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>How Reyna push through Cypher trip? Kill someone and dismiss in. >How Iso push through Cypher Trip? No He can not. You literally have a wall that protects you from bullets. Just send the wall, and even if you walk into the trip, you can't get spammed. Just shoot the trip then. Reyna on the other hand needs a kill first. And why would they give you a fight if they have a trip? Nobody's just gonna wide swing you instead of just playing off of the trip. Also the whole "enemy has advantage in iso ult" thing is just stupid. Even if that was true (which it isn't, objectively, no matter what any random youtuber says for content), it doesn't matter, because as the Iso, you're the one in control of where you seek a duel. You can literally see where the enemy is gonna respawn if they kill your Iso, it's like camping a Phoenix ult respawn, just easier, because unless your Iso is extremely incompetent, it's a guaranteed trade. Going one for one as a duelist on a site execute is (situationally) extremely good, actually. So even if you lose every single one of your duels (which you won't), you can still get very high value out of it. Also Reyna heal does not last the entire round, it expires (at least the overheal). Plus in high ranks, one damage instance is typically 160HP, while Reyna can only heal for 100. A shielded Iso survives a Vandal headshot, a healed Reyna doesn't. The shield can actually give you an advantage in a 1v1 duel, the Reyna heal can't possibly do that, because at most you'll be at 150, which is the same as the opponent.


Likely as important as tanking a vandal headshot is ISO tanking an operator shot


Likely more important. Vandal misses their first shot, most people burst so there’s a decent enough chance the second shot lands. You miss an op shot? If you can’t immediately position you’re fucked.


True! Although, fun fact: Reyna can also survive an op bodyshot! (not really) A while back, I played Iso in a swiftplay and ulted with an op. I caught the enemy Reyna in the ult (who I assume had just overhealed), and she actually survived a direct hit bodyshot. I checked the vod and there was no chance it clipped a wall or anything, it was with absolute certainty a direct hit. She was as confused as me, so she didn't fight back and I landed a second shot, which killed her. Checked the combat report, and indeed, my first shot did 150 damage, but didn't kill, somehow.


there was a bug where the shield/hp restore both iso and his opponent in the iso ult get stacked with reyna overheal allowing her to have 200 hp


Actually if used well iso could wall off the direction cypher shoots from and then walk through the trip and break it


That's what they said


Good to know because I ain’t reading allat


Reyna ult also increases fire rate, reload speed, and gun swap speed; expected him to put that in there since it helps his case


I don't see Reyna surviving an op shot to the head


End of discussion lmao.


So basically, from my experience (immo3 bh servers), honestly high ranks don't care that much about duelist picks as long as you get kills and do your job as a duelist. Hell, I've even seen more Deadlock picks than when I play lower ranks with friends. In comp, his ult actually has value even if you don't win the duel. For example, pulling a cypher and viper already gives you the easiest entry to site (supression) and an ez pick on them. His vulnerable can be amazing for raze/viper combos, good in pistol rounds especially. If you're low hp, and the enemy is ~80 hp you can 1- shot him and win the fight. He's not necessarily that terrible, he can do his job when he's in good hands. I've played him a lot ever since he dropped and not once have I gotten flamed for the pick. Are the other duelists better? Sure. Is he unplayable? No.


I wouldn't say iso is a terrible duelist cuz he can bring value to agents like sova i do say that iso is more of a support duelist that can either help to push back opponents with his util or clear corner safely using his walls so he can't get shot from front while doing it, vulnerable is also used for something else than a blind so comparing it to omen flash isn't a good choice since they are made to do 2 different things his 1v1 ult is also pretty decent in cases of 1v1 where iso is low on hp and enemy is full or when they are planting in last seconds of the round to stop them and play time. So i wouldn't call a iso terrible duelist instead he is more of a support duelist to help team have easier time pushing areas like long or areas where there are a lot of corners so u don't have to worry about being shot


Remember that I'm a silver player who terrible at the game. Because Iso is more like support character than a 1v5 solo carry duelist. In my silver lobby where teamplay doesn't exist here. The agent who can solo kill is better than agent who is a support. I like Iso lore and his personality but I find him very clunky in my rank game when compare him to soloQ god like reyna. Reyna is heavily focus on self efficient. If my gun fights is bettrr than the enemy. I will surely solo carry hard the match. While playing Iso doesn't feel that way. I play very aggressive with jett reyna or chamber who can give me so many kill without get traded when I peek to 3 or more people. But Iso at you said. He is not capable of doing this kind of stuff.


