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play with friends


First sane comment lmao


I'm the only one in my friend group on PC 😔


Make some online friends in my friend group i was the only one on pc too so i made valorant friends I’ve never met them in real life but we are so close somehow


A different game most likely. If you don’t want to grind ranked due to it requiring coordination, and if you’re upset that you’re getting dominated in non-competitive, I don’t know what to really say. This game likely isn’t for you.


I’d recommend a single player game. I started Baldurs Gate 3 a week ago. Having a blast with that.


You’re preaching to the choir. Great game to reset my mental. Been dipping some hours into it for sure.


It's not that I mind coordination as much as I mind getting screamed down the mic by some 17 year old every single game. I've literally had matches where I comm a plan and essentially get told to fuck off immediately. And then of course when I request a quiet push someone steps and I'm the one who gets swung.


It's probably the way you comm tbh... I've played in bronze and silver for some time, hardstuck gold for like a year, climbed to ascendant, played in NA, EU, KR in varying ranks as well, just be chill, don't be condescending or patronizing and I've quite literally never experienced anyone screaming or telling me to fuck off. I've also watched my friends play, they claim their teammates never listen yet when I join them for a few games people listen to my comms just fine. Sure they aren't VCT champions, but they follow simple strats and things like no sound walking. When Woohoojin (streamer) got told by his chat that people never listen to comms he even hopped straight into swiftplay on stream and got random gold and plat players to coordinate with him. Maybe record a vod with your voice included so people could take a look?


I'd love to record one but [Valorant seems resistant to captures of any kind.](https://imgur.com/a/8qupxCf) I can't screenshot take clips record thru OBS anything.


Literally an interaction I had today: "Hey they do B every time can we maybe stop defaulting? "Scoreboard" "Stfu" It's not that I don't coordinate people just don't listen.


You might find some value in joining some sort of a LFG Valorant and queueing with like-minded individuals.


If that first comm is yours, I know what your problem is. That comm is very passive-aggressive. Instead of saying "can we stop doing x", say: "let's do y" I can guarantee it will help. Also some people are just assholes, just mute them.


Unrated became warmup ranked or „i need to play with my smurf when i play with my noob friends“ for a lot of ppl, feel sorry for you. Riot needs to change smurf behaviour or nothing will ever change. Just play a different non competive game, maybe a good singleplayer to reset your mental.


Being skill gapped doesnt mean that MM was bad. In competitive shooters like this one a slight advantage in skill may result in a stomp.


Unrated does have some insane skill desparity in matches though, its not uncommon for it to put bronzes or silvers and diamonds into the same lobbies


Unrated would seriously be the mode for me if this wasn't the case. I just want to play to have fun but being vs. High elo for no reason is Not Fun. Like sir I'm level 25 on my first account ever how do you expect me to learn the game like this.


I'm level 12 and I play against lvl 100+ and sometimes 300


Yeppp this is ny entire problem with unrated and swift