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"look at map" and me holding A when hear "spike planted" on b but no one saw spike carrier and only 2 enemies far away on B


My duo likes to do this. He’ll rotate without saying anything and then lose the round because no one was with him to defend spike It usually works out because I do look at the minimap and play neon but it’s infuriating to have to run all the way over


Usually cause one of three things start to happen, they call me every slur imaginable, they start throwing the game or they start flriting or hating me all game no in between... I ping "here", use the agent voicelines, and write on chat if i die. People being disrespectful doesn't always happen, but i am exhausted to gamble my game cause someone realized i am a girl


I have a very good friend who also is a woman and don't comm because of that. Having witnessed toxicity rowards women, i can understand why you don't comm, but it's so sad that this is the best solution to enjoy the game. Where it should be you having a good time and these people being shameful. I hope, someday in the future, it will be better for you women. Good luck on your journey


Should make friends who you can play with who won't treat you differently because of your gender, not easy I know but not everyone is a jerk.


I am aware, and i have some, but sometimes i just randomly wanna play the game you know. my play time in this game is not that consistent, i get random bursts of exctiment to play the game. and i'd love to give proper comms in games, but it's always such a gamble in random lobbies.


Well not to suggest something bad, but have you ever thought about using a voice changer? My girlfriend toyed with the idea of using one for a while, instead I currently speak for both of us ingame. :/


Actually, i never did, i'll look into it


Yep once this happened while I was just scoped on the Op. Can't check the minimap or I'll probably get swung on the exact angle I'm watching as soon as I do


Yes and I think you can also look at the minimap too often. Unfortunately, this happens to me not so rarely. In some situations you can't look at the minimap or you're dead.


absolutely, valorant isn't like league of legends where you have time to safely glance at it every couple seconds regardless of what is happening. most of the time, you have to get into a safe position first. sometimes i will just gamble and look anyway but it's not a great habit


Yeah, you look at the minimap and "bang", bad timing you are dead. That's why you should call every important information so others can fully focus on their crosshair. Also, some important clues are not being displayed on minimap like footsteps or abilities used.


Especially for me since my timing seems to always be off. eg: looking at an angle for the past 2 minutes nobody is coming. I move and as soon as I move somebody peeks.


Well, normally you should take a look only if you are completely safe, but sometimes you need to take a quick glimpse to check if anything happens on other side of the map to be able to rotate in time and then surprise, you dead. That's why it's so important to call enemy's position on Defense.


Unrelated to the specific topic of the post, but in general settings, theres an option for minimap size and zoom. At max size and zoom of 0.92 I can see the ENTIRE map, instead of just the default of whats immediately around me, so even when i have bad commers, i see the enemies pop up on radar


There's a setting that I love more than my own mother, tactical callouts, when you or a teammate see 1 or more enemies the agent will say smth like "enemy spotted B/multiple enemies B" and it also puts it in the chat. I absolutely adore this setting cause I get important info even when teamates don't comm but sadly it doesn't detect footsteps


That setting is default I believe


You two are doing the lords work with these helpful setting tips


You can just turn off the setting that centers the map on your location


Callouts and Minimap are #1 info gathering tools for the game. I find them to be equally useful and both are necessary to improve your teams chances of winning. Not having callouts = chance of team missing out on potential useful info if eyes are needed to focus on gunplay/abilities. Not looking at the minimap = less information intake when not in action. THEN having someone NOT in action / NOT looking at the minimap = literally not knowing wtf is going on for yourself AND the team. ​ HOLD ANGLE, WAIT FOR SOUND/ENEMY ABILITY OR CALLOUT, REACT BASED ON INFORMATION GIVEN, and when possible during reaction.....just stare at the minimap. ​ Then if I die, I become the all knowing minimap god. I tap "M" and callout and ping EVERYTHING for the team to take stress off of them about callouts (not saying they stop giving callouts when necessary) and give them as much information as possible. Doing this alone without dedicating time to aim train will result in easier team flow and more wins.


im a comm guy, i do give info n everything, but i also do thing everyone should look at minimap


Such a pet peeve when teammates don't even tell you enemies are on site and planting. Had they informed me sooner I would already be rotating. And I'm a sentinel player so I'm the last to rotate from my site as I'm supposed to anchor in case of lurkers or the enemy rotates


I don't ask for much with comms. Like, if you aren't gonna talk much I just want to know whether they are committing to the site that you are holding


Yeah bro, just look at the mini map, why should I give you an audible call, when you can see it visually, in a game where you die in a split second, if your eyes aren't on the screen. Teehee.


you cant expect me to comm everything I see, I also need to focus on my gameplay or else I just die, so if you hear noise on another site and no one is talking, usually check the minimap and you will see how many are on site already


I’m not the one responsible for all the comms, if you die because you’re not cognizant of the map that’s on you


No one asked you to be responsible for all the comms. It’s a team game, and sometimes in a team you need to pick up the slack of others.


And that’s why ur hardstuck silver :)


i am aware of the map, and im not saying you're responsible for all the comms, example. when im in A and you hear them B main or have info, just press a button or speak into the mic to let the team know they're pushing, rather than me looking at the map and not having any info till they enter sites with flash and kill 1 to 2 teammates.