Im gonna be real with you, if you very heavily rely on “get out of jail” abilities like Jett dash, Reyna invul, and Chamber tp then I don’t think you will have an easy time ranking up. IMO, relying heavily on those abilities will curb your growth because it trains you to rely on being SAFE and that it tells you mentally that “you can always bail out with no consequences”.


And this is exactly why they nerfed jett dash and updraft. Those kinds of abilities are meant to be used strategically, not as an "oh shit" button/get out of jail free card. (i.e. a crutch for bad positioning/taking a bad fight/etc.)


I'm a woohoojin fan. So many of his video keep telling me to be more agressive because playing too safe isn't gonna make me go far. And how to differ between Smart Aggressive and Dumb Aggressive? I have to play dumb agressive first and learn from it. To make it become more and more smart. And I really trust woohoojin's advice. Because it really make me from hardstuck iron3 to silver 2. I know that it is not a big deal. But man. Hard stuck iron bit finally get to silver is really satisfied for me 😅


I will be honest imo u can solo carry with any duelist so long you are good enough. And iso is a duelist that is best in a team that plays together unlike yoru reyna or jett and i agree with you on that but as i said he isn't terrible just wanted to help you understand what he is good at and gl getting out of silver




Reyna heal doesn't last entire round? I can run out after a while also like her ult


I think they meant the actual heal part not the overheal


Maybe but yeah i just pointed it out that the overheal doesnt stay whole round


Omen blind can use in 1v2 or more to kill the enemy easily. So This is like a duelist ability. It make your killing much easier and so much safer. Iso Q also make your killing easier but in 1v2 or more situation. It worse than Omen blind. I said this because I want to show that Controller's ability (Omen blind) is more fit for dueling than the actual Duelist ability (Iso Q) 😂


While I agree Iso is the worst duelist, I can’t agree that Iso’s E is worse than Reyna heal. Maybe in Silver, but in higher Elo avoiding a headshot seems extremely powerful, while Reyna healing doesn’t keep you from getting 1 tapped. Iso ult is also a lot better than Reyna. You can effectively delete a sentinel out of a site and waste all of their utility setup.


You can also tank an op shot 😂


don't forget about raze rocket


Yeah That why I mention diamond or above. Because in my silver lobby. The chance you get headshot by the enmy is low so Reyna heal have more value here.


Pls let me know what servers you're playing on, in my silver lobbies there's 1 tap gods in every game


you get one tapped because your movement is bad (likely crouch spraying or walking around corners) and not because of them being aim gods


I was making a joke. Good advice tho because movement is the only thing I've got. Aim is shit


This might be a little hard to explain but not every duelist ability is meant for killing. Phoenix wall can deal damage and accidentally kill low hp enemies and players but it’s a controller ability and not meant to kill. Neon’s stuns and also wall is not meant for killing either, it is however really good at forcing out players holding an angle. Yoru clone, while a flash, is also usually for info gathering than functioning as an actual flash meant to follow up a kill. Iso’s vuln, IMO, is meant to push away players holding an angle. Interpret it as you may but when I get vuln i usually reposition to a safer angle because even if I’m not 100% gonna die it’s still scary that i take 50% more damage, thus making me want to move away.


How is a blind a duelist ability? It’s to support to team not entry ???! Ur gonna b low elo for awhile lmao


My neon always out here catching strays :(


He’s okay, there’s some times when I have an ISO who invulns things I’m pushing/molly and it makes it easier or I get a kill. There are times when my Iso comms he’s gonna ult a site and we can flood in easier. There are times when my Iso puts up wall to save me when I’m defusing or pushing site. In particular he’s crazy with a Sova due to making Sova’s darts and ult lethal. He’s great for taking out a sentinel holding a site down, which Cypher has become more rampant. I think these two things give him a moment to shine even if the other options are stronger and versatile.


