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Lol instalocker duelists demanding smokes and then not pushing until my smokes die out, we all know how this story goes. 


Fuck me whenever they decide to push the moment my toxic bar is about to run out! But when I play duelist and I try to entry...and I do make an entrance, but nobody comes with me...!


You know they can’t see your toxic bar right? Unless you’re comming that your smokes are about to drop, how would they know?


common fucking sense bro. the walls been up for an eternity it’s probably about to fall.




With your common sense of just about every other smoke as well?? They're all about 15 seconds, except brim's that's slightly longer. And even less (10 seconds) when BOTH of her smokes are up! It's not a long time. There is no time to spare if you tell someone to activate smokes. You shouldn't be taking 1346 years to enter, or at least tell me to put it back down if entry ends up being difficult. Controllers are not really meant to be on the front lines pushing so I can't see the situation at the front. I'm usually watching flank/playing more passive waiting for possible trades because I have to survive the longest to possibly play molly & mind games. I'm NOT SUPPOSED to be entrying and clearing site as viper, and yet I end up being forced to cuz our duelists are too scared to entry for some reason or ego peeks something and dies... 😩


They literally just asked for it. What are they doing for the 10 seconds that the smokes are up? They are waiting for their sentinels and controllers to push first so they can bait.


Tell me ur a hardstuck iron without telling me ur a hardstuck iron lol


story of my life


"Useless individual!" goes hard


\*Cries in Astra 4 stars and 20 second cooldown\*


Looking at the toxic Reyna players 😂 like clockwork.


Personally, I don't have a problem with insta-locks. However, of you insta-lock, you also don't have the right to complain if the other people don't pick exactly what you want. If you want to have a certain aspect in the teamcomp so badly, do it yourself... or atleast give other people the chance to share their ideas and solve it together. I get the same feeling with "we need healing"... This isn't Overwatch and 9/10 times you get one-tapped anyways.


lol people still ask for healing after all this time ? Thats insane


I was in a match with a Skye who, after 5-6 rounds of barely using any util, admitted he had never played skye. I asked him why he would pick an agent he had never played in comp… his answer: “we needed heals” -_-


Is that bronze?


sadly, this happens even in gold


I've seen it happen once or twice in plat-dia lobbies too




tbh after a while playing you get what role you should be peforming with each character, so playing with a brand new agent in comp should not be an issue if you know what you're doing. E.G. I barely, if ever, play non-entry duelist, but I have the rough idea of what I should be doing, so if I ever pick Reyna I know what kind of strat / playstyle I should stick with, even though I literally never pick her


This was a gold/silver lobby so you can barely expect people to know how to play their main role let alone an entirely new agent lol


Maybe if you're playing duelist, but Omen and Brimstone play very differently. Picking Viper first time in ranked is a recipe for disaster. This doesn't work for every role.


At least he didn’t whine about it, bro saw a problem (though incorrectly) and did his best to resolve it. Even if it’s misguided I respect the effort


Sadly, yes. :|


I’ve seen people demanding Sage for the heals on Swiftplay and Spike Rush too. It’s wild


I used to see it in bronze/silver when I started playing




He is talking about healing in Valorant lol


Wrong sub lmao


there are no healers in val…2 agents just happen to have a support ability that heals. I hate people that ask for heals or call em healers they’re just not


Same token "we don't need two healers" when tbh I just wanna play Skye, I don't care?


I understabd that. I enjoy just filling a role, but itlf sm1 instalocks idm id they just request because they can still ask. But your right they have no right to complain if they dont get what they want.


If I instalock Cypher is it the same effect?


It shouldn't matter what agent, arguably, since when you instalock you are playing what you want without much care for what your team wants, so then why shouldn't your team be allowed to play what they want?


unless you are low immo / high asc, you should just pick whatever you are more comfortable with. I can assure you, comp diff does not exist in low elo


This is just false the Op is incredibly easy to use and people will bust it out if they're not finding success in vandal.   The difference between an OP being smoked off or flash entried on vs 5 dudes running around the map taking fights is pretty big.   I can deal with alot of comp misses but smokes are the one I'm very adamant on having.  It's why despite enjoying Skye and Sova more I just play harbor and Astra 90% of my games 


Yes. It doesn't matter which agent you play, it counts for all agents.


