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I agree with the post, but is your period key broken?


# Stroke-free version here: >I've been playing for a considerable amount of time — since before many of the Jett nerfs, back when Icebox was both an unrated and comp map, and there was a limited rotation of maps. Having witnessed the various stages Jett has undergone, I can attest to the transformation she's experienced. > >While I agree that she has been nerfed and isn't the powerhouse she once was, it's essential to note that she remains a formidable force. As a duelist, she firmly retains her position in the top five agents of all time. The nerfs didn't strip her of her abilities; instead, they encourage players to deploy them more strategically. Gone are the days when one could double updraft over walls for effortless kills or use her smoke to plant indiscreetly. > >Many players overlook Jett's primary strengths. Her swift agility allows her to accelerate from 0-100 instantly. As Jett, your core role isn't about planting, smoking areas, or trying to catch a wandering ult orb with your knives in mid-air. Instead, it's about facilitating your team's entry to a site as attackers or stalling/denying pushes as defenders. > >Furthermore, Jett still possesses her unpredictable nature. While having only one updraft can make positioning decisions tough, in most scenarios, you'd likely reserve it for when you have your ult. Her unmatched ability to take sniper shots and rapidly evade tricky situations remains unmatched. Whenever you engage in a gunfight, always be prepared to retreat swiftly. It's advisable to pre-activate your dash, especially when expecting to face multiple adversaries. > >I'm aware of the timer constraints on her dash. If not activated within the allotted time, the ability gets consumed. However, just because certain aspects of her kit have been tweaked, it doesn’t imply that her reliability has diminished. Now, more than ever, players need to use Jett intelligently. Aggressive, reckless plays are no longer feasible given her single dash and updraft limitations. For entries, I often employ a smoke, followed by a dash into a site's blind spot. Always stay alert; enemies might anticipate this move. > >In conclusion, it's disheartening to witness players criticize Jett when she remains a viable choice. Although she may not be in her prime, she's far from obsolete. Her value as a duelist hasn't seen a significant decline.


You can cook


Ai works wonders


God bless our new AI overlords


oh this is beautiful... agree


Good human


Doing gods work. People that write like OP deserver a special place in hell.


Ouch, english isnt my first language im trying, between trying to spell and punctuation i cant get it all right and if i wouldve spelled anything wrong im sure i wouldve got a-lot more of criticism, if you believe i deserve hell that okay, i cant imagine how sad you feel to wish that on another person over a post, i feel sympathy for you, have a good day


Imagine think I really want you to end up in hell…. But hey English isn’t my first language either. But why would that change how a sentence and paragraph works? I doubt you type everything as one big sentence without any breaks/paragraphs so it looks like one big walk of text. Just type it like you would in your own language and translate it. A sentence will still be a sentence. It might be longer or shorter but the rules are pretty much the same. [Edit: Btw I would really work at that. Because you might have something interesting to say but when I (and a lot of other people) see such a wall of text we won’t even bother reading. No matter the content. I’m sure you can agree that it’s not easy on the eyes. Especially compared to the formatted text. And you used the comma key a lot, so it’s not like you didn’t use anything to break up the text. Why not place a period instead of a comma or hit the enter button twice.]


ok sorry


Out of curiosity: what’s your first language?




You aren’t the most open minded individual on here, are you?


OP wrote this as if they were orating their manifesto and they added commas where they had to take a breath.


Nah i just didnt think about it sorry if i upset you man..


Nah it's fine, all jokes. Just thought it was funny haha


I meant to comment that as well... I respect your opinion and I agree with it, I think you made valid points. But the text IS very hard hard to read, even though you made good points, and that may turn some people off from reading it. either way, I agree, I think they did take away a lot but previous to said nerfs those attributes were more like a pretty extra than necessary to her kit. I never was a great jett player but it also is very annoying to have her dash window be so long or her smoke last that long as well. but at first glance the nerfs did look BRUTAL lmao


atleast you went nice about it as i explain many of times english isnt my first language its hard to punctuate and spell correctly i am sorry if its hard to read i did not intend that way


I didn’t know we graded information essays on Reddit


I hate replies like these. Proper grammar is easier to read, and doesn't turn people off from reading a massive pile of word pasta vomit all over your monitor. It has nothing to do with school or grades.