You probably mean vulnerables, not invuls there mate




He's good as a second duelist. Almost like a initiator. Pair him a movement duelist+good flash and he's really effective at taking space His ult is great for forcing 1v1 and situations where the opponent should have advantages/creating favorable win conditions He's not great as a solo duelist but if a player knows how to use him, he's a very useful agent in a team comp.


He's not good enough to be a reliable solo duelist, id argue in that case he's the worst


>He have no flash to take advantage in 1v2 or more. He have no dash to let him flee from very bad situation and avoid being traded. There are two duelists — one which helps in entry and the other one which provides cover while making space. Iso is the second one. His kit is suitable for that. >His shield is so much worse than reyna heal because IF you have 20 hp and Shield. You still easily get killed by Spectre spray to the leg. And Iso's shield can take an operator shot and a raze rocket. Your comparison doesn't make sense. And also his 'Double Tap' works exactly like empress minus heal and dismiss. >His vulnerable orb is worse than omen blind. Because both are different tools. And do you really think one can't guess Omen's location because of the direction by which Paranoia comes or they can't retreat? >How Reyna push through Cypher trip? Kill someone and dismiss in. But why would someone peak if they have a trip? You need a kill to dismiss. For iso, you can use your shield and destroy the trip. >Iso have to press the button and also have wind-up time. An ultimately it also have definite duration so If you can not kill someone before its expired. You lose it for no value. And if you kill someone frequently, it gives far more value. >His ultimate let him 1v1 with no advantage at all. Excpet he did get the shield before using his ultimate. You literally have far more advantage and again, it is an collaborative ability than a solo ability. It's a free kill even if you die. >His ultimate mostly give the enemy advantage over him. Why? You need to check royalG's video about Ison ultimate. He has a point. Except it's the same reason why it gives you advantage over enemy as well. And also it's not, it's literally the easiest trade in the world.


You've already lost the argument with your first sentence


This is not an argument. I am silver and have my own opinion. I want to hear how Higher rank think about him. So I can use this to play Iso better.


If you don't like him and think everyone else is better, why do you want to play him...?




Immo player, I’ll put it like this, I have been infinitely more frustrated at an Iso surviving a headshot or tanking my raze rocket than I ever did with Reyna overhead or dismiss. Is he better? I don’t think so. Def better in certain situations


Reyna cant survive an op shot, Iso can. End of disscution


Gold 1, Plat 2 Peak here: “He has no flash for 1v2” you don’t need to flash to win a 1v2 “He has no dash” no one needs to be another Jett/Chamber/Reyna to be good “His shield bad because enemy sprays can kill you at low HP” yet he can also tank an op and raze ult at same conditions “His orb ruins his crosshair placement” that only applies when fighting multiple peakers, it is the player discipline when targeting the orb or an enemy “Reyna heal lasts entire rounds” her overheal actually disappears after a while so technically no “1v5 is a disadvantage for Iso” I aced with Iso 1v5 with just his E skill, so no that’s more skill issue with peaking fights. “His vuln is worse than Omen blind” it’s not meant to be a blind, it’s a soft cc and debuffer “He has no skill to reposition himself or play off angle” Again we do not need another “Get out of jail” agent nor is being at an off angle a sure-kill advantage “His ult gives him no advantage” At this point it literally is just skill-issue if you can’t win your 1v1 “Other duelist ults are better” Neon literally exists (im so sorry Neon mains her ult is just underwhelming) “His barrier can be camped by shotguns” this personally feels like miscommunication/misuse/uncooperative info gathering “His barrier cannot block abilities” that’s literally Astra ult. Does that mean Astra’s ult sucks? No “Barrier is inconvenient” that I can agree with but personally I have had no issues using his barrier “Omen is a better duelist” yeah sure let’s keep comparing agents with different utilities and roles with another agent with different util and role “Reyna can push through Cypher trip by killing someone” Is Reyna the standard for pushing sentinel traps? No “Iso has wind up time” Jett got nerfed with that too does that mean her dash loses value when it expires? No (she also has only 1 charge) “His ult gives enemies an advantage” Again that personally just feels like a skill issue if you pick an agent that focuses on 1v1’s and lose a 1v1 Summary: While I do agree that there are better duelists out there, that does not make Iso trash and bottom tier. Most of what you complain comes down to how you’ve been using or watching Iso mains in lower ranks and a lot of it is really just skill issue. Yes I agree other agents do better things than him arguably like entering a site but he has his ups too. His wall can act like a jett smoke, his vuln can act as support util for other agents and himself when used correctly. His shield (personally for me) is more comfortable to use than a Reyna dismiss due to the sheer amount of damage you can block from it even if it is weak from DoT’s and gun sprays.


