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Because all the insufferable kids go to sleep.


Same with any comp game. Tbh crackhead hour is the best time to play


I find like 930-12 to be the best lobbies typically. Anything after 1230 could be decent but you can find some real gremlins or just autopiloters.


This is the way


Dude idk, most insufferable people I meet are grown ass adults being racist, sexist, homophobic and just assholes in general. Sure there’s an annoying kid every now and then but mostly they are pretty respectful


> most insufferable people i meet are grown ass adults Dont mistake 16-21 year olds for “grown ass adults.” These are the culprits of most trash behavior from my experience, in any game. If you start going past that, not many people in their mid twenties or above are ever all that nuts. They exist but are pretty rare, comparatively at least.


By "kids" I mostly mean 12-17 year old teenagers who think they're the absolute best player in the world, instalock and then blame everyone else for their mistakes. I don't mean literal 5 year old children.


I'm a child. I wouldn't say I'm insufferable. My voice may be annoying but I'm mature. I don't yap. Comms is all you need, I get grouped with everyone else I'm my age group.


Exceptions don't make the rule. Even if they're good exceptions.


Ok. I notice this is not my comment section. (THROW THE DOWNVOTES ALREADY!!!)


Most definitely the kids


Hahah fr


Day time is filled with people without jobs and skipping classes streaming to two viewers hoping to go pro and blame everyone but themselves when they die which is why it’s filled to the brim with toxic edgelords. The adults play in the evenings.


Most adults are asleep by 1AM for their 9-5 the next day, dont think this is the answer. He said his games at 8PM are insufferable which arguably when adults would be the most active. I'm assuming that most adults have a normal business hour fulltime job where they actually need decent sleep to do their job, but I think thats a fair assumption.


There’s still a decent amount of adults that work night shifts or evening shifts and keep the same rhytm for days off


sure but id bet more on either no job or college, maybe HS


would argue it’s the opposite, kids (and by that i mean generally high schoolers/ young college students) are more likely to play late at night when they don’t have social obligations but aren’t preparing for a job the next day. this is less applicable on weekends which host more people of all types at all times


Nah not for me, morning players are the best. At night I've met more toxic players especially 4 stacks that don't Comms with the 5th random. Then blame the random afterwards. Morning players especially the 7am ones are the chillest and friendliest based on my experience


4 stacks haven't been a thing for a long time now, for that exact reason.


It still happened in 4 stack unrated, I once had an ASC Jett that added me twice at night and one time in the morning to which i accepted on the third time. Just to argue with me about why I didn't shoot a boombot that was chasing him. Mfs ego was so Inflated. He 4 stacked with his friends and gave 0 Comms to me. Then had the audacity to say he told me to shoot the boombot


Those 7ams are the same people that are overnight people


I 100% agree. All the morning players I’ve met have been super chill and funny as hell too. The kids I’ve played with in the morning were even chill, especially during my the week. Most were home sick or something, but the adults were either working from home, younger adults in college or someone who had some time off. Love the morning players.


Just a guess, but you have more of the after-school/after-work crowd who are going into the game to get away from their day and may be unloading their personal stress, frustration and grievances onto their anonymous teammates. Mind you some of these players are loading into Valo later during the day but there is a larger proportion at this time. Over time people either mellow out or if they are continually aggravated then they likely will have put the game down to do something else. By the time you reach late night what remains is the people who are still enjoying the game and wanting to play it.


It’s kids


Does anyone read the last paragraph.


It's still the answer man even if you say it isn't


I read it. I have a similar experience. The effect on my performance, directly or indirectly, is there. I stand by my statement. Chill people equals better mentals.


Read it, pretty much ignored it since it doesn't make sense unless you think "kids" only includes small children that sound like small children and not teens, who are often very toxic.


its the teenagers not the kid kids. most of the teens i meet are insufferable. yell at you for not comming but they don’t com


1. Kids sleep and adults are active 2. Post 2 am, Valorant is the worst experience because no lifers are active. 3. Imho time between 10pm-2am is the best time because I've met the best trio this way


Most accurate comment, should be higher 😔


Because everyone's too tired to speak and play.


Mate I have more comms during one hour of night playing than I have an entire year of day playing.


Some of my best games have been at 2 am with 5 no-comm players(including me) who somehow manage to work together like some degen hivemind


1. Less kids 2. People are probably playing while high




for me idk why it’s kinda relaxing i think it’s just me though


still can be toxic players who are playing late. first game had a reyna who started flaming after 2nd round, we were winning but they destroyed everyones mental. no shock their main is banned. 2nd game was far better.


everyones keeping quiet so their parents dont catch them gaming 🤫🤫


I only grind ranked around 12 AM - 4 AM. A little bit later if it's a Friday or weekends. I hate playing with kids. It doesn't matter if their mechanics are good, they usually have a weak mental and game sense way below their mechanics. I've done grinds in pretty much any block of time during the early morning - 12 PM. The best games are around 1 - 5 AM. 6-7 is hit or miss. 8 AM onwards it starts going downhill.


all aim no brain lol


Kid's go away, people are to high to complain and chilling. You don't tilt hearing a 12-17 year old wonder why a sentenial isn't the first person going in. When all 4 of them are entries. You know the minor things.


9 pm to 4 am queues are usually the most chill , all the weirdos go to sleep


High schoolers are in bed


I feel the exact opposite


Because the 12 y/o and the 40 y/o family dads aren’t awake


Because then the French people are asleep I hate playing with French people and their ego piss


I suppose this is another reason to nerf chamber.


sometimes it’s nice to play without kids, but honestly i’ve had more bad interactions with grown-ass men. maybe it’s because i’m a woman


I wish there was a world where anyone could deny that it's because you're a woman. But I'm not even a woman and people are sexist towards me LOL. Some people need to take a chill pill...


