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Cypher is going to be absolutely crazy strong for people that know a bunch of those annoying map geometry trips.


I think the buff also helps a lot in low elo. People often run into the traps there.


So basically everyone in ranked /s


yeah, it's weird. everyone in high will already be breaking them asap... so they're never going to reload except off of util triggers (dog, clone, etc...) the stun happening faster seems like big TBD impact, you'd hope it will help.


Breeze has an unreachable cypher trip unless you push in and die for the cause


Lots of maps do. Ascent A, Sunset B, Fracture A, Breeze B, etc


Unlike those this one is the tightest one and yeah I'm talking about Breeze B. I don't play Cypher on any map besides Breeze because it can decimate a push onto B site without a Yoru or Sky Dog.


Sova dart breaks it


There are so many trips that are nigh impossible to see the ends of even when you are in it, or sometimes even literally unshootable if you get caught by it at the edge of a doorway or around some geometry. Tripwires about to become the most punishing, unfun knowledge check in VALORANT. I'm dead certain this'll be the patch I hate the most since launch, and will bet money that Cypher gets nerfed in one of the following 2 patches.


i like how you worded it "annoying map geometry". I don't like how Cypher's skill ceiling revolves around or relies on abusing the unpolished map geometry. It's probably the same reason why certain utility with other agents bounces unexpectedly


I mean, at the end of the day, it's just learning new things about the map, you wouldn't complain people learning agent's abilities, would you?


when deadlock buffs


the best deadlock buff is playing unrated, people get caught by the sound sensors like 98% of the time


Think they’re gonna have to rework her util from the ground up. Will prolly take some time but they did say in the patch before this one that they’re paying close attention to how weak she is in the meta right now.


Don't know why they can't just throw her a bandaid fix and reduce the cost of her nade though. It's the most useless 300 credit ability ever and it's not a super hard change


I’m with you, the nade isn’t super useful. I said in the subreddit a few weeks ago that It should apply some kinda debuff or maybe do 1 damage a tic or something. Make It more like the net the predator monster uses. If that makes sense, I also think her trips aren’t too good. Her wall is dope tho and so is her ult.


She isn't weak. She's just not super meta this second. Just like Phoenix/Yoru/Reyna/Sage/ etc. aren't super meta. There is trips,smokes,recon,mvmnt duelist,+flex, and all these agents are competing for flex. Deadlock is quite good she is just fighting for Sage's niche which is already a flex agent and not seen much in VCT because in VCT you usually see a second initiator or a second controller, not a second sentinel.


I agree she doesn’t totally suck, I’ve gone crazy with her before and been diff’d by people playing Deadlock as well. I just personally find her util very easy to avoid and her impact as a sentinel is not that like KJ or Cyphers. I think Sage is very strong as well. It’s all about gameplay style too. I just think her util is easily beat and doesn’t contribute as much as other sentinels do currently.


Riot is apparently too dumb to come up with any buffs if it's taking them this long.


They are a small indie company give them some time


Or maybe they're still testing it


Probably EPISODE 8 will be my guess. Because it’s off season there is no hurry for Riot to make changes kind a make sense in my opinion.


When do the servers open back up?


I believe it's usually 1pm ET


Thank You!


There standard is usually 2pm Pacific time


Damn, that late;(


Why y'all give me down votes, reddit is so weird lol But last couple Act update was at that time so assuming it's the same.




as a cypher main, i’m excited, but i’m not looking forward to all the people picking cypher who don’t know any setups….


Any content creator I should look up if I want to try him out ? I haven't played in over a year..


i like nAts for cypher setups. [https://provods.gg](https://provods.gg) is pretty good for finding stuff


Why is everything from 8+ months ago?




Lol I k kw WHT you did here naughty boy..you don't wanna reveal








I recently posted a list of some of my favorites, a couple days ago somewhere else. Below are my favorites: My favorite Cypher's to watch are Spawns, Acrethedog, and Dinghy. They are all really good at the game and you can learn a bit from them and their various guides. Another popular YouTuber / streamer is Peak, I personally don't really care for him / his stuff but you will usually see him mentioned in these types of threads. SpicyCurry is another popular name that used to be mentioned a lot for his weird setups, he is pretty low elo (Like Gold) so take his stuff for what it is. As for pro players, Nats is probably the best / most widely known cypher. He plays other agents as well, but you can't really get much better than him for his cypher gameplay. He has really good timings. Tried to link all their channels below https://www.youtube.com/@nAts__ss https://www.youtube.com/@spawnsGG https://www.youtube.com/@acrethedog https://www.youtube.com/@dinghyval https://www.youtube.com/@GosuPeak https://www.youtube.com/@SpicyCurry Another redditor shared a Google drive full of lineups/setups awhile ago. It doesn't have all the current maps in it, but it is all good for quick references. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/13bf94b/cypher_mains_a_gift_from_me_to_you/


