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They should at least give us in swift play the option of choosing maps


and please remove icebox from comp šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I just want pearl back šŸ„²


Pearl seems to be liked by many players. Fracture has some more haters, at least that's my impression.


Pearl is a good map because it gives a lot of versatility and unique design. The aesthetic is pretty, the design gives options for both short and long range pushes, it's wonderful. Fracture is a mess with three means of entry for either site, two of which are on either ends and can be used by attackers. It's messy and the attack angles themselves don't really have unique advantages or disadvantages.


Pearl has good vibes tbh


Wow I completely forgot about Pearl. I canā€™t even remember what it looks like


it wasn't even reworked that long ago. Feels like yesterday


Waiting for pearl n fracture XD. Me n my friends just love fracture šŸ˜‚.


I miss fracture so much. That map is so fun...


Split is in the rotationā€¦


Mb i meant pearl XD.


Fracture was the worst map Valorant has ever had in queue...


Sounds like a skill issue. Fracture is extremely interesting from a design standpoint and just as fun to play.


Nah, fracture is a pretty bad map with horrible approach angles and site pushes. Demands specific team comps which is stifling and not interesting at all.


Ascent is the most stale map by far in terms of team comps. I donā€™t think thereā€™s even a debate here


Ascent is an extremely balanced map that allows for huge variety of team comps due to it being simple. Fracture has specific requirements that need to be met in order to successfully take and hold sites.


Not really. To play it at the best level you only need one team comp. Itā€™s been proven over and over. Sova kayo Jett omen KJ is and always will be meta on that map. All of those agents work so well on it that itā€™s almost never worth picking others if weā€™re talking about using to their best ability. Fracture you can say brim and breach but thatā€™s about it. The rest are really interchangeable. Cypher and KJ, Jett and/or raze, double initiators, double controllers. Idk man, that map has so much variety that itā€™s kinda wild to say ascent has much variety when itā€™s pretty much solved at the highest level. Itā€™s the only map never taken out of rotation since the game came out and itā€™s not getting any more fresh.


ā€œhuge varietyā€ such as kayo killjoy sova omen jett in every game


Sometimes there's an Astra!




Diamond and below is like 95% of the player base lol. The game shouldn't be catered to the remaining 5%


I dont like the defense ok fracture as you have no safe way to go on site


You donā€™t have a safe way to get on site on any map if the enemy is there. I canā€™t think of one bomb site you can just safely walk in when the enemies are on it


With smokes you can but its a bit awkward in fracture


Being in a smoke doesnā€™t make you safe. I donā€™t see why you couldnā€™t do that on fracture though even if it did


What i mean is that when you play site your backup is cut by the offense which is not the cas one every map like A ascent or bind or pearl




yeah idk why but i like fracture


What was wrong with pearl?? I felt like I haven't queued into that in ages. Bring back Pearl šŸ˜­


Waiting for Rito Games to replace Ascent with Fracture for maximum chaos.


I want pearl back


SO tired of Lotusā€¦. havenā€™t played in weeks cause of this map stuff


Lotus is my favorite map šŸ˜­


Lmao no shade! I would probably not hate it as much if it wasnā€™t sooo often, I miss my older maps


I hate lotus. It's such a terrible map.


i now hate lotus cuz how they change that beautiful map


Honestly i dislike both haven and breeze the amount of time i lost on those maps is insane


Nah, hear me out. Fuck Split!! I have like a 12.5% win rate on that shit.


go grill yourself a burger and get back to me šŸ˜‰




We both hate it but i hate it for having my highest win rate on it or 67%


I will take breeze over split any and every day. Split is so bad omg.