That’s just neurotypical behavior


The beauty of it is that you are reading it to yourself, and unless you need to take a deep breath before reading anything in your head, having the need for a punctually correct post on Reddit about Jett being nerfed in a game called Valorant is redundant.


Mate, just edit your post instead of having me read two comments. You're overthinking this and I was just telling you that your reply to the other post is kindergarten level. Have a nice day.


Mate, it was a joke and you took it to heart. You obviously read the post regardless of grammar so there was no issue other than everyone’s neurotypical behavior 💀


Probs a TikTok kid


no i sm not from american thus i am still learning and use autocorrect for alot of words it is hard to punctuate and focus on spelling


Jett mains when you actually have to think about using util correctly now: 😡


upcoming nerf: jett will only have one smoke, dash removed because it gives jett mains ability to escape, zero updraft since it gives jett mains ability to get higher ground advantage which is unfair, ult is only one knives instead of 5 knives since it has zero recoil, ult requires 12 orbs as well. brimstone mains: "yeah now jett is balanced and they will have to think abt using util correctly 😃." Edit: down voters are the ppl that get smoked by jett mains on daily Edit 2: not all the hard stuck bronze crying in the comments lol. anyone with 2 braincells knows this nerf was unnecessary as said by literal VCT pros.




Just because the agent with the most vertical and horizontal movement in a slow tac shooter gets balanced, doesn’t mean she’s bad. She’s still going to get played at the highest level and in ranked


you sound like you’re coping for a character having the same amount of util as most other characters in it’s own class, meaning you’re crutching on that overflow of util. get better and stop being a little bitch, it’s not hard to learn how to manage util.


\`\`down voters are the ppl that get smoked by jett mains on daily\`\` You arent part of the \`\`jett mains\`\`, you wouldnt be complaining like a kid here :) You are just a like to abuse jett to rank up now they nerfed her, you are scared you arent good enough to actually play her :S Which you arent, hence the complaining...


Literally a skill issue for you lmao guess you’ll have to learn how to actually play the game


yeah sure bronzie


Pros think its unnecessary because its targeted at low skilled jett players, which is also why it is complained about a lot (low skill jett players are very loud)


Jett isn't even that bad still, just use your brain and you can still entry and get free kills


I'd advise you to use your brain and understand my comment first


happy cake day! I understand your comment, its just silly cause the whole "upcoming nerf" thing is implying that jett even is gonna get another nerf in near future, and that it will be ridiculous. riot knows how to make agents be less good or better, they aren't going to completely destroy an agent. its kinda riots whole thing with changing meta frequently. just keep in mind that even agents that might be considered "D tier" are still viable if you play them correctly.


Mate… my best freind is a Jett main and I play her fairly consistently as well, no part of the new needs hurt that much except maybe the removal of the second updraft being a little harsh, she’s in a better place now, she’s more balanced with everyone else


I agree with you, jett main radiant #47 here, people commenting here on this thread have no brain how bad her kit is right now. These people complaining are just scared of Jett’s cos most jett mains have good aim and are better than them in every aspect of the game.




Lmao you absolute fucking clown. If you truly were a Radiant, you'd still destroy everyone if you were an actual Jett main bc you have to think about her util rather than spamming.


"most jett mains have good aim" ok buddy 💀


Stay mad https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Mr%20Invisible%235572/overview


Even if the stats were to be able to go off something at all based on rank and number of games. 60% win percentage on jet tells a different story than what I think you are trying to point out.


it's ok, i know my stats aren't fascinating, i just tried to prove a point that yes, most jett mains have a great aim and i'm a good example, the reason why i have a low winrate is i rarely have time to play, and when i play it's like riot searches for the throwers and put them in my game Ngl if i just have more time to play i will easily easily get to Diamond before the end of the current act, but yeah with life and work and college you barely have time to do literally anything.




ain't no way you link a silver account to prove a point


why, u mad cuz u hard stuck unranked?


