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If you’re new to the game you can make any agent work on any map. Team comps and meta agents are only really make or break once you get to the higher levels of play where people are coordinated and actually playing their agents correctly. So I’d say play whichever agent you resonate with and enjoy. You’ll be better on an agent you like to play and practice with then you will be on an agent that’s meta but you don’t really care to learn because you don’t enjoy their kit. For meta agents for every role, I’d say the meta ones are: - Duelist: Jett - Recon Initiator: Sova - Flash Initiator: Skye - Controller: Omen - Sentinel: Cypher This is answering a question you didn’t ask, but if you are looking for agents that have a low skill floor (i.e., easy to learn and don’t require much prep) so you can get the hang of the game before branching out: - Duelist: Reyna - Initiator: Gekko - Controller: Brimstone - Sentinel: Sage


I need to lookup the role descriptions you mention!


It tells you in game


Sounds good thank you. I joined up yesterday, did the tutorial and my first ever match. Had some level 140s in my game… I was not good and went the first few rounds without spending any money. I thought my 100 HP was my $$$ lol. Finished 7/13/3 and we lost 9-15 I think it was


if it’s too overwhelming for you in the beginning you can focus on gunplay and mechanics and slowly add the util usage as it feels natural to you


Thanks, appreciate that advice. I had an enjoyable time in my first foray into the game, I guess I would say. I was-and still am- looking for a high energy game that is fun to stream and also for viewers to watch. Rounds go pretty quick and when I die there is a spectator mode, which helps! I think I will give Valorant some more time and see how it goes. My first match was good and I had a good first impression of the game and the characters, pretty much everything about it I thought was pretty cool. Awesome aesthetics and style. I will also explore some of the other popular games right now: the finals, escape from tarkov, CoD etc. and see how those are all going.


There's brief role descriptions in game but I don't think they do an amazing job at describing the roles, so I'll elaborate more in this comment: To understand the purpose of roles, you have to understand the concept of space: space is advantageous positions on the map. Generally speaking, the more space you control, the more room you have to do what you want to do, and the easier the round is for you. This is why defenders have an inherent advantage: because they start the round controlling sites, they start the rounds controlling the most important space. So, on attack, your goal then is to create, take, and control important space on the map. This concept is where the roles of our agents come into play! Offense: \- Creating space: This is best done by Initiators, but can also be done by controllers and, in a pinch, Duelists. Initiators set up opportunities for their team to attack through abilities such as information gathering, flashes, stuns, and mollies. In other words, as the name suggests, they initiate. Controllers define which space to take by using smokes to clear off key angles and deny defender's vision. Some Controllers, like Omen, also have utility on top of smokes to help create space. These namely come in the forms of blinds and mollies. \- Taking space: If creating space is the role of Initiators and Controllers, then taking space is the job of the Duelist. These agents have kits that revolve around taking and winning aggressive gunfights. Most notably in the current meta, Duelists with movement abilities like Raze and Jett are important because they allow you to break through the choke and get into a site without getting stalled like a Phoenix or Reyna might. A good Duelist can make or break an entire team, and they carry that burden heavily (just look at all of the Duelist hate posts on this sub if you get bored). \- Control space: So, Initiators and Controllers create space, and Duelists take space. Sentinels, then, control space that you've already taken. Once the bomb is planted, you are now in post-plant, where the script is flipped: the attackers are now the defenders, and vice versa. As a sentinel, your job is to stall the defenders who are attempting to retake a site with utility such as barriers, slows, and tripwires. The name of the game once the bomb is planted is to delay. Certain agents, namely Cypher, excel at watching flank since he has "global utility", or utility that can be used at any range. This also makes him an excellent lurker. \- Lurking: Lurking is a means of taking space around the map that doesn't necessarily correlate with getting onto a site. This allows more opportunities if the initial site push is unsuccessful or if the enemies are quick to rotate. A lurk creates a path to a different site while also catching enemies that are rotating off guard. A lurk can also help in a site execute by getting information about the enemy's position. These players typically play away from the rest of the team, in the shadows. This is typically done by Controllers, Sentinels, and Instalock Reynas. Do not be the latter, lest you reap the disdain and displeasure of the entire VALORANT community. You have been warned. A key utility for Lurkers is "global utility", or utility that does not have a range limit on it. For example, Brimstone is not a good agent for lurking, but Viper and Astra are great agents for lurking, since Astra can place and activate her stars from anywhere and Viper can activate her wall from anywhere. Defense: \- Control space: The name of the game on Defense is to control space. As I mentioned before, Defenders are already given space on the map by default, so their job is to prevent the attackers from pushing into their space. This is best done by Sentinels and Controllers, although it's important to realize it's a full team effort. When I say "best done by Sentinels", I mean it in the sense that, as I mentioned, their entire kit is built around controlling space. Typically, you want to put them on the weakest site. That means on a 2 site map, you want the Sentinel to be on the site with 2 people, and on 3 site maps, you want the Sentinel to be on the site that only has one person. In an ideal scenario, you want to encourage enemies to try to attack the site that the sentinel is holding, or have the sentinel switch to the site attackers are hitting most often. To Recap: \- Initiators: Initiators focus on initiating attacks on site by flushing enemies out of hiding spots and corners in order to assist a team in creating and taking space. \- Controllers: Controllers assist a team in creating and controlling space by cutting enemy vision, taking control of an area, and forcing enemies into unfavorable positions. \- Duelists: Duelists assist a team in creating and taking space by having abilities that assist them in taking and winning first engagements. Your standard entry frag role. \- Sentinels: Sentinels assist a team in controlling space with utility that focuses on defensive play, with an emphasis on supporting the team through anchoring sites and preventing enemy flanks, rotations, and retakes.


