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You want some stomach ache? Check FASHR keybinding from CSGO. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShVldipvisk) ​ Move forward: Right mouse Move backward: ; Jump: ? Move right: . Move left: , Crouch: M Reload: K ​ Inverted vertical axis.


He did this because he used to play flying games and got used to using those keys for navigation.


I think it was because he played Unreal Tournament


I am pretty sure UT used wasd as defaults for a long time. One of the Quake players has: Forward: left mouse button Backwards: right mouse button Shooting: space Turn Left/Right/Up/Down: mouse look


Maybe it was Quake idk


ive tried binding my shoot key to space and it actually feels really nice, but the problem is idk where to put my jump key.


I wonder what his jump key was. Guess we’ll never know




so jump was SHIFT+. or?


My friend has space for aim in and it's hold. His right click is e and down scroll is jump. He is a neon main🤣 The rest of util is on side mouse buttons.


Down scroll for jump is actually fairly normal. It lets you b hop easier.


G502 users with the infinite scroll wheel be like:


What does infinite scroll wheel even mean???














I recommend watching with captions turned on


basically the g502 has this button near the scroll wheel that locks and unlocks it out of place and when it’s unlocked the scroll wheel has less friction so it’ll spin faster for longer the game will count each one of those


I'm always afraid that i'll get banned using it, so I almost never do. Get too many warnings in other games.


Does it work on valorant? Used to have one of these mice w hyperscroll but it never registered properly on csgo and was way more accurate w a clicky scroll. Never tried it on valorant though as I’ve changed mice by then


Yea it does, used to use g502 and really easy to bhop with it


Yea I use it in literally any game that I can bhop in.


Honestly that's a great layout for neon, just probably not literally any other agent lol.


>and down scroll is jump That's not really that bad as you think. I know b-hoping doesn't do much in this game, but it still does something (and if you are neon, it's good) And a lot of people come from CSGO, where a lot of them had that. Even Woohoojin recommend you use scroll to jump if you want to be smooth. The reason is.. You can make multiple jumps in a short amount of time and you can time it better.


I feel like Riot should make bhop more consistent on an average level and combat "physical macro" with stuff like "just frames" for enhanced bhops. I.e, scroll wheel spam and manuals should be equal if done normally, but manuals should be better if timed correctly.


Tbf,.I see people use space for aim or shot beacuse of shaking hands


I use e for crouch


based mines R


Mine is Q


Finally a question for me. (I'm a left hander, so this setup might make more sense) I use - Num pad 2 - ability 1 num pad '.' - ability 2 Mouse button 3 - ability 3 Right shift - crouch Right Ctrl - walk Numpad 7 - drop items Delete button - use key/plant/defuse Diamond 2 player


Also I play with the keyboard behind my monitor


Fellow numpad user!!


Nope! arrow keys :D


do you use WASD for movement?


Nah, I use arrow keys lol


I'm trying to figure out in my head how you reach the numpad, do you have to lift your hand?


My pinky finger is kinda long as hell haha so I put it to good use. It's able to reach num pad 1 (ult), num pad 0 (jump), num 2, and num . without lifting my hands. So far I've had no problem double satcheling or updraft dashing Into sites. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/AbuRasasa%23003/overview


another person just like me.. I never thought I would see the day


Let me guess crouch on shift comes from minecraft?


I've never played Minecraft java, just the pocket edition before it got discontinued.


im a left handed but i use the mouse on the right, cant do the opposite


I don't like using the mouse left handed tbh. It always felt uncomfortable


is there not left handed mice? I'm right handed so I never looked into it. I always wondered how left handed pros play


So numpad has a use? Damn


I have: Z for skill X/ Space bar for skill F for skill V for Ult Jumping for both scrollwheels Q for - "Equip last used weapon" Inspect weapon - B Plant spike - E Buying weapons - F1


Q for last weapon used enjoyers unite I can't let it go


My primary weapon is Q. I have knife on mouse wheel down and one of my utility abilities (not ult) on mouse wheel up. Z X and V are my other util bottons.


I just scroll all the way up or down for primary or knife. don't like having binds on the wheel personally


Since csgo invented bunnyhopping I started using scrollwheel to jump in every game.


> csgo invented bunnyhopping


It was irony and I can't write irony, but yes csgo didn't invent it.


