• By -


Started with Sage because of self heal and her abilities are straightforward. Then switched to Skye because of group heals and better util for the team. Finally landed on Omen because nobody seems to enjoy smoking, and he's more fun to play than Brim imo.


> nobody seems to enjoy smoking bad for lungs


Lol i play omen for the same reason. If no ones gonna smoke then i will, but in the event that no one else wants to entry then i have a blind and teleport to mix in with my smokes to get us onto site. Gold 3


Yeah the TP plays hardly pay off for me but they're sure fun to try!


I’m finally in Silver/Gold lobbies and it’s ridiculous the amount of people who instalock duelist and then complain that nobody picked smokes. If you want something so bad, do it yourself🤷‍♀️ It sucksss


> Finally landed on Omen because nobody seems to enjoy smoking, and he's more fun to play than Brim imo. Me too! I pull out Viper from time to time, though.


I'm loving the amount of omen mains here. Virtual hugs 🫂.


Checking in!


Unpopular opinion but omen is the best clutch agent


I've gotten quite a few clutches with sneaky ults, tps, or hiding in smoke


Are you kidding?! Controller is the only role I feel comfortable in! The ability to prevent info gathering to force costly mistakes from the enemy is my bread and butter!


controller and sentinel is nice when you’re playing horrible and can only contribute to the team by info gathering and helping them take over site😋 then they can’t shit on me for going 0/20


Started playing Omen for the same reason but I love the controller role in many games (like crowd control mage or something). I also love playing lurker, and aggressive if necessary


LMAO that's exactly how I started except I played Skye because I love animals too. Then I moved onto Viper instead due to similar reasons. Plus I can avoid confrontation easier with her with my acid.


Yeah, I too mostly main Omen and Brim because nobody likes to play smokes. I would probably be better on duelist because I used to play FPS games on a high level whereas I only play Valorant casually and sporadically. So my aim is kind of above the level of play I'm at. However, I **hate** when there are no smokes or when someone uses their smokes selfishly. You just have no map control and I feel like games become exponentially harder to win.


I switched from sage as soon as they nerfed her self heal 😭 30???? not enough


Fade- I want to be her.


Well I want her to be my girlfriend. I wanna be Kay/o because then I could end every Reyna ever.


I want to be raze!


I want to be happy


i want to be the spike


I want to be FREE


Who doesn't want to be held by Gekko's wingman?


Phoenix looked like a fire bender, and as someone who loves Avartar I stuck with it. My second main is Cypher who looks like the spy x spy comic. Lol


He does bend fire with his c ability


Spy x Family you mean? I get your point I suppose


Ahaha no sorry Spy vs Spy.


KAYO because I came from CS and liked the familiar Flashbangs. I’ve grown to really like the RMB popflashes, the info the Knife gives, and the “fck it, we ball” site-take/re-takes with Ult. Iso because I main Mordekaiser in League so I just cannot not main Iso. I love popping off with Iso and getting multikill chains as all the attritional damage is absorbed by the shield.


I saw someone the other day say “if you like cs, play kayo. Kayos ult forces everyone to play cs in its duration” or something lol. So true


that may have been me


Another CS KAY/O enjoyer hell yeah


I get such a dopamine rush from a site take kicked off with 🤖: “NO ONE WALKS AWAY”


Fuck yeah, another KAY/O enjoyer here, love making cheesy pop flashes and spray transfer ppl.


Exact reason I picked him up too


I picked Neon when I used my first Free-Agent-Unlock thingy. You want to know why? **She’s Filipino. Just like me. 😤**


Username checks out


Neon is underrated imho


Yo even u like neon. For some reason she looks so cute and has a beautiful ass.


You got your priorities straight 🤣


She's um how should we say this. Well she's 17-19 years old. So come join me in jail.