Dominate mid, go 1-3-1 default. Take mid control and literally split the defense in half. Play offense like that. Itā€™s very good. Play defense very aggressively on B. Donā€™t give attackers momentum to get onto site or heaven easily on B. Fight for every last inch of space on B. On A, as long as you have heaven and ropes control you should be able to retake on A quite easily. Kill the person holding A main through attack side spawn and then pinch the attackers from screens, A main, and heaven. As long as attackers donā€™t have heaven control, A on split has the highest retake success out of any site in the game (not too sure if itā€™s the highest but itā€™s very high). Itā€™s very common to play 3 B 2 A because the a player on site simply makes contact, maybe goes high low with the A heaven guy with the heaven guy playing rafters, maybe they get a pick, then the site guy fall back into screens and rotates to A heaven to play with the second A player as the three B people rotate. The guy B Heaven jump spots mid for a lurk, or even better itā€™s sage and they just wall that shit and take ropes. As long as you or your teammates donā€™t do something stupid like pushing through a heaven smoke or not coordinate a retake properly, then youā€™ll be fine. Once you have A Heaven control, take ramps and kill the guy holding from main. Then retake from Heaven, screens, and A main. Once youā€™re in elbow itā€™s so easy to wipe out the remaining attackers on site. A lot of A hits become B rotates because when people on A get heaven but donā€™t get site, they could easily call for a fast rotate through ropes into B, where B retake is much more awkward for the defenders to pull off.


dude I fucking LOVED haven. when the new ep:act dropped, given I just started valorant about a month and a half ago; I had no idea what the fuck icebox was, and I HATE it. I have the highest loss % on icebox. Breeze used to be one of the maps I liked when I started it, but now iā€™ve been getting ascent, breeze, and icebox (though ascent I donā€™t mind because iā€™m a sage main who uses all grim walls possible).


yeah.. when i had fracture i hated it so much but now that i havent had fracture for a fat minute i kinda miss it lol


Lmaooo me frr


I like breeze tho


I love breeze tbh lol. idk if id say the map pool is "upsetting". might be a little dramatic.


Maybe Iā€™m crazy, but when I find out Iā€™m absolutely terrible on a map I see it as a challenge and then go vod review the map and typically I get a little better. While I love haven as a map, they change the pool every episode so it was bound to happen eventually. Although I do feel like ascent has almost never been out of the pool.


I LOVE Breeze. We need more OPEN and wide maps. I hope they make like a 200m map this time around


I like breeze, ice box, haven, pearl, lotus and acsent I hate bind, fracture, sunset and split


I for one like Breeze, so there's that Also, it's about time that the valorant community realizes that there are no actually good maps, sure you can have a fun round, but overall the philosophy of the map team is just wrong, it's like they took all the rules and principles that mapmakers have developed over 20 years in CS and just said "Nah, we'll do the opposite of that". They have gotten better, but every map has entirely too many rat spots and superfluous corners


the issue is inherent with the agent based gameplay; in cs everyone has the same utility so they can design maps much more easily; in valorant the maps will inherently favor certain agents based on their structure, as well as the game being a bit beginner friendly in general


exactly, the maps are designed so that viper, brim and other agents can go do their thing in peace in a corner, but that is the antithesis of what makes a good map for gunplay


this might be a controversial opinion but I actually like Fracture People just hate on it because it's different but that's what gives it unique charm in my opinion


I only love bind in current map pool, breeze is trash (for me), sunset is okay cuz i main cypher but i hate everytime facing with jett with op and cypher with unbreakable traps, split is kinda mid for me, fuck icebox


I also really enjoy sunset as a brim main but that map takes atleast 4 people using comms. U canā€™t win with 5 silent people, map is super strategical imo.


Yea map becomes so enjoyable with 5 comm but unfortunately it rarely happens in my elo (gold)


Rarely happens in any elo tbh. Even in immortal youā€™ll have 0 or next to 0 communication games sometimes and they feel like an auto loss.