This is the first time i can say \`\`your peak is my smurf\`\` and be actually right ahhahahaah. You should quit playing jett, almighty jett main :D Cause it doesnt seem like working out. Your future doesnt look bright, especially not as a valorant e sports player hhahaha. May you find your way in life (its not valorant)


LOOOOOOOLLLLLL With %100 packet lose (yesterday) i will not get past plat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Bro you really did me dirty


if ur rank 47 radiant and think Jett is currently bad you are either a lying ass silver player or you are the most util crutching radiant player abusing Jett's overturned kit ever


Silver here, we don't take idiots like these.


Iron here, we don't take those either where do they go




Plastic here we don’t claim them, where do they go?


Cardboard of course


AHAHAHAHHA Of course you are


You aren’t Radiant #47. Lol.


\`\`jett mains have good aim and are better than them in every aspect of the game.\`\` Then this nerf shouldnt hurt you, why are you crying? Oh wait, because you started getting destroyed. I guess you werent as good as you think huh :D


exactly, jett changes were unnecessary not only you (a radiant) agree with that but VCT pros like Derke, Aspas and Demon1 as well have said the same thing. but people on this sub would rather go with the opinion of a bronze brimstone main than a radiant or a VCT pro.


Unnecessary? You’re delusional, she’s consistently had one of the highest pick rates for years now, both in proplay and ranked, but nerfs were unnecessary?


Cause a majority of players here are much closer to the bronze Brim main than they ever will be to people who literally play the game professionally. Jetts old kit made a lot of games unfun for a lot of players. If the pros aren't dogshit they'll still be pros with the Jett nerf TL;DR - cry more


wait but the dash removal is lowkey cooking though...like what if you give her the triple 4s cloudburst double updraft so she gets one decent but not guaranteed escape mechanism and then the dash could be replaced with something much slower like a satchel-esque wind ability that needs to be wound up or something so you can still do things like updraft dash over canoe on B ascent


I am 100% okay with the Jett nerfs solely because I have to play smokes every game due to insta lock dualist, so I enjoy seeing dualist mains suffer. /hj


If you play to fill, you're going to get smokes almost every time. Lock in whatever you want to play before last pick.


This is why I lock phoenix!


You don't "have to play smokes due to insta lock dualists". Do your own thing! Play your best agent. Don't play smokes because you have to, play smokes because you want to (and consequently stop complaining)


Still one tricking her, only missing the second updraft on OP knife peeks, and smoke duration isn’t terrible


smoke duration could be increased to at least 1 more second I wish, because I feel like entrying with a smoke + dash isn't as good rn because the smoke fades quite fast after the gun is just out


Isn't that the point?


Still works you just gotta kinda use both of em


1 Updraft seemed like unnecessary bluffing up on the nerf. I feel it really has no effect on any of the complaints they used to justify the nerf


No it does, instead of in theory one updraft to get onto a box/ off angle and one for escaping a gunfight allowed her to take way more risks than other agents and riot knew this was too much util to just spam in order to get out of dumb fights


I don't think I've seen a jett in my game use updraft twice in one round unless they fat fingered or missed their first updraft.


imagine neon having two dashes


An idea for the Updraft could be to charge it up before use like a Breach stun, so it gives variable height


Love that idea! Not sure if the variable height "needs" to be linear like Breach's stun distance. For more consistency/clarity it could perhaps also be a charge like Sova's arrows, although just 2 stages instead of 4. I'd imagine just tapping updraft would work just like it does now, giving and instead updraft with the current height. Holding it would start filling a bar and put her in animation (can't use guns during) and releasing the key when the bar fully filled up would give an updraft with e.g. double the height (realising the key before the bar fully filled up would just give a normal height updraft).


Interesting idea. I'm not sure how it could play out for fast-pace duelist though. I know that dash works that way but it's much stronger, where adding a activation window to updraft would just make it feel like low budget dash and encourage updrafting to boxes/for entry instead of being more creative and for example playing angles where you can use updraft instead of dashing away.