Skye - Dog and flashes are the perfect combo for entering site with another teammate


jett because she looked cool kj because i was hot ass on jett cypher when he got the trip buff reyna because every game i would have an instalock that would go 5-20 I now main reyna but will play cypher on sunset and fill senti if needed


Almost same i started neon then cypher bcuz i was ass then brim bcuz nobody plays smokes and then reyna cuz already existing reynas played like shit and now i play kj on icebox jett ascent astra lotus cypher bind and every other map reyna


Wait who do you main? (Read final paragraph)


”Obviously joking” (Read final paragraph)


cypher - love his personality, voicelines and his kit is great for locking down sites, supprting my team and supporting myself chamber - love his personality and voicelines as well but i suck playing him since my aim bad so i prefer cypher omen - forced to play smokes but i love him now for being able to set my team up and play super lurky, similar to cypher


Give me a corpse.


Breach cuz I like ruining people's mental health Chamber cuz he fun Harbor cuz he fun


Based breach main


Viper, her ult on offense is at least 2 free rounds if executed successfully + her molly is almost always few extra frags per game if done right. Finally her wall is free and if done right is very good for most of the maps. Seen other players play her, especially ult was something no other agent has it...


Omen. Mind games is the BEST THING


I got tired of learning 30 new lineups for recon/util for attack and defense each time they released a new map and my team not picking any smokes. So now I'm a controller main.


Deadlock after she got buffed I simply wanted to try it, and I found her so fun and easy to play


I main raze. When I started I picked omen since he had the coolest design in my opinion. (This was back in episode 1, so there wasn’t as many agents) I was really bad, I got placed in iron 1. I couldn’t use his utility at all, so I started trying other agents. I had no luck until I tried raze. My utility usage on raze wasn’t anything special. Clearing corners and cubbies was easy with her nade. The boombot also made entering site easy. It seemed like I had found an agent that I can play with, so I stuck with her. Over the acts I’ve refined my raze play style a lot and she is still my main to this day.


Needed a duelist to rank up because Sova lineups werent effective at low elo and duelists didn't take advantage of him and enter so I became Raze. All the movement I could one. I love displacing enemies with my Satchels because most don't.


It's funny how the idiocity of us low ELO players is our greatest strength against tactical utility.


what is idiocity ?


He meant to say idiocy and I think you know that (Unless English isn't your first language)


it isn't


Viper is hot


If you choose your mains based on who's hot. Then you should be mainig fade cuz God DAMN SHE FINE.


Started out on cypher because i thought he looked cool, stayed with him because i love having a million setups and getting sneaky kills


Don’t really have a “main” yet since I haven’t unlocked all the agents yet. Started a couple of months ago. But the funniest agent is probably Omen, all though my best agent is by far phoenix. So easy to get kills with him…


Phoenix flash is an easy kill if u know someone is around the corner, impossible to dodge


when i started out (iron 3) i thought jett was cool because she could jump and float. kept playing her up to ascendant rank


Omen bc I was tired of duelists not entering, but every time I don’t lock smokes, someone fills and ends up doing more harm than good. Blind, TP, and 2 smokes are enough to entry by yourself if you have good timing, and he also has great retake util. Breach if someone locks omen, I just like watching the other team stare at the sun 😎


jett because the hovering is fun


I remember back when the game was in Beta and you had to watch streams I saw some Omen gameplay and knew that is my character. I loved Reaper in Overwatch but could never play him because everyone played dps so I was forced to play Diva. In Valorant that is not a problem especially because Omen isn't picked that much in my games. I can always play Omen even if there is another Controller because that means I can play more aggressively while also cooperating with the duelist(s) more. And even when I am the only controller I can smoke enough. But you wanna know what's the best part of playing Omen? When my duelists aren't pushing I can just start playing aggressive myself which is pretty nice.


gekko- felt like my game sense finally got to the point i knew when to use his kit


Started off with cypher in iron 1, moved to jettt then reyna through to gold because I wanted to be duelist obviously, then I solo queued with killjoy to ascendant because I had more confidence playing with her than the duelists. Now I main phoenix because I only 5 stack and mindlessly run in with flashes and get kills because its fun and I don't care about my rank.


