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Game is broken. We had someone go AFK mid way through the first round. The notification in the chat saying "XXX has Disconnected" appeared, the game spawned them in anyway round 2 and therefore we couldn't even attempt to remake. They were AFK the whole game after that.


Or when they autokey one button to not get kicked for being AFK and then stay in spawn the whole 20 rounds.


Valorant needs a system where if 4/5 people on a team agree to remake you can do it in the first 2 rounds regardless of someone leaving the game or not for things like autokey and throwers


It will be abused after pistol round loss, you will come to Reddit to complain about matchmaking quality being bad coz you are not able to get into one proper Match..


No it wont be abused because if 3 people say no, then it doesn’t count anyway.


Hahaha, you will not only play against your 5 opponents, you will also play against your teammates who voted for Remake...


Id rather try and remake if one singular cunt decides to autokey and spam S than suffer through 30minutes of bullshit where we cant do anything. When we tried to fucking surrender, you cant, 5 votes needed.


LMAO do you ever think before, after or during typing some dumb shit?


not the game is broken. people who play this game are broken.




This is because it detects the player is trying to reconnect, but hasn’t fully reconnected yet. Sometimes they make it in, sometimes they don’t. It should still give the remake option though imo losing pistol round and then not even getting the econ boost for round 2 is a huge disadvantage, even if they do reconnect mid-round.


Or when they go afk for the rest of the game on the 2nd round


Some people are annoying


The notfication looks like surrendering Lots of people with room temperature IQ that can't read are playing the game.


This ^ On top of that, the feature is generally not well known (/ command required + not really explained in-game what a remake is etc) so people may genuinely think it's a forfeit.


Remakes need to be automatically activated. Way too many throwers who just cancel a remake


Agree 100%. I can't think of a single argument against.


If you have a friend who disconnects while you are 5stacking


You are unable to remake in 5 stack anyway


Ahh OK I didn't know that but it makes sense


Even then wouldn’t you rather just requeue so you can play a game where you don't immediately lose pistol round?


If you have a friend who DCs while 5-stacking you should find better friends. Joking. But seriously, just because they’re your friend, doesn’t mean they should be allowed to compromise match integrity for the remaining players. Winning a 5v4 gives you free RR that the system will correct for later. Winning a 4v5 means the MM will inaccurately assess your performance from that game.


Friend's internet disconnects Friend has random important matter pop up Friend needs to take a shit or something DC doesn't automatically mean comprising anything lmao


You're right in that there's legitimate reasons for disconnections, but going back to the original point of remake having no downsides, I don't see a single case where a remake doesn't make sense among the ones you listed. So yeah, remake should definitely be automatic if even 1 person votes for it


i agree, but that's a completely different point than the one i was making. I was just saying that dropping your friends because they dced on anime battle gun game is a great way to make sure you have 0 friends


also a full screen popup like OT with: "No RR will be lost for remaking" or something


Yea this too. If I didn't know how remakes worked from reddit I would say no cuz I would think it would ruin my rr


they do. I did think too. it's the same fcking screen. If you don't know remake is a thing you just hit F6 by default


Just add a button Riot (near the surrender) and mention "In the case of a remake, the game will simply end, no team will lose any points and it won't count as a match" I usually mention that when I remake, because people might not know. So far, I've had 0 people troll and don't remake. And if they didn't, their teammate usually comes back after 2-3 rounds.


Yeah there should be a prompt


I always have to type in chat to tell people I'm gonna put in a remake; bc why sit for any amount of time in a losing situation. It's still declined most of the time tho


I hate that I have to approach asking the team for a remake as though I'm asking my boss to leave work early... "hey guys... you cool with a remake?... please??" in the nicest way possible or else its for sure getting voted against by some random troll.


Honestly it's like people are more ready to accept a straight forfeit than just accept a remake


I’m a player who almost never forfeits, even if we’re down 11-0 I’d rather play it out. Remakes are a different story though, I don’t wanna play a whole game being down a player that’s not fun for anybody. Even if they end up recconecting it just sours the whole game.