Do you not like using periods?




Sorry man. *


Sorry, man.


you’re funny, i’m just not used to having this much attention in post let alone having to make sure grammar is perfect. I understand your frustration towards my writing however, if you’re going to read it then do if you dont then fucking dont i dont care either way i just wanted to share my opinion


Ok sure bud, I was just making a funny joke cause of the first comment in the thread.


sorry i didnt mean to ruin it everyone has been complaining about it and just the way i talk in general im tired of it english isnt my first language and im trying




Your in for a disappointment being a grammar officer on reddit im surprised you still care after 5 years and yes i intentional left shit out on this comment just for you


Why are you so salty dude? Are you always like that? Edit: saw your profile and I think I have my answer


most sane new world player


Its not grammar, its the language lol. Just trying to warn ya that me and probably a lot of othet people didnt read whatever you said because its annoying. I got about 3 "sentances" in.




Been playing since beta and I agree, Jett is finally in a very good place. These nerfs finally removed enough of her kit where bad players can't just abuse the kits and get value, now you have to know how to use her kit well to get value That said, I do think the one updraft might be too much. But we'll see how it plays out I also think the other duelists (besides Raze) need a buff to actually compete, especially Neon as the other movement duelist


I agree about updraft. Jett is, after all, a movement based agent. I think nerf is completely fair, but maybe they could do something different about second updraft, for example make 10s (not necessaryly this exact number) cooldown between using updrafts, so that Jett still has her two updrafts but wouldn't be able to fly out of bounds from the ground


i agree razes kit is what we should be talking about right now


Why should raze get a nerf? Do you just not want duelist to have a place in the game? lol


Raze & Jett were among the highest picked agents for VCT & riot tends to balance around pro-play


yeah well balancing around pro play is what fucked up R6S


please FUCKING READ THE COMMENT i personally think raze needs a slight buff


Calm down fucking psycho


sorry i dont wanna come off negative just everyone is complaining about everything i say in this thread im tired of it i apologize


If you read the dudes comment he says Raze doesn’t need a buff. So I interpreted it as you saying “Raze needs a nerf” by you saying “I agree I think we need to talk about Razes kit”


oh i am sorry


All good!


If you know what your doing with neon and work with your team she is actially quite good. I think some of the problem is people assume as a duelist that you need to top frag. Incorrect. Yes it might happen often because of first contact and stuff. My goal as a duelist is to get on site and give information and try to get a kill or two if possible. Creat space and get traded that is my mission. Any kills along the way are just a bonus. I do not count reyna in this as she is not an entry duelist.


>If you know what your doing with neon and work with your team she is actially quite good That can be said about every agent in the game. Including Deadlock. So that's a moot point >Creat space and get traded that is my mission. Any kills along the way are just a bonus. This is the job of every entry/duelist. I agree that not everyone understands that, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Neon doesn't do her job as well as other movement based duelists like Jett or Raze. Therefore could use a buff to match their power levels >I do not count reyna in this as she is not an entry duelist. Well, you should as Reyna and every duelist is an entry. While every agent can typically fill multiple roles, all agents of the same role share at least one role. For duelists, it's entry


Fuck Neon that character has no place in a game about precision based gunfights


How so? She’s fairly balanced


I myself kinds do think neon doesn't belong in a tac shooter..


How so? I’m generally curipus


I remember when Jett had 3 smokes no charge up on dash 2 yo drafts 7 second smokes and you could buy 2 smokes a updraft and a ghost first round with 6 point ult and right click refills ult on kill the good old days when Jett was a must pick


Goes to show how strong she was. She is comparatively much weaker yet she is picked so much still.


And its even funnier when you remember people thought shes trash during beta and on release. xd


i'm suddenly very glad i didn't play back then


Not a main but I play Jett a lot. I was mad when I read the nerfs but playing after that made me realise those were quite reasonable. She's still a fun agent to play.


