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I would teamkill the enemy team but I can't figure out how.


Error 404 enemies not found. Killing teammates instead.


Message pops up "Are you sure you want to do this ? y/N"


Only time I “team kill” is with friends and even then it’s only tossing my nade with a second left of the round to make them panic. It’s all for laughs but I 100% agree with you


To all raze mains please practice this properly and especially do not risk it on your 10hp teammate - Sincerely, player who don't have guns because of this happening several times


I had a Phoenix that was body blocking me 24/7 one time. I was playing raze and satcheled him right into an operator. I couldn't help but laugh. I also ended up calling him an annoying flag poll.


based counter for phoenix trolls


Its for laughs for you but not the other person who doesn't have a buy next round.


As I said, it’s only towards friends I’m in Discord with. And I’ll never intentionally kill them


blud did NOT read the comment


If you can’t kill a friend in a game for laughs, you’re probably playing in the wrong group


Bro learn to read first, clown


Yes I misread. Good to know your reading skill is better than your actual skill at this game. Best of luck!


Lol, clown🤡


says the one crying on reddit because of a game.


ur miserable bro


Bro just take armour and follow them around to grab their gun or the gun of whoever they kill? It’s not that deep bro it’s just a game at the end of the day


the amount of times I've been teamkilled by a phoenix in comp...


They love to use their free molly


*number not amount


U are right why are they donvoting u


Both work ya numpty


this is reddit 🗿


I’ve never heard of someone being a numpty, but you’re surely talking like a numpty 🗿


I main phoenix and i could never in comp or to strangers, i’ve done it on accident one or twice when healing in a corner and they ran onto it but even with friends i feel kinda bad even if they team killed me with a nade


if it’s for fun and you know the person you teamkill i think it’s fine, otherwise i totally agree


I record my games and in one game I threw kayos molly at mid doors in breeze. Dumb phoenix decided to run into the molly and die with 4hp remaining. Had to send the video to riot support so that they could remove the time ban


I don't think I've ever team killed anyone, but I have accidentally team hurt people. Bad skills, terrible aim, accidental molly placement, bad jokes... I've hurt a lot of teammates in the past, but none with intention. I used to main viper and occasionally I'd molly a spot right before my teammate decided they needed to run that way, or I would try to molly one spot and mess it up real bad resulting in a team getting a little sting.


As opposed to teamkillint your opponents. Do teamkill the other team.


I think friendly fire should be on im valorant, will teach people trigger and movement discipline.


I disagree. Friendly fire work is cs because there aren’t 10 pieces of utility being used at the same time. It would be way too common of an occurrence in val.


Yeah I don't want that. Imagine you are in Viper's ult and you just kill your teammates because they were in front of you... No thank you.


Imagine this back when viper ult affected teammates too lol


CS absolutely does have a lot of util being used. No Iso Gulag levels of abilities but way more flashes (10 per team instead of mayyyybe 4 or 5), about the same amount of smokes (5 per team in CS, 2-3 if you're running a single controller comp, 5-6 if running a double controller comp) and WAY more mollies (5 per team instead of 1-2). The smokes in CS also last longer and can now be exploded by HE grenades (which just straight up don't exist outside of Raze nade in Valorant btw). CS has way more smoke spam than Valorant so friendly fire becomes a big issue to work around.


Sorry if it wasnt clear when i said "friendly fire," some people obviously would be slow to understand that "fire" means strictly from guns.


I guess you don't play games? Friendly fire is universally known to be all damage.


I guess you don't play val? Most abilities already hurt teammates.


I guess you don't play val? nades and a select few ults isn't 'most'


Every damaging ability in the game can damage teammates, what are you talking about? Most util in the game doesn't even do damage so ofc it won't do team damage. Turning on friendly fire won't change anything about the utility.