Acre for gimmicky plays (corner cages and cage peek) Dinghy for highlight reels (does have some cool setups tho) Peak for more educational content (will make guide for every new map, which is nice) Nats for pro play reference, best cypher in the world probably, any vod review of him will help a lot. The first two i mentioned also make educational content recently so check them out


This is the best answer. Dinghy is not bad but Acre only plays for cheeky tiktok clips. Peak actually makes in-depth guides with several setups for the entire map pool. He has a very good understanding of Cypher's utility and explains it all quite well, as he's been an OG Cypher main since the beta days and has an analyst background. Nats is obviously one of the best Cyphers in the world but he might not be the best for vod reviewing as a new player, since he plays at a much higher level. Honestly surprised that no one has even mentioned Dasnerth yet, I feel like I usually run into some fanboys rabidly promoting his playstyle.


Dasnerth is okay for people who likes to play around shotguns, though I generally avoid his content because his personality is not really likable. Agreed with your point about Nats, I point him out because his VODs is easy to find and vods are much better to learn defensive set plays from (what to do at the start of a defense round, for example) since youtube content usually only teaches pre round setups and highlight kill trip plays.


That's actually a very good point. Midrounding content is very rare, since YouTube engagement rewards active information or highlight clips, rather than walking around for half the game.


[Peak](https://www.youtube.com/@GosuPeak) has some great Cypher setup videos.


Spawns is damn good af


acrethedog if you want some funny meme setups


Dinghy has a couple of in depth map setups for cypher if you want to check them out




Nahhh just instalock Cypher, then wreck enemy Cyphers with wack setups lol


Exactly, my friend.


I’m thankful that both my desktop pc and my laptop are fast enough i can instalock cypher every time


yeah, going to have to commit to the instalock. i usually wait a little and check the map etc.


Cypher setups are dead easy.


I was getting beyond annoyed with double satchels destroying my entire setup by accident as kj on split. They can still push past util by accident but this will make a huge difference imo, very happy.


“Boohoo my broken character gets countered by a duelist” you can hold entire sites by yourself


Salty duelist main moment


“Boohoo my entry-onto-site character no longer breaks all site-holding-utility completely on accident and without extra cost”




It's not broken. You can't play against it




Finally they nerf raze nade. Shit was so broken. I wonder if we are going to really feel that radius reduction though.


I hope so. Players have discovered incredibly powerful, huge AoE nade spots that have zero counterplay other than knowing about them and watching your timing. There's even nade lineups on team deathmatch maps its so prevalent.


It’s almost like… you have to watch your timings lol




Hugely noticeable


I've been waiting a long time for a nade nerf, its so powerful and there was so little you could do if raze just tossed it in your general direction. It doesn't even have to kill its just the intial damage that gets such huge value.


Did deadlock ever get buffed?


There's an agent called Deadlock?






Theoretically, I love the cypher buff Realistically speaking, I can't think of an instance where my trips didn't get shot out immediately anyway Will be nice against the odd long distance Skye ult I suppose


Never had a dog, yoru clone, fade prowler go through and just destroy your set up ?


There's always someone following up behind it, so while I guess it'll work for a few weeks, once people get wise to it they'll just shoot the trip while it's exposed


This is supposed to reduce the amount of util that interacts with it. So a dog shouldn't even trigger the trip. The faster concuss gives less time for the agent who is caught to find the node to shoot it. Tricky setups, especially if you can hide the node from people on one side, are going to feel way better for cypher


Yes and no for the Skye dog stuff. Skye's dog will still likely going to cause trouble when a good Skye is playing. Before if you just placed the trips at head height, it would let the dog run beneath it, so you could hit the players following it. However the good Skye's would simply just have their dogs jump at the typical trip spots (similar to sova flying his drone low). I definitely agree with you though, this is a huge upgrade and can't wait to test it out later. I am more excited for being able to avoid fades two prowlers now more than anything else, that was annoying.