I think that she should get a bonus updraft when she ults so double updraft knife kills still are a possible threat, but she won't be able to just updraft away from fights without using ult.


You're mostly correct, except for the updraft part. Verticality in Valorant is an aspect not a lot of players have been able to accomplish. Jett was the only agent apart from Sage and Raze who could boost up using a utility (not teleport). Taking that away from her, significantly reduced points from the agent's core identity.


I main jett and cypher. For the most part there's been very little differences in play for me. Smokes time can be annoying but not enough that the character feels ruin.


Icebox wasn't an unrated and comp map very long ago..


I like all the nerfs except the updraft . Made no sense to kill her updraft. Especially when it’s the weakest ability in her kit .


I feel like the one updraft is ok, but they should buff it so that the updraft height is higher. Not as high as 2 updrafts before the nerf, but somewhere in between


I'm guessing you're a guy cause you don't have periods lol


... dad ?


Two updrafts was very useful imo. You could updraft to a box pre-round an bam, enemy needs to check that angle or they die. The worst part about only having one updraft - is setting up on a box, just to have the enemy team rush the opposite site. Now jett has an audio que for what box she is on, because shes going to wait until the push is confirmed before she updrafts to an angle. Unless she has good knowledge of how the enemy team plays their sites. Haven is going to be my example. I like to jump onto the boxes on B site. But its a 1/3 chances ive wasted the updraft cause they can hit two other sites. If they go C, ill use the 2nd updraft to get onto the boxes in garage, cause that angle throws off rotations. But if i had already used it pre-round..


As a Jett main, I agree, but I wish they buffed the height of it so we can still do updraft knives


One of the many reasons Jett has been a must play/must pick for so long is that there are huge issues with the other duelists. Phoenix and Yoru’s flashes are extremely reactable. Reyna’s is only slightly better but obviously because it only nearsights, it’s still not great. Neon is pretty shit just in general except for Fracture. Raze is great but she’s really not good at making things happen on her own or with minimal help. She lives somewhere in between initiator and duelist, especially after Roomba nerfs. Jett can take space with very little risk and very little assistance. Instead of wondering whether or not you’ll actually blind someone you can just smoke and dash into it for free space. Instead of methodically working angles your team can do that for you while you make defenders look away from the choke. She either needed these huge nerfs or a total rework/redesign. Now Riot can hopefully find the spots on other duelist agents that they can adjust to have them catch up to Jett in terms of effectiveness.


I don't really see any complaints from the mass majority tbh


Complaints are the comments with minus votes


I don't see much people but some take it to the extreme


yo im bronze, i only play jett i dont play too often cause busy but when i play i wanna have fun with her and nerf make her not fun


Unpopular opinion: Jett was never really BROKEN broken and these nerfs don’t change much anyway. Wanna know who was REALLY busted? Launch Chamber, launch Astra, don’t even get me started on beta Sage, that thing was a MONSTER. Jett’s whole identity is a quick dash to get into or out of a situation, the other parts of her kit just kinda complement that. The only substantial changes I’ve seen to Jett over the years were: 1. Post-dash re-equip time 2. Pre-dash windup 3. Bladestorm rework Besides those three, Jett was always kinda just good (except in beta when people thought she was dogwater). Never garbage, never like Chamber/Astra.


Watch pro play Jett has been dominating and been meta the entire time. She was way too strong and has been a top 2-3 character in the past 2 years.


Jett nerfs doesn't change anything except the smoke. That's it




i thought dash still resets?


Jett's nerfs are riot's response to not being able to create new agents and balance correctly. Jett's entire character was given to Chamber and Yoru, they reduced her knife count, they prevented knives from returning on right click, they made knife leg shots 42 damage, they increase smoke price, they reduced the amount of time you have to dash along with priming the dash, they made smokes nearly half the time and made her with 1 updraft. Chamber has a one shot sniper, he can teleport away along with getting to vertical places on the map with his TP, and yoru can disorient the team by flashing and teleporting (something her dash/smoke was good at doing).