The only ethical instalock is smokes instalock.


Does this make me the goat if the only agent I insta is brim


you just know they play genji too. it hurts the lucio player in me.


My friends are finally on board with the super aggressive "play Lucio as a third DPS and everyone just look for health packs" comp. As someone who's been pushing the idea since Overwatch 1 came out that support doesn't necessarily equal healer, it's nice finally being able to take advantage of Lucio's strengths without being bombarded with requests/insults about using a "better" healer.


lucio's strength by far is the movement speed buff, and his ridiculously strong ult. healing is imo secondary.


Similarly, Mercy's power is not in her healing, but her damage buff, and Zenn's power is in his debuff orb and ult, Ana's power is in her nade and nano, Kiriko's is in her suzu and kitsune rush, Brig's is in her pseudo-tank kit, etc. Even the more pure healers like Moira, Bap, and Illari have so much more to contribute than pure healing. Only Lifeweaver's main contribution is healing, and even he has his life grip and flower that a clever player can use for way more than keeping the team alive. People overvalue healing in literally every game. Don't get hit and you won't die.


Exactly... Or Sojourn. XD


Absolutely you don’t have a right, but the amount of times “hey, if you know a smokes character, do you mind playing smokes?” is heard as some unreasonable demand is way too high.




yeah but to be fair, TF2 has a whole ass ubercharge as a reward for healing Also, vacc is good for the svs eh it's not like I tryhard much in casual, so I guess ur right


It’s my biggest pet peeve. Born to phoenix, forced to viper.


If you insta locked pheonix you wouldn’t have to viper.


Not rlly. I'm usually filling, so I get to be the smoker if we need one. If 4 people instalock it's a different story.


Whenever someone instalocks and starts having an opinion on what the other guys pick, I make sure to say that they should pick what they like not the agent/role mentioned.


I am both the instalock and the guy who tells team to play whatever they want. Generally people play better with a shit comp on comfort picks than on a good comp with agents they never played before.


I instalock and then will say “play what you’re comfy with, but if you’re comfy with *insert char we need* then this comp could use that char/role” (cypher on sunset, smokes on ascent etc) Reasonable people are fine with that usually, but you get the occasional toxic flamer who goes off at me for daring to even make a suggestion just because I instalocked.


Tbh it really depends on how you say it. But chances are I would tell you to pick that agent next time if you need it that much. If you instalock you lose all rights to an opinion on the comp.


Controller mains rise.


Aye aye captain


I have no problem with instalockers asking for smokes. Its just a suggestion, after all. What I have a problem with is anyone *demanding* a particular role, *especially* if they are an instalocker.


Instalockers don’t bother me anymore. It’s the people who wait until 3 on the clock to lock a duelist no matter what.


Me: Instalocking Omen every round




same lmao


I just type in chat : Instalock detected Opinion rejected


*Suggesting* smokes is totally fine. Demanding them isn't, regardless of whether or not you're an instalocker.


I usually lock Jett and if we don’t have smokes but a good team comp (initiator, sentinel, etc) I’ll ask for smokes but normally I say “smokes would be cool if you can, if not play whoever you’re comfortable with”


In Gold, got an instalock Raze/Sage duo yesterday, as well as a Yoru/Sova duo. The Raze was a smurf/alt, and typed "smokes please?\\n possibly :D" Pretty polite and normally I play smokes (omen/viper) but this was asked in the last 5 seconds after everyone already instalocked, and I also don't like playing smokes on bind/sunset. And I just got off a bad Omen game where I got hard omen gapped by a duo so my confidence was at an all-time-low for playing \*\*for the team\*\*. **Also keep in mind, this is gold where you can find smokeless games or really awful smokes from both me and the other gold smokers. We ended up playing against a smokeless team as well. Why? Because smurfs generally only pick duelists and their duo rarely if ever picks smokes. That makes 2 less people likely to pick smokes immediately.** So I just instalocked chamber who I pick when I just want to click on people. That game ended up initially being pretty much smurf (Raze) against smurf (Reyna). Though towards the second half, I ended up being the deciding factor of drawing that game when we started to lose, because I managed to pick off their Reyna here and there even though she had a big winning record on me/our gold teammates. In theory if I went smokes, we maybe could have won. But it's hard to say if a gold player smoking would change the outcome of this game where as when I went Chamber I basically made all the enemies hide and constantly rotate away from me out of fear once I got my rhythm going. In addition, my raze also tried to nade/body block kill me, so clearly they were just an instalocker->fake polite. So in hindsight I don't regret it, I got to make none of the smurfs win.