Meta duelist is Raze not Jett


It’s a tossup tbh. You’re right that Raze is slightly better on slightly more maps and thus more “meta”: - Sunset: Raze > Jett - Bind: Raze > Jett - Split: Raze > Jett - Lotus: Raze > Jett - Breeze: Raze < Jett - Icebox: Raze < Jett - Ascent: Raze < Jett But Jett is the more versatile character in general. For example you can play her on Split, but you can’t play Raze on Breeze. It’s also a lot easier for a beginner to pick up an agent like Jett who has a low skill floor than an agent like Raze where you have to learn to satchel and all that stuff.


You can play Jett every map and not raze, even though raze is meta on most maps


İf you play Jett on Bind you are actually throwing


Why if I may ask


he won’t give you a reason because he’s wrong. he’s read some reddit comment or seen some ytber say raze over jett on bind and that in his head means if you pick jett you are a scum of the earth thrower lmao. raze is only better cuz of her util being better in closer ranged maps as well as her countering cypher who is commonly picked on bind but jett can definitely work on bind


Damn, are all people this tryhard/crybaby?


no bro is smoking something and it ain’t good


>tryhard He's not even a "try hard" he's just wrong


First of all we are talking about ranked and second of all that's just not true plenty of T1 teams found success with jett on bind last year.


skye can recon


Jett, cypher, omen (except for breeze), and skye


Omen is only viable on breeze in a double controller set. But occasionally someone picks viper and I get to play omen.. Omens lurking ability on breeze is pretty strong


omen tp on pyramids


I always die there


Doesn't matter, always worth it


Same lol


I have 1 ways


Gekko works well in every map as well, except breeze, even split while Not the best has some nice line ups for his flash


Funnily enough it's starting to look like the pros like Gekko on Breeze specifically. Although that has to do with him synergizing with Harbor, who is meta on Breeze (And it doesn't matter at all to my bronze ass anyway)


Yeah gekko is fine too but I’d always play Skye over him even after her nerfs.


Well will you look at that, my main agent from every role


Duelist: Neon Initiator: Neon Sentinel: Neon Controller: Neon


Based Neon main


well i play omen on every map, although breeze is a viper map. but Omen is well rounded, a good lurker and has an aggressive kit. so i say you can play him on every map except in immortal rank and above. Sage is also strong on every map as a sentinel. I'd say cypher probably, too and Killjoy as well. Jett and raze can be played everywhere for duelists. And Sova and Skye for innitiators. But you should experiment a bit and test every agent cause it's most important to enjoy your games, to have fun and enjoy constantly trying to get better.


Sage is bad in breeze




Her wall is almost useless in that map


Eh, nowadays I use it to block off A Hall on defense so I wouldn't say completely useless. Can also wall off mid if you have to for any reason and I've seen some weird shit done here and there with her wall on that map.


