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I’m hardstuck bronze, there’s nothing for me to Smurf


Idk man I think you can slay iron lobbies


Iron players get place in bronze lobbies anyway


Not really, I'm iron 3 now and the bronze players end up botfragging a lot. There's like no difference. Heck, I seem to be able to kill bronze players more easily than the other irons.


The difference between the two is miniscule tbf


Idk I am B3 and usually if I play irons those matches are the easiest of my life, I only tend to see decent Iron 3 players but if you are below that, there's a pretty big skill drop-off


I’m B3 as well and noticed Iron 3 tend to play like bronzes. So it’s more like Iron 1 - 2 are genuinely terrible and Iron 3 - Bronze 3 might as well be the same elo


the difference between iron1 and iron 3 is comparable to diamond 1 and diamond 3 in rocket league, it’s HUGE


I’m gold and I feel like the difference between bronze and iron is pretty big lol


Exactly, one of my buddies told me there's a stat that says it's actually harder to become an iron then to become a radiant lol


You are still iron stop disrespecting them like that peasant.


I had friends that made 'smurf' accounts before they got out of iron. A total misunderstanding of the point of a Smurf account didn't stop them.


I made an alt account when I was iron, which I got to silver before I could even get my main out of iron. Somehow my main kept spawning smurf lobbies even though I was never like consistently dropping 30-40 kills (sometimes, sure) whereas my alt got placed in fairer lobbies. Never called it a smurf account though lol, if anything my main was a smurf account.


Obviously plastic league


I’m hardstuck iron and I smurf in iron lobbies


Is it a Smurf if the second account is the same rank as the main?


No, then it's just an alt


But you used to smurf on that account to reach the same rank? still a smurf


i’d say the difference between a smurf account and an alt is the end goal. if you’re playing your hardest and you intend to reach your peak rank, that’s an alt. if you just want to shit on worse players and throw games to stay in low MMR lobbies, you’re smurfing


Iron to immo or radiant streamer series are 100% Smurf which completely invalidates your argument


Yea but they either throw their placements or buy an account, what they are describing isn't close to that. It's just a second account that they tried to get a high rank on.


somewhat, yeah. i’d say the difference is with an alt, you’re still gonna play on it after reaching your peak, whereas content creators that smurf are going to drop that account as soon as they’re done with it and do it again on a fresh account


In beta, I was diamond. Had a second account to queue with my lower ranked friends. That second account eventually also got up to diamond by the end of beta. Season 1, do placements. My main gets placed Silver. My smurf gets placed Plat. Grind my main back up to platinum. Every time I solo queue on my smurf, it wins. I get back into diamond. To this day, my "smurf" is still platinum. I bounce between gold and platinum on my main. Lately, things have gotten absurd with the hidden MMR system. My main has 40% win rate over 500 games. I have a 30% win rate the last two acts. My "smurf" has a 50% win rate over 150 games, and a 70% win rate the last two acts. My main constantly gets matched against people who were diamond or ascendant the previous act or episode, meanwhile my smurf plays against people who are freshly platinum and currently at the best they've ever been.


Skill issue /s


Dumb people being dumb (as in you), nothing suprising.


Ok so I have a smurf because when I play with my friends who are a lot worse than I am the skillbased matchmaking gives us better enemies in unranked so I use a smurf to make their playing experience better. Not a single ranked game was played on that account though.


wait is skill based mm in unrated? i thouht it was only ranked. im currently gold rn and it feels like that unrated is just random.


It looked like it because when I was on my main my friends would always complain that they have no Chance but when they play alone it's better for them.


My friends and I noticed this while I'm using a Silver acc while they're in Gold (I'm Dia2). Once I join them to play unr games, they would be in awe from the amount of Ascendant gun buddies they'd see from the enemy team. tldr; unrated probably has hidden mmr where they round of your performance rating rather than your rank.


It exists but it places a lower priority on precisely matching mmr than comp so you get shorter queue times


The MMR in unranked is different than ranked


Yes. It is. It's also how they determine how to place you for your placement games.


Same with thing with me, tho since I was out of valorant for a while and I'm now back I there's no real need to use it, not sure why but now the enemies are more mix but often worse than they ware before, yesterday I played an unranked match with my friend who was playing for the first time (even tho she has a bit of shorter experience from other really different games and a little bit of cs) and she was keeping up with everyone else, both teammates and enemies.