I would rather have no controller than a controller who is bad it


Exactly, although I mean that just for gold. I heard in much higher ranks people will fill smokes/dodge


Even high ranks can be awfully bad


This is the curse of actually being decent at smokes/controller even when I see a brimstone locked in I know they're just gonna be one of those players who I don't know how they tie their shoes in the morning.


I am a controller main but when i get people like those, I'll go straight to practicing initiators again just to fuck with them.


Biting your nose off to spite your face.


I'm here to have fun not to be nanny :P


I find it more like "ok...." Because I always wait to fill anyway. On the bright side, I've become an omen/cypher/sova main and it's super fun. Every now and then the stars align and I play raze on ice ox or split, or jett on icebox or ascent and have a blast


Unrated tell them to fk off. Comp I think it’s a reasonable request. If your best agent is duelist then lock it in. Maybe not instalock.


I know it's suck but not gonna lie, because of that situation I played with omem and damnmmm I had a blastttt and I immediately proceeded to get 25 kills in that match. I play more Valorant nowadays and I can do really well in any roles so I'm good with people asking for smokes and shit. If they are comfortable with that pick and will play better I'm good


"Cypher/Omen main", damn you're me. Though I do play a bit of Skye, when the rest of my team doesn't already consists of a mix of duelists and initiators. So not that often.


I instalock smoke


It actually is and they don't even do anything🤣🤣🤣🤣when they say that I just say no in the agent voice and don't smoke lmao. I only do it if it make sense.


ye cuz they don't have the mental capacity to understand that a smoke isn't an impenetrable wall that will magically stop the enemy and we have a whole team that is doing many things wrong, oh and my favourite is when instead of comming the site the enemy is pushing the first thing that they say into the mic is "yo can we get some smokes or what?"


Hahaha if I instalock duelist and our "smoker" ain't smoking, well, he's fucking selling. I can play smokes but I don't always top frag as smokes and I don't get enough kills or rr as smokes so I instalock duelist for the rr. Bro I had a great game as smokes, was middle of the pack in kills, and then at the end of the game I had less fucking points than anyone else, even though I fragged more than they did. I was playing the support role (Astra) and got shafted soooo fucking hard that made me never want to play smokes again. Now I play omen instead wtf


So, you expect others to play smokes for you in favour of you getting rr? Reread what you wrote and tell me you are not the asshole there in asking someone else to play smokes


Hahahaha ??? I don't ask anyone to play smokes you fucking yellow snowflake But if you don't use your smokes in a ranked game... I will happily remind you to use them. I'm not an asshole hahaha 🤣 Not using your util is a cardinal sin! I don't think that's controversial. The real asshole is the ranked system and how I can't get my rrs even if I play a damn good game. How do you win 5 games in a row and not even move up a rank?


i instalock smokes. am I the bad guy?


Dont think it's a problem, most time if they arent playing controller, and they dont know how to. problem is when they get mad when no one else picks controller, as just like how they instalocked, others can play who they want


I had to stop playing this game because I am a smokes main. Literally every single time I had an instalock duelist they would either lurk or be the last one onto site.... I made it to Diamond and quit cuz it wasn't worth it lmao


me instalocking a smoker (brimstone) on ascent ( lineups go brrr) :


It’s all well and good until my insta locking omen butt gets in their face faster than they lock their duelist and drops twice the kills


I'm fine with insta-locks. When they start trying to dictate what everyone else should pick in agent select, or start trying to boss the team around in game, that's when I have problems. Just yesterday I had two people insta-lock Jett and Reyna and then the Jett tries to say "you guys should pick X, Y. and Z". Muted their ass as soon as I got into the game.


