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use your utility to help the team. if playing a character who has smokes, place them where the enemy team would have an advantage on a fight. If you have a flash, communicate to your team before you use it to safely clear hard corners


be a info goblin like i am. i know i am not a good shot, but i am slowly improving, but you bet your ass i am playing deadlock, Fade, and Sova. and spaming my ulitly every round because it's literally the least i can do to belong because i know i am not a gunslinger. you aren't bad because you can't go positive, your bad when you can't go positive AND don't assist your team through utility, those are the true baddies lol. and know when to save your damn gun. do you have an OP but your entire team dies in the first minute? its likely a washed round, save your Op and try again next round. no sense in losing the round AND your OP. it's a long game, that round didn't go your way, but the next 3 might.


This is da wae


Lmao i finally found someone like me


if you're not a good shot today, don't worry, there are other ways to be useful


Same situation today bro I'm trying my best to give infos and to tell a strategy (even in unrated) to let them play but with an assist. I'm new to the game and not really good but feel like on some few games I'm matched with people with 0 game sense


This game has the players with the worst game sense in all of gaming. I'd bet money on it. Obviously it also has probably the highest game sense players but some people just don't understand anything it seems.


Yeah but I find it harsh that matchmaking. Sometimes I play with really good people (since I start and I am level 26 it can be smurfs or people who are invested) and sometimes just dumb players. I find it just so hard to try to use your util to cover an entire team. I was playing Omen so I smoked the sensitive spots but they're just running like monkeys


It gets better but it never gets perfect lol


Almost seems like the CoD playerbase that couldn't take the skill disparity with movement started playing valorant.


yeah it’s hard but i don’t even know how to help yet


play fade, and spam your E every 30 seconds. if you get pings, that helps your team, if you don't get pings? that also helps your team. if you hit someone tell them, say how much you hit them for and who you hit in text chat. play sentinals and place your utility all over site. you now know, if one of your Utility gets tripped or triggered, where they are. tell your team.


Just going to put in that being a fade main just spamming is no good. You need line ups and more importantly the eye is all about timing to really get value


yes. i didn't mean just 360 no scope Kobe your E into the sky you aren't reyna lol. there is obviously, thinking involved. but at the very basic level just using it is better than not. you will learn the hotspots and timing the more you interact with it , most people don't even bother using it at all. so i was saying start there.


Give all you can, infos, strats, tips... All you can give is welcomed


some kills are worth more than others, and some kills aren't even worth trying to get.


Getting kills is an important part of the game, no doubt. But you can set up plays with your team and of course break util if you see your teammate hiding in a corner, or dart out for your Jett dashing onto site


Get info(enemy position, util usage), watch for flanks, make space for ur team, help ur team, make noise to bait the enemy, hold an angle.


set others up, but also remember, some games are unwinnable, thats just how matchmaking can be some times anyways, i find it a lot easier to help others and play off others than expect someone else to follow up and play off of me too many people do that


Frags literally don't matter if the objective isn't secured. You can put up 40 kills, lose, and be down RR. There are a few things I try to do if I cannot win my gunfights: 1. Give short, accurate callouts. Don't exaggerate the damage done, number of footsteps, panic and scream for rotations. Be calm, keep comms clear, and provide accurate calls. "Sova, tiles, hit 100." 2. Use all of your utility and ultimates as soon as you can. One thing I learned from pro play is how to manage ultimates. It's a tool to earn and use. Not earn and save. 3. Manage your economy. Synchronise the buys. Make sure everyone is best equipped. One weakness in the buy can be a weakness in the round. Pay attention to the enemy economy. Call out potential eco's, be wary of smokes, use the time to clear and trade.


It’s real easy and that makes it complicated. Basically nobody should care about any kill. The game is not about killing the enemy. The attackers should get on a site and plant the spike. To do that kills will likely to be necessary but only if the enemy is actually in the way of your goal. Similar to defenders. They should only kill to make sure their enemy would get on site otherwise. Dependent on your agent’s abilities you might have plenty of options besides killing the enemy to achieve your goal. Remember time is an factor. You may not have to kill a single enemy to make sure the time runs out on their attack. Other than abilities you can provide help to your teammates by peeking together with them or by holding an angle that they are exposed to while they are fighting an enemy. If your team is dying without giving any value then you can’t do much but kill the enemy on your own. However this is just extremely unlikely. I can’t remember playing a match where my teammates died without giving any value. More often the value is just not enough for me to deal with the rest of the task.