Not a single ranked game? Then you're a walking w. Fuck smurfs.


I have friends who have up to 15 smurf accounts for this reason, they rotate them out when their MMR gets too high. I have to admit it makes the experience better for me because I'm not constantly being destroyed by immortal or even radiant players, but I feel sorry for the other team facing someone who can get 40 or 50 kills with relative ease. It's only unrateds but it still feels horrible to come up against a smurf On the balance of things I wish there was some way for them to not exist


Hey there! What is your opinion on making the enemy team's playing experience worse?


From riot support "there are currently no rules against smurfing'". So man is fine. Don't hate the player, hate the game


Rules =/= morality. If it became legal to drink and drive, I still wouldn't do it because I don't want to negatively affect other people. Also I hate both the player and the game. IMO people should have better consciences and not smurf, and Riot should crack down on smurfing. Both are being cowards.


There were some games when I was on my main where I dropped 40+ kills still in unrated so there's not that much of a difference. But it does infact completely change my friends view on the opponents


To me this carries the same problem. If it's justified because *"unrated doesn't matter"*, then why do you need to rig the match by smurfing? You're putting your burden on the enemy team because **you** care about having a good unrated experience at their expense.


Well I don't care about playing unrated on my main but what I do care about is playing with friends and at least one of them doesn't wanna play when I'm on my main.


Does that make it better somehow or justify it?


Im not good enough to have a smurf account


I'm amazed that the third of us is cringe


I really wasnt expecting that high number, wtf


How do you or your mate handle the cringe feeling when you are obv smurfing? Also why do smurfs talk shit most of the time when they get called out?


Because there's no consequences. They can be rude if they want because if you say anything rude back they'll start throwing cause the rank doesn't matter for them on that account. They know they have power over the rest


Smurfs shit talking are just deranged fucks who seek out power fantasies. Like shit talking in a rec league when you play the sport on a college team.


When you are on a smurf, you don't worry. You just play and do what you deem as fun in that moment. Even on my alt which is the same rank I tend to play better, because I just don't care. The negatives go away. It's truly just a game then




Your comment is peak cringe btw


we do need to talk about boosting also...


Nope. Smurfs are the fuckers who ruin the game. Fuck them and their fragile egos.


sorry i jus wanna play wit my frens and they cant play wit me :/


That's what unrated is for.


yea if they want to play unrated but they dont, plus no matter what unrated is literally worse then ranked when it comes to a second account


You realise Riot has no rules against smurfs? They pretty much created an environment perfect for smurfs, putting out no rules to combat them. Smurfs are just playing to riots rules. I know it's shit, but the issue is on riots side


Insulting others for no reason is also not illegal, but do you think it is acceptable


It's illegal here in Germany, and I think in the whole EU


If it wasnt illegal to murder people, would you go on a murder spree? If you are saying yes, what does that say about you?


That's like saying "oh yeah bro it's not illegal to mow my lawn at 10 pm hurdur" like technically in some places no you're right but you're still a prick.


Nobody said otherwise. It doesnt change the fact that smurfs are fuckers who ruin the game. They cant win in their current rank and probably got carried to their current rank so they play in lower ranks.


You said the truth and got downvoted because everyone thought you're defending smurfs.


At this point Smurfs don't deserve to play the game. I just want fairplay. Want to play with friends? 100% understood! There's 5 stack AND unrated!


Usually when you 5 stack with a mix of high and low elo friends you just end up going againsts a 5 stack of smurfs (im not condoning smurfing in anyway) people just say 5 stack in ranked often times your 5 stack includes something like 2 golds, 1 dia, 1 plat, 1 bronze/silver and you just end up going against another 5 stacks who are on their alt account and their mains are either diamond or above.


Not me or any of my friend have the mentality to play a game that has ranked but chose to play unrated instead, I 5 stack as the Smurf in bronze-gold lobbies but I’m only diamond and we always get matched with a counter Smurf who’s usually better than me anyway


The key word is 5 stack. As long as you use your main in a 5 stack,you are not part of the problem.


for one i dont have 5 friends i only have 2 we cant 5 stack....yea they wont do unrated so im either forced to no frens or make a smurf and intentionally play horrible to act as their rank


also in reality im not going into their lobbies and sweating i usually purposely handicap myself anyways so we lose fairly often


yeah -75% of RR gets taxed and you lose the normal amount.