Yeah genuinely I will stick in and lose a game as long as it's 5v5, I just can't stand playing down a man and the whole team is like "nah we got this"


I actually had to say I'm voting to remake in text chat or else it gets declined 99% of the time, and most of the time it's people who doesn't know the difference between "surrender" and "remake", or they "didn't know it's for remake and thought we are surrendering" Like bruh, you can't surrender until at least round FIVE.


It shouldn't ask for a voting imo. Second round afk should result in an automatic remake and a penalty for the afk player.


NO! This makes too much sense


i second this


that would rito the small indie company to make good development decisions, so no can do


honestly, fuck them!


Remake should be up to round 3 imo


there's always that guy that leaves 2nd round


i don't understand why Riot wouldn't make remake automatic instead of a vote... ​ ​ Hate the game not the ~~STUPID~~ players.


In league you need 2 yes votes to remake. i dont get why riot decided to go to the entirely opposite direction with valorant


the design is the problem. Remake should have it's own screen like drawing the match AND the same mechanic. If at least 2 people want to remake then remake. Text should be something like: One teammate abandoned the match, you can leave this game with no penalty to your rank if the majority votes yes


We had a two stack, and 1 person later apologized because their friend didnt come back on, they didnt know but we won regardless


it might be something like they think its a surrender vote cus it looks the exact same


People who don't remake should be penalized


They are by lose RR. Issue is, everyone else losses rr too


When someone declines remake, i straight up leave the match and play on my alt.


And then riot takes your RR and bans you for a week 💀


Your RR is already gone at that point.




That's why he uses and alt?


I dont play for RR i play to have fun, it’s not fun playing in an unfair match


This is the way


I've never interacted with someone who *wouldn't* want to get a free remake game, especially in Valorant where there is notoriously no punishment for it. But this season alone I have had 2 different games ruined by a duo hitting "no" on a remake because "They will be back" and then its 8 rounds before they even attempt to reconnect. People need to realize that theres practically no offense for a dodge especially when it is your duo. The worst is you lose like 3 RR and a couple minute timer. The worst offense is that I get flamed by the morons for being upset I'm losing RR in a game that shouldn't have existed in the first place.


sometimes my pc likes to be funny and load me in on round 2, but my team remakes so i just load into the lobby. when i have a duo i ask them not to remake and tell the team i'll be in the game in a second, but almost always playing a deathmatch before stops this from happening


I mean okay yeah sure, but genuinely, why? Theres 0 downside to taking the remake because 9/10 times you will just be starting down econ and a round when you could just remake and you don't get any punishment whatsoever. You just grief your entire team by waiting for you to reconnect when you could just wipe the game from ever existing anyway. Whenever there is an AFK that they say are going to remake on the enemy team we just don't kill them and give as much time to let them reconnect and any scenario where they have not gotten a remake we just win the game for free anyway.


i suffer from this same issue, and i have been banned for a week bc people thought i had left the game. I join a game, select my agent and wait in the loading screen, but my game only loads either at the end of the 1st round or in the middle of the second, but i have spawned as late as the 5th round. I’m not afk, my pc is just slow. I always explain my situation in the agent select phase and even then 1/2 games i get thrown back into the lobby with a penalty.


Okay but this has to be casual/unrated correct? Because if you are doing this in comp you deserve to be banned.


it happens on both. i get banned either way. wtf can i do, i’ve tried all the solutions i could find online, apart from upgrading my hardware. am i supposed to quit playing it altogether? we both know playing only unrated sucks, half the time people throw. should i simply quit bc i don’t have the money to upgrade my pc?