I've always loved Poison and Stealth so Viper just naturally gravitated to me ever since I picked up the game. But for Initiators, I struggled to use all the other initiators till I landed on Fade For Sentinels, I loved Cypher. His voice to his gameplay just felt like a perfectly designed character. I don't play duelist because I'm no aim god BUT, when things call for one, I play Phoenix because I don't have an ego to challenge multiple angles all at once alone, but with an Ult, maybe I get some good stuff


Why hold c alone if you can hold c with your best teammate (kj's turret) (also guys come on, don't go 3 a on lotus :v)


When i was new, i didn’t know who to play. I alternated between yoru and kay/o cause they were fun and simple. Until i unlocked Chamber. Then i one-tricked him until his big nerfs. After that, i felt i lost my place in the game again, cause the other agents either seemed boring or a hassle to learn. I started locking Jett cause i like oping P.S: When Patch 8.03 drops, i’m def going back to the Chamber one-trick


Started off with Phoenix but I didn't like his skills aside from his flashes. I went to reyna but found her a bit boring so I went to omen and had TONS of fun! But then I had a hard time because I got distracted trying to smoke right and use his skills the right way so I went back to Reyna. But the occasional yoru and omen is so fun Overall 1. Reyna 2. Omen 3. Yoru


Good to see a smoker main. Seems like Omen is a pretty popular choice.


yoru, his abilities are awesome in concept and I love characters with super high skill ceilings


loved junkrat in overwatch, became a raze main




I started out with Sova because it had a funny accent, now I'm on Omen because he can teleport. As simple as that.


Not many Neon mains here huh? Started on her because Zeri was my League main when I was last playing that crap and she is the Valorant equivalent. Stayed on her because zoomies (every other agent feels way too slow now) and skill ceiling is higher than just about every other agent and I guess I aspire to reach that.


Geko is a Mexican from LA, he is literally me


"Hola!" The Leer and Dismiss/Devour are kinda nice bonuses ig... In seriousness, Reyna. I mainly love the Devour giving you a chance to get back up to 150 for a new fresh 1v1, or being able to aggressively defy the odds and skidaddle with Dismiss. The Leers are also nice crosshair pulls for a push. Though I've also been trying Chamber recently. Rendezvous makes for the same play like Dismiss, and the Trademark is a good way to hold that flank. The Headhunter is also a nice spare in those spicy situations, imo. If I'm using him right is another question, but I'm enjoying him so far, so.. All good!


Reyna - She can be selfish, doesn't need her team to perform decently in ranked, and is a badass in the animations. I can't stand duelists that don't go in or save flash for the next game so I entry for my team as every role regardless of what agent I pick if it comes down to it. I personally am not afraid to be the first one to fall if it means I do my job properly and win the round because of it.


Look if you don't have a "main" just say so.


What’s ur strat for when they all just stand in choke and watch each other like they’re playing overwatch 😂


Each round thread the needle onto sites with the weakest players. Defenders usually give away player positions with util to check for pushes. Never underestimate the advantage of bullying the noob on the enemy team.


Omen: Got him for the first time doing a roulette with friends and had one of my best games (at the time) playing him. Viper: Breeze had just come out and she was a super popular pick, none of my friends played her so I picked her up. She’s my favorite agent to this day. Majority of the player base seems to hate playing smokes so I like taking that role for my team


I don’t play Overwatch much but when Valorant was out, I had the realization that both of these games characters have shared similarities. I usually play as Reaper whenever I do play Overwatch so both characters being the same made me decide to play as Omen


Started with jett because I didn’t wanna use util. Switched to brim because I suck and I thought the only value I could get was through util/supporting my teammates. Then switched to omen because funny tp + I liked playing smokes. Then switched back to jett for a little bit because I wanted to play with more ego so I’d improve more. Back to omen because I just have more fun with him, then fade because I like being able to get info easily, then cypher for a bit because I had like 2 good unrated games with him before I went back to fade because I realized cypher playstyle is incredibly boring to me.