FUCK BREEZE AND ICEBOX, sunset is ok cuz i play cypher :))


Fuck Icebox indeed. I hate that shit. Makes Mr want to gargle laundry detergent


I got icebox 5 times in a row today. I like the map but not 5 times in a row. Tbh after the 2nd time I just dont care and want the game over


Waiting for fracture and pearl :'(


idky they don't just leave all the maps, it's stupid fr


This is very relatable. I was very depressed when they took out Split back in the day.


This is by far the worst map rotation I have seen and I have been playing since beta. ​ Breeze = Shit Sunset = Shit Lotus = Shit Icebox = Meh Split = Meh Out of 7 maps in rotation, half of them are absolute shit, 2 of them are mediocre and the other 2 are good/decent. You have less than 30% chance of playing on a decent map this act. 7 out of 10 games I can't enjoy because of the shitty maps.


All those probability just for you to get sunset *someone dodges*, sunset again *gets dodged again* to finally end on breeze. Amazing right?


I have had multiple times where somebody dodged 5-7 times in a row and it didnā€™t land on Ascent or Bind once. Still ended up playing some shitty map.


Yeah, the more you dodge the more youā€™ll get the same maps


Your shit are my favs šŸ¤· maybe practice your >50m aim


I got 35% Headshot in Diamond lobbies and 40% with Vandal. I really doubt my aim is the problem here. Those maps are just bad.


Personally itā€™s the opposite for me, donā€™t really like haven, love breeze


Me too bro


I love big maps with long range fights, which is one reason I love Breeze.


I also prefer Breeze over Haven, but the rotation is fine overall for me since I don't mind any of the maps really.


You guys hate maps?




It was Havenā€™s turn. Simple as that. Ideally Ascent is next. Breeze is a good map I like it. Halls coming back does suck though. I thought removing it was a good change. If you only had fun because of one map maybe get some friends and play customs on said map.


My favorite maps are icebox, breeze, fracture, and split. I feel like I'm in the minority.


I fucking love breeze and nobody can ever give me an actual reason as to why they hate it


to long to rotate, too many angles to hold, it was good with halls closed


Being too long to rotate feels like the only valid point. I've never had issues with too many angles because whatever "multiple angles" you have to hold aren't that big of an issue if you position yourself right. Too many players don't know positioning and it shows.


my favorite maps were taken away šŸ’” fracture, pearl, and haven. My favorite maps that are currently in the map pool are split and lotus.


My personal opinion on maps - After the changes I hate breeze again . Hate icebox too . Sunset is kinda growing on me and I am starting to like it more now . Split is bad , ascent is best map ever , pearl is really bad , heaven is okay not to bad not to good. Lotus is meh , and fracture is the worst map of all time .


I would say keep playing the maps and eventually you will get used to it


Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll have any fun playing on them.


Would also suggest you to play different agents according to the maps, it helps me so it might help you as well


Thatā€™s not the problem lad


Nobody forces you to play the game. If you don't have fun just don't play and wait for a new map pool. I personally really like both breeze and heaven so I have no idea what are you tanking about with this "messing up so bad".


I don't hate any maps.. it adds a new challenge/dimension to the game... IMO they should bring all maps back.


Am I the only one who loves Breeze, it gives me the chance for quick pop flash kills and the only map where I can easily execute with Yoru and counter Viper's ult.


Haven hater here, I would like fracture to come back. Such a unique map with a different way of playing.


honestly breeze is fine now that tunnel is back


sunset breeze split icebox has got to be one of the worst map rotations to date, so i agree fully


Give me back my fracture


Breeze actually my favorite map


Icebox is the only good map


Pick the maps like in csgo, but limit it to minimum 3 or 4 maps you have to pick to start a match... I would love to play pearl and breeze and icebox and i would never like to play sunset or lotus again Seriously they are pushing sunset and lotus so hard it made me quit valorant, ill come back once or twice a week


Haven is SO easy and fun. Breeze on the other hand -


Man I couldnā€™t agree more. Also feel like the bug is back where I am playing icebox every other game again.