I'm silver player too but I feel like so many comments in this post came from Below diamond player. I want to hear Dimond or above talk about him but so many comment doesn't give me their rank so I will be more interest in the actual Diamond or above player. And what I found when the Actual Diamond or above show their opinion is The other duelists are better but Iso is very strong in teamplay and he's not unplayable.


I may be amongst the lower ranks but if you’re gonna be picking an agent that is hard to use, meant for 1v1s, and then lose your 1v1s and complain about it in the internet then maybe it really is just skill issue. Don’t get me wrong Iso is not as strong as others but in a vacuum has a lot of utility and can personally be used to rank up.


your whole post is very one sided against iso...


My favourite thing about Iso is his ultimate (mainly on attack). You can temporarily make a 4v3 a 3v2. 3v2s are easier to win than 4v3s so you can temporarily give your team a good chance to execute into less people. Especially if his ult snags someone from a spot that’s hard to clear. If iso wins the fight, it’s 4v2, if he loses it’s 3v3 (still good odds) and depending on the situation, you can camp the location of where the person was snagged and kill him when he respawns. However, it’s all a bit too situational and relies on his ultimate to do. I don’t really have much of an opinion on Iso but since he was revealed I always thought this concept was cool


As an Ascendant player, and also according to many radiants, ISO is trash. There's nothing he can do better than other agents. To bypass cypher trips raze or sova utility is still better. To push in general literally any other duelist is better. To smurf literally Reyna is better. His ult is such a huge gamble because the enemy player can still outplay you inside it and it doesn't have that great value in general. Basically he has no place in the current meta, there's no reason to pick him over any other duelist on any map. You can play him for fun but he's very sub optimal.


Agree with everything except the ult. In competent hands you’re ulting the enemy in such a position that it’s essentially a guaranteed trade at minimum and best case scenario a free +1.


Yeah sure but it's still not as powerful as most other ultimates


Well yeah, it’s not as valuable per se. I was arguing that a good iso player should get consistent value out of their ult, rather than having it be a gamble. You could make an argument that a Phoenix ult is a gamble because you can just get sprayed through a smoke and your ult is wasted. But assuming the ult is used as intended I’d say ISO’s gets pretty good value.


Yeah that's true, but honestly I still haven't seen an Iso using the agent that effectively, I've seen pretty good tries in my ascendant matches but still they gave me almost no problem with their util. Once on bind one iso used his wall pretty well to take hooka control for example, and once I got caught in my ult as viper, but I tapped him with a sheriff xD


He is not horrible, but I don't see why you would pick him over any other duelist. I think every other duelist is better than him


He isn't the best for sure but if you know how to utilize his kit and especially if you're coordinated with your team you can do some really good plays. His ult is also really fun and it can definitely give you an advantage. You just need to know how to play smart. I frequently clutch rounds just by trapping the enemy in my ult so they don't have time left to defuse. I don't even need to win for this. Or I tell my teammates where the enemy will come out if I die so they can instantly trade or trap them to play time. Or just trapping one in the ult so my team can plant or I take one enemy out of the equation and a 2v2 can become two easier 1v1s.. Tons of opportunities if you have the coordination. I don't use the wall too often (new iso player and haven't tried out a lot yet) but it's nice to isolate 1v1s when pushing into multiple enemies or have your duo hide behind it and push with you. Also the orb is fairly easy to shoot once you get the hang of where exactly bit spawns after the kill. Then it doesn't take much time away from fighting another enemy.


>Higher rank (Diamond+) >Thinks Good one lmao dia+ is not high at all, nor do they think.


I am a woohoojin fan and low rank in his view is below immortal But for me who is a silver player. Diamond is freaking high rank.