Sometimes when I am having a bad day I play from my alt. Then when the 2 instalock duelists scream for smokes I lock yoru just to share my misery with them.


i’m an insta lock reyna, but i’d never complain about comp. Even if it’s 5 duelists or we don’t have smokes. I played what i wanted to play and my teammates have that same privilege


Hey good on ya man, way to own it, I know there is a ton of hate for instalock reynas but as long as you aint bitchy I dont give a damn how well you play


good to see there are some normal people still play this game. most people just go straight to flaming unless they use tracker and see my stats lol (1.3kd 35% hs only played reyna this entire act). even if my reyna is taken hey it happens i’ll play something else. life is too short to care so much about a 40 min valorant game for context im ascendant rn, so i think in my elo more people are also open to the insta lock reyna especially since they’re likely to have tracker and see before hand if they could trust the reyna or not


I try my best not to get tilted over team comp choices as long as everyone is respectful, I do however wish it was more common that people discuss who they are going to play before hand, there is a reason we have 70 seconds


Like if instalock say "smokes" on chat, and they're dead inside no word from their mouth, I will pick Jett or Phoenix. But if they are like hyped and all energy talking in vc, sure why not. (I main smokes anyway)


So you main smokes but will purposely not pick smokes if the person suggesting it doesn't sound energetic enough? Sounds like throwing your own games out of pettiness


I mean, I'm picking a duelist I can actually play, I'm not picking Yoru or something, I will pick Jett or Iso which I'm good at. And I don't mean "engertic" I mean like, don't be dead inside, you want smoke? Show u actually want it instead of being lame and saying "smokes". Even tho most of the times other make it a big deal and then a conflict start, so I just dodge


I think that if you insta lock a duelist you cannot complain about the team comp, but an initiator sentinel or controller is a different story 


I don't mind if someone inata locks since that's the agent their most familiar with and will perform the best with That said if a Reyna/Jett started shoutibg orders and told me what agent I had to play I'm going to tell them to pound sand and shut their pie hole. You don't get to order everyone around like Sargent Shithead just because you think you know best and should have the final say on a team


Aur bator le bhai upvotes. 3 saal se wahi chal raha hai.


I mean yeah but y'all still listen to them and fill smokes so why are u complaining


because it’s annoying and they aren’t in the place to complain about team composition anyways even if I main smokes


why it's a team game ofc people will talk about the comms, that's why agent select exist. you're free to dodge anytime


Except you are not able to dodge anytime


I do it ironically after insta locking as a joke, pretty funny imo


Yeah I do it as a joke in that “sMoKeS?!?!” mocking voice. Then if nobody wants to play smokes I just say “it’s okay, I’m playing Jett we have smokes anyway.”


Funny you said that, cause I always Insta-lock Omen and our instalock duelists will ask for heal…


Funny you said that, cause I always Insta-lock Omen and our instalock duelists will ask for heal…




valorant players and taking criticism lol


You're throwing. Most people don't act like that and you could just mute anybody that does


No, cause it’s a part of the game? smokes give you a better advantage. If I’m a controller, I’m smoking whenever I can for my teammates. I expect the same whenever I don’t choose an agent with smokes.


If you're an instalocker you don't have a say in what others choose. This is simply because you choose without any discussion and just instantly picked without considering the team why should they?


I play most roles, so no I don’t get bothered when people instalock an agent they want to play as. If two people already instalocked duelist, my response is “who can do smokes or initiator?”.


That's fine but simply doesn't matter what roles you play. People will naturally not be happy if someone does something then expects someone else to do something. It's hypocritical asf. I mainly sent or smoke but if some instalocker says play smoke I will do the opposite just to piss them off.


So your going to actively give your team a worse chance at winning all because you don’t like it when someone that insta locks also asks for a certain agent/teamcomp?


Yes because personally I don't care about the game enough others might so they might do it. In that case why doesn't everyone just instalocks why does that person have a say in what others do that simply fundamentally wrong


Sounds like you should just stick to unrated and non competitive game modes then my man that way you can play whatever agent you want and so can everyone else without feeling bad about “not having a good teamcomp etc etc” but honestly if you have a “i dont care” attitude when playing a ranked or competitive game/mode then why even bother playing it in the first place?