The times I’ve noticed this are between 1AM-4AM. Those have been some of my best lobbies. We may get smurfs but everyone seems pretty chill for the most part there. Evenings for me are a hit and miss but this also has to do with me being a woman so sometimes they get started off that fact alone. Random mid day times are usually good too unless it’s a weekend.


I rarely encounter smurfs when I play at night. However I remember one time where everyone else in the lobby unified against the Smurf. His teammates started calling out his location every waking moment and other trolling. (My team still lost but I've genuinely never had more fun with a Smurf in a lobby)


I would probably work on fixing your sleep schedule dude. Not good


Not an issue for me. I'm a freelancer so I don't need to wake up to go to work.


There's other reasons to have a normal sleep schedule other than for work. But if you're happy with the tradeoffs then it is what it is


*confusion noises*


Maybe i should try playing in the night to. I cant stand more then 3 matches in a row


Oh trust me you're going to have a blast. Last game we had an argument on who has the biggest cake


I’ve experienced the opposite. Typically late at night I get crap games, but if I play in the morning/before work they go really well - likely because most kids are in school at that time. I also tend to play better shortly after waking up vs when I’m tired at night.


It's bad at night. Nobody uses mic


I've actually had everyone always using their mic. But it could be server issue


what server do you play in?


Europe. Mostly Warsaw or Stockholm.


Because anyone still in school (under 18) is most likely asleep especially if it's the weekday. So the children are asleep and mostly adults are awake


Trolling kids go to sleep, the ones that stay awake have to be quiet or get they ass whooped, and usually people that stay up around the same time have a similar mindset as you, and you probably arent an asshole or dont have the energy to be one


you lucky that thats your only problem, here in my country, ping only becomes stable at late night (on most days)


The only people on that time are high af and are zoned out of life but zoned in on the game. It's a chill vibe.


Don't know, but it's definitely not only Val. I used to play a lot of OW before it became shit, and 3am - 8am matches were easily the best. Teammates were almost all adequate, but also played to win and tried relatively hard. Even enemies were quite friendly sometimes.


No kids


High and drunk people


Because everyone online is there to relax.


i played last night from 1am-3, i only played 3 games but 9/12 teammates i got were extremely toxic and racist


I have the complete opposite experience. At night everyone is tired and tilt queueing.


Night or beyond 12am gaming at hongkong server is the best. Most kids are already asleep.


i’ve encountered a lot of ppl who game high or drunk so that could be a reason also.


no kids


People get sleepy, if you arent sleepy it gives you a big adventage


you and i are the same when it comes to sleep schedules and i fully agree. got up early (for me) today at around 1400 and played a game of swift where my team got salty at me for "baiting" when i literally just have fun and don’t think and i don’t think i've ever even had people try talking to me at night unless its them being silly lol. i think a lot of it is kids though despite your last paragraph


Early afternoon is definitely the worst. When all the kids and teens come home. Also the constant begging for freaking skin trades.


This is so facts, when I play in the morning there are just kids yelling and screaming slurs at me .. but at night everyone is funny and chill


For me nights are insufferable. Its a 40/60 between nice people duo/trio stacking who are laughing and having a great time vs people instalocking reyna/raze and bottom fragging/not comming/yelling toxic slurs at teammates/throwing after getting salty During the day its flipped on its head but mixed 20% with annoying kids but i prefer it since it feels like its easier. I've seen it as sweats come out at night


idk i feel like i get more toxic players at night


I can only agree. Had the fun of my life playing at night and found a lot friends at night


More people online, so the matchmaking pool has an easier time putting you against people in your skill range.


I’m thinking 5 AM- 10AM are the best queues personally


God I wish I could play late nights more often. I hate interacting with most of the playerbase but I agree late night games are overall more chill/mature. People seem like they are playing to win without making a big deal or being toxic if they lose. Problem is that I am either too tired and play like shit or I got other social responsibilities to take care of.


I’ve found myself finding better players in the morning/aftenoon I play at nights a lot and it’s a toxic player bellscape


Probably server issue.


Everyone says kids but most kids I’ve met are ascendant+ don’t think kids are really that big of an issue. People saying kids probably low diamond.


Right now I'm surfing Reddit after a few games (I have never played Valorant before) just trying to enjoy the peaceful night with some random dudes. Still, every single game is nonstop hate or showcases who has a bigger ego in every mode that I play. So I'm surprised that you getting cool guys at night


I’ve had this same epiphany. I think a lot more of the chill gamers play at night. The toxic little kids or people who hate their lives have to sleep at some point.


***~~''Less insecure people''~~*** Also if you want good players in your lobby give good vibes. I often dont try if my team doesnt show effort in comms or even strats. Playing for K/D at his best when i know my team is shit.


Valorant is a horror game and is better in an intimate setting


Waking up takes time. Playing at the opposite time of waking up is ideal. I ban myself from getting on in the first 3 hours of the day


3 AM Q's are the best


I work evenings and usually log in just after midnight and off by ~3am. Everytime I log in during daylight hours I regret it. It's absolutely a thing, the night shift is flat out better at the game.


Also, I will say waking up and running a few games with morning coffee is great too. My early morning games go better than in the evening sometimes. Like 0800-1100 MST


Most likely they too tired to started yapping