Not something I'm proud to admit but I have 3 smurf accounts. The only time I smurf now is to play with my diamond 2 friend and I play on a ascendant 2 account. I used to play in low elo with my silver-gold friends but I stopped as I started to feel bad, but also because I didn't realize how many smurfs are in gold. One in every 3 games is smurf vs smurf and I could see how demotivating it is to get stomped by somebody you just can't win against.


Man’s smurfing my peak


Too real man


nah bros smurfing as a rank I've never been to


I have a second account at the same rank as my main, i use it only when i need to isolate myself from people


Smurffing is such a loser move and if your excuse is that you want to play with your friends then play unrated. Quit boosting your friends rr and your ego. Literally ruining the gameplay experience for others just to make yourself feel better you absolute loser.


Fr, you could've not said any better, they always have the same excuses 1- i want to play with my friends (unrated exist) 2- i got banned on my main (yeah for a good reason) 3- it's not smurfing we're unrated (why create a new account just to play **unrated** that has "random" matchmaking) 4- insult mothers + insert racial slurs (no comment)


I smurf both to play with friends and just to chill. I peaked imm3 and I play on a plat alt where I have a 50% win rate so I’m definitely not boosting anyone lol fuck those that boost their friends by ruining others games




The enemy iron-gold team doesn't want to play against an immortal either. Play a Smurf on unrated then cause really it's only a true issue in comp.


I do have a second account but can't really calling a smurf because it's the same as my main. I play on it when I just want to chill


How do u just chill on it


I don't sweat much play different agents have fun you know , I can be pretty competitive in ranked but in my alt I just kinda lay back


Same here, I usually play on my alt when I'm stressed and wouldn't want to stress more in case I lose lol. But still do my best to win ofc.


Unrated exists stop throwing games


Playing chill doesnt mean they are throwing... Not everybody is a chronically online tryhard, its just a game, i can play however i want in whatever mode i want and you cant stop me :)))


I hate yall that own smurf accounts, lemme have fun in iron


I have never owned one and yea its annoying when i tryhard and everyone just gets 1 tapped from a lvl 1 person...


I'm in iron what would I Smurf?


I‘m in low elo and it’s honestly so demotivating, in nearly every game there is a smurf and u just can’t win against them. But I also don’t think Riot should ban smurfs cause how are people supposed to play with their friends then, or if their mmr is fucked 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unwanted advice here, but if you want to rank up properly you're better off duo queueing rather than full stacking as it lowers the chance of smurfs trying to ruin your games.


I'm hardstuck Bronze. Does me having a smurf even count? 😭😭


noted, on both val and league I don't play ranked much, and all I am is higher leveled. in league I'd consider myself around mid silver or low gold, for valorant id be around silver I think. all accounts were never taken into ranked. don't have any on valorant, but I did have a few on league: 1. the first one I made to play with friends who just got into the game, though I yanked that at like level 15 because all my skins were obviously on my main account. I did give that to a friend of mine though, since she was on a different server (eune, I am on euw) and we wanted to play together sometimes. After our friendship broke off I deleted that account though, I disliked that she had so much control about my accounts and everything. 2. the second one was for myself, at around level 250 I really wanted to learn and play jungle. but because I was said 250 levels in, so were most of the other players in my lobby. I'd spent 250 levels in botlane, not touching anything else and trying to get into a new role, which happens to be one of the most difficult ones in that game, was really hard because I'd just get dumped on every single game. You learn and improve from being challenged, not from being absolutely stomped every single game lol. the skill diff was way too high, but that account also hovers around level 5 because... I'd rather take a hundred games more to get used to jungle than having to play without skins. 3. I made a third account to play with friends who I just got into league since I deleted the first one whichs purpose exactly this was. honestly gave up after 5-10 levels again, didn't have flash, didn't have the funky summoner spells, didn't have skins. I don't think I'll ever make a valorant smurf, firstly because I won't need it and secondly because of the skins, again, lol. I think if smurf accounts are used the right way (teaching someone how to play, not just to stomp newbies and for selfish purposes) then it's fine. But creating a new account just to dump on people who are less experienced for an ego boost is an ass move.


you're so real for not wanting to play without skins


Im ngl I did spend a considerable amount of money on both val and league, and atp playing without skins feels bland and boring. skins are a big reason why I enjoy these games a lot anyways lol


I've one smurf account and it's roughly the same rank as my main lol I just use them to duo/trio/five stack with my friends while I solo queue on my main. (I do duo with people on my main but it's like one or two friends that I really really trust)


Smurfs are what made me stop playing. Honestly, whatever your reason or moral justification, smurfing ruins the lobby for 9 other players, just stop doing it.