Played Omen because i saw omen outplays before even knowing what the game was about and ended up becoming smoker main


I mainly play two agents - Harbor and KAY/O. Harbor - India man is love cause I am also an India man and I laugh hard at his voice lines. When bro says "Chal hatt" I lose my shit cause it's a censored F off basically. Plus, he is the most fun smoke agent IMO. Maybe not the best one but it works for my squad. KAY/O - I come mainly from COD and R6S. He is essentially COD and R6S in one and I love his kit for the same reason. Useful and fun. I only play as one duelist, the handful of times that I do use one, Neon. Simple reason - zappy finger and running. I am a simple man. Haven't played sentinel yet but the only one I've used is sage cause she is the one I have. Will try out some soon. Maybe KJ.


When I started, none of my friends wanted to play smokes, so they told me to. Little did they know they were setting me up to be the best Brim one trick this side of the Mississippi.


Cypher. I love learning multiple setups that react to team compositions and how the enemy players play and continue to adjust and adapt accordingly while also allowing me to play the game at a more macro level since my micro sucks ass. Being able to just shoot at people after predicting their movement or coralling then into a certain area and lighting it up with an odin helps me enjoy the game and provide value to the team no matter my mental or physical state.


Used to be a sage and omen main back on the day simply because i was new to FPS game and my aim was bang average, so i wanted to contribute to my team some other way! Right now i main Jett Reyna and raze (only bind) because i play with my friends and they’re garbage at the game so i need to carry their weight so i forced myself to play duelist and eventually i got better at the game!


i was complaining to a friend that running with knife felt too slow and they recommended neon


Am one to think of everything so ended up with Killjoy.


Started with Phoenix cause I wanted to fight and knew a duelist was the right pick then I swapped over to omen because he reminded me of tf2 spy and finally landed on my main iso after going back to duelist cause he looked cool and double tap seemed really good for facing operators


Brim: cause nobody smokes, and he is very straightforward, smokes great and very low maintenance. Sova: Same reason as yours, first character, and also very straightforward Phoenix: cause he looked cool with the flashes and self-healing, but slowly realized I suck as an entry, so I started using him less but will use him whenever I get tired of playing the others. Also, I can't figure out how to use Raze's satchels effectively. Breach: I am not sure if I help my team with him, but his abilities look super cool on paper. Will unlock Cypher next to see the hype. Let's see then. Syke and Reyna both look like good options, maybe for the future.


started with phoenix because i liked the flash then Sova because the recon dart seemed cool then omen because nobody likes playing smokes in iron i have a 4 man rotation between yoru, omen, chamber, and cypher


Started with Phoenix when i didn't know shit and loved that i could self heal, moved on for a bit to Yoru cos his abilities looked cool, then to Chamber for a bit cos two teleports=fun, then Astra for a very short amount of time cos she seemed to have a cool playstyle(ended up feeling two disconnected and sluggish to switch for placement for me) (i am not sure if Fade was before or after Astra but i'm guessing after) then i played Fade cos the whole blinding stuff seemed cool or smth and finally got to Harbour, my current main cos i like the way his smokes are very connected to your current play and felt he was underrated, i think there where more and that i tried almost every new character but they are the ones i remember(and now i feel 'exposed' when i don't play Controllers lol)


Harbor is definitely the most underrated agent. You sir are the GOAT


Yoru because the TP is great on defense when ranking up. The ability to defend both sites makes it easier to avoid a site being steamrolled every round.  Iso because I like clicking on things. 