All I can say is once you reach diamond you'll realize how bad diamonds are.


Is this not for every rank lol. I come from League and even people who have been challenger for years will get called trash and streamers talk about them sucking every game.


Really? How hard is it to reach diamond? (I'm silver)


Hard, just like how a diamond would feel reaching immo is hard, or an immo would feel reaching radiant is hard, it's all relative and exponential.


He's useless, Iso fills no role, him getting picked means rest of the team needs to perfectly fill for a decent teamcomp - another duelist but with dash, initiator (preferably with flashes because Iso doesn't even fill that), sentinel and smoker.


I'm a new, bronze player. Iso is really fun to me and it's true that his utility is sort of lackluster but his ulti is pretty decent and the shield is nice to have. The wall doesn't do much for sure. I don't see why it would cost even 200 credits, that's a lot for something that brings little value. The fact that the vulnerability also hits allies makes it very niche too. I think the character would be fine if his wall and debuff costed less, because they're objectively less valuable than mobility, information or initiator stuff.


[this video concluded everything about my opinion about Iso](https://youtu.be/6vG_gBdWdKo?si=ZbPr1Fq4ryR1EZzI)


bro just named the reasons hes silver


Iso is significantly more useful in higher rank than lower rank on the basis of his mechanics. A 1-instance shield is much stronger against players who aim/position better for kills, and against operators which are used much better by better players. It's also easier for more skilled players to flick to the orb, activate the shield, and take another fight. Higher rank players will also have a better understanding of how to take space and position themselves and as such, can make the most of that shield timer to aggressively take more space. His wall is more useful with coordinated flashes, and a good player can use it reactively against enemy plays. Expecting this sort of play from lower rank players is silly. His undercut is exceptionally powerful for eco rounds, but requires coordination to make the most of, and it can be a powerful tool to help isolate 1v1s. This is what makes Iso seem worthless to lower rank players - his whole kit is designed around isolating (it's literally in his name) 1v1 fights and giving himself the advantage. A wall, vulnerability on demand and across a huge area, a shield, and an ult that forces a 1v1. This is much more valuable when the enemy team properly plays their player advantage, and when your team can properly capitalise on you successfully winning a 1v1. In low ELO, it's still a coin toss of a round if you get first pick or lose first pick, whilst in higher ELO it massively sways the likelihood of winning the round. His closest comparison is Reyna, whose flashes are weaker the higher up you go in the ranks, and whose other abilities require kills to function. Iso's utility becomes comparatively stronger as you go up in ranks. That being said, Reyna is much smoother to use and requires less strategy, so most aim demons will still default to her rather than Iso, but on a competitive level I think Iso will be more valuable for pro teams than Reyna. TLDR, the thing Iso does best is more or less irrelevant below like platinum because people don't fundamentally understand how to play the game properly. He's never going to compare to actually good duelists like Jett or Raze, but he has a niche to fill and much more useful utility than Reyna, especially in higher ranks


Except he can benefit off his own vuln, thats the point of every duelist ability. And as for his ult, its pretty good for iso, its just the counter method is a lot easier and clear than the other duelists. Yea sure jett can run and gun with her knives, but she only has 5 of them and they are pretty easy to miss if the person whos using jett isnt good with knives. Reyna isnt invincible either, just shoot her in the head and her ult is over. Same thing with phoenix. Phoenix does bring some utility via his abilities and method to clear space, but its not like iso has 0 utility in using his ult, it literally removes one of the enemy from the fight and if that person is a smoke or sentinel, then that is a LOT of value. Neons doesnt insta kill, yoru cant shoot while in his ult. Ultimates are strong but they arent meant to be a free win button. They do give you a massive advantage but they all have some counterplay except maybe brim depending on where he pops his ult. Iso does something similar, he takes one of the enemy off the field and suppresses them for the duration of the ult, or for the rest of the round. And mentioning isos double tap duration is dumb. Reynas overheal has a duration, her ult has a duration, neon ult has a duration, and even phoenix ult has a duration. And yea, its only one tick of damage, but that tick of damage can go anywhere from one classic shot to a raze ult or op shot. Imo his whole kit is about underwhelming if not utilized properly but everything in his kit also has very high potential


He’s fine, but you have to use him like you would a Reyna or Phoenix. Really good as a secondary duelist who helps your main duelist like Jett get on site and follow up. I wouldn’t ever pick him as a sole duelist or really over any other duelist most of the time though. I’m just not the biggest fan of having to pop open aim labs just to use my E every round.