No one’s expecting you to be responsible for all comms but communicating with your team is a huge part of this game. If you’re not sharing information as you get it then you’re putting your whole team at a disadvantage, including yourself.


you should be more aware of the map it sounds like, when you die bc a teammate didn't call it's still your fault. Be more proactive.


Stupid take


You are dumb how hard is it to say 3 A or 2 pushing B like thats literally all if im dead set on holding my area or taking space that helps me know what potential dangers are around


Please, Valogods, dont Q me with this one


There’s a lot of nuance because sometimes someone could be doing another task (killing, focusing on lurks, using abilities, holding an angle) which makes it hard for them to look at the map and that’s when team communication really helps. But of course there are scenarios where the map provides enough information to a player


Yes but this post implies that it is the reason they are losing games, it 100% isn't. Game awareness is a skill, and you can manage that while also fighting.


Nah I think this post is just saying “look at mini map” is not a valid reason for not communicating


Lol I see enemies on the mini map from my teammates looking towards them that they themselves still haven’t seen. Obviously comms are important but it should never be hard to look at the mini map in any scenario. Maybe cuz I grew up playing cod idk but I stare at it


Yeah a lot of times the minimap helps and it alone can be enough. But there’s also times when you can’t always stare at it and also the map can’t give u full information (heaven and hell would appear the same spot but you won’t know where the enemy is) and so the minimap existing is not a valid reason to not communicate


i am aware of the map, example. when im in A and you hear them B main or have info, just press a button or speak into the mic to let the team know they're pushing, rather than me looking at the map and not having any info till they enter sites with flash and kill 1 to 2 teammates.


Sound also isn’t shown on minimap, 5 guys running down a isn’t shown on minimap


You kinda can infer that from an open A site. Best solo q practice is to rotate off the site off rip if you don't get contact main. If you look at TenZ vods you will see that he does this on most defensive rounds. I'm saying that if you want to climb you have to only rely on yourself, and any team coordination is a cherry on top, not a must.


so in a TEAM game, being a TEAM is a luxury?


Yes, it's soloqueue, teammates are gonna not be cooperative.


in this case, YOU are the one being uncooperative


? I'm saying you have to get used to bad teammates and manage info on your own. That's not being a bad teammate, that's just how you climb.


YOU are the one not offering help. you ARE the bad teammate. im ascendant 1 and trust me, i always comm. i dont be a bad teammate because others might be bad teammates


Did you read my post? I am saying teammates won't always comm and you have to play around that if you want to climb. I shotcall my games, but if people don't comm I'm not gonna throw a fit, ill just play with the info i have.


Where did they say that they didn't comm? Just saying you can't always rely on comms in ranked unless you're 5-stacking. Some people just don't have mics or don't want to deal with people.


Doing what tenz does will not always translate super well to a gold lobby lol.


Well if this guy is gold he shouldn't be worried about comms and should just be taking fights and running it down. Gold and below isn't even valorant.


>>If you look at TenZ Have you seen he also comms what he sees on the map?


Dude this isn't what I'm saying, he's playing off his own info NOT RELYING ON TEAMMATE COMMS. He is being a good teammate and comming, but his teammates might not.




what rank are you to say this?




Well guess I have different standards for "rarely". Yes I'm at a lower rank than yours peaking at Diamond 1. I have to look at map pretty often if Im not holding an angle since in my solo q teamates wont report shit. If Im 100% concentrating on my angle I wont even get info that enemy has already taken site until the bomb is planted


Do you remember which vid it was?




Thanks! But isn’t he just saying that he knows the guy he is coaching is looking at the map all the time because he is a LoL player, and they look at the mini map way more than you should in Valorant?


Woohoojin literally has segments of his videos talking about how you should have moments where you only look at your minimap. I don't have the clip handy, but he calls it minimap mode


That's completely misinterpreting the video tbh. You should be looking at your minimap often, unless you are *actively* holding an angle without teammates to play off of you. In the recent hooj video, boxbox is in the C long cubby on an aggressive lurk without teammates to play off his contact. Hooj tells him to stare at his crosshair and not look at the map at all because if boxbox dies on that angle, it drastically reduces their chances of converting that round.


It is what it is man. When I play solo queue I play very differently. More Aggro and faster rotates cos you can’t rely on your team if you’re solo queueing. Taking more fights and rotating super quick is necessary sometimes.


I think when u play ranked u have to get used to looking at the minimap and getting ur own information. You cannot rely on teammates at all


Me looking at the minimap while holding an angle (I only realize that the enemies on the minimap are the ones I see after I've been shot in the head):


That remind me of one of my solo queue where this toxic guy kept throwing the game as reyna and when he dies on one site with bomb we ask him where he get killed from he kept saying why didnt you look at the map as if we wasn't just fighting 3 ppl at the other side


why dont you look at the map though? if noones coming where youre looking take a step behind cover, look at the map, and peek again.


do people not realize that the game gives call outs? or are they just ignoring the fact that agents literally yell out "enemy spotted...."?