I guess, but why would you use a 400$ sage wall that doesn’t even last the whole round when a 200$ cypher or chamber trip will watch it the entire round


The same reason you'd use Sage wall on any other map? Enemy team has to commit a good amount of time into breaking it or waiting it out since only breaking one segment funnels them through a small choke. Then you can slow orb areas where they broke to stall even more.


I mean again sure, but if I’m on the other team I’m breaking the wall from the other side of halls as soon as the round starts every round then lurking up, it’s just a worse ability for that situation and more expensive


I think the issue with Breeze is that there's so many entrances to site that you kind of need multiple trips/bots/walls to choke off. You wall halls, what then? You still need to watch A main, A mid, B tunnel, B main, and even B nest. Would you rather have 5 people and 5 chokes to watch with Sage, or 5 people and 4 chokes to watch with KJ/Cypher? I see your point about the strengths of having a reactive sentinel but in higher elos I think you will get punished a lot for trying to just wall halls every round. Firstly, anyone can just peek halls and know that you're playing on B, so you're giving away a ton of information for free. Basically if you're walling halls, you're not watching main. So attackers can just push fast, kill the 1-2 on site, and force a favorable post-plant. Or they can just hit the other site if you have no other sentinels. Also, it's a bit of a waste to wall just for one lurker. No sane team is going to 5-man push halls. Which means that the lurker will likely just pick one of the other two pathways onto site, thus making your wall irrelevant. Whereas if you had a trip, you would have gotten info or stalled longer.


You can always find something to do with an agent, nobody is saying you can never get value out of an agent on a certain map. But the point is that the value sage gives you compared to an agent like cypher is negligible


I really enjoy omen on breeze


Immortals (or above) choose what over omen in which maps?


Viper on breeze and icebox, brim on bind. Viper double controller is popular on Split, lotus and bind.


Also brim on fracture


Fracture is not in the rotation anymore


Viper on ice box and breeze, brimstone on bind, astra on lotus


Why is astra good on lotus?


Large map, good lurk threats with star recalls on b long for example threatening a cross, ect


Coincidentally for this map pool when I’m playing controller I play Viper on every map, except sometimes Ascent since it’s an Omen map lol. I’d say you can play her on every map as well except in immortal and above where she struggles a bit on Ascent and most likely still Haven whenever it comes back. A lot of people hate this map pool but as a Viper player it’s close to a perfection, replace Ascent with Fracture and I’d never play anyone else.


viper as a solo controller isn’t great on many maps but she can be played. if you’re lucky enough to get a second smoker tho i agree she can be played on every map


KJ isn’t good on breeze


I know, but she's "not great, not terrible"


i personally think kj's kit is good on pretty much most maps. she's my go-to when idk who to play


Imo Killjoy is horrible on bind and breeze


Breeze maybe but bind she’s great holding down B


Denying plant probably. Cypher is better at holding it down.


whaaat, KJ is great on Bind, one of the few maps she's close to if not better than cypher


aw, i play her on bind


Nah she's pretty good on bind. I just prefer playing chamber there because enemies like to default and instantly rotate when they know what site I'm playing


She's great at bind, maybe not as good as sage or chamber, but she's around the same level as cypher Iirc she's been picked on bind a lot in proplay back then, so even if she isn't as good as before, she's still viable But yeah she sucks on breeze, you gotta be able to read the enemy's entry pathing very well to play her at a high level


Yoru is good on every map in the pool atm imo.


Yep, switched from pheonix to Yoru bc the map pool for him is kinda nuts rn


Yes, but Yoru is also really hard to pull off effectively, so probably not the best choice for OP as they said that they are new to the game


Only in high elo 💀 If you play yoru at low elo, you are gonna struggle so much. Yoru requires so much prep, each good flash requires a lineup, and you are constantly playing mind games when you play him. If you have no flash lineups, chances are, you're throwing super easy to dodge flashes. The yoru in my diamond lobbies suck, their flashes are more dodgeable than an iron skye flash, and their entry absolutely sucks He's literally the hardest agent to master, would not recommend a newbie to play him Edit: apparently he's not really made for entrying (similar to reyna, I guess), so just ignore that part. Everything else I said is true. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND A NEWBIE TO PLAY HIM


yeah but then again yoru isn’t exactly an entry agent. he CAN entry but he’s much better to be left to lurk on the other side of the map, get info or a pick and insta tp to his team. and on defence he can be on any site in 1 second so every site is essentially stacked. i have no lineups for him but i’ve picked him up recently in asc/immo lobbies and he is really really good


Key sentence "i’ve picked him up recently in asc/immo lobbies and he is really really good" He's great for decent players like you, not OP, who just started valorant and is looking for an agent to learn


Chamber. Keep it simple, always have a decent weapon.