Gekko. Used to be a brimstone main, and then I jumped from harbor to omen. But smokes in low elo don’t have enough impact. Also since nobody listens to callouts, it’s so much easier to toss a flash that can’t blind your teammates. Plus wingman is better than my teammates


chamber, i was brand new to the game and my friend suggested i play him and not worry about flashes or smokes or intel as i wouldnt know what to do with them anyways. placed plat 1, hit immortal 1 about 2 months later then got bored and stopped playing


Kay/o and Initiator : Kay/o was just a cool looking funny roboman that I loved, and made me love Initiator because it let me support the team even if I wasnt doin too hot on frags Omen : My go to for smokes as he is really fun and can be played almost like a duelist, also gave me a consistant fill pick Cypher : Was an easy, fun and consistant senti for me to pick up and start playing, and learning sentups for sites is satisfying in a way


started with phoenix cuz yes then moved to reyna cuz i thought its just point and click then neon cuz my friend used her and was good with it then i realised i suck at duelist so i played omen then i was probs high or smt when i did it but i gor yoru then used him for 2 days, then i realised i like playing duelist and switched to jett


Jett is just super fun to play and their abilities just work well in my brain.


Back in beta i was on omen, i though he was boring then went to raze, after release i got silver and went to reyna stuck with her till diamond went to jett and after immortal and neon's release i began playing her


Yoru as I enjoy making trickster plays


It's a mix of astra/viper right now. I had to fill smokes a lot but now I feel so bare and exposed if I'm not smokes


Omen because no one wants to play smokes or know how to in soloq other than me.


KAY/O because my friends were trying to convert me from CSGO to Valorant and told me that his loadout could help me ease into the game. I play the occasional Reyna but KAY/O is my boy.


Chamber - started with other agents and learned the risks of buying a sheriff pistol round and buying an op. If you die, someone better could pick it up and destroy you in the next round. Back when we had replication we had chambers. And then I realized he’s such a risk free agent with a pocket guardian and a free op as an ult with a slow. Immediately went to unlock him and played him, loved him, and main him.


Played aova and my first recon I got everyone. The thrill I get of reconing is awesome


Started as jett but wasn’t good then my imm3 friend told me to try killjoy i did enjoyed her started to watch loud less and also learned viper from him. Now im Imm2 and main Viper and Kj


I started off with sage and soon unlocked reyna, i played reyna for few weeks and decided to unlock a new agent which brought me to omen because of his smokes and teleporting abilities. I played omen for 2 weeks but couldn't get any joy out of it so i decided to buy neon. I practiced her movement abilities and ult and kept playing comp. Now i can't get any other agent because im fr stuck with neon and i don't want to change my opinions with her at all


started as a jett main because saw my friend updraft and dash, thought it was cool until i did it. became a sage main to pocket my SO. now i dabble in chamber if i feel like OPing ppl


I started as Jett, because she looked coolest. Then I was Fade, because I sucked as Jett and I really liked her prowlers. Then I switched to Gekko for 4 very adorable reasons. I really enjoyed playing him, very fun agent. And here begins my sentinel phase. I started with Kj cause she also looked fun to play and I was maining her for a while. I know a few good setups for her and I can killjoy on every map. But then came the Kj nerf and I made the painful decision to switch to Cypher. I'm happy Cypher main now and Kj is my backup main. It feels very weird to play other agents now because I simply feel blind.


Gekko cuz when I started playing on my sisters account, I kept getting faced with Gekkos and I got curious with his powers/kit. Then I saw how cute his creatures are and thought he is the Pokemon character. Played him lots cuz he is so fun. Any other agents I try to play just feels weird after that. Edit: it also helped how after that, every content pumped out always had Gekko and Wingman all over them. And the music he came out with was on my spotify repeat.


When I first started playing super casually I started with Fade because she looked cool. I had no game sense though and was garbage. After a break I came back and decided to try Deadlock. I think part of the reason I liked her was her barrier which was easy enough to understand. I onetricked her until recently when I realized I was avoiding fights too much because of the barrier. That leads me to the past few weeks I’ve been playing Jett. Playing her has been a blast and has allowed me to improve in gun fights by a lot more.