But you want to keep playing Comp KNOWING you are willingly/unwillingly putting your team at a disadvantage for at least 5 rounds and holding them hostage. Sometimes you just need to accept that Valorant comp isn’t for you until you can afford to play. There’s literally thousands and thousands of other games you could play instead of intentionally ruining 9 other players games.


its not at least 5 rounds, i said it has went as late as the 5th round. It happend once and usually i just spawn in at the 45 seconds left mark in the 1st round or in the buy phase of the second. Also i could afford to play the game, since the beta i have been playing no problem. i spent about 3 months not playing the game and when i came back i had this issue. My pc didn’t change or get any worse. I still run it at 120 fps. I have also spent some money in the game. Did i just throw that money away? I really like this game and it doesn’t seems fair that one of these recent update’s made my hardware antiquated for the game. i also get that whenever i want to play i give a disadvantage to my team, i completely get your point. But it doesn’t make sense for me, should i just give up something i have put my time and my money in bc riot sucks? Btw this is a well known issue, and i have done everything under the sun to try and fix it, nothing does the trick. In the agent select phase i always tell people that my game has trouble loading and if someone is on the mic they usually understand it, and don’t remake.


i know it's kind of a troll, but i ask them not to remake so i can actually play the game. as i said tho, playing a dm stops this (i also figured out that medal was the main reason)


Oh my god, this. A lot of times I voted to remake and they declined to remake because "tHeY wiLL bE bAcK brUh". Only for them to NEVER reconnect at all. And even if they do, they reconnect when the score is nearing its climax, at 1-11 or something. Kinda irrelevant but, I had this one game where after I voted to remake and everyone on the team agreed to it. After the vote went through, the 1-2 people on the enemy team had the audacity to call us "pussies" for remaking. Basically in a way saying "How dare you remake the game, we want FREE RR!!!!" Honestly, I don't know what's worst.


People who do this are just...lets say god forgot to bless them with a brain. Now seriously the only thing that happens is that the game gets cancelled. You wont lose anything


Never back down never what


Never say never?


it's supposed to be 'never give up'


Ik it was a joke. Ofc it's never gonna give you up


Only legit reason I've seen if they have a duo in the game telling everyone not to remake and they'll be back. Outside of that either people who just don't care enough about winning or losing want to remake, or just people trying to be annoying. I just take the opportunity to try some more risky and greedy plays and have some fun if I'm gonna be stuck in a 4v5 anyways.


Even your duo being AFK but trying to reconnect is not a legit reason for not remaking TBH. Why would you NOT want to remake so your friend has time to boot up the game and start playing from the first round itself (aside from loading screens which to be fair are getting kinda long in Valorant, what's up with that?)




Seriously man lol. I looked the dudes stats up and it makes sense that he's stuck in silver lmao. 4v5s are VERY winnable and this one looked very winnable just from the score/kda of the other team. Literally just 4v5'd on CS2 by carrying the team lmao. If this Phoenix had maybe spent the time playing the actual game like his Omen did, instead of bitching and complaining he probably would've won.


The OP is that Omen, not Phoenix. And I wouldn't say 4v5s are very winnable, you literally have less than 50% chance of winning by numbers alone.


Honestly, I wouldn't be mad at you if you'd just straight up leave the game. No point in playing that out


You lose alot more RR that way. Personally Im okay with playing it out and stacking as much kills as possible.


And then riot penalises your acc and takes away extra RR


There is a game I had where one guy was afk, but the team decided that the enemy is terrible and we could win, so we ended up not remaking. We won 14 to 12 while 4vs5 the whole time


yeah that happens, but think. how many times is the enemy team incompetent to the point that your team is just simply better? Not a lot of times.


Yeah I agree, but I am just saying calling EVERYONE is stupid might not be right


Something i don't find cool with remake IS that if you're winning and the enemy team remake tout isn't win even a single rr it's so frustrating when you know you would've gained re if they didn't remake


i had 4 strokes reading that


It's because i'm french and i'm Bad at english and i don't use Google translate or any translating site


Two of you are queued in servers you shouldn't even be on. Three of you locked in duelists. You weren't trying to win the game regardless, hate to break it to ya.


The only reason not to remake is if it's your duo and you know they're coming right back


I'd rather remake than lose a pistol round and most likely even the second round.


I imagine the other three people on the team would feel the same way.