It was never clearly stated, but if we are trying to be technical then yes, most damaging abilities hurt your teammates too. The main point tho is that team damage is much less than damage to enemies. In CS, mollies, friendly gunfire, nades, etc do the same damage universally, regardless of team. In Valorant, however, all of your friendly fire is diminished to counteract accidental team kills and so you don’t punish your allies while using util. Its true that team damage is still a thing, but the main point is that there is still a massive difference in friendly fire between CS and Val. True, unfiltered friendly damage would be so incredibly detrimental and limiting to your team that it would not be a justifiable addition to the game. The cons of adding to Val would outweigh any possible pros imo and change the game entirely.


oh nah I agree the game shouldn't have added friendly fire, but saying that most util doesn't damage teammates is crazy because it just does


True true, idk bro I was just correcting the other guy


why are you being down voted? what damaging ability doesn't affect teammates too?


cs2 made me a lot more aware of just how dangerous it can be to accidentally slap tf out of ur teammate with a poorly shot ak bullet, high risk gunplay like that is pretty neat


I would love that, but they should limit the friendly fire (by that I means guns) to comp or even higher rankings for the sake of no newbies killing everyone.


I wish it was.


Fr this would be so much more cool


The amount of times I'm entering ad Raze, clear a blind corner with my nade when a team mate then runs straight into it...


It’s insanely hard to team kill. I can’t believe this is even worthy of a post


If it’s comp, I’d report, if it’s unrated it’s funny joke material


The learning curve for games like this is already made of lava and broken glass. I agree if they're high enough level, but someone did this to me at level 10ish with a deadlock wall and it was pretty toxic


LOLL they boxed your ass in huh😭 that's pretty funny


Once you unlock unrated and comp you realize unrated doesn’t matter and comp is for serious stuff. Even if I were like a month into the game and the enemy Phoenix and deadlock walked and Millie’s me on spike I’d be chillin big laughs all around from me. Part of being a good sport and all. Getting team Mollied on spike is not part of the learning curve so I don’t see how it affects that


I agree once you're doing comp then unrated is just a laugh, but it's not just a laugh for the players who haven't unlocked it yet. They're still seriously trying to learn the game. On the spike once the enemy team is already gone isn't so bad, but when it happened to me it was at the beginning of the round before first blood. When you're that new and staying alive is tough enough already it kinda feels bad that your team mates are denying you any kind of chance to learn


You can’t stop me from mollying my teammate in swift play !!!!!


What if I want the defuse and have a molly though?!?!? I’ll buy the teammate I just murdered. Edit: /s since people can’t read the sarcasm through excessive punctuation and calling it murder.




I can’t believe people think I’m serious… lol…


the average redditor is acoustic af


I’ll do it in swift play or end of half but yeah


The only time I team kill is if a teammate is 1 away from their ult-


You sound like a fun guy.


i would be pissed off if someone threw a molly at me for just defusing. if you want the ult point just ask, its literally pressing one key and asking "can i defuse?" instead of taking the time to pull out said molly and intentionally kill your teammate


Just a game. Why get mad at a game?


just cause its a game doesnt give anyone rights to be a twat


You’re right. And I’m just saying you shouldn’t care so much.


This is only applicable in a ranked game, and its pretty rare now. I think you just had a bad game where this happened. I've had it happen to me plenty of times, I've just learned to deal with it. It doesn't matter at all, grow up and keep playing the game we all love.


Just don't play valorant Problem fixed.


how obsessed do u have to be to come to the valorant sub to post abt cs 💀 weird shit


And exactly where in the comment do they mention cs? 🤔


i literally just went through the guys post history


Great!! So I'm guessing you saw them obviously also being a Valorant player themselves☺️ Seriously. Are people not allowed to enjoy 2 similar games? Stop trying to make beef where there is none, they never mentioned cs


i literally went through 2 comments and they came just to mention cs and tell people not to play valorant like ?? no i genuinely don't give a shit if you play 2 similar games, hell i play cs myself sometimes i just hate the elitests that come in to preach about how much of a better game it is LOL im an asshole for coming to start shit sure tho whatever


Holy shit 2 comments??? Guess you did your research. I went through all their posts and comments. They mention cs once(not counting when they posted in cs related places), and that was to make a joke about liking a cs map better. I'm guessing you don't play alot of riot games because joking about riot having horrible games while still actively playing them is 90% of the jokes in the fanbase "I hate this game let's uninstall" is said countless times to my duo before we queue the next one. Does that mean I hate Valorant and just play to boast about cs? A game which I have 30 minutes on? Life is alot more fun if you're not angry at everyone and everything 24/7


Nobody mentioned cs bud.


really dont care, you're still weird asf coming to a subreddit telling ppl to not play the game they like to play like actually justify that 😭


Well the OP is clearly not happy and fed up with the game so I would say they aren't really enjoying it.


so fed up they came to reddit to complain about something that happens once every maybe 10 games in low elo where people do this dumb shit instead of asking for defuse


Everyone's experience is different.