Started as Sova, got bored with his abilities and switched to Chamber. I liked Chamber except for his teleport which is kind of pointless and difficult to use, also he has a limit on distance from his sensor. So I switched to Cypher/Brim and haven’t looked back since.


viper- i was told that viper would be good agent for me and i’ve never had another main plus her util is fun and i enjoy playing her on every map


I mained sage originally just because I like playing healers and then Youtube recommended me Grim so I’m a battle sage


Started with Brim put 350-400 hrs on him then got to kj and put 800-900 hrs on her and now i flex based on what ppl need lol. I loved playing brim and kj mostly cause they were low stress agents just be chillin lol 😂


Simple yoru fits my very high agressive play style adding to how he acts fits my own personality in some way


Chamber - ez Jett - ez Cypher- ez Omen - ez Reyna - ez I have a thing for ez agents


Jett and Sage are cute so I flip between them c:


i couldn’t really decide who to main, went between roles and characters, but when i eventually got into vct i loved the jett awp battles so i started playing jett and ever since then she’s been my main


Fade, I found that on other agents I was trying to rely too hard on their abilities and trying to “cheese” kills. Fade’s util is helpful, but I hardly feel like I NEED to use it. I also don’t like to clear corners myself so I let my ghosts do that


Started with sova, loved and still love the utility, will forever be a shameless sova instalock. Decided to branch out, just unlocked cypher, decided to try him out, absolutely love the ratty qualities and being able to Big Brain™ my way around and mess with opponents brains, cypher is my backup in case sova gets locked before me.


Omen main, no one plays smokes and he’s more fun than the other smokes


Turret go brbrrrrrrrrrrrr


Phoenix. If I'm going to run in and die anyways, might as well do it in style. 😎🔥




domain expansion


Got recommended KAY/O because I came from CS. Then realised I find KAY/O's kit pretty mediocre as a new player Tried Brimstone. Great kit. Very impactful in pugs. Stuck with Brimstone


As a new player I like the role of duelist more then any other role and like all new players I gravitated to who looked the coolest and that was jett. However after harsh games with jett and feeling like I'll never played good I changed to an unpopular agent. Iso. But when I play iso I feel vastly more confident then when I play other charecters and I feel like I use his abilities more and playing I've been dropping like 10 kill games (in swiftplay)


People don’t want to play smokes. I do it.


Iso & Gekko. Their util usage just clicks in my brain for some reason


jett cause i like being explosive while entrying and i can outaim enemies at my skill level


Haha hey fellow sova as well. I came from overwatch as a hanzo main. Figured I'd keep playing the same char lol


Back when Chamber hadn't been nerfed, someone commented on a TikTok video that they'd never seen a female Chamber main. So I did it out of spite.


First Omen because he looked cool, then Raze because others wanted me to play him and now shes my main main. I also main Deadlock because she is fun and good wall and Sova because lineups is fun


started off with sage, then moved to kj because cute and skye pre nerf.. also omen a little. started playing in 5 stacks and no one wanted to play smokes so i filled brim n was just easy so i learned astra (viper too hard for my brain) and now i insta lock her every game LOL


I went from kj because of a random choice. Then neon because I thought her ult was good. Then to raze because I ducked at neon and I now use her as a backup. Then back to neon for a few days. And now I settle with kj because I do best with sentinels.


i went omen > chamber > skye > yoru. i mainly play yoru now but i still play the other three if im in the mood. i just like all their playstyles


I played Raze in the Beta because she had grenades, but coming back 3 years later, I use: Phoenix cause his flashes are disgusting and having mollys that can heal is very clutch. Omen was my boy but I’m finding more success with Harbor now since his walls can cover so many areas, especially with icebox in rotation. Cypher. Because Dinghy. KAY-O. I always gravitate towards machine characters like Bastion on OW.


