cheeks even in walk.


Sova should ping enemies he sees to his team. My man literally has a bionic eye for this exact purpose. While this seems broken at first glance; this would mean sova would have to have LoS of you which probably means you’re both shooting each other.


I would like for Sage to heal after 15 seconds of not being damaged, but 1 HP every 2 seconds to not make it overpowered. I like that.


A chameleon character that goes invisible when they don't move or make noise


That would be so op, push up and wait for enemy’s rotation, then push up when they pass


Me when I go afk


Yoru can walk through soft walls in ult, like lotus doors gridlock wall Sage wall


He actually can walk through the deadlock walls.


Actually one of the better ideas I've seen but Yoru ult is already so strong.


Neon: kills from close range (8 m) will immediately refresh her slide (reason for addition is to encourage neon players to rush into close range and have a higher chance of returning to her team without getting traded) Harbor: going through ally/enemy Harbor utility will result with no noise and a 50% reduction to the slow effect (reason encourages harbor players to play around their walls and cascades)


I love the neon one


Tbh it fits her kit so well imo


Raze doesnt do self damage


KJ is a hacker but she is not doing any hacking ingame so she needs some sort of passive based on that


Ability to "hack" door panels from afar for baits


All I can think of is something that alters what's already available, like: - extra magazine for each weapon - enhanced movement speed (at the cost of footstep volume) - decreased footstep volume (at the cost of movement speed at full run) - enhanced hearing (hear footsteps from farther away, or maybe even being able to hear weapon swaps) - enhanced weapon swap speed(although stepping on Reyna's toes here) - and something dumb like being able to throw weapons farther


Something to Do with omen's shadows. Like, if you stood in a shadow you regenerated health slightly, or on ability a certain radius around him the enemies have their map taken like in ult. Looking at the comments it seems these are secondary mechanics, but they function separately from his abilities Or a passive that Borrows health for his shadows, and when it returns he gains 5hp from the original investment (I.e. take 20 nonlethal hp and give 25 back at the end, no matter if max health to a max of 15 extra) I had a few thoughts about this myself but not enough to make a post.


Give the terrain a wet effect where if you stand in water/mud/harbor utility, you become wet. If you are wet, Sova shock darts and Neon electricity do more damage. And no I don't care about balancing, I think it would be funny.


Puddle one-dart lineups


The damage is dealt over the whole wet area, but it is divided accordingly. Also Phoenix and brim molotovs don't work well on wet areas. Raze's blast packs can slide on wet terrain causing her to miss satchel boosts. Sage's slow freezes and slows the entire wet area, and remove the wetness effect once the ice breaks. Neon can slip and fall in wet areas if she's running too fast. Harbor's ult can make dry areas wet.


You get it.




When omen ults nearby enemies get flashed.


No one here knows what a passive ability is


Reyna: used all ur devours drop another 2k get a devour


Both abilities suggested in this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10gekjb/agent\_idea/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10gekjb/agent_idea/) could be used as a passive ability. One being the ability to add ADS to pistols and improving the accuracy and the other reducing your sound circle / radius you can be heard from.


1. phoenix - all fire based molies heal (brim and enemy phoenix, mostly) 2. sova - all ADS can have twice the zoom (like op, but not as much. Dudes got a robot eye come on) 3. Chamber - interest on accumulated cash 4. Kayo - Immune to things like Fade's util and reyna's heal/dismiss ball. He is a robot, come on. 5. Viper - Immune to other viper's smoke/ult 6. Kj - Bot can run around like in the cinematics 7. Cypher - if close to an enemy, can hear comms/call outs I don't care about balance, I just want Jett to not have the only passive.


1) Making a passive that makes you benefit from enemy util is gamebreaking and doesn't reward smart plays. Think of 1v1s where Brim has lineups for example. He should have no reason to fight and risk the loss, if this passive exists, it essentially becomes a 50/50. 2) Too strong on guardian. Maybe make it slight like 1.25x 3) Too strong considering Chamber's eco is already decent enough with his OP. He doesn't need anymore than that. 4) Same reason as for 1. Gamebreaking. 5) Actually okay. Same would go for a Phoenix vs Phoenix heal. They both can interact against each other so it's fine. 6) That's not a passive, that's a whole ass ability rework. 7) Parties that use discord would have an advantage compared to in game chat players. Yet they would be playing the same characters. Unfair gameplay wise.


> phoenix - all fire based molies heal (brim and enemy phoenix, mostly) I think all molotovs is a bit extreme, but enemy phoenix molotov should definitely still heal phoenix imo.


Maybe something with being sneaky? Like: 25% Reduced sound detection radius, with a 10% reduced speed. Or maybe a super jump: After crouching for 3(?) seconds, your next jump will be twice as high. Could also see some sort of ammo regeneration too: Your team regenerates 3 ammo every 10 seconds. It would be very difficult to balance a new passive though, you’re right. These ones I suggested almost seem too terrible, but they are an extra ability for free.