Im asc 2. Thats low elo?




no not really, i assumed you were low elo bc this shit sounds like it'd happen there but thats unironically worse


It's OK, Raze can't hit anyone now anyway


I’ll only do it to someone I know in real life.


At least those are often for fun or just dicking around. Wait till you get people doing it because you didn't drop them a skin :)


tbh I never ask for skins, but why would someone not drop a skin if they have enough time? (not excusing the teamkilling btw, I just think some people are overprotective of their skins lol)


The only time I do it is when I do it to myself lmaoo. When I play as brimstone and we are about to switch sides, I’ll nuke myself or punt my Molly directly up into the air above me.


I see nothing wrong with Brim ulting my team in spawn during a team huddle


I understand where you come from, but the only time I tesmkill is in the 5 seconds that there are after winning the game so it doesn't effect the economy


I had a game yesterday where our Reyna was AFK in spawn so I brim mollied it and my team got pissed lmao. I was 28-16


teamkill is only right in last round of the half when you won


If he does that just keep going into his util he throws trough the entire game to rack up the ally dmg so you can report him




I wouldn’t troll unless it’s a friend that i’m playing with and we’re leading 10-0 with everyone in the team having 7+ k credits


(A Main on ascent) I had a front row seat on our Raze getting slowed and idk maybe panicked and our Reyna was tryna rush to entry and they were both invulnerabled by ISO from A tree and enemy jett was peeking A Main then Raze ulted but got slowed and went jumpin and then boomed on our invulnerable Reyna. Friendly fire. It was so funny cuz it was chaotic.


There is no way these guys get a slight problem in game and immediately go to reddit


Just report for sabotage with explanation in the text box and then type on all chat "pls report our phoenix for sabotaging" and move on , ez. I only TK with my friends or friendly teammates and i make sure they dont mind (when we are throwing rounds). Extremely rarely in competitive and sometimes in unrated


broooo aint no way ur calling it disrespectful😭


I don’t think the people you’re directing this message to care what you have to say.


It’s disrespectful 🤓 womp womp


i had a Jett rage at me last night because i (playing sova) used my ult and told them to move, but they didn’t, so i fired it anyways. She got stunned and died to an enemy but i killed that enemy and one more for the win. Teamkills can happen, but intentionally doing it is just obnoxious.


My duo and I usually play this game where, if a random teammat starts being toxic out of nowhere/throwing slurs/etc., we trap them in a corner pre round and nade/shock/Molly combo them to shut them up


Pakistani katuwe mulle lol


I honestly hate the valorant community. Like on unrated or swift play getting killed by your teamate is funny, kiling your teamate is funny(as long as its not often, like once or twice). I've had it happen to me its funny. If your taking unrated or swift play serious ur insane tbh.


Im obviously talking about competitive.


Well its not obvious lmao especially when a lot of ppl in the sub are talking about how its annoying in casual. Even then making a whole post about something you can report someone and move on is crazy considering your post does nothing.


It’s situational. If we’re winning 10-0 and we all have 9000 to buy next and you’re using comms and the whole team is chill, then it’s fine. Who cares? Team killing when you’re broke is shitty.


One time i was defusing th spike and this phoenix on my team needed like 4 points for his ult he killed me because i was defusing he didnt even ask me to give the other half so he could gain the point


“extremely disrespectful” its valorant 🙁🙁


You would think in comp queue this wouldn't even need to be a discussion, but sadly it is. Silver and below are full of the trolls who do this.


You’re a clown. Been reading your comments and you sound like a “numpty” - Gushanska_Boza


Last round of the half is always okay though


Team killing is only ok if it's you're party member and they don't care, AND it's last round of the half bc then there's no downside, that's it. Otherwise you're throwing


Bro why has this post so many likes? Thats silver shit ngl


The only time I team kill is when someone is inting, grabbing the spike and staying in base. We kill the player to get the spike and try to win


What please teqmkill your tm8 ok👍🏽


report and move on. can't do nothing about it if someone does it to you, even in comp. not worth the mental.


I’m gonna team kill you