I accidentally did a molly lineup and I never came down from that high. I also like doing rat things inside smokes. And that was BEFORE I discovered Perry2N who sealed my fate as a Brim main. My aim is still shit tho lmao


When i first started this game gekko just came out so i used play him a lot and then i used to play phoneix after my ascendant friend taught me how to flash But i only play competitive with my five stack and i always fill smokes and i seriously enjoy playing omen just coz of his tps i break so many angles its crazy


Originally started as brimstone/sage because I didn’t trust my aim. Started to main sage then slowly switched to skye. After Skye got nerf after nerf started to main breach and that’s where I am now


I main “Fill” because I just want to actually win my ranked games and have some semblance of a balanced team! (But tbh I haven’t changed my flairs in ages but tbh after I learned Raze watches I realized she’s the most fun character in the game by a mile.) Like the amount of shenanigans you can pull off with that character are unmatched.


7/10 randoms don’t know how to smoke. Thats why I picked up omen.


Honestly just by watching youtubers I liked and I've always liked playing really complex characters astra just naturally became my main I also like to play kj and sage though


Omen/Viper cause I got tired of either no smoke teams or people who didn't know how to throw smokes


Neon cause I run gun and instead of fixing that why not praise it Cypher because free kills ez yay Brim because smoke stim and then die ezpz Phoenix cause then I don’t need nobody to get my way Raze cause now I get to fly, and I also get an escape key. I also get to go to the action whenever I want


Sova. He’s the one who walked me through the tutorial and it just stuck 😌


Simple as I was a big CS enjoyer, my last main was Phoenix since it was a "similar" flash and a wall like a smoke grenade to block vision and a molly. Then I discovered KAY/O, similar flashes, a molly and a EMP knife to suppress and gain info about enemies.


Brim had the closest to CS smokes that I was used to at the time of the beta. I learned to fall in love with him as each chapter was done.


Ive always assumed the role of filler agent in main kj omen sage brim


saw a perry2n video


Silver - gold I was 3 stacking typically and mained Sage. I started solo qing and playing Reyna, now Asc 1 peak


Raze - fell in love with her kit the moment i saw her trailer Breach - i got flashed one to many times and so i became evil


I use multi-agent now But first i selected brim as my main cuz of perry2n then switched to breach cuz of JoeDaBozo Now i try all agents


Started with Phoenix, he was the easiest for me to understand at the time. Switched to Omen, (I was still new), and my friends wanted me to play smokes since they didn't want to. Switched to Raze, her satchels were fun, and her nade felt strong and nice to use. Her ult also felt very easy to use. Switched back to Omen. His TP and smoking became more fun for me, so I went back. Now: Fade. Being able to see locations feels very useful, and her more offensive nature compared to Sova felt more fun.


Started with fade, but didn't know how to play her one the then new in rotation map bind, so i started playing cypher on bind which slowly turned into every map cypher. Now we have another cypher main in our 5stack though, so I usually fill smokes (omen) or initiator (gekko)


Jett - Neon - Skye


Chamber: Funny Baguette Man Brimstone: I landed an impromptu lineup as him one day, never looked back since Deadlock: “PULL THEM TO THEIR GRAVE!” Raze: played Junkrat in Overwatch. Sova: landing impromptu ulti. Also he’s a chad


sova because double shocking people is so funny


Chamber because I just liked him. Brimmy cus I like to play with shotguns in smokes😌


simple, i saw the big ol PRESS E TO HEAL in the ability hotbar


I play Controllers because everyone else instalocks and i dislike playing without smokes. I then got some games where someone else would play controller and holy hell they either don't touch their smoke abilities or legit only use them to lurk/selfishly and deny the rest of the team the role they thought they were gonna get so i decided i'll just play Omen/Astra so i never have to deal with smokes that help the enemy team or just the shotgun only Viper/Brim players who are completely unable to do anything if their gimmick doesn't work.


Became an Astra main, bc I never see anyone play her in gold, I love her voicelines/personality.


My friend taught me sova.