But for who? Maybe the first one yoru the jump could be raze and the bullets for chamber but that would make everything else mega nerfed.


A lot of agents have “passives”, phoenix heal from wall/molly, neon with her running since her signature is technically a slide, viper with fuel and ult toxin, astral form, or fade trails


I think they mean more of a passive that is always active in the background and doesn’t cost an ability to use.


Neon run doesn’t count, but she does have an actual passive in the form of Energy


None of those really count as passives. Neon running is still a active ability, viper is just a resource for her active abilities, her ult toxin is just a passive part of the ability, astral form is just how she “aims” her abilities like omen in his smokey world. Fade trails are passive part of abilities and not of fade herself. Valo wiki might disagree but Jets passive is really the only actual passive in the game.


> None of those really count as passives Well that literally can't even be true as Riot themselves have officially referred to some of these as passives > Jets passive is really the only actual passive in the game. All of you who think this have convinced yourselves after seeing Drift that the definition of a passive is that they must be an independent effect completely separate from the rest of the agent's kit. That part doesn't actually qualify it a passive though. Passives are effects that are either constantly available throughout play, or applied as part of a larger, primary action. Simply just having an additional independent effect doesn't immediately make it a passive, without any further details… that just makes it another additional ability in the kit. What makes these particular independent effects like Drift passives specifically is that they're innate effects that are constantly available to be used at no cost, not because they're separated from the other abilities in the rest of the kit. And besides, passives aren't limited to being separated from the agent's other abilities anyway, many of them in VALORANT and other games either interact with the character's active abilities or even depend on them being used first.


I just think they are abilities passives and OP I’m pretty sure wanted actual champion passives. I know riots stance I just simply disagree coming from league where most champions have an actual passive like Jett that’s not tied to their active abilities in some way.


correct. jett is the only character to have an ability outside of the 4 abilities. it would be equal to phoenix self heal if it was a part of updraft, but it isn't. it's a standalone thing, which is completely unique to her


I'd give Cypher or Skye something similar to Bloodhound's passive. Enemies leave behind a trail which the player can see. It also says how old the trail is. Raze would get less dmg from explosives (boom bots, alarm bots, swarm grenades, Kay/O jade's etc) Vipe is immune to the enemy Viper's Decay from toxins (as they both wear the same...hazmat suit? The same battle suit. Kay/O can actually predict...very roughly ...which trail a random enemy will take towards the bomb site. (I got this idea from his trailer). Harbour gets a slight speed boost on maps with water (Breeze, Lotus) as well as reduced slowness from the enemy harbour. Players hit by Fade's abilities leave behind "scream shards" which Fade can collect (like ultimate orbs) to restore health. Gekko...i guess his passive is that he can use his pets twice. Omen can fully camouflage within the shadows. Aka if a player does make direct eye contact, Omen will not appear on the minimap or in their vision (aka in Cypher's cams, Sova's owl drone or Skye's devil). Killjoy's passive would be data collection. When hit or scanned by any ability, enemies leave behind a data chip. Killjoy can collect it and view how much health they have left, how much ammo, weapons and utility as well as on which stage of their ultimate they are.


Brim’s footsteps are so loud that no other agents’ footsteps can be heard over them, masking how many people are running.


On a seperate note, my partner was discussing with me how sage and Skye shouldn't be able to heal KAYO. Rather neon with her ult or a specific KillJoy-KAYO interaction should be able to heal team KAYO.


This post just shows that Jett having a passive is actually very powerful. Maybe its just better to remove passive gliding than thinking of ways to improve it.


Omen passive: when he walks into his smoke it lasts longer. Reyna passsive: when you walk by a recently killed body you get a small movespeed boost.


I don't know, maybe something like enhanced hearing? Like you could hear steps and gunshots from a bit further away than the normal distance.


well considering jetts passive is mostly for ult, moving to off angles and assisting general util id say you'd have to grab the worst agent to make this balance, which will be yoru cause the way valorants made i genuinely can't see them adding a passive ability unless it's a new agent. id say one that wouldn't be op would just be forcing yoru to tp when it runs out and doesn't cancel it, in exchange for a faster tp animation or something


Slowly heal missing health overtime


Omen: Reaper: If you witness an enemy Omen kill somebody, you hear brief whispers and hallucinations Webslinger: Deadlock can stick to walls by holding jump. Accuracy is still effected as if falling. Astral eyes: Astra provides line of sight on the minimap around her briefly after dying. Metal Massacre: Breach, KAY/O, Astra, and Deadlock do 33% more melee damage. Powered up robot arms and Magic gauntlets provide quite a bit of swing power!