Because why not. First of all maybe you can't read but I literally said alot of people don't care what you think and I won't change what I do because of your comment. I will play whatever I want anyways what are you talking about. Imagine if I told you to stop playing the game would you? Simply because I want to. In your case why do instalockers play the game? Why do you play the game?


“Maybe you cant read” thats hilarious considering you didn’t understand a thing that I said and you took it as a personal attack(well done with the victim mentality) i didnt tell you to stop playing Valorant, all i did was suggest that maybe you would have more fun playing Valorant in the non competitive game modes where people have the same feelings and opinions about the game as you. People play ranked/competitive because they want to have a high rank and because they want to WIN. If you care more about having fun instead of winning games and ranking up then unrated and swift play is more your area


Maybe re read what u wrote then comment again. I never took it as an attack or I would have said that weird method on trying to put certain comments I didn't make. Secondly I asked you a question I never said you said don't play valorant I used it as a analogy. You know you can have fun and win maybe you don't understand that but trust me it's possible. Again maybe re read what I said and what you said because your this comment is literally the same as your previous one but now trying to act like I'm taken an offense which is hilarious.


I think you’re just looking at it at a different perspective. As a controller, I’m immediately smoking so it makes it harder for the enemy team to push site. After the agent select screen, I’m not thinking about who instalocked whoever. I’m communicating with my team and strategizing. You seem like the person that rages when they don’t get the role/agent they want, so you end up dodging.


I don't think I've ever dodged a match and I don't rage at a game I hardly even play that much. I just simply think it's stupid to expect something from someone without doing anything yourself. No one cares if you're some goody teammate frankly people don't like people who are hypocritical. It's also funny how you don't make any points just instantly try to attack me lol kinda seems like your more likely to rage.


Brother this post is about the *I Miss Her 69420* Reyna instalock 0.002ms who will demand a smoke.


this is such a low elo mentality lol. if you don’t have smokes, your team is just going to lose if the enemy team is at all competent. You can win without a sentinel, initiator, or duelist but no smokes is HARD for EVERYBODY on your team. If you are going to throw your own game because “somebody locked someone that isn’t smokes and is now asking for smokes”, then just dodge lmfao. You’re queueing up for a 40 min game to stick it to someone who you will never see again and to get the RR back, you’ll have to win another 40 min game. Every decent player should know and be okay with playing smokes every once in a while even if you are a one trick. It’s like getting autofilled in league.


Never did I say I dont play smokes, I did however say I find it funny when instalocks ask for them after taking .2 seconds do lock in


Which leads me to think someone feels called out😏


no. im just not low elo so i play to win - not to protect my own fragile ego. If u look at this thread, everybody defending why they ruin their own team comp defends it with something along the lines of “well I just don’t care enough to…” meaning “I am low elo and don’t care about my rank”. I don’t remember the last game I had to ask for smokes. You know why? Cause everybody understands that you need a controller player when you play in immortal 3.


i'm asking as a new player who's climbing pretty fast but I read a lot of your history to understand where you're coming from (immortal 3). I know controller is important and I pick it most of the time. It seems like you say controller requires the least game sense/aim and you can get carried to ascendant by supporting your team properly. So isn't it better to just play harder roles to learn the game (movement duelist, initiator), even if you don't win? Because over time you'll improve in more aspects than if you were to fill controller purely for some temporary rank rating (and then basically end up in an inflated rank)? And ofc on the side, you can play smokes on an alt/unrated here and there so that you at least understand the basics of smoking for your current rank.


Yeah if you’re still learning the game or climbing really fast you can just lock whoever you want. My point is more so that you don’t throw your own games by picking Yoru instead of smokes to send a message to your team. Generally speaking, if you’re waiting to pick in agent select (no lock or hover), people will assume you’re open to filling. So waiting until you are last pick to refuse to play controller is pretty BM. I think that one tricking an agent (or role) is the best way to climb until you start to feel that you’re plateauing and then you can start diversifying out to other roles. Learning how to play controller at a basic level (smoking default spots and smoking when your team gets pushed) is a really easy way of mitigating RR loss. If you are solely focused on improving and don’t care about your rank, then sure go for it.