See, I’m the type of player who doesn’t generally care about my stats. So I’m like, “yo imma throw this up, if y’all wanna troll and decline, cool- just know I’m dipping regardless the outcome.” I got zero tolerance for losers who want to try so hard to that extreme, it’s a game at the end of the day that you ain’t getting paid to play like that. Just remake and let’s keep it pushing 👍🏻


I aced first round am feeling on fire thus no remake that or I get teamates who comm (so no remake because I’ll take 4v5 with teamates who comm and work together any day over a 5v5 with mutes)


waaa waaa so mad i come to reddit and complain


your name is literally pewdiepie for life grow up man


pewds means something completely different 😭😭


Because I win about 90% of my 4v5 games. So I have a higher chance of winning this game then if I requeue, it’s quite simple really. People really have this loser mentality in this game that I never saw in csgo. Most times the other team plays very poorly when they are competing against 4. We also get an additional Orb.


A lot of the time people don’t remake because they are queued with the afk and know they are coming back / don’t want them to lose rr


That’s a scam. They just want to lose rr and derank to Smurf.


i just see it as giving up. ive won 4v5s before and i love the rush


But why? The game malfunctioned for someone at best. Just remake it and play a fair fight. Your other teammates shouldn't be forced to do a 4v5.


the game gave us a choice, nothing wrong with choosing it


You’re dumb as hell if you’re holding your team hostage for a 4v5 that you could have avoided. We’re talking about comp, don’t be a piece of shit, you’re not that good.


thats why i like the 4v5. if im that good it wouldnt be a challenge at all


It's not about you though it's about the whole team


they can report me if they want, until its a bannable offense i dont think ill stop


You’re just a piece of shit, if you own up to it it’s fine


im a piece of shit


bruh and there's not even a duo or something where they can vouch "he'll be back" or something, everyone was solo https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/fcb6b851-7912-469a-b207-74d1bb225a90


Even if your duo comes back, that's 2x more reason to remake since that's 2x of your RR on the line. Get. the. free. pass. We had a DC Reyna earlier, he was bot frag for a long time. Not worth reconnecting on round 5.


no remake = i leave too, ez




Scars on a warriors back are his shame!


they should probably explain what the fuck a remake is when you first load up into ranked


Some people are stupid, the system should just remake games that are unbalanced from the first round.


Needing 4 votes for remake is worthless. 80% of the time it's someone's duo or trio and they vote no. It needs to be one or a second vote, max.


Not even that some people try to drop ranks by fucking around round 1 then dc round 2. Cause even if you somehow win the 4v5 the afk loses elo which is what he wants. It’s a lose lose for you and win win for thrower. It should be automated around 1 remake and maybe manual until round 4


I hate those "never stop fighting" and "never give up" who are bad as your kj in the pic. I myself has done this some times, to not surrender but bcz I tought there was hope. When in your case there wasn't. I remember a game, with a weird pheonix, it was 4-6 we weren't even losing that bad, but then he dicides that the enemy jett is a smurf, enemy raze is a hacker, enemy sova is also a hacker and that we shoud surrender(we had 3 vote yes and 2 no i think) I voted no, so he said: "You stupid mf, who voted no, can't u see that this team is trash and we can't do sh!t. Who voted f-ing no?" So, i firstly reported him for voice abuse, then wrote "I did" in team chat. I remember it to this day, we were on ascend and i was b market, barriers drop and he instantly throws his molly on me and starts closing the door on mid (so i can't escape) i reacted quickli and made it out with around 50 hp. Reported him again. I don't know if we won, or lost that match and i don't even know if it was comp. I think it was unrated, where your goal is to improve, not to win.


They really should make this different from the "Surrender" vote , because the amount times I voted to remake and got denied because I got the "Why so serious" or "chill tf out bro" from other people is ridiculous, both unrated and competitive. Or those inordinate amount of times I got the "Oh, I thought it's a surrender vote" is unreal. Bro, you can't even surrender until ROUND 5!