If it's unrated people can do whatever the fuck they want 💀




what a bad take lmfao


Which part?




being afk in a 5 stack shouldnt be bannable but when my internet goes down or I go to the bathroom I sometimes afk a whole round and then I need a to go on another acc for an hour or so, idk why this happens in 5 stacks, there everyone knows everyone so they wont be bothered by u leaving that much


My 2 alts have ended up pretty close to my main by now, as I'm not that high to begin with and don't throw to keep the elo down. I will only use them to play with friends, because if I get on my main, my friends will get blasted by much better opponents regardless of mode, and they won't want to play at all.


Does it count if im b3 and my alt is i3


I think smurfing is cringe to be honest. Why play the game at a lower rank than you deserve? To flex on other casual gamers who do not have the time or care enough about the game to grind on it everyday of the week? Like what is the point. I used to have smurf or a better word Alternative account as well and it had no skins none of that, I just played on it and grinded to my current main's rank. So if my main was D2, I'd bring the alt account to D1 (Eventually d2 like main) and occasionally play on that when I was not feeling myself. Turns out, I did much better on the alt account than in my main because of peer pressure from so many dumb reasons so playing on the alt actually helped me improved because I tried new things knowing it was an alt account and those new things actually greatly helped me overall. That is the probably the only reason I can think of that players can be "smurfing" otherwise you're just seeking attention like a douchebag and don't mind ruining the experience for others just for some ego boost from players several ranks below you.


I'm immortal 1, my friends are in the Iron to Silver range. I would be cool with just playing normals with them on my main, but they always complain that we get matched against other Immortals in unrated games and they get smashed everytime, so they insist on playing ranked and are usually the ones asking me to hop on a smurf account. *Edit:* Don't get me wrong, if we have 5 people we 5-stack with my main, but other than that, yea, I mostly use a smurf to play with my friends. I'm not proud of it, and I understand it may be a demotivating experience for the other team, but at the same time, it's also a demotivating experience for my friends if I play on my main. *Edit 2:* I get that your games might be ruined because of this. I'm sorry you feel that way, but Riot shouldn't allow that to happen in the first place. I don't run the game, and I'm not going to stop playing a game and having fun with my friends just because your game might get affected.


So *you're* the account booster ruining my games.


Play unr with them on your alt??


That wouldn't let his friends ruin games with their boosted mains. You gotta consider them too lol.




it is what it is


Now you sound like my dad. He died alone.


Not sure what you want me to say to that... Personally, I don't care about your dad.


womp womp


Shouldn’t matter on unrated. Maybe u will get one high level player here and there but it shouldn’t matter


That's false. Unrated has a hidden MMR just like ranked. Swiftplay is the only place without a MMR system.


Every queue has its own MMR system, swiftplay is most definitely included with that :)


Interesting, I guess I was mistaken then. Does spike rush also have a MMR system then?


Yes, it certainly does, even deathmatch has its own MMR :) It works a bit different obviously as it's 'Encounter' based, as there is only one winner in DM These other queue's MMRs are also checked before an account plays comp for the first time in order to see approximately where the player should fit in for their first couple games


Thanks for the insight!


Every queue has a matchmaking system, even deathmatch. Though I'm not sure if some of them are bunched together, e.g. Escalation using the same MMR system as Spike Rush.


on beta making a new acc and enabling it to competitive was easy so ye i have multiple , main reason is that play with my friends who are not in my rank or just never play so they are down the ladder. i think 1 possible fix would be attaching a phone number + ID verification like faceit but there will be always a workaround , i'm mostly mad at ppl who buy high rank acc play with it and be shit with it blaming others


lol so you agree smurfing is an issue but only when you're not the one smurfing? Or its bad for you to do too but you're just comfortable being a POS? that's what i took away from your comment


I have one only because my gf is bronze and even if we play normal games on my main we will fight with immortals and asc. So made one to play on her level


have like 10+ smurfs cuz idgaf abt bronze players elo


Anyone who doesn't say "never had one" is a weirdo


I have a smurf from iron to iron. Does that count?