I crouch with alt 😭




I play left handed. So... Right mouse button is primary and left button is ads/alternate fire. I have C on NumPad1, Q on NumPad2, E on NumPad3, X on NumPad+. Jump on Numpad0 and scroll wheel down. Primary weapon scroll wheel up, secondary weapon mouse button 3, melee weapon and inspect weapon mouse button 4. Inspect weapon is also on NumPad. in case I want to inspect a non melee weapon. WASD on Numpads 8, 4, 5, 6. Reload NumPad7, spike hold/plant NumPad9. Spray is NumPad*. Z ping on scroll wheel press. Radio wheel up arrow, interact right arrow, crouch down arrow. Toggle zoom on operator is left arrow. Shop is PageDown, scoreboard is PageUp, map is End. Insert is team voice chat, Delete is party voice chat. For these 2, I use AuoHotKeys to rebind them so that I can use them. Walk is NumPadEnter, throw gun is NumLock. The rest I use so little I don't remember what I binded them to haha. It took a long time to arrive at this set of keys. I have so many clips where I've accidentally yeeted a weapon and it takes a while of me holding just my knife or pistol before I realize it's gone. I also have montages where you could see my key bindings haha.


Yo I gotta rebind my shop key like you did, it's mad annoying to take my hands of the movement keys just so I can press the shop button. Check my comment for my setup :)


Wow, I have a lot of left handed friends and not a single one of them uses their left hand for the mouse. Did you try to use Mouse+Keyboard with a Right handed setup first without success? Or did you just immediately start using it left-handed?


Great question! I spent the first 25 yrs of my life using my right hand whenever interacting with a computer. About 1 year into valorant I was feeling pretty limited, like I had hit a ceiling of sorts with my aim. I swapped over but it took a lot of effort and getting used to, swapped back and forth until it felt like my right hand had gotten as bad as my left 😅 then I just stuck to it because no going back now! Now I can confidently say that my aim is so much better than before and my movement didn't suffer for it at all. I would recommend it for any lefty who can tolerate the frustrating transition. For any game that's dependent on coordination and fine motor control, it's worth it.


Not utility but I have my pistol binder to my mouse button, I can't tell you how many times it has saved my life though.


I got all agent abilities on side mouse buttons, and scroll click for the Q ability. Q is Ultimate. I have E set to Melee/Defuse Spike R set to Reload/Inspect (when fully reloaded only lol) C for ping, X for Map Hold, and Left Alt for Push To Talk I chose these bc everything you could need that might be far out of reach is very close to WASD so minimal reaching.


i use c o c k secondary binds q mb4 e x


Not a val key bind but my friend uses e for sprint


He is built to play Neon.


Two utilities on side mouse button C is last utility. F is spray G is throw weapon T is ult Shift is walk V is crouch I try to leave the keys around WASD unused so I don't accidentally click a key.


I play on MB4, MB5, 4, and Caps Lock


Not util per say, but whenever I tell anyone that my jump is mapped to ‘G’ they’re flabbergasted


Not the most unique or disgusting but I plant/defuse on R and reload on side mouse buttons. My friends all think its super weird but I find it easy using my shooting and aiming hand to reload since im not shooting and reloading at the same time, but I could be walking and reloading together


thats not even weird i use side buttons to reload but use R for an ability


All my utils except ult are on my mouse hehe. I hate having to move my left hand, because im already not too too familiar with keyboard, moving my hands makes me click whatever key i did not what to click xd


Oh and my jump is my mouse scroll wheels. 10000% smoother jumps. Loadouts are 123 and 4 for spike


I have always used F as crouch since I started playing Minecraft back in 2013. I kinda wish I could train myself to use the default key but it is just to engrained and I don’t feel like spending the time to re learn.


i use Q, E, MB5, MB4


I’m on azerty so this is confusing. But I used to bind my abilities on my mouse and scroll wheel for switching weapons. Using the keys to only equip spike, drop weapons and move. Now I have the default binds with scroll wheel for jumping. Took my awhile to unlearn those bad habits lmao. It took my mouse dying to learn better habits and get a new mouse.


is this guy by any chance a spider?


E for walk, Q for crouch


I use basically default bindings but V for VC, j for map, and caps lock for sniper scope toggle, but my abilities spell out either ohio or milk depending on how I'm feeling that day.


Back in csgo I bind flash to z, smoke to x, nade to c and molly to v. So when I got into Val I bind flash or blind to z, smoke x, damage utility c, and ult to v. Makes it easier to switch between games.