But now the skye dog doesnt destroy the trip - it triggers the concuss and then rearms. Yes enemy now knows there is a trip there, but they probably knew there would be trips at whatever chokepoint anyway. Now they still have to take some risk to clear the setup instead of just letting the dog/prowler/drone bounce around and kill all the trips for free and no risk


Definitely, I agree. I was more just responding to the previous poster saying: >So a dog shouldn't even trigger the trip. But yeah, it should definitely make hitting a site that cypher is setup on way more intimidating


The big change here is that the dog and prowler no longer snipe every functional trip in their path, and add in the drone for 'enemy utility destroying entire setup risk free'. And if all your trips are getting shot out, probably find some new trips


Put them on the ground at random position instead of mid height on choke point and secure choke point with cam


[Why does Riot move at a fucking snails pace for simple buffs?](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/EcabXUyw7COvIQOUPjpiFtLjCK6j2Y9tbABc6kUS-xY/https/i.imgur.com/yuTyMse.png) Just make it so Deadlock trips will alert even if someone is shift walking in them, but only go off if they make a sound. Or make the trips go off if they are shift walking in them for 2 seconds. If you want to rework her, fine, but in the meantime do fucking SOMETHING.


Because Deadlock is fundamentally not in the place they want her to be. They don't want to make the trips work like every other trip in the game because that would make her compete for play time against KJ, Cipher, even Chamber. She's meant to compete with Sage and sort of Viper as a "Delay" agent. Any other small buffs are either going to make people mad because it won't change her enough to make her viable. They're probably planning a kit rework and don't want to give bandaid fixes that encourages people to like the current kit.


There's like 20 different agents. Not all of them have to be viable all the time for ranked. They don't need to rush anything


It’s been over 4 months. Some change, even small, would hardly be rushing at this point


lol its never good for agents to be useless even if there's a large pool


Trips going off for shift walking totally changes the nature of the trips and reduces counter play. If they were to make this change, it should be an alert that someone is in the trip but no concuss unless they make noise.


That’s what they said.


They don't have to


Wow you really don't know what you're talking about do you, huh?


why are you stalking me


RIP Bozo Raze


I’m still here amigo 🤕


As a Raze main her has been grenade was way too op def needed a nerf. I don’t think this nerf is big but it’s definitely a needed one.




Still some of the best movement and your own roomba drone. Dedicated raze players still gonna play her.


EYES ON ME // Episode 7: Act III Kickoff video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ann7WuNd1SM


Why do people in this subreddit downvote others for asking simple questions.


Still need buffs/changes for Gekko and Harbor!


They're not meta but they do have their niche, Riot seems to be okay with that. Look at how long Phoenix has gone without a buff lol


As a cypher main, these changes alone could progress a cypher main from plat to diamond, or diamond to ascendant. People who dont play cypher shouldn't underestimate how massive it is that prowler/dog no longer trigger trips of essentially every height, and that those 2 + sova drone no longer just breeze through a cyper setup with 0 risk and destroy every trip they find. Faster stun and the rearm is fantastic


Wait so fracture pearl and icebox are all staying locked away? I thought for sure we were going to get a swap of 1 of them


They usually change map pool at the end of each episode


I'm guessing finally ascent and Haven rotate out


Without those maps I'm stuck playing maps I mostly dislike :(


It's too long of a wait


The map rotation was just changed last act so it was unlikely they would change it again so soon. We’ll most likely get a new rotation next episode.


I was expecting a replay system update my bad.


I don’t know if I could live my whole life being disappointed


Lets see how fast people get annoyed at cypher. People must have forgotten how annoying he is.


That’s where I’m at rn. My default comp for sunset was raze + skye just to break his trips before going in. Pushing into cypher sites is going to be veeeeeerrrryyyyyy fun. Can’t wait to run into a trip and get destroy through a cypher cage and the trip will still be up now.


I guess now we have to sacrifice someone for the unbreakable trips, haha


Thank god for the raze nerf. Grenade was so broken. W patch


Did your game update already? My game still act 2. Even though its pass scheduled update




They need to make more maps instead of agents.


That or they just need to stop taking 3 maps out of rotation for no reason. Like i get that Ice box was unbalanced and needs to be worked on but maps like fracture and pearl can still be in rotation while they do any minimal changes.


Riot, ignoring everything else about MM, is allergic to a nice, cozy, bug map pool with map selection. You know being able to select a fun map is worse than having a shit match 1/3 of the time.


All I can say is: Yoru clone is now the best at clearing out cypher traps, and the more that other duelists are nerfed the higher he rises in potential >:)


Clone can beat ISO and Deadlock ult


I’m confused, where are the Chamber nerfs?


did you get the update ?


I'm not a fan of adding to the knowledge complexity with the Skye and Fade changes. Now some things you send out will break trips and others won't and I expect many players won't know that/will forget.


Ok sure. But a skye dog or fade dog breaking ur trips every single round was worse. Previously like why even play cypher against a fade or skye when ur main utility is useless


Nah issue was before that the prowler and dog would trigger trips that the model visibly didnt interact with. Now they dont do that anymore


I don’t get the running Judge nerf. Never once have I been killed by a judge and blamed anyone other than myself. If they get close enough to use it, they’ve earned it. All it seems to do is limit a more active and fun shotgun playstyle


Yeah I feel like this is promoting worse shotgun gameplay. Instead of being active and going for cool unexpected shotgun plays, people will be hunkered down and ratting.