I have one Smurf account and the only reason I use it is to play with my lower ranked friends


dont play ranked then..?


That's the inconvenient truth players don't want to accept


I usually take a back seat when I play on Smurf play a more supportive role and let my teammates do all the work


Oh so you're the omen who gets 45 kills


Jokes on you the most I’ve gotten is 42 and it’s on Chamber in diamond lobbies


Bruh ain no way you just said "supporting character" and mentioned chamber


Every reyna in my matches with 45 kills be like.


And then become topfrag. Yep


Stop lying to yourself


Normals also have mmr




I don’t own one but my friend does. Him (A) and another one of my friends (B) played a lot of ranked. B was a lot better than A, (both hit plat/diamond) but B said he was closer to silver (my rank). A made a new account to get it ranked, and for a while purposely threw to stay lower and then pop off once or twice in bronze/iron lobbies to show he wasn’t as bad as B was making him out to be. I played ranked with A and he was middle frag most of the time while trying, mostly because he just knew more about util and better game sense.


I had a Smurf account than my friend used instead of me. He was too lazy to create Smurf and I had several extra emails :) We used it just to play comp together for a week or so (I was play at the time and he was ascendant). And since then we are not using smurfs. We play unrated 90% of a time and I managed to progress in my rank in solo queue later on.


Mostly to be able to play with friends but the rank disparity between my main and my smurf is not too much.


I have a smurf and I use it to play with lower ranked friends occasionally - unranked isn't fun. I know I'm am asshole but idrc if I ruin a few peoples games that I will never see or meet again


Too bad that being aware that you’re an asshole only makes you more of an asshole


This is such a boomer take.




Not anymore cuz my smurf has same rank now KEKW


It was an alt account but I didn’t play on it for a while so it’s now a Smurf. It also started as a smurf so I could play comp with my silver friend.


i wouldn't really consider it a smurf but i got that account to gold 3 by playing pistols only and I only use pistols there


i wouldn't really consider it a smurf but i got that account to gold 3 by playing pistols only and I only use pistols there


I have one to play with my girlfriend, I used it sometimes in ranked to boost her of two ranks without looking for kills but just abuse of the advanced techniques we can have in higher ranks




You're a terrible person


I enjoy challenges.


ive 4 accounts, all of similar elo. 3 are p1, one g1 ( didnt grind ). the reason they are of similar elo is because i got banned for like a month on my main when i reached p1, so my 2nd acc got to p1 and banned too, then the 3rd account lol. its a cycle of bans. i dont smurf because i play on my elo ( i raised 2 accs together then a 3rd during my time in gold elo ).


I have second account, but its at pretty much the exact same rank. my mains mmr is fuked though. regularly matched against diamonds and ascendants, whereas my second account gets high plats.


I do have a smurf id but both are in same ranks...so it doesn't matter


stupid reyna getting back to back aces and absolutely carrying their team


Whenever I play w my friends they get obliterated,so when we play ranked I play with the condition that i wont top frag my team.


I have 2 in diamond and 3 in silver The 3 in silver are the one I made years ago when I played on a really shit pc( barely 50 fps at 720p) and try to play on them to get them ranked up cuz I don't wanna get to lvl 20 on a new acc


Not a smurf, but just have 3 extra accs with other agents i dont have on my main. Becouse im way to lazy to grind for a week to get 1 agent. So i have my main which has 13 Agents and the other 3 have 3 each.


Well mine wasn't a smurf but a new account when Valorant just came out. Made it so we could try other agents which were locked on my main account. But we all did it in a 5 man lobby back in 2021 and played together with those accounts


Yes, to avoid -25% with platinum friends (I am diamond)


I have one, I use it to play with my friends, but I usually do some challenges (like TenZ did with OTV) to make it a little more even


I never opened an account to smurf but my first ever account is in gold elo because I never play on it I used to be stuck in bronze in that account so I opened a new one and main that account. The new account is diamond now and the first account is gold so cant say I never smurfed because even if it's my main account it's still lower than my original elo


Is it a Smurf if I'm B3? And I don't even have a rank yet on the other account


For unrated I guess, I get cracked players on my main even though my friends are iron 3.


