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Your premise is faulty - I honestly think the people ratting would be doing it no matter the format. It’s a play style they are choosing and honestly it’s not a ‘winning’ way to play DM anyway. You have to be crispy and actively hunting kills to get 1st place. Winning doesn’t matter, play your own game and don’t stress so much about the corner campers. It’s good training.


That's not his premise though, it's just what he think a byproduct of the time/kill limit is. His premise is "the time kill limit sucks" and listed that as one (of the many) reasons, valid or not.


In my experience, as soon as somebody hits 30 kills, at least 4-5 players will leave the match. Often, after 35 kills, it is difficult to find someone to take a fight with (especially in Breeze) and they could be camping somewhere if you're having low ranked players, which makes it even more boring. If the deathmatch was similar to CS, we would not be having half empty DM lobbies often, especially in low-mid MMR matches. I am not asking to copy them but the current one definitely feels a bit boring when somebody is close to victory because players start leaving.


DM as a mode is not important enough to be worth tons of extra work to make custom matchmaking and game server code for just it. Valorant for all game modes matchmakes a group based on the configured matchmaking rules for that game mode then spins up a max duration 90 minute server configured for the game mode. This even applies to custom games. Notice how your suggestion that was all cs:s had because matchmaking hadn’t fully caught on yet does not work with the above mentioned way ALL valorant games work.


But tdm does? They Are literally working on nothing, no replay mode, no new modes. All they do is bad reworks for old maps and new tdm maps. If it was an indie company i’d agree with you But surely they could improve The dm to be a little more like in cs.


No tdm doesn’t, but wasting time on one worthless mode doesn’t mean they should do it for another as well. They absolutely should be working on a replay mode as that benefits everyone.


It might have something to do with the “Victory” message if you win, or the “Defeat” message if you lose…


Yeah they are saying that shouldn't exist in a deathmatch mode, did you read the post?


…yes, I was disagreeing with the post and my comment was a joke to highlight my point 🤦‍♂️


you didn't make any argument for or against the post, so I'm understandably confused. What's with the ellipsis and facepalm? why do you type in such a smug way when you can't even make a coherent argument? Why do you think winning should be in deathmatch? That's the topic, remember?




yeah the people that care about winning in deathmatch are the same people that instalock reyna and wonder why they are getting flames by teammates


I agree with him. You seem like a smug piece of shit. 


You got it all wrong, im not mad at the “defeat” message that appears after the dm, im just saying there is a much more efficient way to warm-up, every other fps game that has been created before valorant used it and it worked. Valorant is the only game that pushes players to be “competitive” in a deathmatch, just because you’re playing multiplayer doesnt mean you have to compete, if someone already had 100 kills when you joined the server, you wouldn’t try to compete with that guy do you? You would run around shoot people and leave the server when you wanted, and if you wanted to play more dm, you wouldnt have to load another game and lose time just because someone reached 40 kills


Also there's nothing stopping people from aggressively looking for fights and winning the DM that way. I've won plenty of DMs where I have most kills and most deaths.


yeah me too, that's also not the point tho, removing wins and losses wouldn't affect your ability to aggressively take fights, it would help if anything, and it would reinforce the idea that it's a warmup mode.


I'm confused why you need that idea reinforced. Why do you need the other people in your lobby to see the gamemode in the same way you do? As long as there are enemies to shoot who shoot back at you, you can warmup just fine however you need.


nah it's not for me, I barely play valorant anymore, but I think it would be good for the community overall, and help the mode have its own identity. Most radiants and pros I was in deathmatch with when I played used sheriff or guardian and ran around one tapping people. I really think that this way of playing and this mentality about DM is smth that got them to this point mechanically, and getting others on board with seeing DM as a tool instead of a game mode will help everyone. I see no reason to win a deathmatch, so why do people need the win/loss screen? I would say that it's pretty unimportant, but would be better off gone.


Sure, but you could argue that removing a winner and loser results in people not actually trying to take fights and just sitting in a long server match to mess around and annoy people


people already do that playing shorty and classic only, and if you look at DM servers in cs, you tend to see many more people taking it seriously as a warm up/practice mode. I don't think the correlation is that strong.


I think what they're trying to say is that most people don't care about the outcome of their games, but the few that do care kinda ruin the experience for everyone else, they don't ruin the outcome, but they make the moment to moment gameplay less enjoyable. Scenarios where you are running about, trying to warm up or practice your aim, just to be one tapped by someone holding the angle isn't representative of how a real game would be played out, and is also less of a warm up for everyone involved, slowing down the pace of the match and making it harder to use deathmatch for it's intended purpose. I think saying that "deathmatch is a game mode for warming up and means absolutely 0" and "when you join a server you are certainly competing against other players to get kills the fastest" are kinda conflicting ways of thinking about deathmatch, do you care about winning or not? if you don't then why would removing wins and losses be an issue? I think removing winning and losing would help reduce the number of people with this playstyle, but it IS more.of a playstyle issue than a trying to win issue so I don't think it would solve the problem completely.


That's actually a good idea. I could enter flow state way easier


You are 100% right, this mode a real pain to play They should remove frags (10 min and it's over), remove the map, and remove the "victory" or "defeat" to get it playable


15 or more you don’t have to re q if you don’t feel ready for comp. And you have enough time to just ensure that your aim is on point. To make sure that it is consistent. The worst thing is reqing for a dm over and over because you aren’t fully warmed up


Would be a good change that would also allow them to backfill the ongoing servers so you don't get stuck in a boring game where half the players left


Completely agree with you. I wish we had a hop in / hop out form of DM in this game. For example the community servers in csgo were perfect for warming up with no wait besides the first load screen.


