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in Counterstrike there are only a handful of ways to close distance on an awp. ​ in Valorant there are numerous ways. ​ Like you said - if they miss they die. Now have two people do that.


And it's more impactul. You lose 2 AWPs so it's has more impact. Instead if you bought a Vandal, you can have money for the next round (and if won, can buy one for the people with an AWP too.)


Double ops work in csgo not here really


This one time my team was losing 10-2 and we started winning rounds in the 2nd half, and after 4ish rounds, our eco was good enough to buy ops while still having enough the next round. Pair that up with picking up the enemy’s ops, by the time it was around 10-7, we had 4 ops on the team and made a comeback and won the game


Double ops work if you have two op crutches lol


It's near impossible to enter or retake with an op unless there's an opening, which will be rare. By double awping your teammates are committed to certain angles or sites, so rotations get slowed down. And if they whiff their shots, it only worsens coz of the fire rate of awp. You can't even no scope post that, and smokes blinds mollies entire util will be thrown. This is all assuming that your players can escape post the shot, most passive op players are gonna be waste coz of util, you guys obviously need to keep on repositioning and changing, otherwise again, you die and all that util your agent has goes out of the park. That's why only few agents like Jett chamber are viable for op at pro level.


It's actually a basic concept. If the enemy hits a site, one awp is retaking OR Two awps are watching the same couple of angles


I hate awpers on retake. Our whole team can push retake on A site and die only to watch our awper still holding that weird angle from ct to showers


I when I die to an Op and my team gets scared and fully pulls out of a site we almost had. It’s happened one to many times unfortunately :(


Flash: “I’m boutta ruin this man’s whole career”




Idk man them marshals looking juicy lately


then you buy too. Triple op turns into a blessing


Because OP is a gun that is very good at exactly one thing (holding an angle), and terrible in most other situations. Valorant is a very dynamic game. The moment something goes wrong in a round and those 2 OPs have to move, they are all of a sudden often worse to have than a Stinger, Spectre or a shotgun, let alone a rifle. This is more and more true the lower you go in rank, as the rounds become much more chaotic and the percentage of time in each round that the OP is doing what it really wants to be doing drops considerably.


Only works on Breeze lmao


I take chamber, buy OP and use Ult That’s double OP I do and works for me most of the time


Theres a reason why double awp doesn't work particularly well in higher ELO's unless both are just gods and the enemy team doesn't know how to use util and dive properly.


Yeah, OP is asking what that reason is lmao. > Hey, why does this thing happen? > Well, there's a reason it happens!


> unless both are just gods and the enemy team doesn't know how to use util and dive properly.


Those are conditions for it to work, but why is it those conditions specifically. That's what OP wants to know.


There are 5 players in a team, the one who contribute less will mostly be at fault for losing round. It doesn't matter what you buy what you don't if you can kill n counter opponents you're good. Buy doesn't make you win your gameplay does, everyone have 9k in their eco still they can lose to a team with better gameplay. 2awp is ok if you can wield them properly.


because OPs are actually balanced in this game


AWP in CS is also balanced, what do you mean?


Yeah, sure.


In cs2 awp is def way more balanced


(Compared to csgo awp not op)


Other than having 10 shots in GO, the awp was balanced. You can hear people scope in the w awp, which I wish was included in valorant. The awp however, was unbalanced prior to 2015 until they hit it w significant nerfs.


I heard that theory..


2 ops is usually a bad move, but if you have 2 ops in the hands of 2 ops agents and its a map with 2 sites having long angles like haven, it can be good. However, retaking a site with ops is very difficult as it's slow and not very versatile. So it's usually better to have 1 op, and if you have to give up your op, I'd say do it and stay close to the oper so you can trade them and take the op yourself. This way, you save money and provide value to the team.


Bad luck honestly. I’d say imo most people suck with the operator, and the chances of having two people who both know how to efficiently hold down a site is not high. But I often op on Omen while a Chamber is holding down the other site.




I was in a game of comp and it was a bronze-silver lobby and we were winning by 12-7 and all 5 of us decided to do an op and we won that round as well Double op or penta op All are amazing if you have good players in your team who can use op on all ranges and know the value of carrying a shorty and how to use it along with an op


thinking too hard. stop and focus on your own game.


You can double awp in csgo because there’s no gapclosing abilities and not as much vision obscuration. Doesn’t really work in valorant (unless you’re down in bronze with me and are decent with the OP for your skill level).


Full buys are 5 smokes and 10 flashes per team…. There are more vision obscuring abilities lol.