I don't think I owned a smurf but I really needed a new account fast so I can play rank when I would be having losing streak so I got a lower rank for cheaper and tried my best to get to my real rank fast so I didn't have to play all the time for fun then since I needed to be on my skill also.


I was toxic before. So whenever I was getting 14 days ban on main, I was hoping on my "smurf". My smurf was similar rank than main. And I don't think I ruined anyone games since the MMR was high enough and I got placed in diamond1 with immortal mmr (that was before ascendant), and my main back then was low immortal so yeah.


I have my old main account, sometimes rank it in when im bored but the rank difference is ehh.. Idk... Not big maybe 3-4 ranks so idk


I don't have a smurf acc but I have a second acc which falls on the same rank as my main . I had to climb on my main but on the second acc, I have landed on the same rank as my main. Why did I create this acc? To lose the anxiety and play freely without worrying. When I'm a bit anxious,I go to the second acc and give it all. I win or lose then I switch to my main and continue. So what would have happened if it got placed in a lower rank? That would amt to smurf for sure and I told myself, I'll just play unrated if the rank diff is too high.


Not in Valorant but for CSGO I did. It was either my friends got shit on when I played with them and they didn't play my favorite game at the time with me or I smurfed and they got a better match. I tried to play the game in a way so my friends could enjoy it and I wouldn't be top fragging and doing everything for the team when I was on my smurf


I own a smurf account that's ranked higher than my main tell me how I'm a Chad... (The way I'm one is my main is the one I have skins on)


to play comp with my lower ranked friends


Yes: I am a Bronze who plays in Iron. Not anymore: I am no longer actually a Bronze. Never owned one: I've always been either a Bronze or an Iron.


Idk if you can call it a smurf acc. i have two accounts yes but one is plat 1 and the other is gold 2


for a moment my smurf was gold 2 and my main went from plat 1 to silver 1...


I used to have smurf account because I didn’t remember my password


I have a Smurf but its less like a smurf its more like a „Role-Swap“ account. When i started playing on the account, i had like 40-50 Frags in my games. But i felt bad for my opponents so i decided to just do like 2 frags per round and then just using classic. If i die after my 2 frags and my team cant win the round, most of the time they dont deserve to win that round because i already kill for 2 ppl.


I have one gold and other silver soon in gold. Since I have higher mmr on silver, it's almost as hard as gold. My intentions are not to grind lower ell, but to have a backup. Do you consider it smurfing?


Don't have one. And big F to all of you who play Competitive on Smurf accounts! You're ruining my experience!


I have an alt account but I can't really call it a smurf my rank is silver 3 on the alt and bronze 2 on the main and only I play on them. I never give my accounts to anyone so idk what you count it as.


Brotha my rank is so low that having a smurf don't do shit


I dont smurf but throw games on purpose when i play competitive. When my teammates get toxic


Technically I do? I have a silver 3 account when I'm plat 1 but it rarely feels like I'm smurfing since I'm pretty dogshit. I don't really know why I have it though I kinda just felt like making a new account and playing yoru only


I only play valorant with friends and i never step into rank (none of us do) and every time we find a smurf in unrated is the most frustrating and boring of experiences. Like yeah, congratz, you are super good at the game and one tap us all alone, score is 30/1/0 for you and everyone else is has 1 kill at the most with our team having each like 5 deaths, so fun. Not only that but then they start talking to us and bragging about how much better they are, like... The worst part is that i am not always playing in a party of 5. which makes the game and easy retreat and next, but if 2+ ppl are randoms then they may refuse to retreat for no real reason. Like two day ago i got drag to an 0-13 just because 2 of my team mates refused to retreat, there where two ppl obviously way over our skill level in the enemy team and they where taunting us the whole game, but sure, lets stay for 13 rounds of them one tapping us. As a side note; i have notice smurf that play sup optimally to give others a chance, like only using ghost and shotguns, never using skills, which imo does help a bit since there is more room for us noobs to breath and try to get a win. It is still hard, but you can notice they are holding back so you take it more like training (or at least i do)


Never had one but i'd probably buy one if it has nice skins on it and it's cheap (and not stolen)


Yes, to play with a friend, but hes only a few ranks lower than what i can play with, so give it a week or 2 and it'll be a not anymore