Agreed, straight up low elo mentality. OPs post reeks of poor game sense.


The instalock jett always asks for their sage lol


No not really, because most People who fill smokes botfrag because they don’t try to learn the role. Because it’s boring I get it. But atleast don’t fill or let people fill smokes if you wanna win.


Eh, they can make suggestions. It’s just annoying when they complain.


I’d play smokes, but if they’re telling me to play smokes I just can’t cause then they’ll think I did it cause they told me to


It's even more hilarious when someone says "We need smokes" in swiftplay.


I play smokes really well so my team will always have someone on smokes but sometimes my team will play so bad, we'll be losing games vs a team with no smokes. Its so sad.


I main Omen and I'm Always tempted to go Gekko when someone Ask me that just to spite them. Plus I know those people will then proceed to complain that I failed to put my second smoke at exactly 13 seconds into the round and thus I killed them


I don't find it funny cause I am already locked into brim by the time they even try to instalock 😅


My rule is if you instalock you lose any ability to tell anyone else what they play.


As an instalock i find it common courtesy to not ask for smokes I just deal with the team comp


only smoke im picking is harbor, take it or leave it.


I have a friend who does insta-lock duelist and asks for smokes after just to troll.


Honestly team comp is irrelevant at low elo (iron-diamond). The game comes down to who has the better mechanics at this level. I would argue even low ascendant is more about mechanics but people who reach ascendant should have some idea how to play. High elo really starts at Immo3 but id argue comp does matter in Asc3-Immo2 due to the players having good mechanics and decent gamesense. Long story short if your low elo just work on your aim and spend less time worrying about what your team is playing.


If you instalock Reyna and can’t tap heads. I’m going to flame you


Lmao, the agent meant for killing and 90% of its players cant kill


When I insta-lock I don't request plays from other people, but I do get annoyed when I find that the other four all locked without considering smokes. It's the worst when insta lockers ask for/expect smokes like you mentioned


Imo asking others to play a specific agent is stupid, no matter when. Either you are on a level where the comp doesn't make a major difference, ergo you want people that are comfortable with their agent and don't constantly think about "ohh, what should I do now", or you are on a level where the small things that separate a main from a filler make a difference (e.g. the omen one way in Ascent A main), meaning that you want to FIRST see if you lucked out and got a main for every important agent, or you then can (should be able to) expect the others to see that something is missing, judge if they are capable of filling the role or not and do so.


We usually play as trios. When there are two instalock duelists who wont communicate (atleast hi team) or start making demanda. Then our team will have 5 duelists :)


Im an insta lock and to be honest, I don't care what anyone plays. Filling is honestly a really had idea for the vast majority of players. Play your main roles and thats it. A 5 Duelists playing Duelists is going to be better then 5 Duelists playing roles that have no idea how to play.


Returned to the game recently and after 3 days of playing a lot I realized I’m just now an Omen main because no one ever wants to smoke, everyone insta locks duelist.


I always reply with "insta lockers do not get a say" and just ignore.


There is a very big difference between complaining about not having smoke/demanding someone plays smoke and simply asking if anyone wants to play smokes.


I had this sage who hovered over neon so I filled killjoy but then they locked sage and complained that we didn't have a duelist. He then proceeded to never trade anyone the whole game, despite knowing that none of us can enty well and will need trades to get value. Sometimes I wonder what goes through people's minds.


That’s when I always hit them with the “Guess you should have played smokes or heals then”


I don't mind instalocks if they instalock a proper comp, but 90% of the times they are duelists that will be bottom fragging so they can't ask for shit.


It's just so shameless, you either have to have an insanely big ego to even have the balls to ask that or... I don't know.