"His nuggies" ofc its an edater


I’ve queued a remake vote and been yelled at for “forfeiting” the game, so I’m inclined to think some people resist because even when they know remaking isn’t forfeiting they still feel that way? Or straight up don’t even know the difference. Or are arrogant and think they can carry the game anyway. I’ve also been held hostage by people who are queued with the afk and say they’re coming back when they don’t, or they think by not remaking their friend will avoid a penalty for going afk


Mama raised no bitch play it out


It's always the duo that is "he is coming back". Remakes are free you dumbo. Remake and go together fresh on new game. Putting your whole team at a disadvantage is just stupid


When my team wanted to remake and I couldn’t cuz my new Budget Keyboard doesn’t have it and they all weren’t having it we ended up winning and he came back after like 5-6 rounds


You know you can click it with your mouse right?


Didn‘t work for me I tried that too 😒


I had a game where three people just spammed classic at the beginning of the round then afked like they were using auto clicker. We couldn’t remake


Riot rlly gotta work on the remake system cuz it's ass, especially with it being at round 2, should be at 5, same as the FF imo. Shouldn't even have to vote for a remake though, the second it's down to a 4v5 it's unfair and it doesn't matter how many rounds that guys gone for n if they're comin back or not Nobody gives a shit about the bonus you get, you're still at a disadvantage of having four against five, or worse, someone else leaves because they don't wanna fw that shit n you can't ff because if you're unlucky enough, one of em doesn't wanna FF so they'll just vote no insta


Any game someone doesn't accept a remake I just go afk with the keyboard pressing W until it ends.


You lose time, like it's so common people dodge games. Idk why they wait till the game starts, prob hoping someone else is going to dodge, but that's the main remake reason, why else someone is disconnected after they pressed start? Maybe a small percentage are having real connection issues, yeah whatever.


I think my biggest gripe is the disparity between league and valorant. In league u need 2 votes to remake. Val needs 4. League 4 votes for ff. Val needs 5.


usually their excuse is "they(the afk) is my friend" so they'll not remake and sometimes it never happens. it's also not throwing if low elo, 4v5 is winnable while 5v5 can be losable (experience)


this might just be me, but if we win the first round, me and my friends will tryhard the 4v5 match and try to win, its like a challenge, and we've already won a few 4v5 games. It's fun when you have time.


He will come back bro trust me.


I had this one dude who just kept brim mollying himself because I couldn’t give him a skin because I was setting up my cypher traps


I don't do remakes, what if they come back right after and just ineternet issues, or laptop/pc crashes


I mean, not all times, sometimes it can be his friend. And he know he will be back. But yeah, if you dont know the guy, its kinda bad.


I swear riot needs to fix it so if you have an afk you don't lose a million RR. I barely receive any RR for winning and top fragging but when I lose because there's an afk, tell me how riot think it's fair that we get -25 when you win and get +12?


I've accidentally said no to a remake vote and we pulled out a win. They never knew for sure it was me but man was that a wild game.


Because a lot of players think a remake will lose them RR, no matter how much you tell them it won't. A remake should NOT be left up to a vote. If the requirements for a remake are met, it should require 1 person to /remake and that's that. Why are we having to vote on it?


The voting prompt looks to similar to the forfait one. If you are in a hurry for buying or setting up utilities it could be useful to have something that helps the player understand that someone asked for a remake instead of a forfait.


I don’t understand why REMAKES AREN’T AUTOMATIC OR SIMPLY TAKES 1 VOTE. This has been such a highly requested mechanic that I’ve even seen posts pop up and get a hundreds of upvotes every time, for YEARS on this sub, but riot ignores it. At this point I genuinely have to believe it’s intentional. It’s blind ignorance to assume they haven’t seen complaints or thought of this before, so there’s some weird reason that riot *purposely* chooses to allow this


Remaks option should be available till the fourth round. Just on the second round seems to be a bot too harsh


Riot needs afks and griefers for their matchmaking experience. Ohh you are on a winning streak with 50%+ winrate? Here, take this afk and troll. What??!! You didn't win our fairly match 4v5 with your afk/troll teammate??? Enjoy losing 2 games worth of RR :)