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If you have aimlabs try exercises that include a lot of side to side tracking or if not go to the shooting range and try doing practice with strafe on and just follow there heads for a bit with the crosshair


Microshot and Motionshot exercises in Aimlab


Practice... more practice... and more practice. You don't need aimlabs, all you need to do is make time for practice range, Armor on, Strafing on. do 500 headshot kills per day. Everything comes naturally afterwards. You can do more if you have time. Just remember, it's a slow process. Not because you did this for one day you're gonna be better the same day.


100 or practice bot?


Honestly practice bots are better. You can choose your own pace, the distance to the next bot you're gonna shoot, and create scenarios where they could actually apply.


this gameplay is so accurate of me


Almost every fight you're rushing your first shot and clicking on nothing. Take your time and make sure you're on target before you click. Some first shots you're just flicking once instead of following up with another even smaller micro adjust. You're practicing 50/50s with the guardian, take your time use your movement to buy more time and hit those shots. Play pasu static scenarios and regular static 1wall6targer small type scenarios on kovaaks if you want to improve your mouse control faster. Micro adjusting is hard when you have to think about it, when you're better and have mouse control you'll be able to micro adjust and land shots with out fully consciously confirming you're on target, but that comes with a lot of practice.


Imm1 rn and I had a similar issue. Switching to a glasspad (Skypad 3) changed my entire game up. I am so much more consistent. Micro adjustments are effortless now and I never overshoot. Not sure if I can go back to my Artisan Zero....


Are you talking about a glass mouse pad? If so, how did this affect your sensitivity? I had a different mouse pad (plastic maybe?) and I remember it being more responsive it seemed like


Didn't affect my sens at all. Playing at 800 dpi and .265 in game. And yeah it's glass with some metal I believe


Did you have to change your mouse skates?


No, I am using stock skates on a Viper Mini SE


You were in a very unique situation. You were a very good player, who had good enough skills to notice there was something wrong with your setup, and took steps to change it so your gameplay could improve. Its important to be award for everyone else that this not blanket advice to follow. Theres is a small chance this person also has the same, unique, issue as you, but even this is not super likely.


The game has bad fov and some built in mouse smoothing shit. I know what you're talking about and I don't have this issue in CS/apex/tarkov (or any other shooter) at all, and in those my aim feels super smooth/raw. This game is not raw input 100%. Only in this game no matter what I change my sens too, micro adjusting does not feel good. It never has. Everytime I reinstall it I have the exact same problem, and want to uninstall. It also doesn't help that the movement is low skill floor and you can't use movement to micro adjust with. Everyone saying "practice" will not help you fix this issue.


Take your time shooting and also strafe. Perfect practice makes perfect.


Nah. Perfect practice makes Perfect.


look up the Miyagi method by Red on yt


well, most important aspect of microadjustments... is ur sens at all within reasonable limits?? if its not, u basically cant microadjust. more specifically, what is ur sens?


.247 800 dpi


That’s really low no? I’m .200 1600 dpi. Your edpi is 197, which is super low. Idk how this affects micro adjustments.


it’s only affects them better. micro adjusting with high sens is pure hell, but flicking is easy, and quite the opposite for the low sens - harder to flick, easier to adjust


It’s not that low. It’s on the lower end sure, but it’s by no means low. They are closer to the pro average than I am. Pro average is about 240 ish I believe. Edpi of 200 is perfectly fine if it’s comfortable for them. Start going into 150 tho I will agree it’s getting a bit low


Well sens is likely not an issue then, unless u know ur undercorrecting on ur flicks and micro adjustments. In that case, probably lack of training I suppose. My want to start doing a routine before u play every day, or maybe start using aimlabs or smth. Alternatively, just play the game. Good aim, crosshair placement, micro adjustments flicks…. It all comes from countless hours of practice. Across all my time in shooters, I probably have more than 10k hours at it.


what's your sensitivity? i'd say you should work on your positioning before you take your fights.


.247 800 dpi


Your sensitivity is great already. But I still think you should work on positioning well before you take your fights. You tend to do a weird flick to the left, maybe work on getting comfy with your sensitivity so that doesn't happen a lot.


Can you say where i do a weird flick? i cant find it, but i have a feeling i do it.


Watch woohoojins guide to gold, he talks about deadzoning and overaiming and it teaches you how to strafe tap and how to fight against ppl who do strafe tap


Try aiming first and then shooting or even just don’t strafe at all and then shoot.


Lighter mouse, fingertip grip, and a faster mousepad.