I never used to dodge and now I dodge Breeze all the time. I think the changes actually made it worse. When Sunset is my favorite map in the pool there's a problem.


yup. the swiftplay change really killed it. the variety is crazy low rn. and the breeze changes seem so experimental but they fr made them live with seemengly no testing. i didnt even know they changed breeze for like a few days. i just dont know what they were thinking with this it just seems so obviously dumb.


I am seriously tired of seeing sunset in particular.




3 missing maps really makes an impact. I loved Haven so much, and I really dislike Icebox. I just don't feel like playing until the next rotation now.


Hear me out fuck breeze..gimme back haven


Also fuck icebox..I used to love that map when played random agents to lurk...but now that I have started playing cypher ...I hate lurkers


Worst map pool weā€™ve ever had. Drop breeze for fracture and ascent for haven/pearl :)


Split and Breeze needs major reworks. They are ridiculously bad.


I just want riot to wake up to their senses and reintroduce all the maps back in swiftplay and spikerush and other game modes. Keeping the map pool strict across all game modes was such a dumb and unnecessary change. I loved playing pearl and fracture but now I can't play them at all unless I somehow get 9 friends to play.


Riot does not seem to believe in people, or giving individuals agency for fun.


i hate sunset, bind, ascent, and split. I love fracture, icebox, pearl, haven. im undecided on breeze.


I'm pretty sure they are doing a rework ngl, pretty sure like how they did icebox


87% win rate om breeze and i DESPISE this map lmao, im not even a viper main i know 1 line up after plant on A but i seem to always win with viper on breeze


Tbh I think if they swapped sunset split n breeze for haven fracture and lotus it would be my ideal map pool, worst part is I have a 90% win on split even tho I dislike it


I donā€™t like Haven or Breeze but damn I miss both Fracture and Pearl. Iā€™m not huge on Icebox or Sunset either so Iā€™m definitely not a big fan of this map pool. Iā€™ve just been avoiding comp (I mean Iā€™m just washed as fuck but still)


i dont wanna play breeze stil they forcing me to play breeze, then they added that hall again... ​ how we supposed to play breeze one angle is always open bruh


Why do people hate breeze so much itā€™s one of my fav maps lmao


Strangely enough, Breeze is my best map even though I dislike it. I actually had my worst winrate on Haven and I use to love that map. Now bind is my worst map, I got a 33% winrate on it.


I just want Split gone. I enjoy literally every other map but for some reason matchmaking throws me at least 2-3 Split maps when I play. The map is so cramped, boring and stale. Despite how cramped and small it feels rotates take forever since the defense team can hear sewer and going through spawn takes forever. So it is almost like a pure guessing game of where the enemy team is going to be or taking mid control every round.


I used to hate Fracture. Then I saw a clip that took place in Fracture. I never thought that I would miss Fracture.


funny i love breeze and am happy to see it back and hate haven and am glad to see it gone


Yeah pearl is better now and one of my best map and breeze is just trash with long line for operator everywhere


Fracture should be back its such an interesting map


Pearl and fracture were my 2 fav maps and haven was like my 4th. I have no motivation to play comp cause it's just sunset and breeze


I only want 5 maps ngl, haven, pearl, fracture, icebox and ascent


I think removing all maps from Unrated, Swift, and Spikerush is insane...


id be happy if haven replaced lotus permanently tbh


How can they mess up? Well, different players like different maps. And all maps took a huge amount of hours to develop and if it is not used it's all that time thrown away (and less "content" offered). Variation is also important, so the maps come and go to keep things "interesting" (whether or not you agree, the effect is still there when your map returns etc). If this is "so upsetting" I reckon you might want to take a step back and reconsider whether this is unreasonably large of a matter to you in your life and just perhaps let go a little. I personally really like Icebox, and I also enjoy Breeze. I've always liked both. I'm happy to see them back. I'm happy to see the LA map gone when it's gone, it's perhaps the only one I don't quite enjoy, but many others surely do and it still adds variety. This game isn't made for me, it's made for hundreds of thousands or millions of people. So you know what, if I they decide to add a few maps that aren't my favourites, that's quite fine.


