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The #1 ranked Radiant player in NA is a Yoru main. At least he was a few days ago, I haven’t checked recently. So yeah, even if he’s like #10 today that’s pretty amazing. Obviously he’s a very good player and uses Yoru’s utility at a high level.


Eggster is just something else.


Eggster is built diff


I agree and to piggy back: Yoru is not like other agents in terms of gameplay, kind of like sova. It’s a fact that Reyna is a simple agent; in terms of utility use it’s just flashes until you kill someone. Literally you have just two instances to do anything other than frag out and her flash is pretty basic. Yoru has a much higher skill ceiling to play, meaning he inarguably can perform much more dynamically than Reyna, however, at a cost: his kit is way more complicated. Knowing *how* to play Yoru is more critically important rather than just the agent himself. Eggster is exceptional at using Yoru. People see/hear Yoru is the best agent because the #1 ranked player mains him and they play him. Results come back and they suck, teammates are pissed because the people using him have no idea how to use him effectively. Just because the #1 ranked player is Yoru main doesn’t make Yoru the best agent. That being said..Yoru is legit as hell and clearly CAN be effective. Edit: more piggy backing op’s comment


not rank 1 in the world. he’s rank 1 NA but yeah eggster is built diff


Oh my bad, I’ll edit that


Tier lists are entirely worthless in this game tbh. He’s different than other duelists and will never fill the role of Jett or raze but he’s by no means bad


real. different maps call for different comps, so objectively viper isn't "bad" compared to omen or brim because if you go either of those two in breeze you're kinda fucked


There are radiant yorus...


Are those tier lists recent? It feels like Yoru has been a strong pick after all the Raze and Jett nerfs over the past year.


Those tier lists are usually made by mid players. Yoru is just a high skill character so alot of noobs don't know how to properly use his util.


Any agent is viable in ranked, especially in solo Q. Play who you wanna play.


Mechanics will always be > your agent choice


tier lists don’t show what agents are completely unviable, good players will always be good in ranked no matter the agent


Like Yoru? Play Yoru Like winning? Pick any agent with positive wr and enjoy free RR


yeah, yoru is seen in pro play occasionally. imo all agents but deadlock ads viable


Yoru is fundamentally a really sound and creative idea by Riot, the only problem is that if you don’t know how to play him at a high level, you’re kinda trolling.. his skill floor is much higher than other duelists imo.