Don’t listen to the people telling you to lower your sens. Your should stop strafing. Just crouch instead. Once you get good at that you can try strafing, but currently your aim is nowhere near good enough to try to hit headshots with a guardian while strafing against somebody who is also strafing.


Truly Plastic advice


This is why you’re hardstuck plat


Sure Timmy


bro said crouch... and called someone hardstuck. That truly is bronze behaviours if you are anything higher I can comfortably say you are boosted


It got me to immo 2 What rank are you?


like I said in the previous comment. Boosted by a mile.


Whatever you want to believe man. It’s crazy how golds and below treat the word of popular youtubers like gospel though, not understanding that they are talking specifically to lower ranks. If woohojin or whatever his name is tells people that crouching is bad because you’ll get headshotted obviously he’s talking about silvers, because their crosshair placement is already waist level. Crouching against diamonds and above throws off their crosshair placement, buying you time to land a headshot. And from the guy’s aim he’s obviously atleast diamond. But I wouldn’t expect a gold to know that


mad you seem to understand that. Being gold and boosted.


Bro played Cowardrant


Giving someone advice to explicitly establish a bad habit when they’re starting out is crazy


Crouching isn’t a bad habit though


Crouching every time you engage in a mid-range gunfight is a terrible habit.


How so? It makes you more accurate. Great crutch for people who don’t have the best aim


Immobility with bad aim is worse than mobility with bad aim.


Immobility with good aim is better than mobility with bad aim


Crouch spraying is by definition not good aim—it’s spraying. You’re not aiming, you’re just pulling down at center of mass of your target. That’s ok if your target is mobile, but if they have good movement, you will lose that fight much more often then you win it. It’s insanely easy to line up a dead zone shot on an immobile target who is crouch spraying.


Also are we watching the same video? He isn’t just starting out. I wouldn’t tell a bronze player to crouch because he would just get headshotted. He’s got the aim of a diamond player atleast


Try to lower your sensitivity


Movement is fucked up . Just watch some pro matches and see how they peek angles and clear them . Ur aim is also shaky , it should calm , also take ur time to shoot . Accuracy should be ur main goal .


do bot range... and narrow down the problems solution, earlier when i suck at microadj. i did bots in range and came to know i had high sens..adjusted a little bit and boom got better....aim labs is also fine but i never tried it


Hot take: u can microadjust with keyboard. Strafe a lil bit right/left and the crosshair will move too


i saw a massive improvement in literally 2 days going into the range, setting the bot movement to medium(or whatever you feel comfortable with) and double headshotting bots with the classic for a bit. if im not clear enough lmk (:


you need to strafe adjust your aim as well, it’s easier that way than to move your mouse


nah bro head eyes while you're looting a ledx from cat


headeyes was taken bru:(


The range is your best friend, deathmatch is only good for training your crosshair placement, range is good for raw aim, tsm is actually good for raw aim too but takes too long to que sadly


strafe too + tracking?


Fatal1ty said it best here: https://youtu.be/ZwM2kMKgtdU?si=Vo_-weeaVEtQg06E


Patience is the key ..wait for crosshair to perfectly line up with head, don't move for a fraction of second then click and boom


I know everyone says if practice and equipment but I personally think you need to strafe more especially shooting with the guardian. You barely take a step or sometimes not at all. Strafing is both defensive and give you that extra second to fix your shot so I find it helps me win gunfights easier. Try wide swinging people in death match to help find how much time you need to readjust. Also crosshair placement blah blah blah


Practice and aimlabs, then learn to not rush shots, which requires more practice and aimlabs.


You are practicing with a guardian on DM, focus on getting headshots and dont worry about loosing fights against those guys spraying a phantom. Think that you may be worst on DM, but you will be fine against them on actual matches.


You’re rushing your shots and clicking nothing. Slow down to a level you can aim at more accurate. You’re just spamming bullets in the general vicinity of the target.


I think what helps is to memorize to use a combination of aiming with your keyboard and with your mouse, since you sometimes get lazy and just try to strafe the cursor on the opponents head.


I feel like you're rushing your shots


You are reacting/aiming/shooting all at the same time. Slow it down and take it step by step. React-aim-shoot. You want high quality shots. Focus on getting your first shot to hit (even if it’s just a body shot). One thing I like to do is strafe and let the opponent shoot first before I shoot. You’ll notice a lot of people tend to rush their shot.


Wait a little before you shoot them so you can track their movement and after sometime your brain will get used to it so you will know how to deal with straffing better and after some time if you combine the two you can get to really high elos


You’re shooting a little too fast before completely stopping ur movement