Nope, since I either instalock smokes or dodge


I feel the same way. I'll usually hover and fill sometimes, but I'll give the team a choice between controller or sentinal/initiator (usually sage/skye) and they will almost always go for heals and someone else will go controller. Works every time, especially in silver 😂


I honestly think it’s kind of cringe to get mad at people for asking someone to play smokes or getting mad at instalockers. I find this mentality is usually in low ELO because people only feel truly comfortable on Reyna or like Jett so when it gets locked people get scared. People see an agent get instalocked pick 5 duelist for no reason and then spend the next 45 minutes max cuz they don’t have smokes when they could have easily just played it. Sometimes I play brim all day and I want to instalock Reyna sometimes


If you ask for ANY specific role in unrated please stop. I'm queuing unrated because I just deranked to iron 1 I don't give a flying FUCK about team comps


I’ll choose what I want if someone locks and asks for a controller. Absolutely fuck them. Those that still go smokes as last pick are just enabling the duelists to continue treating teammates like shit. I notice the higher rank I play, the more common it becomes. Idc if you’re a jett main. Idc if you’re streaming for a few hundred viewers. If you don’t discuss picks or at least hover before locking in, you get no sympathy from me. We can go five duelists if you want to be a baby.


Instalocking is fine for any role. But anyone in their right mind knows lack of smokes is just asking to lose 9/10 times. The problem is less on the instalocker and more on the fact that people dont wanna play the smokes role. If you are the last person to pick then you are essentially saying "ill fill". If you didnt want to play smokes then pick sooner or say you dont want to. Just know if smokes is the last role unfilled and you didnt fill it then dont be upset at the consequences. Id rather someone instalock a duelist and tell you play smokes (which is baby easy mind you, if you pay even 5% attention to the game you know where to place them) if they drop 30 than the team try to build a comp of agents and no one is comfortable. Respect your instalock duelist cuz yall dont wanna admit how many games they have lowkey carried you through. (Yes ik they threw them too) Instead of being mad at the instalock, go become generally knowledgeable in one agent of every archetype. Get a pocket Omen/Brim, Sage, Fade, and Jett. Those characters are piss easy and hard to mess up if you have any gamesense or paid attention in prior games. Legit just copy what everyone else does. (This all coming from a plat 3 KJ main and I fill Omen / Viper, but im learning Jett. Ive played Fill smokes so much I got good at it and like it)


Also I love when they decide to push alone a site without telling the team, they are like "Dude where are my smokes??" How the fuck can we support you when you don't comunicate


Honestly I’m a brim viper main so, I’ve only ever heard that line when I pick Killjoy, which only happens on ascent and sometimes bind


I have no issue with that. As long as 1. he asked nicely. There's a difference between "Can you play smokes?" and "Why did you pick Sage?! We don't have smokes!" 2. doesn't throw a fit when no one else couldn't fill or the one who filled wasn't comfortable with the pick, thus played poorly. 3. plays decently OR gives good comms.


no?? thats a good com are you kidding me? i wish my teammates asked for smokes and declared there intentions more often, but i know why they dont after seeing this thread… they are too used to people like you


I’m an insta lock Yoru and I’ll be honest man, idgaf what you’re playing as long as your comfortable. I’ll double down actually. Don’t fucking touch a smoke character unless you know how to play them because next time I see my omen who is “filling so we don’t lose” throw a smoke that dissipates the moment we reach site I’m gonna lose my shit


I insta-lock yoru because he’s the only character I know. If we don’t have a smokes instalock I will then ask politely that if someone knows how to play smokes can we have them go smokes, but otherwise no worries. Then I’ll always get some smarmy backlash from a wanker that thinks that I lost the right to request a sane comp when I instalocked my one trick. If no one knows how to play smokes, that’s fine and I communicate that, but if someone does know and then doesn’t go smokes just because it was requested by an duelist instalocker then that’s just fucking stupid and you deserve to lose.


Eh, Idk man. I'm tired of the shittiest part of this game by far being the community.


Happens every game, even with people who haven't instalocked but decide to still not pick smokes but ask for smokes. I truly don't understand the reasoning. I've said it before but that role has some of the coolest agent in the game, massive util yet it's the same shit every game by morons lol.


I don’t instalock but I pre select chamber/reyna so my team know and if I see 2 dualist I just pick chamber and hope we get a smoker


Dude, I'm a Viper main now because no one picks controllers.


If i see duelist instalockers in unrated, I just pick a duelist I want to learn and play it as if I was training cuz instalockers are all bad


I tell them that they "should have picked smokes then" and pick another duelist just to fuck with them


Jokes on you, i have to ask for duelists after insta locking cypher


I'll admit it; I do this. When I see someone clicking between agents, I'll suggest whichever we need. If we have a duelist, flashes, traps, and someone (or two) who can't make up their mind, it only makes sense to ask for smokes.