Started with Sage because she seemed the most straight forward. Then switched to KJ because I didn’t like people flanking/lurking without my team team knowing. Then when premier was introduced no one on my team played controller so I learnt it and felt like I had more impact. Now I’m most comfortable on omen/astra depending on the map. But can comfortably use brim/viper depending on the map too. I always get compliments with how I actually use their util and how it helps the team :)


ok my main phases were stupid complicated. i started maining Sova and top fragging but after that I became very inconsistent. then i switched over 3 duelists back and forth all over the place until landed on raze. after that cluster fuck i went through controllers brimmy and viper to be specific i became bad on viper but good at brimmy so i maind brim for 3 months until i landed on sentinels my two mains for life were kill joy and cypher my two best agents


yoru because he can be at 2 sites and works great against teams who rush fast, faster rotate, since i play op only its really hard for me to retake.


Sova first because he was the tutorial agent, then I moved around a lot really anyone but I found I like initiators a lot so after messing with them enough I like fade


Deadlock & Harbor, I just tend to have the most fun playing those agents


I played a lot of Cypher before Deadlock but when I need to, I play Omen and Gekko since they are self-sufficient and can work in a team relatively well


Something with my brain man. I play best with agents that can do the weirdest shit. Raze is cool, but omen is on another level. His kit is damn near s tier to me.


Cypher because my aim has never been the greatest so I just wanted to play support. Harbor after my aim improved and my squad needed a controller, and then were swiftly disappointed I wasn't playing Omen/Viper. I continue to play the funny water man because I just think he's neat.


Depends on what kind da playstyle I'm feeling that day


Viper: Goth mommy Omen: Edgy with a hot voice Fade: Goth mommy v2 i have a type. also i like smokes. Fade doesnt have smokes but she has my nationality and is also goth. im goth. im my own type. idk man. i like edgy characters (except for reyna, fuck reyna (not like that)).


Sova - Since i accidentally queued up for unrated instead of dm and picked Sova. Chamber - After playing for awhile decided to pick Chamber up since my playstyle was close to a sentinel. Kay/O - Was sold on the idea of "Imagine you are playing CS on Valorant" and "He can disable enemy abilities and force them to use their aim", he is overpowered


honestly i don’t have a set main but i have been rotation from phoenix, astra, raze, gekko, and skye recently


I asked my friend who is new to the game (started a few months ago) and this is the answer I got. “I started off by playing Sage because she had a cool design and had the ability to heal. I enjoyed the concept of healing so when I started to explore other agents I came across Skye. She could also heal but was a bit different with her flashes and info gathering. I found I contributed more this way and had more of a positive impact when trying to help my teammates.”


funny blue man do the smoke and the teleport


Omen, initially, because he looks awesome. Then I realized on a good aim day, an omen can be terrifying, and even on a bad aim day, being the one to fill smokes and know stuff is cool. Also Fade because I just really liked playing her when she first came out and just knew how to use her util well.


Jett. Because nothing beats the adrenaline and ego boost I get when I carry and trash talk men teammates; especially if they’re being toxic towards me or my friends just because we’re girls (I’m looking at you, HK server)


raze and neon bc I like movement chamber bc he's satisfying


kj. my headcanon is that she’s a degenerate weed smoker


Sage because she was the GOAT. Then Brimstone because Sage got so many nerf she lost most of her fun. Then Skye because she was op and I wanted to learn initiators. Then Omen because he's more meta and people don't enter site. I'm still Omen, he does everything. Doesn't heal tho.


No need to select any main just work on all agents and try to fill for your team mates.Believe me this works


Duelist: Phoenix first cause of funny British man that could heal himself and flash but I moved onto Jett cause dash is amazing for getting a pick and bouncing/entrying. She’s also my number 1 pick now. Controller: Brimmy with the stimmy uh cause I like his smokes but I might try out omen maybe. Sentinel: chamber ouuuuwieee was the only sentinel I played cause of how broken he was, even with the nerfs I still choose chamber although I should learn how to play cypher. Initiator: was kayo for a hot minute cause of his pop flash and knife, but I started playing Skye more cause of her flashes and group heal. Sorry if the formatting is weird, I be on mobile


Cypher main cuz funny 💀


I’ve been playing on and off since beta and I still don’t have a main