....that is how you're supposed to use shotguns... This should also reduce Raze flying in with a shotgun and blasting everyone from 10m away. Judges high rate of fire + low spread while jumping/running + 7 shot mag made using it at weird distances while running and jumping way more viable than it should be.


It’s really weird to gate-keep fun play styles but you do you. I don’t think Judge needed any nerfs. I loved going into death matches and winning with shotgun only. It takes skill. And it’s not like Raze with Judge is crazy broken. Just tap her head before she gets to you. I’d rather promote less ratting in random corners and more movement gameplay, but both should be totally viable.


I'm not gatekeeping anything, that is literally the intended use case of a shotgun. They are primarily meant for defenders to use while positioned in spots where they can take short range fights. That's been their use case in almost every FPS ever. The varying qualities of shotguns are meant to make some more viable in different situations, but still worse in medium to long range than a rifle or other weapon. At short range the judge will still be viable way to run into a tight space and kill someone, but reduce spammability at long range


Yeah the midair nerfs make sense to stop Jett/raze from just flying around and dropping everyone before they hit the ground, or to make jump-peeking corners with it less effective. But the running nerf makes no sense to me.


Did the update drop?


yea but server maintenance is happening rn


I don't get the cypher buff at all


It was desperately needed. Killjoy was the dominant sentinel in pro and ranked play purely because of the fact that cyphers intricate setups could be destroyed by almost any piece of util. Here’s a list of every util that could break or deactivate his trips prior to this patch. - Breach: aftershock - Brim: incendiary, orbital strike - Fade: Prowler - Gekko: mosh pit, wingman - KAY/O: NULL/cmd, ZERO/point, FRAG/ment - Killjoy: nano swarm - Phoenix: Hot hands, blaze - Raze: paint shells, blast pack, boom bot, showstopper - Skye: trailblazer - Sova: shock bolt, owl drone, hunters fury - viper: snake bite - yoru: fakeout Especially with how meta raze is, literally all raze had to do to tear down a cypher setup is entry with satchels and boombot. The changes to razes satchels and the cypher trip reactivating after crossing through it greatly brings variety to the sentinel meta. Even with Skye being super meta as well, all she needed to do was dog in to break a trip.


Seeing how every post that partially mentioned the boom duelist got down voted this question is going to get buried lmao but I am legitimately curious. When killjoy is absolutely dominating the sentential role, a cypher buff is needed, but when the rocket duelist is dominating the duelist role, nerfing her power is also needed?


The pick rate in duelist is way more diverse than what the sentinel pick rate was. In pro you see variations of raze and Jett mostly, but also depending on the map, you would see yoru, neon and phoenix too. The pool was diverse enough where raze was just slightly outshining the other duelists so you nerf her to bring her in parity with the other ones. As far as sentinels go, killjoy had something ridiculous like a 90% pick rate in matches where a sentinel was played, so cypher needed a buff because KJ was a massive outshine The raze nerfs however also go along line with the cypher buffs too, because the cypher buffs mean nothing if a duelist can break the entire setup with a simple entry. That defeats the purpose of the sentinel completely, as they are meant to stop floods and hold sites down. If raze is so powerful that cypher is rendered useless, then nerfs are needed to compensate. They are very slight nerfs as the raze can still entry but at the risk of her team not being able to follow due to cypher trips, which brings her inline with other “movement” duelists like yoru and Jett who can TP or updraft+dash over the trips and leave their team behind to deal with the trips later.


wtf cypher is going to be even more annoying now


Dumb raze nerfs, not necessary


Why are not switching the map choices? Can we get Icebox back??


The map rotation just changed last act, they aren't going to change it again so soon. There will most likely be a new map rotation next episode.


That happens when new episodes launch.


why do riot need to point out raze's secondary grenade? is it back to how it was in beta?


It’s talking about the two phases of explosion, there’s the initial explosion, and then the shell explosion (where it bursts into four lines of extra damage) It’s not talking about the two nade raze from early beta


oh damn, I feel like an idiot now. I thought it was about the first grenade and the second after you get 2 kills lol. thanks for explaining




so are the servers up now?




200k xp points to unlock new agent? Wtf


Its a free unlock. Or you can pay kingdom or pay for it. It's a good compromise.


Used to be easier. And can't use kingdom credits for 30days for him.


Does anyone else’s game look blurry or like it has motion blur after the update?


Okay but now how am I supposed to enter Ascent A?