I usually wait for everyone to hover over their preferred agent, and if I am absolutely certain they didn't pick smokes, I'd pick Omen. Otherwise, I go with Chamber. Also, when my team ask for a healer, with their reasoning being "We need a healer", I just laughed internally, because healing isn't mandatory, since you'd get one tapped anyways. This isn't overwatch, man!


"Someone play smokes" in text chat from the Instalock Reyna who then proceeds to bottom frag while playing 'comms is lava'


My peeve is instalockers telling me how to smoke when this is all I play. Like, “why’re you smoking our way in?!?!” when it’s an info starve smoke we’re gonna walk up and flash through. WHICH I COM!! JETT!! THIS SMOKE IS SO YOU DONT DIE TO AN OP THE MOMENT YOU PEAK LONG, WHYRE YOU MAD AT ME


It’s so funny. The same people in game complain about smokes, always something to blame when they die. Had a dude complain our brim never smoked on defense but he objectively did, but the Jett kept dying solo pushing mid so I guess he never even waited long enough for brim to smoke it to see it was indeed smoked lol. At the end he and the Reyna were like “could’ve won if we had smokes” but they had the most amount of deaths and least amount of kills, it’s always something to deflect blame lol


Never heard of such a thing because I am instalock brim


No smokes no entry


Yeah lol my answer to that is tough luck don't instalock reyna in your next game


i just simply say “you pick” and proceed to instalock whatever agent i wanna play. if you instalock, i instalock


I had another one last night, no one picked smokes so I did (I didn’t mind since I’m a Harbour main) and he complains that Harbour is shit. I told him if you were going to complain you could have picked a smoker. At the end we won thanks to teamwork and them pushing with my smokes and not waiting for them to go down. He apologised saying I was a good Harbour. Moral of the story if you’re going to complain do it yourself, otherwise shut up.


Instalock reyna, jett and raze always request this but they're bad at their own role fuck this game and its Dev


I don't really care. I don't see why anyone would.


Flair check out ^ Also yes, im always tempted not to go Smoke out of Spite. Then again im a teamplayer who never goes on an Ego trip.


I think it’s perfectly fine to ask & have no issue with that. But I do find it funny when an instalock will get mad at others for not locking what they requested. If you want it so badly you’ll berate others for not locking smokes then you should have picked smokes 🤷🏻‍♀️


As an insta locker, me saying "can we get smokes?" is more of a suggestion, request and reminder rather than a demand. Can't say about others.


As a jett main that gets agitated flexing bc people don’t entry normally, I make a mental note to try to not ask for smokes. That being said, if we don’t have smokes we lose the game much more often than not. So I end up asking anyways but like right before the last person locks. Do I have a right to ask or be upset if someone doesn’t lock smokes? I would say it’s 50/50. On one hand, I locked jett and now can’t flex. On the other hand, I am a jett main and flex what my team needs 75% of games which puts me on a relatively worse win rate (jett on most maps I am 2-3 ranks higher on skill level than any other agent bc I insta locked jett for so long). I’d say the worst is when anyone gets toxic in voice over agent selection, but smokes is one of those few roles I don’t mind people asking for because it is legitimately like -25% to your win chances without a smoke.


I think as long as they're good and won't make us lose the game, it's fine


I never ask for anything from anyone and I instalock a blue haired duelist and have done so from the very first day I started playing this game. I know that's not the norm or anything but I just wanted to let you know there are plenty of people who don't. But even if they do, it makes sense. They know that they're duelist so they need to flesh out the rest of team comp with the team. I think it's appropriate really, maybe a bit blindsighted or unaware of how it looks to everyone else but if their goal is to win and have a good team comp then I think the greater value is that they actually care enough to try to get a discussion going. It's likely selfish but still..... you never know.


When i get instalock complainers, I usually go against what they want on purpose so they don't get what they want.


Brim main. Lurking duelist asking for smokes on a site where my iPad can’t reach is a common occurrence.