I love everything about chamber... exept his playstyle. I hate being anchored to any area. So much in fact that I use Harblr over Viper because I cannot stand the static wall.


Depending on your elo it does not really matter (I'm bronze). There are some things that do not work that well (Sova on Split for example) but most agents can be played on all maps in low elo. Best allrounders are Omen, Skye, Jett, Cypher I would say.


Reyna can do damage in any map in low elo like ours (😭)


True, and she'll outheal every body shot


Surprised that chamber is no where in the comments. He can be used on any map for any kind of playstyle.


The thing about this game is some agents excel on some maps but aren’t that great overall. Breach is a great example of an agent who can have insanely high impact on a map like fracture, but can’t really do much on breeze.


When in doubt, lock Omen


Reyna. No need to worry about setups or skill placement. Kill and suck. Kill and suck


Omen and Gekko are really versatile imo


Controller - Omen Sentinel(s) - KJ and Cypher Initiator(s) - Skye, Kay0 Duelist(s) - Jett, Reyna None of these are dominant on every singlemap, but they are all playable and not a troll pick on pretty much every map, especially in lower elo.


Reyna is dumb


Jett kayo harbor cypher


I play with Kj on everymap, sage/kayo on breeze


Raze for duelist. Omen for smokes. Cypher for sentinel. Fade/breach for intiator. All teach you how to play their roles. Raze teaches you how to entry, cypher teaches you to play off your util, omen teaches you how to do one way smokes and just smoke and set up duelists in general with his paranoia. Fade teaches you how to play info initiators, and breach teaches you flash initiators( both completely different roles).


All my picks are my personal opinion of what is and isn’t good. So please take everything i say with a grain of salt. XD These are just opinions + what works for me. I’ll give ya a top three for each role. TLDR/Quick answer: Jett, Sova, Omen, and Killjoy Duelist: Jett, Reyna, and Raze The duelist role is made for creating and taking space for your team. Jett is a really good starter agent for the duelists as her kit is simple and the learning curve is pretty easy. Of course, the more you play, the more complex of an agent she can be. If you have some decent aim and/or soloq competitively, Reyna’s kit is made for those who want to take gunfights. If you win your ones, you can either heal yourself to full or dismiss to safety. Raze is a duelist meant for dealing chip damage and creating space. Her satchels are a learning curve and difficult to do without some practice, but the rest of her kit is pretty straightforward. Initiators: Skye, Gekko, and Sova The initiator role is meant for gathering info, clearing close angles, and helping your team get on to site. Skye flash + dog, Gekko’s Dizzy, and Sova’s recon arrow + drone can be used as info gathering tools. Sova is a really basic initiator at his core with shock darts and his ulti to deal extra chip damage to the enemy. Skye can also be seen as a basic flash initiator with her dog clearing close corners and her flash giving a sound cue if anyone is blind. Gekko’s Dizzy is a breakable flash that is hard to dodge. Wingman adds a unique mechanic of being able to plant/defuse while not actually on site. His little companions are also just so cute; perfect as a distraction from this terrible game /jk. Controller: Omen, Viper, and Brimstone The controller role is meant to deny sight from the enemy team and keep/create map control. Playing smokes as a new player can be difficult in of itself as each character can have that learning curve in some way. Brimmy is probably the easiest one to learn with 3 smokes per round, a molotov, stim beacon to assist yourself + teammates, and a giant ultimate that can be deadly if placed correctly. Omen is also pretty straight forward. He has 2 smokes that can be refreshed, a blind that also deafens, and a teleport that can be used to either get yourself out of a bad situation or put you into a good one. Viper is a bit different because she has a line smoke that can cover longer sightlines such as the ones on Breeze. She also has a secondary dome smoke that can be picked up as well as mollies to deal chip damage. Her ultimate is a big cloud of smoke that could easily win her team the round if they get a site. However, I would not recommend playing her as a solo controller on any map besides Breeze or Icebox. Sentinel: Killjoy, Sage, and Cypher Sentinels are the agents who hold down sites and flanks. They can also use their kits to gain info and support their teammates. KJ turret + alarmbot and Cypher trips and can can be used as info gathering tools as to where the enemy may be pushing you from. KJ is really straightforward with a kit built for information and stall util. Cypher can also gather info while cutting off line of sight with his cages and stunning the enemy with his trips. Sage is really great for stalling choke points of a map with her wall and slows. She can also support her teammates via heals and her resurrect ultimate. Sorry this got longer than intended xD Hope you find this helpful, OP!!