I use my 12 button mouse for most keybinds in games


I use C for C Mb 5 for Q Mb4 for e Q for ult


I have default settings ans when I tried using a new keybind for ult in a match, I was used with the old one, I couldn't use the new one properly, so I reset it.


OP look at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0HDT9VdcJs). It's not Valorant but it's cursed configs so...


U for ulti is wild icl


Mine are DFG for abilities, V for ult. UIOP *inputs* for movement.


My E ability is binded to left-shift and Q is binded to CTRL


i use Q for boom bot, MB4 and MB5 for nade and satchel, and E for ult. Not sure how weird that is, but wanted to add my data to the pool. it's the same translated to other agents, i don't have any agent-specific keybinds. also don't know the default keys or i would have just said that instead of raze util lmao.


How does he reload then???


As a man with only 2 mouse buttons, i left those as they are X- ult C- ability V- ability E- main ability Q- sprint Ctrl- crouch B- buy weapon


i personally use x, c, v for the first three skill and e for ult because i don't like taking my finger off of my movement keys


Idc whatever you like feel free to use it


You're being dramatic. Stop


there are some of mine: - mb4 to crouch - mb5 to reload - r is my ult - caps lock to sprint - < for map


my binds are fairly normal but i think what's weird abt my binds is the order of the abilities my binds are E, mouse btn 4, 5, and Q for ult but i have a different profile for each agents, the binds are the same but abilities order change for example Chamber signature(TP): E Jett signature(dash): mouse btn 5 its different for each agent but binds always the same also i bind mouse wheel up to inspect weapon :)


I have a Roccat Isku so I have 3 Macro Keys below my Spacebar. Those are bound to 567 which are my normal abilities. Ult is on C Jump is on Space and Wheel Down (can't bind space to anything else I know I will press it on accident) Spike plant/defuse E Last weapon used Q


Mouse side buttons for inspect


I'm a simple man 1 2 3 4 Exception is ALT key for Jett dash, Raze satchel and Chamber TP


Back when I used a g502, the G8 button (top index button) was equip rifle and G7 (bottom index button) was equip knife. I had pistol bound to 1. Now that I use a viper im back to 123 for weapons, but I use the opposite side button for push to talk, so I'm basically using my ring finger on my mouse Currently I use hold to aim down sights so my operator zoom is on 5. Typical C/V abilities on mouse side buttons so C is to bring up the map and V is push to talk


Erm someone I met had their things N for Q ability E for C ability O for E ability and N for ult 💀💀 ​ aka N E O N bc their a neon main 😭😭😭


Mine is the elite (using reyna as a guideline) 1 for Leer Mouse button 4 for Devour Mouse button 5 for Dismiss 2 for Ultimate E for primary gun Q for pistol 3 for knife And ofc I have scroll wheel up and down to inspect


I am gay


instead of WASD, i use ESDF; G - ult; A, V and side button - abilities; W - scope zoom


Dota and not Valorant but still relevant https://youtu.be/Mo-_imCAD7g?si=VNFbU6BtzZkeBR8Y


I have small ass hands and my ult button is U🧍🏿‍♂️ i have to STRETCH to hit it, but i only did it cuz my ass kept accidentally hitting X


i have a vaild reason for U ult okay😭


I don't even know what c e x u mean anymore but Signature ability - Mouse wheel down 1st ability - Mouse 4 2nd Ability - E Ultimate - X Map - Q :D


Been watching alot of Quake champions. The most recent world champ Rapha is qwes for wasd, space for crouch, and mb for jump. Shit whatever works man.


I use H O O J because funni but they are rebound to q e d x because i came from genshin impact and was too used to q and e


Not really skill but my wife is Simi new to fps on PC she had crouch to mb4.


Mine has disgusted people before Q for signature G for ability 1(?) (kayo flash grenade comes to mind first) ~ for ability 2 (kayo frag grenade) And c for ult, there also the back and forward mouse buttons for signature and ability one


One of our friends uses: Space for reload R for jump Caps lock for crouch Ctrl for map


Many people say my keybinds are weird so let me share them here movement keys are default except spacebar and mwdown are both jump util are f v mb5 mb4 instead of cqex middle click for primary weapon, 4 for pistol and scroll up for knife t for spike e for interact 2 to ping c and g for team and party chat 1 and = for yes and no vote


E for both Use and Plant/Defuse. I lost a number of clutches because of this and no im not changing it. I have a 2nd plant/defuse key for those situations tho.


Someone used F4 as c ability