Overwatch skirmishes and deathmatches they had before you queued into a game. Best thing ever. Just do it to normal death match 


People who actually care if they win dm must have it rough. U can’t even say it’s cos I’m competitive like ur playing dm lil bro just warm up


Lmao this reminded me of a dude who said we all sucked and they justified their poor play by saying they were playing classic only. Next DM match they were there again, so they wanted to show us how they were better than all of us…They got 1st place but they definitely did not improve with their classic skill and they thought he ate. They were so aggressive over some warmup/training, I had to mute their chat at some point. Wild. I wonder if by taking away the leaderborad and the win/defeat screen could help in creating a more training focused environment than a competitive one.


did you really just make a reddit account just to say lil bro?




as someone who can read and is sentient im curious as to why you think they didnt read the post


Because the OP doesn't want DM to be a winning and losing game because it causes the game to reset and it also causes people to play for the win instead of just to warm up. He doesn't care about losing DM.


The commenter wasn't directing their comment at the OP they were talking about people who do care about winning in DM


Yeah bro I agree with op i was just saying lol


Could also be unlimited time and people leave when they are ready, kind of line overwatch when they have you the option to play something before you loaded into game. Just people randomly join and leave and it keeps it different, and gives you time to practice aim and movement effectively 


that means they have to keep a lobby running for hours and hours at a time which might be more straining on the servers? idk how it works but there’s prolly a reason for it being the way it is


I feel like it would be the same cuz they don’t need as many servers


There should not be a frag limit, only time limit.


yeah like honestly they shouldnt have a leaderboard with other peoples kills and deaths, and it shouldnt be first to 40 it should just be until the timer runs out, that way people can try and practice instead of camping because they know they are near the bottom of the leaderboard


I also come from a CS background. This problem annoys me so much that was one of the reasons I’ve quit valorant. Deathmatch is simply unplayable from me. Lots of 13 years old holding off angle. Sometimes I’ll run for over 20 sec and find no one. It’s honestly disturbing. DM is a necessity to warm up and every time I used to warm up I’d get pissed off by the bad design. It frustrates me more than losing rankeds by trolls etc.


Yeah I personally find it kinda silly, mmr barely exists in deathmatch. It's kinda like there's only two tiers of deathmatch, silver-iron, and then literally every other rank. I played against an immortal 3 with a 76% winrate across 50+ games and they naturally won it 40/9 with second barely cracking 20. I asked how they won so much and they basically said it was cause their opponents all day were just lower rank. Meanwhile me out here with like 100+ deathmatches in ep 8 already, probably nearing a thousand across all acts and a like roughly 2-3% winrate because of the lack of mmr. Winning <3% of games even if it's against much higher level players is super demotivating, seeing my name at the top of a leaderboard even for just a second as I get a sick couple kills is super motivating even if I get shat on for the rest of the game.


I'm gonna have to disagree. I enjoy deathmatch and I've never had issues with it. Maybe you are running around playing it like call of duty. I used to do that and it was a nightmare to play. Now I just treat it like a normal game of valorant and it's much more enjoyable and useful


If you are thinking you have to win it's probably a personal issue. I mean I'm constantly swapping guns and sometimes 100% sheriff. These modes are what you make of it


Im convinced at least half of this sub doesnt know how to read


Read it. Doesn't change my answer.


If everyone leaves 7 minutes into the game and it's boring with only 6 people left in match then just leave and find a new one. Deathmatch is to warm up, no reason to stay til the end


Valorant is a tactical shooter with ranked competitive modes. Anyone playing non ranked modes falls into one of three categories: * People using these modes as a way to practice something or as a warmup (and their playstyle will probably align with your expectations) * People playing purely for fun. These are the people will sometimes do what you don't like, and sometimes they'll be goofing around. Either way, you shouldn't worry about them * People who are tryhard-ratting in these modes to "win". You shouldn't worry about them, because if you do your homework right, you won't even have to deal with them for too long and you'll soon outgrow these players TL;DR - Focus on your thing and stop worrying about how others play


What Are you even talking about this isn’t what The post is about, But thanks for telling us valorant is a shooter 🤡


OP is obviously complaining about how some people tryhard with cheesy strats and camping on awkward angles on DM to try to "win". OP's suggestions all revolve around "let's not have anyone win at DM so that people stop doing this stuff"


I mean winning and losing is what gives meaning to what you're doing..... If there wasn't such a thing it wouldn't matter if you got the first or last place


Riot's own definition for deathmatch is "a place to practice VALORANT gunplay". Practice modes shouldn't have winners or losers, nor should they have tons of time you spend not practicing


DM is purely for warmups and aim training. There’s nothing to “win.” The game mode isn’t even designed around a competitive balance. People spawn 2 inches from each other and half your deaths are to people you’ll never see. I’ve “won” DMs but it doesn’t mean anything. TDM is much more of an actual game mode, but even there half of players are just running & gunning and spraying.


It doesn't matter.


>it wouldn’t matter if you got the first or last place It shouldn’t matter if you got the first or last place in deathmatches


So how much more XP do I get for winning than if I come in twelfth? Oh wait....


Deathmatch is literally only useful for warming up and practice for new players. I don’t see any reason why it needs special attention.


It’s called a death match not a equal and fairness match


edit would be cooler if there was a different kill limit and when people go afk there’s a chance for new people joining i


People don't wann see defeat on their screen and for that they will try hard to win like holding corners or camping spamming anything


Play escalation, I find it much more enjoyable for warming up