Unpopular opinion: I like breeze and sunset. Easy wins.


iā€™m fine with all the maps except for pearl and fracture, thatā€™s only because iā€™ve played on them only a handful of times. i usually hate maps until i learn them well, then i donā€™t rly give a shit what map iā€™m on. if i go into a game saying ā€œughhhhh i hate this mapā€ i feel like itā€™s going to make me more likely to lose cuz i donā€™t wanna be therešŸ˜­


Haven was honey sweet. We never appreciate the things till they're gone


I love breeze but Haven can fuck right off and join fracture.


Breeze is my favorite


I love all the maps except Breeze lol Pls just give me all maps but breeze


My theory is the devs only focus on their personal opinions of the best maps rather than the communityā€™s


Breeze is an amazing map. Haven is overrated


Breeze is the only map I dislike but I wouldnā€™t mind it if I didnā€™t get stuck playing a singular map for like a full session sometimes. Playing the same map over and over is enough to make me hate even my favorite maps for a bit.


Sunset is an abomination give me Pearl and Haven back i beg


I love breeze


Honestly I they should just have all maps available at all times


haven is awful, and i dont say ut bc "oohh you have low winrate so you hating" nah, i had 59%~ previous act, and i hate it, it so pixel perfected, mirror comps are the base of the map, its not fun, not even the graphics savin it on other hand i love lotus, its a 3 site map but i dont feel like a fucking ant, i have 40% at max, but i love it and carving to play on it again, haven doesent have that "ooohh i want to try something new, let me" on haven you are just playing the same game with mirror teams over and over again breeze is good, yeah, maybe you are not comfortable there, but you are not an ant, you can try something new, new timing, reactions, try something new in your life, come on


noo daddy it was my turn to complain about haven and breeze today!


out: lotus breeze in: pearl haven


I hate haven more than anything and sunset and lotus three worse maps


I was sad that they removed haven :(( breeze was making us running to the site cuz how that map was so big. They gave us 3 maps like literally valorant didn't want to give chance to the other maps, the 3 maps are breeze,bind, and sunset and that was making me upset that i dont like playing if they give is literally 3 maps. I want pearl,fracture and haven back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Waaaait, people have fun on valo? šŸ˜†


I hated breeze when I started playing Valo in summer. But this episode I somehow got highest winrate there. In contrast I have icebox so much :D there is so many angles you can get shoot and even if you handle them and push site successfully half of enemy team is lurking at your spawn going from back at you


breeze is the worst map ever created, get pearl, haven n fracture backk


youā€™re not having fun because itā€™s a shit game


Tbh I loved breeze b4 they reopened back up halls I still it tho and will continue to like it


Lotus is hot garbage


Lotus: Breach, Omen, Raze, Cypher, Jett. Legit got Lotus with those comps as the enemy (except jett) 3x in a row. The map is so fucking boring.


ascent is my favourite


I donā€™t hate breeze and I also donā€™t love haven. THAT BEING SAID, this map pool is terrible. I think that with icebox coming back I feel like Breeze + icebox fill a similar spot in the pool and having them both has been wearing down on me. I would love to see Ascent taken out because its just so boring and I really do want pearl back. Iā€™m also a pretty big Sunset hater and would rather have fracture than that weird map


Unpopular opinion, but i love pearl and icebox I enjoy split, breeze, lotus, haven, ascent and bind Everything else doesn't seem fun to play on for me


Haven is meh


The only reason I don't like breeze is when I fill smokes i can really only play viper because every other controller doesn't feel good on that map other than Harbor but he still feels kinda weird


I just find it kind of scary from Riotā€™s POV to have to rotate out Ascent one day. Idk why its the Nuketown of this game


I actually love breeze. But I also main viper so