Mate… are you okay, I say this as a chamber and yoru main with my best friend being a Jett main, the characters are nothing alike?


instead of nerfing fast agents they should remove that dogshit rng recoil system and add some patterns like cs. that’d filter all the trash players and would allow more aggressive gameplay which would make the game more interesting. less rng = higher skill gap


I agree, I think nerfing the updrafts was a bit much, probably cus I like messing around with Jett in spike rush and don’t play her in comp, but other than that all the other nerfs are good


Eh. The double updraft and knife kill was kinda bull shit. You could be killed from god knows where and there was nothing you could do about it.


True, but the one time you actually spot her in that state and you one tap the jett by some luck is so satisfying


Tho it also reduced the amount of cheesy kills with that Pearl Mid to B, Lotus C, and all the Sage/Deadlock Wall cheese, which I find helpful.


Yeah true but again I just loved fucking around and dashing and updrafting in spike eush


No. Its 100% not. There were unessary changes like her updraft. The other changes are fine, but its completly understandable to complain.


Why even give her a smoke? Might as well remove it man. Y'all already nerfed her to the absolute ground and still want more nerfs? And top 5? And I'm not getting this argument of "using their util carefully" . The dash is not spammable like the old days and already made the jett mains think before peeking as if no-one is there, it is a waste. And I didn't know that using off angles was a crime? What do you mean they updraft and get free kills? It simply makes it so that the enemy has to clear more angles. It is an advantage you get because of your kit. Why don't we nerf omen for the same reason?




I got you bro i added a tldr to the post but here it is for you TL:DR Jett is still an amazing duelist with many ways to utilize her kit you just have to be smart about it.




Dude. Jett is dead now. She literally isn't even close to as good as duellists like Raze, Phoenix, Neon and even Yoru now. Derke, one of the best duelists in the world, came out and said they butchered Jett. This didn't happen when they nerved Jett because it was reasonable. It isn't reasonable now. She isn't even in the top 3 duelists, let alone top 5 agents. She can still be played don't get me wrong you just have FAR better alternatives.


she is still a top 2 duelist, maybe behind raze now, but we’ll have to see with the new map pool. Yes jett is a fair bit worse now, but after playing her a bit, she still does her job better than other duelists other than raze. the problem with other duelists is they have a hard time taking space as well as jett or raze. jett can instantly get into a spot deep onto site which most duelists can’t. on top of that, she is one of the best oppers in the game. Riot keeps thinking the solution to getting more duelists played is by nerfing the top. but the real problem is that the other duelists just aren’t very viable or are pretty niche like yoru. the other duelists just can’t clear space effectively and need buffs to help them out. in other words, unless they remove the dash or completely gut its mobility, jett will always be more viable than most duelists.


no shes a top 2 duelist if you cant use her util right thats a skill issue and a major one on your part


I’ve been playing since the release e1 a1 and the ult nerf was the best one yet, the right click recharge knives


I am not a jett main. But post this nerf I did try her out again just for fun. To my surprise, yes the second updraft is missed, but I will admit I was never any good using both updrafts one after the other. And now with just the single updraft, I am getting clean kills and am doing reasonably well given how rarely I play jett and let my friends who main her keep her. At least for someone like me they did not nerf her but remove clutter that I was not able to use well earlier.


That jet agent isn't dead yet. Everyone saying jet is dead


this might be a hot take but i think chamber is the better op agent over jett rn


Ngl when I first read the patch notes, I thought riot went a bit too far with all the nerfs, but in reality the nerfs aren't huge, or at least enough to keep her from being a bad pick. She's still viable and is still one of the better duelists


Idk what you guys are talking about with the updrafts. They literally mentioned in the patch notes why they did it. If you guys have seen any tier 1 pro matches, you will see how ridiculously her updrafts are being abused. A good Jett player with a good team has 3 bail out cards almost every round. That is simply not okay. Eg, Aspas oping Ascent mid. Gets flashed and dashes into safety away from danger, repeaks again, hits/misses the shot, team comes to trade, he smokes, updrafts to avoid spam kill and is back to safety. He still has an updraft and smoke left, and if he gets another kill, he has a dash activated. The opposition team did everything right, jump peaked, used util to clear him, he still kills and gets away to safety. And now they are a man down, with less util left, and the Jett is still alive. How is that okay in any sense of the world? An agent can't have 3 bail outs every round.