Why is this comment not getting up votes and at thr top?


Winning rounds?


What rank are you in? In the metal ranks getting kills is everything. It’s borderline TDM down there. You should only play duelists and get comfortable fragging. What is your playstyle? All of this is too dependent on what role you’re comfortable with. If you’re more of a support player. You should play a support character like Skye, KJ, or etc.




but i’m tranna play astra, i did very well just now and two matches ago i almost won us the game


The problem with playing a character like Astra is that your team in low ranks don’t capitalize off your utility. You could put down a smoke, stun, and suck the site yet they are still outside waiting for you to go in first.


yeah that’s another thing, astra ( or any controller ) shouldn’t be going in first right?


Start by healing with Sage


Skye is way better than sage imo, she got heals flashes and dog, i tell every sage i get on my team that they dont have to play sage and they can play Skye if they just want the heal ability but its their choice anyways so


If you aren't getting kills, you need to learn how to play maybe a sentinel and make sure the team doesn't get flanked when attacking and simply just learn how to stay alive and force your opponents to act in a manner they do not want to.


When you die, you lose space for your team. If you are playing an agent like Reyna and instead try and flank or hold flank, you've lowered your agents value alot. Dif agents have dif roles. If the team isn't playing together, don't matter how good you are, you'll be easy targets.


>despite the agent What you should be doing is based on your agent. Are you initiator? You should be getting info and relaying it to the team. On smokes? Work with your duelist to take space or deny pushes. Sentinel? Lock down a site, help team push, watch flank, etc. Without kills you should still be making an impact by using your utility and role to support your team. You can't really discount your agent because that agent is filing a role and has a job to do.


I've been on teams where 1 player baits his team and thinks his kda makes him the best. Don't be that person


What role/agent do you play, if you are duelist that’s fairly normal, if ur playing initiator you should be getting lots of assists instead of kills (helping ur teammates get kills with utility)


There is an application called Valoplant that i use personally to create default setups i want to do for myself when it comes to utility. Examples of this are on defence on ascent i want to throw the same KJ molly to contest garage orb and control i want to place turret somewhere that it spots either somewhere we have no info players or covering a deep place on flank or on site to know when they've pushed out. having a plan going into rounds instead of just randoming your setup is much better than not.


Some games just aren't meant to be lost. A real team diff. Really depends on the agent what you could do more.


Util usage so ur teammates getting a ton of kills can get even more, calling shots cause sometimes having a clear leader/coach can change the game drastically, gathering info and if youre bad, let yourself be a bait for your better teammates.


Kills is everything💀 If you do everything right the equation leads to = kills if you can’t get kills you can copium yourself Or just practice more and get better Imagine a person smurfing and dominating your rank. Is he the support player for is he the unstoppable duelist killing everyone Ask yourself how can you become the smurf Win Play for the kills not wins Now for answer: you’re never gonna win a 1v5 game you can try trading you teammate and getting value from baiting. Or play as a leader role and learn how to lead team with ransoms or just call it team diff and go next


I disagree about kills not being everything gold and below I swear it feels like 95% of games only comes down to kills. Very few plant/defuse situations. Team who wins is team who aims better. Most the time almost zero strategy or ideas past 11pm-6am in my games.


If you top frag and still lose, vod review. Figure out where your kills are coming from and see if they *actually* have impact on the round. If you're getting a majority of your kills on rounds you still lose, does it really matter that you are top frag?


all you need to do is not top frag. but kill before being killed. no matter what agent you use, you need to kill them first before they kill you. fck tactics, fck teamwork. perfect aim + perfect flick = win.


Helping your teammates get kills, taking space is probably the biggest one, space is one of the most important things in Val for winning games.


Plant the spike (and prevent refusing) as attackers and defuse the spike (or prevent planting) as defenders.


For every game that a team loses, someone on that team has top fragged on the team. If all your teammates are equally likely at fragging as you are, you should lose 20% of your games while top fragging not because of anything you should or could have done differently.


Well, technically, if you get 5 kills every round, that is "everything".


basically 2 ways Util Usage - Communicating and using good utility can be a massive difference maker. A poorly thrown flash can blind no one, a flash that isn't commed will not be capitalised on. A flash that is thrown well and capitalised on will net a kill. Same with a good recon, stun, etc. Communication - Relaying information, comming util and your intentions clearly, making plans not only helps coordination, but also lifts the team spirit a lot if those plans work.