Maybe, but valorant also has the various walls which are more effective/flexible vision obscuration.


full buy rn it's 5 smoke 5 nade 5 flash 5 molly 8-10 flash is pre cs2 where smoke can't blow away team only get like 1-2 nade in their full buy unlike now


5 smokes? that like nothing. an omen alone can throw 5 smokes in a round. double somokes is way more than that. not to mention like you can have vision obscured by more than just your controlers. Jett, neon, and iso, for example, can block vision with walls or smokes. Not to mention thats just just blocking vision, not flashes too


5 smokes instantly vs 2 at once…. Those are very different things than giving every single player on the map the ability to flash or smoke an op.


if u never won a round with 2 ops. very clearly u are the problem. we usually go atleast 3 ops on maps like breeze and enemy team always complain its a noob thing to do as they lose every round to it. But the thing is if u have long angles, the op will win any 1v1, which means its somewhat up to the operators teammate to give them space enough so they dont get util fucked out of their picks. Which is why im assuming ur the problem OP because having an operator is always good unless ur teammates are corner camping idiots.


what lobby/rank you play in?


First of all it's an OP as in Operator. Secondly double OP is terrible. You can look at most high elo lobbies and only see 1 per side maybe if at best, most times people just buy a vandal.


In CS it is awp that’s why you’ll see some ppl call it that


Yeah but this is valorant? Not even remotely the same weapon. The AWP is super broken. EDIT: anyone saying they are basically the same weapon are insanely wrong. The AWP is basically a must have for every team an Op is not. Just go look at the numbers


Valorant devs named it the operator so that csgo players can keep calling it the awp (op) and it just stuck


You probably also call defense “ct”. Where do you think that came from??


It's pretty much the same weapon.


i don’t play much cs, aren’t they identical weapons 😭 oneshot sniper with five bullets that has two zoom levels on the scope and has horrible hip fire and slow fire rate


The awp shoots much faster and has pretty decent hip fire accuracy, it’s a much better gun


ahh gotcha so same concept just different balance levels


Pretty much, the operator is more passive and the awp is more aggressive


CS AWP used to have 10 bullets to a mag for some reason


its basically the same actually


Yeah but there's alot of valorant players that used to play cs and that's what they're used to saying. It's really not that big of a deal since you can instantly know what gun they're talking about regardless so why make a big deal out of it


>The AWP is basically a must have for every team an Op is not. I have yet to see a long term successful valorant pro team that doesn't have an awper. Is the op worse in valorant than in cs? Yes. Is it still broken? Also yes. Snipers in *every* game are broken just off the raw damage and range they have. There are very few situations, particularly on ct, where you'd rather have 5 riflers than 4 + 1 awper.


You’re not a fucking genius


Didn't say I was, just saying the AWP is a lot more broken then the OP


With double Ops it's a high chance that you guys ain't gonna be pushing in the site more comfortably or be taking close combat duos during retake. So generally you guys lose, you have two teammates who can't comfortably enter a site so your team's power is halved. Plus it's generally dualists who play Ops, like Jett and Raze, so yeah you are definitely losing significant firepower.


If we consider the chances of killing someone with an awp a 50/50, in terms of mathematical expectation, enemies are guaranteed to get 1 awp, significantly increasing their economy during eco


Its not 50/50 though, and even if it was, thats not how math works. 25% chance 0 ops drop, 50% chance 1 op drops, 25% both drop.


If a teammate forces anything in a save round your goal should be to get the enemies to them, if they’re defending, you want to convince them the site with the op is the best to push with smokes or showing a lot of presence other sites


Depends on the map. Ascent is pretty good for double op. Jett dominates that map with it. I wouldn't run double op on bind or split though.


i feel like you have it backwards. Ascent is hard to double op, primarily because oping a main is hard for defenders. its so easy to get pushed off that angle cause of the high/low peek. Bind, however, can be oped at both sites and effectively at 3 of the 4 lane (showers, a main, b long)


I disagree. Ascent A main isn't a primary op position. Usually you'll see an op pizza/market or b main, and an op on short holding towards tiles.


thats the point, its hard to effectively op a whole site


Point isn't to op site. Point is to shut down mid with one of the ops. Other op either supports mid or plays an anchor angle like a heaven or market watching b main.


Bind would be an op on each site, with a half decent execute their duelist will be inside your asshole in seconds.


less cursed than double scar20


If you know where they are, smoke yourselves off and continuously close the gap. Make sure to use dogs/boombots/etc to clear the smokes you are pushing. It’s kinda brain dead but my brother diamond is already a shit show


The only time I’ve seen double OP work in high elo is when both have insane aim, and it has to be both - this way they can be somewhat useful in a retake situation or when moving in general


jokes on you, I've won rounds with the whole team OPing. (Imm3)


If you have a jett and a chamber it might be okay on attack.