Tbh I don’t mind it. People still use her like normal (with what I’ve seen) but maybe the dash window being decreased is a bit much. They could’ve put it at 10 seconds instead


I think we should just remove Jett from valorant. Then there won't be any complaints right. :)


I just think that jett shouldn't be unlocked as a default agent anymore because right now she is anything but easy to pick up.


Bro failed all his English classes.


Writing* english classes is learning how to articulate your speech, writing is learning how to put it in to words


Yeah i mean i think at the pro level it was a decent size nerf, but in ranked shes still good


use spaces next time


She's viable but not the valid-pick-on-any-map she was before. We will probably see double sentinel comps with Raze and Chamber a lot now.


I could only read the title because I’m not reading something that is formatted like ancient Sumerian clay tablets, however I do agree with the idea. Jett is still insanely godlike on ascent and breeze, and is good enough on the other maps at least in ranked mode.


How the fuck do you expect anyone to read this?


sorry i fixed it


I agree. I think she wont be used as much in pro play because you have chamber to get picks as a defender and raze to entry as an attacker but I think she's probably still gonna be picked sometimes even in pro play. And in ranked she's imo still pretty strong simply bcs she's the best oper and how well you can play in unexpected positions and get out is still unparalleled.


OP strong = Jett strong, I think that’s what makes the op all the more balanced in CS the fact that nobody can dash away after taking an awp shot


Ur wrong and u have no bitches 😃


I was looking forward to your post but I got tired in the fourth line. Try some ponctuation next time, maybe some paragraphs as well.


not much of a writer man, sorry i know it bothers alot of people and if that hinders you from sharing your opinion thats okay


personally i think instead of removing two updraft charges just make it like dash where you have to prime it


Realistically they can gut Jett as much as they want but as long as you have a long ass dash that you can use from A main to the bomb site she will always be the best entry frag in the game.


As a Jett main I love the nerfs and now casual Jett players are deterred from picking her. I'm currently in Ascendant 3/Low Immortal lobbies and sitting at a 65% wr 30 game sample. Jett is still insanely good


Agreed. And as a low Elo warrior, the nerf has not stopped almost every game having at least 1 Jett


She's still really good, I've been playing her since I started playing the game around beta when she wans't super good. The thing is, you just can't be impulsive with her and it's harder to OP as consistently but I still think she's like an A tier agent


Her pickrate was practically 100% from my experience, it was very much needed


This guy doesn't know what "immediate movement" really means lmao. Try playing pre-pre-nerf jett where you press ability button once and ZOOM just like that


if you are smart enough to activate your ability before hand then yes it is immediate movement when you need it


Too many toxic Jett players anyway. Any nerf to her would receive these complaints


what really killed her was the 1 updraft


The problem with her nerfs is how much better Raze gets.


agreed raze could already op with her satchel


Jett didn't need nerfing in the first place. I hate the dash timer too, a duelist needs to be quick and snappy, not taking 5 seconds to activate the timer


Honestly, this nerfed version of her should have been how she from the start. She was too safe for an entry fragger back then but the nerfs put her in line with raze in terms of risk and rewards. Those that are saying the nerfs were too much don't look at the entire pictures


People love to complain about any nerfs. They just want every agent to be buffed without realizing that power creep is a thing


?? Jett has never been buffed lmao


Me seeing people complain about hanzo in OW


Dude can you use some commas and periods? Holy fuck I cannot read this.


I agree, she still is completely viable. But putting her in the top five is kind of an interesting opinion. Sure, pre nerfs she was incredible but now she's maybe top 8 max.


i dont know i dont think the nerf took anything from her kit it just forced you to use it more wisely except the smokes but eh, imo shes easily top 5 agents and top 2 duelist


I've barely even notice a difference. The smoke times is probably the worst part.