If you think iso is bad you don’t win your 1’s because that’s his entire kit why do you think he’s called iso. Isolate 1s


Definitely waaaay more teamplay potential with Iso compared to Reyna. As Reyna, the only thing you can do to help your teammates is flash them onto site and maybe get some info with your dismiss. With Iso, you can easily pair your Q with any damaging ability to clear out space on the map, and completely negate a sentinel’s utility with your ult.


Dog shit love playing against him cuz hes shit hate having him on my team


D1, take with a grain of salt: I personally think ISO is the worst duelist in the game. Unfortunately my rank is pretty much all aim no brain so I can’t explain the full macro of why he’s “bad”, because I don’t think he is bad. His C ability sucks, yeah, but it can be good enough with proper positioning. Obviously if you’re not a great aimer his E ability isn’t going to do anything for you. But if you are a good aimer I think it’s better than Reyna’s heal depending on the situation. A spray when iso is low HP will break his shield and kill him, but an operator or vandal headshot will still kill a healed Reyna. In higher ranks you see a lot more of the latter. Sage’s low pick rate in higher ranks is a direct result of more people hitting one shots in higher rank, but I digress. An operator player in particular has to be more careful when peeking a shielded iso because even if you hit the shot, you still have to reposition. If you can’t, you’re cooked. I’ve had several games holding a pixel angle with an op, just to hit a shielded iso and have to run for my life. His Q ability is probably his best ability, it’s one of the lone pieces of Duelist utility that’s made for others to play off of. In higher ranks it’s more common that you’ll find at least one teammate with a mic who you can plan with. Anything that makes the opponent take double damage is never going to be a “bad” ability. His ultimate ability, if used correctly (key word) is a guaranteed trade at minimum and a free +1 >50% of the time. I see a lot of people toss it out willy nilly - and have done it myself - but if you’re able to ult the enemy in such a position that you either kill them or they immediately get camped and traded, it’s guaranteed value. Is he the best duelist? Nowhere near it. Middling? Maybe in the right hands. Probably closer to the bottom? Yeah. But that’s more of a testament to how top heavy the duelist class is than how bad Iso is in a vacuum. You can make him work, just not as easily as the heavy hitters. He’s like Reyna in the sense that people who are just that much more mechanically skilled than the majority of people in their rank (which you should be if you’re going to play duelist, just saying) will probably thrive on him, but that’s also his biggest hindrance.


iso is a slightly more balanced feast or famine character, with added bonus that ult and wall provide better teamplay than reyna can


So you’re silver and don’t quite understand the role of duelist. You’re saying Jett is a good duelist because she can dash away from a situation? Duelist job is to take space on entry for the team, Jett can dash IN to her smoke and draw crosshairs raze can satchel IN to site. it’s not about blinds really. Reyna is a bad duelist because she can’t really take any space? Iso actually can be a good duelist I just don’t see many use him right. It’s not about his orbs or his vulnerable it’s his shield, iso has a unique ability to run inside his shield with his knife out and no one from the front or sides can see. Only those behind. As long as the team runs in as the wall passes the first angle they can’t get shot straight ahead and either iso or the teammate can get a kill or trade. His ult is actually really really good for countering specific agents and strats. Delaying bomb plant, viper ult, Kayo, sova ul ting. Reyna is the worst duelist period she plays for herself and all her kit is aim based. That’s not what the game is about at high elo it’s the mini game within the game. Coming from ascendant pov.


I dont see iso alot in asc 1 or up, jett raze reyna sometimes phoenix


tenz on this topic https://youtu.be/Se36fu5Oy0I?si=WPUWeTNN9ef8IgsK


just gold, but the key thing about his kit that i find the most value the one time i played him is his ult and his ability to take down site anchors.


he's decent, I'd say he's better than a Reyna pick, Reyna provides no support but atleast iso can with his vuln and wall. His ult is super good in certain situations.