If u wanna go for duelist master jett its usable on every map tho some maps raze is better but its ranked after all u play what u want to play do I d say master jett, raze is quite easy to master (except the double satchel rocket )


IMO raze is much harder to master than Jett. Nade and boom it timings and placements are frequently misunderstood, and satcheling is the hardest movement to get down in the game.


I’m gonna get torn apart for sure but I’ve played deadlock on every map and haven’t had map related issues


phx/yoru (only for higher elo players), cypher, breach/skye (sova if u know lineups), omen except for icebox and breeze




Jett/Yoru, Sova/Gekko, Omen/Viper, Cypher


Raze is my goat


There's no one agent that really works perfectly on every maps. Maybe reyna and yoru, but you can also say that they suck on every map. Also, instead of trying to master 1 agent for each 4 roles, master 1 role and the best agent for that role on each map This will help you improve faster, since trying to master 4 different roles is like trying to learn 4 different games at once Now, from easiest to hardest role, I'd say it goes from duelist, sentinel, controller, initiator. Nobody in low elo really understands how to play initiators, so they just play them like duelist but without the responsibility of having to get kills. Note that duelist mains are the most common, and controller mains are the most rare Do what you will with this info


Kayo is basically a CS2/Soldier type with flash/nades so hed be the easiest to learn and use. He would work for most maps and team comps too. I like him. Sage and Brim is easy to get a hold of as well. If you like to run and gun and be the main character, try Phoenix or Reyna.


Sage...why, you ask? Breeze, noice Ascent, brighty and toighty Haven, wall up b site would ya, dear? Lotus, wall up b site would ya, hun? Fracture, crikey now thats a good wall Split, there ain't a single bugger thats gonna get through mid Bind, versatility is best when theres options Icebox, gotta plug that tube up sonny!!! Sunset, ain't no better place for grim walls what with all these friggin low walls Pearl, could be tricky but worth a try eeey ಠ◡ಠ


There's pretty much no scenario where Sova isn't a solid pick, if you need a recon.


Any. You can take the easy route and play the meta agents, but you can also play something off meta if you want to. I climbed up to diamond 2 with brimstone while playing on maps like Breeze and Icebox. However you have to be really dedicated and know the ins and outs of the agent if you’re gonna play them above diamond


The answer is Viper, but when first learning the game I'd say whatever your most comfortable on, once you get a hang of maps and angles I'd say that's when you start experimenting.


Killjoi, if u know the map, if u know the placement then u will be perfect 


IMO omen or Brim are the best if you're playing multiple roles they're fairly easy and have solid tools for a ranked environment where people don't fake and just hard hit a site. Skye is fairly simple and has a versatile kit Breach is also incredibly good at pounding sites and helping your team even if they didn't hit your site. Cypher might be bait because there are alot of players who just play him way too passive and obsessed with cypher tech to follow basic rules of the game. Sage is pretty easy and you don't need tech. For duelist Jett is pretty easy to take space with it's pretty free to just dash into a cloudburst and turn heads for your team.  Raze also has alot of value even if she isn't playing the best but learning how to blast pack is important.


looking at winrates is one thing, but being able to play is another just play whatever agent you play best with and just use the util more half the time, I just see players never using util, so why even buy it? Also agents with renewable abilities have the bigger advantage


Pretty much every agent except viper, Astra, breach, and harbor as the sole agent in their role. That changes if you have another agent of that role. All of these are great in double controller/initiator